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Royal 6/21/10 Rex and Pam do Alaska


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Thanks for all of this. You need to become a writer when you grow up.


I really enjoyed your description of the Tracy Arm as we have never been there and were a little in the dark as to what we were going to see there. One question about your visit is what time did you do it. We are scheduled to go in at 6:30 AM and leave at 10:30 AM, which doesn't sound like much time.


Thanks again for all your posts.


Our Tracy Arm schedule was the same. But don't worry, the entire thing takes 8 hours and it's beautiful coming and going.

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Can't believe your 14 days are coming to a close!!! I have really enjoyed reading your comments. What will I do for laughs after you disembark???? Thanks so much for the excellent writing. Informative and funny!!!

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I join all the others in expressing my intense pleasure reading your daily "blog" from the Royal Princess in Alaska; it has been immensely entertaining and I look forward to Rex and Pam Do Alaska - The Movie! Sitting here alone, laughing aloud at your acerbic humor, you have made my day! Thanks! :D


We did the Alaska Connoisseur Gulf cruise last May on the Pacific Princess but we could NOT have had as much fun as the two of you evidently did. My own cruise journal is here: http://web.me.com/drronaldrmiller/Site/Alaska_2009.html - not NEARLY as entertaining as yours! (I have done only 4 Alaska cruises and 2 non-cruise visits.)


So far I have copied and pasted all of your postings into a Word document which I can easily reread, print and share with others - giving you proper credit, of course! I now await your final posting tonight from Victoria, BC.


Have a safe flight tomorrow back to Atlanta - and REALITY! :(



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Have a safe flight tomorrow back to Atlanta - and REALITY! :(


Just realized my error; you are in Victoria, B.C. tomorrow afternoon/evening and THEN fly home on Monday, July 5th. Sorry, but safe trip in any case.



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Saturday, July 3, 2010


Sea Day


The ship’s haberdasher was having the Big Sale in the dining room from 8:AM until noon so we wanted to get there bright and early. As we retrace our steps toward Victoria, BC, and closer to Mountain Standard Time, we had already dutifully added an hour to our new Timex watches that we bought at the Walmart in Kodiak. So, anyway we made it to the sale about 11:45 which gave us plenty time to peruse the t-shirts and trinkets that normally sell for 27 times what you would expect to pay, now marked down to only about four times what you would expect to pay. Rex selected a hat pin from the 99 cent table, I picked up four t-shirts at five bucks each and we were out of there by 11:55. It baffles me how we ever managed life to this point without these items. After dropping our newly acquired bargains off at the cabin we headed to the Panorama’s food troughs and nibbled and noshed our way through some reasonably healthy selections including but not limited to (as if I have to say that) nice cantaloupe, honey dew, semolina soup, calamari, and a small slice of pepperoni pizza which received Rex’s coveted “Yamma Lamma Ding Dong” award.


Lunch was followed by the one show I never miss, the Passenger Talent Show. We even went early so we could beat the people that have prevented us from seeing other shows. There were six acts, five of which were performed by teachers both retired and not. This being summer, there are many teachers onboard. I will say that it would probably be best if teachers restrict their singing to the classroom. There were three singers, two comedic acts, and a dancing act. One of the talents was John, a retired school teacher. John is the husband of Barbara and the father of Darryl and Linda, a family that we are fortunate to have met and will have fond memories of. John’s act was a telling of a Shaggy Dog Tale during which he cleverly involved the audience in the way that only the greatest teachers can do. He has obviously honed his persona to a finely tuned decency that makes everyone around so comfortable that they want to hang out with him. Of course it doesn’t hurt that he is able to afford being pampered, coiffed, and attired at the ever-so-exclusive Clarence Darrow Spa Boutique. We thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s more fun than Karaoke.


