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Sea sickness on Oasis?

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I've read in a few reviews from seasoned cruisers that riding on the Oasis is like riding on glass. Is this really the case? Do you feel no movement at all from the waves?


This will be my first cruise. I do not generally get car sick unless I'm in the back seat reading on a very windy road, and then I get a headache or a hint of nausea, nothing bad. I do not get air sick.


My husband cruised when he was 8 and didn't get sick.


Should we be prepared for sea sickness anyway? Or are the reviewers right and can you literally feel no motion at all?


If we go prepared for sea sickness what should we take with us? Dramamine? Ginger? Those patches? Is it better to start early on those things (before we get on the ship?) Or should we just go on unprepared and then buy sea sickness meds if we need them?


I'd appreciate any input!

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I've read in a few reviews from seasoned cruisers that riding on the Oasis is like riding on glass. Is this really the case? Do you feel no movement at all from the waves?


This will be my first cruise. I do not generally get car sick unless I'm in the back seat reading on a very windy road, and then I get a headache or a hint of nausea, nothing bad. I do not get air sick.


My husband cruised when he was 8 and didn't get sick.


Should we be prepared for sea sickness anyway? Or are the reviewers right and can you literally feel no motion at all?


If we go prepared for sea sickness what should we take with us? Dramamine? Ginger? Those patches? Is it better to start early on those things (before we get on the ship?) Or should we just go on unprepared and then buy sea sickness meds if we need them?


I'd appreciate any input!

Since neither of you are very prone to get motion sickness I'd wait and purchase on board should you need something.

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We were on the March 27 cruise and depending on the day, location and time the seas could be smooth as glass or very, very choppy. You could definitely feel the sway on a number of occasions, particularly at night, and there were times when you could see people stumbling a bit due to the ship moving. My 11 ds who is very prone to car sickness was fine except for one night at dinner for a bit. My dh, who is very prone to all kinds of motion sickness didnt get sick at all, neither did my dd. I, on the other hand, the person who never gets sick was definitely a bit queasy. I didnt want to take anything during the day so I wore sea bands, which I highly recommend you purchase at your drug store before you leave. You cant get these on board and they are a lifesaver for some people. I also brought the less drowsy form of dramamine with me which I took in the evenings. The infirmary on board has a generic motion sickness medication that they have in a large dispenser right up front, no need to even ask if you need some but it is the kind that makes you sleepy. That said, if you are at all concerned, get the sea bands, keep the receipt and if you dont use them you can always return them.

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We were on the March 27 cruise and depending on the day, location and time the seas could be smooth as glass or very, very choppy. You could definitely feel the sway on a number of occasions, particularly at night, and there were times when you could see people stumbling a bit due to the ship moving. My 11 ds who is very prone to car sickness was fine except for one night at dinner for a bit. My dh, who is very prone to all kinds of motion sickness didnt get sick at all, neither did my dd. I, on the other hand, the person who never gets sick was definitely a bit queasy. I didnt want to take anything during the day so I wore sea bands, which I highly recommend you purchase at your drug store before you leave. You cant get these on board and they are a lifesaver for some people. I also brought the less drowsy form of dramamine with me which I took in the evenings. The infirmary on board has a generic motion sickness medication that they have in a large dispenser right up front, no need to even ask if you need some but it is the kind that makes you sleepy. That said, if you are at all concerned, get the sea bands, keep the receipt and if you dont use them you can always return them.


Thanks so much for your reply! Since the water did get choppy, and you could certainly feel the "motion of the ocean" at times, I think we should prepare for sea sickness. I have heard some people say they start taking Ginger a few days before the trip and continue through the trip. Do you have any experience with this?


I just do NOT want to be sick on my first cruise, and I do have a historically weak stomach so it's probably best to be prepared for the worst while hoping for the best :)

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The ocean is still a lot bigger than any cruise ship so if someone is prone to seasickness, while they might feel slightly less movement, they're still gonna feel it.

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I take ginger and it seems to work for me. I have vertigo and so get queasy from time to time and I usually pop a couple of ginger pills and feel much better. I can't take any of the drug type things so always bring ginger...

