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The River Oasis on Oasis. Including Water Fall on Deck 7 port side


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This was not a minor inconvenience. This was being awakened in the middle of the night to see your hallway awash and a stream of water from the ceiling. The water in your cabin and the measures they took to make it habitable had a very negative impact on your cruise experience. The fact that you had to ask them to locate a place for you to sleep after your night's sleep was interrupted by this fiasco is not a good sign. The fact that the coolant was making you feel ill in your cabin and they had not anticipated this, nor had they any contingency plan for it, is also not a good sign. The fact that you are providing shelter for the other couple, whose room is awash, and essentially solving the problem for RCCL is definitely not a good sign. Far too many "not good signs" in this scenario!!!


All I can say is had I been in you shoes, I would have been meeting with the Hotel Manager bright and early the next morning and nothing short of a full reimbursement for my cruise would have been acceptable. If this had been a hotel room, there is no way you would have been paying for your room that was flooded, due to the structure's faulty design or construction.


I am a huge fan of RCCL. We cruised onboard the Oasis in August and we are booked on the Allure next August. I am really, really shocked at the poor way this situation was handled. What a lousy way to celebrate your anniversary!


I agree, especially since the OP apparently could find no one to help with what was clearly an emergency situation -- something like this does not wait at the end of the last-night GS line to be addessed!!


While you may feel your offer was fair, and you would never ask for more... and MM does an excellent actuarial accounting of the actual value lost... the overall effect is way over the top (health impact of A/C chemicals, lost night's sleep immediately prior to debarkation/travel day, potential damage to personal possessions and having to move everything off the floor at a moment's notice -- imagine if you were disabled in any way, this alone could have been very serious -- not to mention ruining your anniversary!) -- it is appropriate for a large business to respond in an over-the-top way, by not merely compensating you for any actual loss, or in excess of the "1/7th" of your cruise which was impaired.


I agree with Windy that full reimbursement for you and the other 3 cabins impacted would not be out of line. No, I wouldn't "expect" it (and certainly not "demand" it) either... but I think it would be a very good decision on the part of RCI both in terms of customer relations -- and in terms of compassion for what happened to you and the other cruisers


I hope no one had their health impacted on a long-term basis, or lost any personal possessions, or was seriously hurt -- at least, no more than MM and others on the following cruise whose olfactory sense was clearly offended!!!

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This happened to us on a Princess cruise (but not as bad). We were stuck in our cabin for the day as they had to prop the door open to try to dry out our cabin's carpets and we received $0 compensation from Princess.

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I agree, especially since the OP apparently could find no one to help with what was clearly an emergency situation -- something like this does not wait at the end of the last-night GS line to be addessed!!


While you may feel your offer was fair, and you would never ask for more... and MM does an excellent actuarial accounting of the actual value lost... the overall effect is way over the top (health impact of A/C chemicals, lost night's sleep immediately prior to debarkation/travel day, potential damage to personal possessions and having to move everything off the floor at a moment's notice -- imagine if you were disabled in any way, this alone could have been very serious -- not to mention ruining your anniversary!) -- it is appropriate for a large business to respond in an over-the-top way, by not merely compensating you for any actual loss, or in excess of the "1/7th" of your cruise which was impaired.


I agree with Windy that full reimbursement for you and the other 3 cabins impacted would not be out of line. No, I wouldn't "expect" it (and certainly not "demand" it) either... but I think it would be a very good decision on the part of RCI both in terms of customer relations -- and in terms of compassion for what happened to you and the other cruisers


I hope no one had their health impacted on a long-term basis, or lost any personal possessions, or was seriously hurt -- at least, no more than MM and others on the following cruise whose olfactory sense was clearly offended!!!



Just wanted to clarify that the next day was not travel day.


This happened on Thursday night/Friday morning.


On Friday we were in the Bahama's.


Saturday was our travel day


Yes it is true that for me it affected my breathing and luckily I carry an inhaler..I dont have asthma but take it when I have allergic reactions as I swear I am allergic to some strange things.


Yes on Friday by 2pm I was a walking Zombie and all I wanted was a bed without a fan and a cool room. As we left the sliding door open for the rest of the night after the break and without air it got pretty warm in the room.