The talent show was followed by Line Dancing, which was conducted by the Assistant Junior Cruise Director. This is another outlet for undiscovered unadulterated raw talent and creates a necessarily propitious circumstance to assign names to some of the participants. In other words this activity might be more fittingly called, “So You Think You Can Stand Up?” There was one gentleman, Lurch, who was wearing tan Bermuda shorts with black shoes and knee-high nylon socks. Now, I know this is common dress in some parts of this vast universe, but as any of you fellow travelers know, that outfit can be fodder for ridicule around this planet especially if any observer should be so inclined to do any ridiculin’. We and by we I mean us, as in you and I, have in the past heard others voice a very definite opinion regarding men wearing Bermuda shorts, wingtips, and black nylon socks but bless Lurch’s heart, at least his shoes looked more like a stylish nubuck loafer type; that is if you didn’t look directly at them. The interesting thing is he never got a single step correct; not even accidentally. More importantly however, is the fact that he was having a great time in spite of his skill level, and everyone around him was as well. There was Danny DeVito, prancing and shaking his grove thing with the knowing look that he was the star of the show. The two golden girls were having an absolutely unconditional laugh-out-loud blast with the two pretty teenaged girls. And, there was Oprah who has not one bit of rhythm. She can’t snap her fingers and snap her fingers at the same time.


Rex told me early on in the day that we did not have to go to formal night. I really do not enjoy getting all prissed up. But, as luck would have it, it was lobster formal night and besides that, if we have attended all formal nights on a cruise, I don’t remember it. I knew that Rex really wanted to have the lobster. Room service and the Bistro or buffet go well beyond meeting the basic sustenance needs but they do not compare to the dining room. So, we dressed and had a lovely dinner. I watched as our wonderful waiter, Vergel, discretely dismantled another plate to serve Rex a double portion.


This might be a good time to mention the service on this ship. I did hear one person complaining about it, but I just can’t imagine what must have prompted that. These people work extremely hard to make this the vacation of a lifetime. We have had nothing but excellent service, which far exceeded our expectation. Generally speaking, we will buddy up with a few of the crew and we try our best to let them know we are grateful for those things they do for us. Our cabin steward, Loomdoom Tavorn, or Tav is a gift. He is so kind and thoughtful as well as efficient. The fact that he never flinched when I kept asking for more egg crates is to his great credit. Had I been in his position I m not so sure I could have pulled that off without at least a look of incredulity or an eye roll. He has taken wonderful care of us and our cabin. We’ve had a lot of fun with one of the bartenders, Noella, and a waiter, Mario, in the elite lounge. Noella has what sounds to me as a Russian accent or at least the Hollywood version of it. She says she is from Uruguay, but I cannot detect anything remotely Latino in her. She likes puzzles and has delighted us throughout the cruise with a variety of them. Mario is a friendly and witty guy who has entertained us with grace and humor.


Ig****o, the Maitre d’ is a fantastic, warm and hospitable man. If he seems a little stressed on embarkation day, it’s because many people are being unkind and he is faced with the impossible task of giving everyone what they want. Somehow, he makes it all happen. Captain Jerman is a very friendly accessible man who seems to enjoy chatting with passengers and keeping everyone informed and comfortable. We have not one complaint about the crew, the beautiful ship, or this fantastic vacation.

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Sunday, July 4, 2010




The fourth of July is our anniversary. I choose that date because the whole getting married on Independence Day thing seemed a little twisted and a lot droll to me. The thing I am most grateful for in my life (my family is not included in this) is not the ability to take the many cruises I’ve been on, it’s not my career, it’s having the kismet of finding my perfect partner. I’m not all that easy to get along with and we’ve already discussed the fact that I am not very frilly. How then did this partnership of the scruffy, sarcastic, strong willed tomboy and the kind, giving, and witty gentleman occur? Your guess is as good as mine. We have been inseparable since the day we met and that is no exaggeration.


Booking the cruise at the last minute did not leave time for Rex to find the perfect anniversary gift and he feels bad about it. I told him not to worry about it that we could go shopping in a port but I really don’t want or need more jewelry and I didn’t want to waste time shopping. I’m thinking that a fourteen-day Alaska Cruise covers the gift. I found matching Alaska sweatshirts in Skagway and we dressed like matching dorks today so everyone on the ship could make fun of us.


We have visited Victoria many times so decided early on in the cruise that the weather would dictate our plans for the day. If it rained, we would stay on the ship. If not, we would rent a classic car, conveniently located near the Shuttle drop-off in front of the Empress hotel, and drive ourselves to Butchart Gardens. It’s been several years since we’ve been there and it’s well worth a return visit. Foghorns and cold drizzle early in the day made it look like the ship would win. As we approached Victoria several hours later the skies were blue and it was less chilly.