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I get motion sickness very easily so am always prepared, I start taking ginger a few days prior, bring it with and take the less drowsy dramamine daily and bring with the regular just in case, however we were on the Oasis 5/29 and I don't know if it is less movement with the Western than Eastern route or it was just the sailing but you almost felt ZERO movement..I have been on about 10 cruises and this is the first time we literally felt nothing..

I would say just be prepared but you will most likely be fine..she is a fabulous ship!!!

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I have never experienced seasickness on a cruise but my mother always uses the patches. One patch last 3 or 4 days and you just leave it behind your ear. We have also purchased ginger gum at our local pharmacy which helps with a quick relief of motion sickness.

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My first cruise I ended up very sick. I have never been air, car or any type of motion sickness. Second cruise I got the patches from my doctor and never had a problem with sickness....other family members got sick and were lucky enough to use my extra patches :)

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Just off the Oasis yesterday, and we felt the ship move quite a bit throughout the cruise. The weather was not always the greatest, so we thought maybe this contributed. I saw many people wearing patches, but didn't hear anyone complain about seasickness.


My family isn't prone to motion sickness, so it didn't bother us. We tried to watch the wine in our glasses as the ship listed, but we never could see it, although we could feel it. The only time I noticed it was once when the flow riders were turned off and you could see the water move from side to side.


It was never rough enough to close any of the activities (like zip line, rock wall, etc.). My roughest cruise was Conquest in November 2004 cruising out of New Orleans, the first couple of nights, headed through the Gulf of Mexico. It was so bad people were having trouble walking straight.

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I've read in a few reviews from seasoned cruisers that riding on the Oasis is like riding on glass. Is this really the case? Do you feel no movement at all from the waves?


This will be my first cruise. I do not generally get car sick unless I'm in the back seat reading on a very windy road, and then I get a headache or a hint of nausea, nothing bad. I do not get air sick.


My husband cruised when he was 8 and didn't get sick.


Should we be prepared for sea sickness anyway? Or are the reviewers right and can you literally feel no motion at all?


If we go prepared for sea sickness what should we take with us? Dramamine? Ginger? Those patches? Is it better to start early on those things (before we get on the ship?) Or should we just go on unprepared and then buy sea sickness meds if we need them?


I'd appreciate any input!

There is no such thing as no movement ,I tell people this ,If you are riding in a car it may not make you sick but you do feel the car moving.The Oasis is really smooth but she can face some rough water ,we were 21 people in Jan and had no problems .You can go to the desk if you need something for seasickness and there is no charge.

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I was on the May 29th sailing and was very surprised at how stable the Oasis is in calm seas. The seas were smooth as glass and I never felt like I was even at sea because there was literally no movement. On other ships I have been on even in calm seas I always felt a little motion ... but not on Oasis. We did have a few periods on the 6th and 7th nights where you could feel the motion. The waves weren't that big ... but we were not moving very fast at all so we were basically just bobbing around in the ocean at that point. I was sitting at a machine in the casino when I started to notice the movement ... the first noticeable movement all week! I personally like it when the ship is rocking and rolling ... so I was kind of disappointed by the lack of motion on board LOL

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Like everyone said before, it all depends on the weather. The first sea day of our Eastern cruise the seas were the choppiest of the entire cruise, but mostly late (2am) and i found my self almost stumbling and before that it was hard to notice. After that it was impossible to know that we were on a boat unless you looked outside.

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I get seasick so I usually take Bonine, starting the day before I get on the ship. I was recently on the Celebrity Solstice and thought I'd try the patch, just to see what it was like. It worked well, but about 12 hours after I got off the ship (I had removed my second patch as soon as we got off the ship) I started feeling light headed and dizzy. To make a long story short, I had Vertigo type symptoms for more than three weeks and couldn't drive at all for ten days. This was withdrawal from the patch. I've since read that this is not very common, but does happen to some people. I will never use it again. If you need to use something, try the wrist bands, ginger and or Bonine (meclazine).

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I'm def going to try Ginger for my next cruise.


For my 1st and only so far, we were on a very small ship (206 passengers) and we had 1 day/night (unfortunately it was our 1 day at sea) of VERY bad waters. Walking down the hallway you'd run into walls, kinda comical. My bf was in the restaurant on the rear of the ship and he said all the chairs were on wheels so they'd move away from the tables, then back to the tables, then away...etc.