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Wow! :eek:


I too experienced a similar situation, on Carnival. A pipe burst in the cabin next door causing water to leak through my ceiling onto the desk area and down to the floor. Thankfully my laptop computer was closed or it would have been ruined. The people next door got moved because their cabin was a total disaster with water all over the beds. I just had to deal with wet carpet for three days :rolleyes: For my inconvenience I got a plate of chocolate covered strawberries, a bottle of wine delivered to my dinner table, a letter of apology, and $100 OBC. It was fair compensation I think.

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Just wanted to clarify that the next day was not travel day.


This happened on Thursday night/Friday morning.


On Friday we were in the Bahama's.


Saturday was our travel day


Yes it is true that for me it affected my breathing and luckily I carry an inhaler..I dont have asthma but take it when I have allergic reactions as I swear I am allergic to some strange things.


Yes on Friday by 2pm I was a walking Zombie and all I wanted was a bed without a fan and a cool room. As we left the sliding door open for the rest of the night after the break and without air it got pretty warm in the room.


Ah, much clearer, Arvids.


I would say that 25% is the minimum compensation, in that case.


By the way, were any of your possession adversely affected by the leak? Shoes, clothing, anything else?


It's odd that you didn't get better service at GS. When we went there, there were always a couple of ROVING people asking passengers in line if they could help, before we even got up to the counter. My concerns were always handled before I had to wait in line at all! (and *my* concerns were minor compared to yours, believe me! :eek:)

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Ah, much clearer, Arvids.


I would say that 25% is the minimum compensation, in that case.


By the way, were any of your possession adversely affected by the leak? Shoes, clothing, anything else?


It's odd that you didn't get better service at GS. When we went there, there were always a couple of ROVING people asking passengers in line if they could help, before we even got up to the counter. My concerns were always handled before I had to wait in line at all! (and *my* concerns were minor compared to yours, believe me! :eek:)


MM the quote below answers this...We have had to ask quicky questions before and having been on ships numerous times I can say we cut through the line to find the roving GS


We were contacted at 230 pm to contact Allen at Guest services.


I tried calling but being that it was the last day on the ship I was on hold for a long time and being that we had a floor fan blowing in our room we decided to go down and talk to them.


Well anyone that knows what Guests Services is like on the last day the lines were huge.


We stopped a GS person and told them we had a message from Allen.

He led us over to the Champagne Bar and we talked to a nice young lady that apologized for our inconvience.


She said that since we only had 4 feet of water into our room not 4 feet in depth but from the door to just past the bathroom door. That she was going to give us 25% discount on our next cruise and an extra credit....


We thanked her but what we were really looking for was someplace to take a nap as we went to bed that night at 215 am. Woke up at 3 am. My wife went back to bed around 4 am...But I was not able to sleep as the fumes from the coolant were making my lungs tighten up. I tried to sleep on the balcony but it was not working. Finally around 530 am I fell asleep from exhaustion. But I had set Room Service for 8 am as Friday was our Anniversary and wanted breakfast on the balcony....


So they gave us a key to 7201 so we could take a 2 hour nap. But it sure did rune our Anniversary...We never got off the ship as we were just spent.....


We never received a letter from RCCL as promised but I will be contacting them on Monday....


I know things happen but this really spoiled our 22nd Anniversary...But we will always remember this night/day.....


As far as those guests in the JS I can only assume that they ended up either in a promenade or and inside cabin as the ship was sold out...


Nothing got wet as my wife is a very smart cookie.

She saw the water outside the door and immediately moved everything off the floor of the closet. Which was a good thing as the water did get into the closet in the corner.


But again we built a dam by the door and used every single towel we had to construct the white dam. Had we not done this I am sure the water would have made it to the bed or beyond. So I am sure we saved RCCL $$ from having to tear up our carpeting to the entire room. IMO they should replace a 4 ft by 8 ft section of carpet by the door as the AC water will leave the smell behind in the carpet.

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I agree, especially since the OP apparently could find no one to help with what was clearly an emergency situation -- something like this does not wait at the end of the last-night GS line to be addessed!!