When I first noticed the cruise terminal off our starboard balcony I asked Rex if he thought we were approaching it oddly and he did. We watched as two attempts were made to dock. The tugboats were working hard to guide us in correctly. Then we headed in the opposite direction and the tugs returned to the terminal. We waited anxiously for an announcement from the Captain. While we understood that for many onboard missing Victoria would be a great disappointment, we looked at it as an adventure; all of it contributing to the interest of the cruise. At 2:04PM, the pilot boat pulled up along side and we watched the pilot get off the Royal and our decision was made for us. The skies were blue and the sun was shining brightly giving its warmth to our balcony. The view toward Victoria is very pretty. At 2:18 the Captain announced that after two failed attempts to safely pull alongside the pier we would not be stopping in Victoria due to high winds.


What to do, what to do…I know…let’s go down to the purser’s desk and watch for Man with Red Face to appear. Maybe Mean Lady without Dictionary will show up as well. There were a few angry people but not many. I was glad to see that. The Captain made the only decision he could.

We paid our final visit to the elite lounge, visited with Donna and Ken, enjoyed magic tricks with Mario, and lots of laughing. We attended karaoke…lots of laughing. We later stopped by the Panorama and visited with Linda and Darryl, again, lots of laughing...


We decided to retire to our cabin and order a couple of cheese burgers, some chips, and two milks from room service, which prompts me to remind you that when you order items from room service that you are merely making a suggestion to the person who answers the phone at the room service department. You are letting that person know some of the things that you wouldn’t mind receiving in your room much like when you were a kid and you wrote a note to Santa Clause telling him what a good kid you have been and by the way here’s a list of stuff that I would like to have delivered to my house. Like that one Christmas my list was something like, “Dear Santa, I would like a pony, a bicycle, a Charles Atlas Muscle Building Kit, a Ken and Barbie do Vegas Starter Kit, a pet monkey, a shotgun, and a motorcycle.” If any of the things you receive are also the things that you asked for it’s a pretty good day. But, as Santa Clause or phone answerer at the room service department can tell you, that convergence is by any measure, pure coincidence. What I got that Christmas was a bunch of clothes, a Barbie Ranch Starter Set, and a chemistry set but at least I was able to terrorize my brother, and his toothbrush, with sundry chemically devised potions for years to come like that time I made a time-delayed stink bomb that I planted in the car before he went to pickup that pretty blond he met at college. I don’t remember the recipe for that potion but he’s still married to her and she’s still a pretty blond and he’s a retired chemist. I hope this doesn’t discourage you from ordering stuff from room service or making a list for Santa or for that matter from trying to be a good kid because now that you are aware of this unique phenomenon it can provide some pretty darned good entertainment. So, go ahead, write a list and make that call.


After finishing off the waffles, boiled eggs, and a shared glass of tropical punch, we noticed in the distance several fireworks displays. It’s a fitting last day of the cruise and quite a nice gesture for these Canadians to celebrate our anniversary.


Things I’ve learned from these cruises to Alaska:

1. I want to live in Alaska

2. Do not take so many dressy clothes. You don’t wear them and they take up too much space in the tiny closet besides they don’t get anywhere near as wrinkled in your closet at home. What kind of weirdo cares if you wear the same thing more than once?

3. Spend the money on good socks designed especially for cool weather and walking. You won’t believe the difference they make.

4. Be kind to the crew. They will reward you.

5. Unless you never go outside on deck, there will be at least one day where you will be very glad you brought warm gloves and earmuffs.

6. The food really is better in the dining room.

7. The best way to celebrate your anniversary is on a cruise ship.

8. The best way to celebrate anything is on a cruise ship.

9. The cruise director wears very tight pants.

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Things I’ve learned from these cruises to Alaska:

1. I want to live in Alaska

2. Do not take so many dressy clothes. You don’t wear them and they take up too much space in the tiny closet besides they don’t get anywhere near as wrinkled in your closet at home. What kind of weirdo cares if you wear the same thing more than once?

3. Spend the money on good socks designed especially for cool weather and walking. You won’t believe the difference they make.

4. Be kind to the crew. They will reward you.

5. Unless you never go outside on deck, there will be at least one day where you will be very glad you brought warm gloves and earmuffs.