No ship is going to be motion free, it's pretty much a physical impossibility. Your best bet is to just be prepared. I went armed with dramamine, the patches (Transderm Scop) and also the wrist bands. At times, I used several at once (on the rough sea day).


You never know what the sea is going to throw at you, and these items are so small that you're better off buying them and having on hand, imho. Otherwise you'll pay higher prices trying to get them elsewhere during the trip (aside from whatever remedy the ships doc will give for free).


Have fun on your cruise! More than likely, it'll be a non-issue, but it's always best to prepare for worst case scenarios.



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Was on Oasis very recently and we felt very little in terms of movement.


Unless you have unusual weather, you will probably experience the same.


We use Bonine and simply take one each day as a precautionary measure. It is chewable. Has worked well for us. My sons did not even bother with it on our most recent cruise.


My husband was initially very concerned about seasickness and only really suffered (slightly) one day out of six cruises so far.... he just stayed in a deck chair outside that day.



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My husband and I were on the Liberty of the Seas in September 2009.... at the time, they said she was the largest cruise ship, very smooth, etc. We were on the Eastern Caribbean route. I have cruised on 2 other ships years ago, on the same route and never got sea sick. However, on the Liberty, I was green during the first cruise day. To make matters worse, I stayed in our room to sleep it off. Come to find out later that this was the wrong thing to do. Everyone told me that it is worse in your room. That night before dinner, I made a little detour to the gift shop and bought SeaBands. They were a lifesaver that night! The next day we decided to go to the pool. That really helped! The fresh air and my body in the water probably told my brain to chill out. LOL I was back to 100% after that. Thank goodness!


We will be sailing on the Oasis in December and I plan on bringing those SeaBands with me and also the patches (just in case). You just never know!


Hope that helps!


Maria from CA

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My 1st cruise last October on Explorer, the first night out we had 100mph winds. My Doctor perscribed the patch for me since I am Diabetic and do not drink as he said alcohol increases the side-effects of the patch. I did not get sick that night but the ship was rocking and rolling pretty much the whole night. The next morning I went to the windjammer for breakfast and could really feel the movement up there so much so that I skipped breakfast until a few hours later. The seas were petty intense that whole trip but the patch worked and I was happy. John

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We were on the June 19th sailing last week and the only day we felt seasick was Tuesday. It was on and off but we went down to the Medical Facility and got Bonine just to be on the safe side. All other days were fine though.

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I am curious on this too. We are on an Eastern route and I plan on taking my Bonine every day as I do on every cruise.


The only time I have been sea sick was on our Mariner Eastern cruise...the day at Sea on the way down and the day at sea on the way back. was a little green:o


On both our Western routes I had no problems at all and our 2008 cruise we followed Hurricane Ike down our first day and the rough seas didn't bother me.


I have read the Eastern rougher due to the Atlantic Trench (name??).

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I was worried about seasickness on my first cruise to Alaska last year and found a pill called Marezine that worked great. It is OTC, but for some reason no drugstores carry it so I had to buy it online. I tried Bonine before we left and it knocked me out all day, so whatever you decide to take, try it in advance to see how your body will react. The Marezine was perfect -- made me a little bit sleepy, but no nausea or queasiness at all, and we were in quite rough seas the first two days. My husband was almost knocked off his chair in the casino, so you know it was rough and other people complained it was the roughest waters they had been on.

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I was worried about seasickness on my first cruise to Alaska last year and found a pill called Marezine that worked great. It is OTC, but for some reason no drugstores carry it so I had to buy it online. I tried Bonine before we left and it knocked me out all day, so whatever you decide to take, try it in advance to see how your body will react. The Marezine was perfect -- made me a little bit sleepy, but no nausea or queasiness at all, and we were in quite rough seas the first two days. My husband was almost knocked off his chair in the casino, so you know it was rough and other people complained it was the roughest waters they had been on.


I just read the side effects of both. Marezine can cause dizziness, which Bonine actually helps/prevents. I'll stick with my Bonine.

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I've never been seasick on a cruise, but I always pack bonine and seabands just in case. Would hate to need them in the middle of the night and have nowhere open to get them. I buy the seabands before the cruise, save the receipt and return them when we get back since I've never even needed to open them.

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