While you may feel your offer was fair, and you would never ask for more... and MM does an excellent actuarial accounting of the actual value lost... the overall effect is way over the top (health impact of A/C chemicals, lost night's sleep immediately prior to debarkation/travel day, potential damage to personal possessions and having to move everything off the floor at a moment's notice -- imagine if you were disabled in any way, this alone could have been very serious -- not to mention ruining your anniversary!) -- it is appropriate for a large business to respond in an over-the-top way, by not merely compensating you for any actual loss, or in excess of the "1/7th" of your cruise which was impaired.


I agree with Windy that full reimbursement for you and the other 3 cabins impacted would not be out of line. No, I wouldn't "expect" it (and certainly not "demand" it) either... but I think it would be a very good decision on the part of RCI both in terms of customer relations -- and in terms of compassion for what happened to you and the other cruisers


I hope no one had their health impacted on a long-term basis, or lost any personal possessions, or was seriously hurt -- at least, no more than MM and others on the following cruise whose olfactory sense was clearly offended!!!


Most businesses will not reimburse you for "potential" damage or "potential" illness; it has to be "actual" damages. If this has happened on Oasis before, and RCCI knew it could happen, and they did nothing to prevent it, then that might be something, but this isn't like a personal injury case where you can get potential future wages or something.


Luckily for OP, none of their possessions were damaged. Sounds like the thing was a nightmare for everyone involved. If it were at the beginning of the trip, the compensation would probably be different. But it sounds like OP is happy with the result, for the most part. It's easy to say we would handle it differently, but we weren't there.

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As we were sitting at the Champagne bar waiting for a GS rep to get to us. Another couple sitting to the left said they had all ready talked to GS but after talking to another couple in the group had a problem with the comps.


They had 5 kids in one room but the kids were from 3 different families I think. I am thinking that RCCL offered 25% to the room. Now the other families want there own piece of 25% but I am thinking that the couple that was waiting for the GS rep was the original couple that booked the room for there kids. But now the others want there piece.


Dont know what happened as when the rep returned from the desk to us she had keys to a room we could nap in so we went for our afternoon nap.

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is just a yr old??? :O


Don't build them like they used to!!!


Now we can watch for what problems the Allure will have...:(


Nothing gets built the way it use to!


Wonder how much mold there is especially in these older ships.

Yep I am sure probably other interesting findings if random carpeting samples tested.

I am going to really try to remember to wear my slippers all the time!


You have a good attitude...Happy Anniversary!



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As we were sitting at the Champagne bar waiting for a GS rep to get to us. Another couple sitting to the left said they had all ready talked to GS but after talking to another couple in the group had a problem with the comps.


They had 5 kids in one room but the kids were from 3 different families I think. I am thinking that RCCL offered 25% to the room. Now the other families want there own piece of 25% but I am thinking that the couple that was waiting for the GS rep was the original couple that booked the room for there kids. But now the others want there piece.


Dont know what happened as when the rep returned from the desk to us she had keys to a room we could nap in so we went for our afternoon nap.


Oy! Nothing is ever easy...


After hearing about the chintzy responses from Princess and Carnival in similar circumstances, I am pleased RCI offered at least 25% credit... but it really does sound as though this impacted on you quite severaly (i.e., "actual" damage to your sleep, breathing, etc.) -- I was just noting that it could have been much worse if you were out of the cabin or physically unable to quickly respond to the situation by moving your belongings, creating a towel dam, etc.


And these responses shouldn't be to "mollify" squeaky-wheel passengers who complain about how their trip was damaged, but to promote harmony and loyalty. When my daughter's bag of shoes was lost on our Disney cruise (it was NEVER found), in addition to being covered by our travel insurance policy (Disney made sure we had the correct forms to file for compensation), they also: paid for shoes for her onboard and in the first port of call (flip-flops, water shoes, and sneakers; they lent her dress shoes from their formal clothes rental office free of charge)... gave us a bunch of "freebies" to cheer her up (she was really depressed about losing her shoes!!) -- a t-shirt, backpack, picture frame, free pay movies in the cabin, etc. We didn't make a stink or say we "deserved" this or that our cruise was "ruined" -- and we were not frequent or repeat cruisers or in a suite (it was our first and only Disney cruise, and we were in the second-lowest level inside cabin on a hurricane-season sailing) -- the kind staff at Guest Services just saw that DD was very down about losing her shoes, and did everything they could to make her happy. THAT's the kind of attention I expect from guest relations staff, and a GREAT policy to ensure positive word-of-mouth about the company!!

