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Spirit 2/27 review: Animal House at Sea


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Does anyone know how many college are planning to be on the 5 day Spirit cruise that leaves this Sunday? Does NCL even have a clue?


My guess is that you will be o.k. From what I understand, Florida springbreak will be over with and most other colleges is later in March. However, since sailing we have learned that the 3-5 day sailings are appealing to the college crowd due to time and less money. What also made this sailing appealing is the ability to drive to Miami as opposed to coming from other states where they would have the additional cost of flying. Have fun and no matter what... enjoy the cruise. Loved the Spirit.

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Shoreguy, if it makes you feel any better, my sister, who goes to UF and was on the sailing, said that there were two very large groups on that sailing that are notoriously bad, even here at UF. I won't name who they are, but their organizations have had problems with campus rules as well. I actually think that some of them are in some trouble now because of what happened on the cruise, since they booked as a campus group through the campus travel agency, but that may just be a rumor. I don't know if all party groups are that bad, but I hope you don't get stuck with any. Have a great time on your cruise.



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I am very glad that you took the time to express your points of view. Debate is always good.


Before replying to you, I visited the University of Florida website. The Honor Code is still there. I always considered that Honor Code to be sacred. How do you view it? Please don't think you have to answer me. It's a question I hope you ask yourselves.


For those following this thread, the Honor Code at the University of Florida is posted on the school's website. Whether my fellow passengers viewed the vulgar drunks as a "small but feisty group" or a large, barbaric hoard, one thing is certain: These students did not abide by the Honor Code.


Is the Honor Code dated? Has it now become a joke? Do the well-behaved U of F students on the cruise realize that the Honor Code instructs them to refuse to tolerate any student's breaking of the code?


Many of us are very sad about what we witnessed. Did any U of F student offer his/her services to the captain? Did any U of F student help pick up beer bottles and trash? Did any U of F student witness vandalism and report it? Did any U of F student attempt to confront those who were spouting profanity in front of small children? If so, we would love to hear from you. It would mean that the Honor Code is still sacred and not just words posted on a website.


Now, it seems that you (sam8018) are disturbed by my decision to stop making contributions to the University of Florida. Also, you have the impression that I am encouraging others to stop contributing.


I speak for myself and ONLY for myself. My choices about which charities or institutions receive a donation of my hard earned money are partly based on emotion. If I feel good about where my money is going, I'll donate. Because I was completely disgusted with the lack of character exhibited by University of Florida students (especially in front of small children), I don't feel good about contributing again. Furthermore, I'm about to give more information than I should. Forgive me, but I'm emotional right now. My family has given more than money to the University of Florida. Before my father died, he informed me that he wished to donate his remains to a medical school. His alma mater was the University of Miami. Mine was the University of Florida. After much discussion, he chose University of Florida. Making those arrangements for my father were difficult for me to say the least. Enough said on this subject.


You (sam8018) made another statement that I found interesting.


"Maybe you should stop by your alma mater when school is in session and take a look around, I am sure you'd be very impressed with the make-up of our student body which has improved tremendously since you've been there."


I have no way of knowing if your statement is true or not true. What are you using for baseline data? How much research have you done to back up your statement? What criteria are you using for your research? I have a Bachelor's Degree in one subject and a Master's Degree in another subject. How does that affect the truth of your statement? I hope the university still requires students to pass a course in Logic. I hope both your high school teachers and your university professors required you to provide concrete evidence to establish the validity of your thesis statements.


I think you felt emotional at the time you wrote your statement. You felt that your university was being unfairly attacked by me. That's all right. We all get emotional. I include myself.


"I am wounded past surgery. . . Reputation, reputation, I have lost my reputation." Cassio speaks these words in Shakespeare's "Othello." (Sorry - my computer won't underline the title.)


You (sam8018) mentioned the excellent reputation of the University of Florida. How long do you think it took to build that reputation? Before I entered the university in 1970, I knew that generations of students before me built a solid reputation. By keeping the Honor Code sacred, each generation passed the torch and the good reputation lived. Now, you and your classmates hold the torch. What will you do with it? I ask you to remember one thing: "It doesn't take long to kill things - not like it does to grow."