6. The food really is better in the dining room.

7. The best way to celebrate your anniversary is on a cruise ship.

8. The best way to celebrate anything is on a cruise ship.

9. The cruise director wears very tight pants.


I think you have summed it up perfectly! Every item is true, even the tight pants. :D

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Sunday, July 4, 2010




The fourth of July is our anniversary. I choose that date because the whole getting married on Independence Day thing seemed a little twisted and a lot droll to me. The thing I am most grateful for in my life (my family is not included in this) is not the ability to take the many cruises I’ve been on, it’s not my career, it’s having the kismet of finding my perfect partner. I’m not all that easy to get along with and we’ve already discussed the fact that I am not very frilly. How then did this partnership of the scruffy, sarcastic, strong willed tomboy and the kind, giving, and witty gentleman occur? Your guess is as good as mine. We have been inseparable since the day we met and that is no exaggeration.


Booking the cruise at the last minute did not leave time for Rex to find the perfect anniversary gift and he feels bad about it. I told him not to worry about it that we could go shopping in a port but I really don’t want or need more jewelry and I didn’t want to waste time shopping. I’m thinking that a fourteen-day Alaska Cruise covers the gift. I found matching Alaska sweatshirts in Skagway and we dressed like matching dorks today so everyone on the ship could make fun of us.


We have visited Victoria many times so decided early on in the cruise that the weather would dictate our plans for the day. If it rained, we would stay on the ship. If not, we would rent a classic car, conveniently located near the Shuttle drop-off in front of the Empress hotel, and drive ourselves to Butchart Gardens. It’s been several years since we’ve been there and it’s well worth a return visit. Foghorns and cold drizzle early in the day made it look like the ship would win. As we approached Victoria several hours later the skies were blue and it was less chilly.


When I first noticed the cruise terminal off our starboard balcony I asked Rex if he thought we were approaching it oddly and he did. We watched as two attempts were made to dock. The tugboats were working hard to guide us in correctly. Then we headed in the opposite direction and the tugs returned to the terminal. We waited anxiously for an announcement from the Captain. While we understood that for many onboard missing Victoria would be a great disappointment, we looked at it as an adventure; all of it contributing to the interest of the cruise. At 2:04PM, the pilot boat pulled up along side and we watched the pilot get off the Royal and our decision was made for us. The skies were blue and the sun was shining brightly giving its warmth to our balcony. The view toward Victoria is very pretty. At 2:18 the Captain announced that after two failed attempts to safely pull alongside the pier we would not be stopping in Victoria due to high winds.


What to do, what to do…I know…let’s go down to the purser’s desk and watch for Man with Red Face to appear. Maybe Mean Lady without Dictionary will show up as well. There were a few angry people but not many. I was glad to see that. The Captain made the only decision he could.

We paid our final visit to the elite lounge, visited with Donna and Ken, enjoyed magic tricks with Mario, and lots of laughing. We attended karaoke…lots of laughing. We later stopped by the Panorama and visited with Linda and Darryl, again, lots of laughing...


We decided to retire to our cabin and order a couple of cheese burgers, some chips, and two milks from room service, which prompts me to remind you that when you order items from room service that you are merely making a suggestion to the person who answers the phone at the room service department. You are letting that person know some of the things that you wouldn’t mind receiving in your room much like when you were a kid and you wrote a note to Santa Clause telling him what a good kid you have been and by the way here’s a list of stuff that I would like to have delivered to my house. Like that one Christmas my list was something like, “Dear Santa, I would like a pony, a bicycle, a Charles Atlas Muscle Building Kit, a Ken and Barbie do Vegas Starter Kit, a pet monkey, a shotgun, and a motorcycle.” If any of the things you receive are also the things that you asked for it’s a pretty good day. But, as Santa Clause or phone answerer at the room service department can tell you, that convergence is by any measure, pure coincidence. What I got that Christmas was a bunch of clothes, a Barbie Ranch Starter Set, and a chemistry set but at least I was able to terrorize my brother, and his toothbrush, with sundry chemically devised potions for years to come like that time I made a time-delayed stink bomb that I planted in the car before he went to pickup that pretty blond he met at college. I don’t remember the recipe for that potion but he’s still married to her and she’s still a pretty blond and he’s a retired chemist. I hope this doesn’t discourage you from ordering stuff from room service or making a list for Santa or for that matter from trying to be a good kid because now that you are aware of this unique phenomenon it can provide some pretty darned good entertainment. So, go ahead, write a list and make that call.