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Nothing gets built the way it use to!


Wonder how much mold there is especially in these older ships.

Yep I am sure probably other interesting findings if random carpeting samples tested.

I am going to really try to remember to wear my slippers all the time!


You have a good attitude...Happy Anniversary!




Nothing gets built the way it used to - u make a good point..but its a sad comment on our civilization when that becomes the norm..For the most part I agree but a ship barely a year old has such a major leak...this wasn't a minor occurance..!! It smacks of bad workmanship &/or perhaps faulty equipment also and the same shipyard & likely the same workers built the Allure also :( What happened to 'pride of workmanship' - guess it went the same place as manners, honesty & morality..


Why wld u presume the older ships might have mold? The carpets are changed regularily so why wld there be mold? Besides, cruiseships are thoroughly inspected regularily and if found mold wld be dealt with immediately because any hint of that type of problem cld cripple a cruiseline...as mold can 'cause major medical problems for pax & crew!

I do agree that u or any pax for that matter shld wear slippers on any ship - new or old - u simply do not know what was there before you...Besides, if someone dropped a 'pin' its a nasty way to discover it with bare feet - right? :)


Don't know if I have a good attitude or not but it sure is practical & realistic..:)


Have happy cruisin'! :)

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Thank god they were't showing the "Poseiden Adventure" on the tube onboard! EGADS...:eek:


I'm so glad that you were able to at least get your stuff off the floor and to higher grounds. That would have been double whammy had all of your belongings gotten soaked as well. As well, thank goodness this happened at the end of the cruise and not Monday or Tuesday.


I personally think that RC should contact you over this incident. It sounds like you handled yourself very diplomatically (just as I would have done) and you really deserved some sort of compensation. I have seen adults at the guest services desk that were basically having a temper tantrum and that will get you nowhere (and I don't believe they had any type of issue like this one!) I can't judge if 25% is fair as I wasn't there. As you said, this is one anniversary that you will never forget. Maybe next anniversary could be Niagra Falls? ;)


Happy late anniversary,

Esmerelda :D

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Thank god they were't showing the "Poseiden Adventure" on the tube onboard! EGADS...:eek:


I'm so glad that you were able to at least get your stuff off the floor and to higher grounds. That would have been double whammy had all of your belongings gotten soaked as well. As well, thank goodness this happened at the end of the cruise and not Monday or Tuesday.


I personally think that RC should contact you over this incident. It sounds like you handled yourself very diplomatically (just as I would have done) and you really deserved some sort of compensation. I have seen adults at the guest services desk that were basically having a temper tantrum and that will get you nowhere (and I don't believe they had any type of issue like this one!) I can't judge if 25% is fair as I wasn't there. As you said, this is one anniversary that you will never forget. Maybe next anniversary could be Niagra Falls? ;)


Happy late anniversary,

Esmerelda :D



Been there and done it.

Took the train from Port Huron to Toronto and then over to the Falls.

But luckily we did not have that type of water in the halls or I would have been putting on my diving gear.:rolleyes:

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We were in the Junior Suite with the most damage, 7240. My husband woke up at 3:00 am yelling "something is wrong in this room", I told him to go back to sleep that it was just raining outside. He shouts, "it's raining in this room!", and was it ever!


You did a fabulous job with the video, really brings it all back!


RC put us in a smaller room down the hall and gave us 50% off our next cruise. They couldn't have been more accommodating. We did go down to Customer Service at 7:00 the next morning. What a story we have to tell and thanks to your great photography, we can share the experience with others.

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We were in the Junior Suite with the most damage, 7240. My husband woke up at 3:00 am yelling "something is wrong in this room", I told him to go back to sleep that it was just raining outside. He shouts, "it's raining in this room!", and was it ever!


