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Canal archive

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Everything posted by Canal archive

  1. I will start by saying sorry for what I’m going to write but I can understand Viking about the vaccines with the various laws, by laws and country requirements it would be very difficult for them to exempt anyone for whatever reason as, as far as I understand even medical exemptions were not allowed by regulations. Look at how at the height of the pandemic some non mask wearers were treated. Viking could have been a bit more gentle but the way all the companies are scrabbling for customers I’m not really surprised at how they have dealt with you.
  2. Decide on your price range (this will rise when you see the clocks)then as it’s for your grandchildren do you want them to wind it etc., then make sure you can get it shipped, even from the U.K. this is a must. The next decision is standard or exquisite craftsmanship, is this going to be an heirloom or a just while their young. I know but we eventually went for basically bog standard that our grandson could enjoy and now he’s looking forward to travelling to the Black Forest. Did we do right in the end it’s costing us heaps more as the whole family has decided oh what a great idea so we will all be going, when I don’t know but as I said it’s decided!
  3. All polls are subjective and the real nerdy experts will say that they can be skewed to provide the answers required. Someone tried to explain it to me and okay so I’m not that bright but I was lost after the first sentence. Then both my husband and eldest daughter (both then in marketing) said oh didn’t you know, such and such - such and such. So the question is are my husband and eldest daughter’nerdy’.
  4. StartrainDD thank you for your wonderful insights into your cruise and for those of us who have never traveled with Viking they should slip you a little something for your efforts plus on top of it all you’ve learnt a new skill. It shows us were never to old.
  5. Nah quilting and crochet but waiting for it to cool off a bit. My eldest daughters in laws are off with Scenic early in September it’s France Bordeaux cruise fingers crossed the wildfires in the area don’t cause to many problems.
  6. I’m having difficulties believing it their playing some superb football. Plus McIlroy is going like a train at the Open. Luckily all this excellent sport is on whilst the weather is so hot lots of cold drinks and as much through breeze as possible.
  7. Got to say well done Micheal Mathews Australian for winning the 14th stage of Le Tour. Superb ride.
  8. sharkster77, wonderful, well said love the socks bit!
  9. iPad hour to hour, Microsoft laptop at home and at the archive. Anything to do with photography, presentation and publishing would be better with Apple 🍎 but our charity uses Microsoft. Luckily I’ve got past the differences and adapt automatically but there are odd things I still get still get stuck with. I love it when youngsters go on about oldies and computing as if! My DH just says ‘okay who are the computer generation?’ When I think of the memory banks and clean rooms for satellite construction, iPads are amazing and all in my lifetime!
  10. I do know that one shallow year although Scenic’s boats are fairly shallow draughted the Captain shed water so that we could scrape through. These discussions do keep our male’s busy especially those with any kind of boating experience. Okay pour another sherry!
  11. Love the beautiful mermaid, I’ve tried copying Arria the 32 ft mermaid statue near Cumbernauld Scotland and failed. Is it Asparagus season? Goody goody!
  12. Thanks rizello interesting but the Bathe area is just a tad higher, at the moment, okay semantics but an interesting addition to my weather thingy. Ive used Accuweather for years as they used to provide an Athritise index which for myself was very useful.
  13. Do you think this is a country thing? I know our regulations regarding holidays and touristy things is in some cases vastly different to other countries and in some cases reading between the lines maybe somewhat superior or is it simply that Scenic U.K. is getting their act together in a more timely manner. I’m not poh - poohing other countries here but maybe for once we’re on the ball!
  14. Yes my husband has just reminded me he knows the area slightly and remembered.
  15. Wooo get back to the start and it’s re hairdryers eg heat generating devices and no particular cruise company mentioned.
  16. Vienna is one of the easiest European cities to get around using their metro system. Enjoy.
  17. A few prayers and an awful lot of finger crossing. Who’d have thought we would be doing this for rain and lot of it.
  18. Just take your electric toothbrush plug it into the shaver socket when it starts running down ours have worked all over Europe and the USA.
  19. Interesting our neighbours had their Scenic holiday two weeks ago utterly ruined by a flight company I wish I could name them. (Name & Shame) Scenic repaid their holiday in full two days later and apologised for the time it took as it was over a weekend.
  20. Myself two daughters all with long hair plus a husband with almost none then two weeks exploring the USA Pacific coast. We purchased a hair dryer and gave it to the pool man at our last hotel in San Francisco. Not that much cost and no extra flight weight. On the other hand the Scenic hairdryer on our first trip with them was so good I bought one when we returned home.
  21. acwmom super picture the sort that gets you thinking ‘how the ******** does a reflection work! Dahhhhh silly me two pictures that’s how to fool the eye!
  22. All is not lost the contact details will be with your final paper/email work.
  23. Well if you read all of the threads to do with Scenic you will realise that your not going to get any information just yet, usually it’s two to three weeks before departure.
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