Finally, I wanted to address jennigator3. The tone of your message spoke volumes about you. You appear to be a sincere and dedicated student. I was touched by your plea that I not be disappointed in the university. I can tell you only that I hope the students do everything possible to rebuild their reputation. Furthermore, I hope your sister is feeling better, and I'm sorry she was caught up in such an awful mess. I wish you the best with your research. I believe you are a person who will do very well in life - with or without my contributions to the University of Florida. Best of luck to you!

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Sandpebbles - again "Bravo" to you for speaking up for human decency. As I reflect back on this cruise, my sadness and bewilderment is not so much because of my own experience (as I said, my husband and I manged to have great fun anyway), but for the elderly and young children who were forced to witness the behavior.


Cruising from MN - you have very eloquently put into words what I am sure we are all thinking. What does the future hold for these young people - and the rest of us who will co-exist with them?


I, too, take exception to the "small but feisty" description. The pool area was a madhouse on the last day of the cruise. During the cruise, there was nowhere - I repeat NOWHERE that you could go without encountering drunk and obnoxious groups of students. On the last night, we paid (something to which I have a philosophical objection - pay to eat on a cruise?) to eat in Le Bistro just to get some peace and quiet. We were not so fortunate. Fifteen minutes into our dinner, three of "them" entered the restaurant - clothes falling off, staggering, talking loudly (one on a cell phone), carrying beers, etc).


It goes on and on. I won't repeat what I have written before. Here's what I left out - at the pool area, there was a continuous conversation from the group beside us about how we (non-college group) were "taking up space" in the pool chairs and "when were we ever going to leave?". At the salad bar, I was shoved aside. In Raffles, I left before finishing my lunch because I could not stand the language anymore. In the Atrium (so very lovely), a group almost knocked me down. On the last day, as I passed through the pool area on my way to the gym, I saw sexual activity taking place in the hot tub. In the inside pool, I stepped on a glass that had been thrown in there.


Anyone who was on this cruise and attempts to downplay what took place is way off base. We know what we saw and heard - and it was unacceptable.


Enough said. I notice that almost 700 folks have been reading this thread. If any of you are planning the next few 5-day cruises, I have two suggestions: (1) Complain and (2) Confront from the git-go. I think that everything started to go badly when we attended the lifeboat drill. It was a total waste of time due to the unruly behavior of the students. The problem should have been addressed immediately. Who knows? Maybe an entirely different tone would have been struck - one that reinforced following the rules and being respectful. It's worth a try.


Perhaps this is a moot point. NCL is probably putting a plan into action for next time. I hope so. If you are leaving this Sunday, go with an open mind and enjoy this lovely ship and the sunshine.

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SANDPEBBLES: Thanks so much for the kind words, I still truly hope that you keep faith in UF. I want to answer your questions above, you seem sincerely concerned about what is happening to your almamater, but I am actually wondering that same thing, and I still go here. The truth is that I am mostly isolated from that group. I am in the engineering program and most people aren't really in the party crowd (we're too busy being tortured with homework). I do hear of the parties and stuff, but I was never this concerned.


As for the honor code, I have seen that in the first day of most of my classes, but I can't speak for other majors. Most campus clubs preach honor and integrity, but I can't say if they follow it.


I am going to take a guess here, but I have a feeling that students don't stand up against the out-of-control people because they are scared. They tend to be very confrontational, aggressive, and vengeful if their behavior is called out. I went to a football game once and a drunk guy behind me kept hitting me in the head, I called him on it and his frat buddies harassed me until I had to leave. I can usually handle those things, I don't back down easily, but I admit that I was very intimidated. I was shocked at how mean they can be, they must be very angry people.


Just rest assured that a lot of people here at UF, including our new President, are aware of the problem and trying to fix it, but things are just different today. All I can do is act how I was taught by my parents, but I am assuming these people didn't have that advantage. How can alumni take action? I am not sure, but we definitely need you in our corner.


I hope this never happens to you EVER again, it's disturbing and makes me so sad. I hope I helped answer some of your concerns.



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i've read all the complaints on this thread, and i don't recall anyone complaining about an over abundance of jean shorts or mullet's.:eek: the lack of this factor in the complaints obviously proves that it could not have been the kids from the university of florida that were causing problems.;)


this is simply a case of mistaken identity.



please anyone don't get upset. i could not resist a little cheap shot with all the talk about uf. afterall, the dawgs finally beat the gators for the first time in a thousand years. i should be allowed to talk a little smack till october.