You did a fabulous job with the video, really brings it all back!


RC put us in a smaller room down the hall and gave us 50% off our next cruise. They couldn't have been more accommodating. We did go down to Customer Service at 7:00 the next morning. What a story we have to tell and thanks to your great photography, we can share the experience with others.


Were any of your personal items ruined? laptop, camera, clothes?

what a story;)

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The worst part of this post to me is the thought of having to sleep in a wet room that stunk like chemical (oh god migraine city) and no a/c because you have the door open to get the stink out.

I would have cried for a new room...even if I lost my balcony and was put in an inside room (which is bad enough for my clausterphobia) but better than chemical spill stink/wet

I really am glad you only had 2 nights left of the cruise...but still...2 nights ruined. bummer. :o

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Nothing gets built the way it used to - u make a good point..but its a sad comment on our civilization when that becomes the norm..For the most part I agree but a ship barely a year old has such a major leak...this wasn't a minor occurance..!! It smacks of bad workmanship &/or perhaps faulty equipment also and the same shipyard & likely the same workers built the Allure also :( What happened to 'pride of workmanship' - guess it went the same place as manners, honesty & morality..




The OP (hi Arvids) had posted "A nut that connected 2 pieces of pipe had a crack in it." In other words, one small item made by some outside supplier may have had a fault in it, probably one that couldn't even be seen visiably when it was installed by the pipe fitter. Unfortunately, a failure of one small part can lead to a much bigger problem if it fails.

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We were in the Junior Suite with the most damage, 7240. My husband woke up at 3:00 am yelling "something is wrong in this room", I told him to go back to sleep that it was just raining outside. He shouts, "it's raining in this room!", and was it ever!


You did a fabulous job with the video, really brings it all back!


RC put us in a smaller room down the hall and gave us 50% off our next cruise. They couldn't have been more accommodating. We did go down to Customer Service at 7:00 the next morning. What a story we have to tell and thanks to your great photography, we can share the experience with others.


Feel free to steal my video in fact send me your email address and if I can I will shoot you an email with the video or you can steal it off of you tube.


I know the couple in 7242 had there room gutted by 9am..So sorry to hear your room was totalled also.


WoodturningsbyArvids At Gmail dot com

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We were in the Junior Suite with the most damage, 7240. My husband woke up at 3:00 am yelling "something is wrong in this room", I told him to go back to sleep that it was just raining outside. He shouts, "it's raining in this room!", and was it ever!


You did a fabulous job with the video, really brings it all back!


RC put us in a smaller room down the hall and gave us 50% off our next cruise. They couldn't have been more accommodating. We did go down to Customer Service at 7:00 the next morning. What a story we have to tell and thanks to your great photography, we can share the experience with others.


Great description of your middle-of-the-night "conversation" - I can just HEAR it!!! LOL



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In order to expedite your embarkation, I pulled the scheduled inspection just for you, and see what happens? You go and break the ship. ;)





You know what we were doing....Rockin the ship and we rocked too much...You should have been there...Oh wait I can see it now...Manny swimming down the hall chasing you and Sande trying to lasoo Manny and Sue looking for Banana's:D

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The worst part of this post to me is the thought of having to sleep in a wet room that stunk like chemical (oh god migraine city) and no a/c because you have the door open to get the stink out.


I would have cried for a new room...even if I lost my balcony and was put in an inside room (which is bad enough for my clausterphobia) but better than chemical spill stink/wet


I really am glad you only had 2 nights left of the cruise...but still...2 nights ruined. bummer. :o



The thing is I sobered up really quick....Yes the smell was getting to me, in hindsight I should have pulled the sofa bed out to the balcony and slept on it....I am sure my suite attendant would have wondered why the sofa bed was outside and the lounge chairs would have been inside....

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We were on Oasis Deck 7 starboard side in February. Every day when we walked from our D1 forward cabin to the aft elevators the carpet was wet and floor fans were running right where the JS cabins were. We were always trying to figure out why it was wet.:confused: Although different side of ship it probably was the same problem.

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