After finishing off the waffles, boiled eggs, and a shared glass of tropical punch, we noticed in the distance several fireworks displays. It’s a fitting last day of the cruise and quite a nice gesture for these Canadians to celebrate our anniversary.


Things I’ve learned from these cruises to Alaska:

1. I want to live in Alaska

2. Do not take so many dressy clothes. You don’t wear them and they take up too much space in the tiny closet besides they don’t get anywhere near as wrinkled in your closet at home. What kind of weirdo cares if you wear the same thing more than once?

3. Spend the money on good socks designed especially for cool weather and walking. You won’t believe the difference they make.

4. Be kind to the crew. They will reward you.

5. Unless you never go outside on deck, there will be at least one day where you will be very glad you brought warm gloves and earmuffs.

6. The food really is better in the dining room.

7. The best way to celebrate your anniversary is on a cruise ship.

8. The best way to celebrate anything is on a cruise ship.

9. The cruise director wears very tight pants.



You have outdone even yourself with this post!

At the beginning I was so touched by your beautiful tribute to your husband!

Then your description of what to do when the ship couldn't dock started me chuckling. Then your description of Christmas (your POOR brother :eek: although he seems to have survived having you as a sibling) and room service had me absolutely laughing out loud! I wonder how the people who ordered the waffles felt about your cheeseburgers?

I agree about most of your hints (haven't done a cold weather cruise on purpose yet (Hawaii was a surprise)) so I can't talk about that.

As far as the CD - how would YOUR pants fit if you were eating on the ship for 6 months at a time?:D (No reflection on you - I'm talking about myself here>)

Again, thanks for a thread that has managed to be as informative as it has been entertaining!

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So far I have copied and pasted all of your postings into a Word document which I can easily reread, print and share with others - giving you proper credit, of course! I now await your final posting tonight from Victoria, BC.


Pam, with your last posting from yesterday - NOT in Victoria! - I now have your complete journal copied into a Word document. When you get back home and read this, perhaps you'll allow me to send you this copy of "Rex and Pam Do Alaska." Just drop me an email at cdmagfox@hughes.net and it will be in a return email! (If you prefer, I can also send it as a PDF file.)


Thanks again for your "Erma Bombeck" - like narrative; it is wonderful!



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Pam, I can't help thinking that your days are as wonderful as they are because of your very positive outlook on life. Your postings have given my husband and I a great deal of enjoyment. We take this cruise in August and will relive your words as we travel through these sights.


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Pam, my wife and I literally were laughing out loud at your description of room service. Thanks for that... And hope you have a safe travel home. We've enjoyed reading your report, and hope our Alaska cruise next year is just as fun:D

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Awsome reporting, had DW and I in stiches form beginning to end and wonderfully set the scene for us.


4 Weeks today its up up and away ... heading off to California in the good old USofA. We cant wait.... 5 seeks today (plus a few hours time difference) and we will be heading off on our cruise RT from SFO... yippeeee


Your stories and the artistic paintwork around them were just amazing. I look forward to future journeys and your recounting of them.


Take care and happy sailing


Alex + Alison

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My life settled down enough today to take a look at the Princess boards and so glad I found your posts! I LOL'd so many times but here's my favorite one:


"We decided to retire to our cabin and order a couple of cheese burgers, some chips, and two milks from room service, which prompts me to remind you that when you order items from room service that you are merely making a suggestion to the person who answers the phone at the room service department. You are letting that person know some of the things that you wouldn’t mind receiving in your room much like when you were a kid and you wrote a note to Santa Clause telling him what a good kid you have been and by the way here’s a list of stuff that I would like to have delivered to my house."

I thought it was just me when it came to ordering room service! Anyways, thank you for your journal, it really entertained me.

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Ah, yes, a fellow Georgian who understands the southern tradition of charm, humor and tongue-in-cheek :)


Loved your review. Many of the one's on here are dry and informative - I need the drama! thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


Now to retire with my mint julep (martini) and contemplate the next journey into the evil world! :)

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