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This is REALLY sad that people have no reguards for others than themselves it reminds me of the cruise we were on, the Carnival Spirit it was brand new and by the second day kids had carved there initals in the wood (I mean kids not collage kids) in the elevators. We were on NCLS Spirit 2-18-05 sailing (week before). I am going to forward this to my contact @ NCL, with all the camreas on board they should be able to find out who did the damage and send there parents the bill for the damage, because in the end we will be the ones paying for it with higher cruise prices. It sounds like NCL should have let more the 2 off in Rrotan. REALLY SAD.

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This is REALLY sad that people have no reguards for others than themselves it reminds me of the cruise we were on, the Carnival Spirit it was brand new and by the second day kids had carved there initals in the wood (I mean kids not collage kids) in the elevators. We were on NCLS Spirit 2-18-05 sailing (week before). I am going to forward this to my contact @ NCL, with all the camreas on board they should be able to find out who did the damage and send there parents the bill for the damage, because in the end we will be the ones paying for it with higher cruise prices. It sounds like NCL should have let more the 2 off in Rrotan. REALLY SAD.


Again, speaking to an Officer we discussed those cameras and he had two points. First, when damage was done and a camera was present, the kids were smart enough to have a large group huddled around the few who were doing the damage and thus they could not determine the exact individuals. However,they were still trying very hard to find out. Second, the kids specifically picked spots in public areas that did not have cameras. In some cases, the cameras did identify who and in those cases, the kids were charged immediately. He mentioned $200.00 for a picture frame and $100.00 (if I remember correctly) for a broken bed.

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More and more you reveal yourself to be a young woman of exceptional character. I have a soft spot in my heart for engineers. My father was a radar systems designer during the 1950's, 60's, and 70's. He helped pioneer the space program - something of which I am very proud.


In those days, the engineers worked extremely long hours. (I'm sure they still do.) As a little girl, I recall getting up in the middle of the night. There my father would be - sitting at the kitchen table with his slide rule and pages of drawings and calculations. He was a marvelous teller of stories, and the most popular parent on the block when it came time for us to do math or physics homework. I know he would be so proud of the way you are attempting to address a situation you did not create.


When you finish graduate school, the whole world will lie before you. For now, others are spending their time getting drunk and engaging in crass behavior. You, on the other hand, are building a solid foundation for your future. One day - You'll be in a Penthouse Suite, and they'll be in a rehab facility. (I'm not joking. Some of these students are already alcoholics. They just don't realize it yet.)


From my heart, I thank you for being such a credit to the University of Florida. I thank your parents for raising you so well.


There 's no doubt in my mind that you are absolutely right about the fear and intimidation being thrust upon you and the other decent students.


The administration at the University of Florida must provide the leadership that is necessary to clean house. If you feel protected and secure, it will be easier for you and others to speak out.


Hopefully, the administration will follow their own honor code and refuse to tolerate vile behavior anywhere on campus or at football games or on cruise ships.


All you can do is tend your garden and watch your roses bloom. They will. You'll see.



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Well said, Sandpepples!!


I keep forgetting to mention that when we arrived in Miami on Friday morning there was a Miami Police Car inside the gate, right outside the ship. We could not help to wonder if that was normal or if they were there to pick up a few kids. Never did find out. Anyone know?

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Hi, cruisingfromMN:


I'm so sorry I didn't get to the CC meeting. I missed my chance to meet a really great lady - you!


You have been so eloquent and so committed to keeping the truth on track. Thank you so much.


SolidGoldCruiser, you too have dedicated your time to giving people a detailed picture of what many of the young people were doing. It's very important that the events on the cruise not be glossed over or "minimized." Thank you for writing such powerful eyewitness accounts.


I hope this discussion will result in some changed policies at the University of Florida. (Gracious! The students have a Travel Agency?! Oh, well. . . That might not be new. I was too busy working my way through school to even know something like that might be available in the 70's.)


The Spirit is a beautiful ship. I loved the captain and crew. My husband and I had a really good time. Hopefully, NCL won't get a bad reputation because of this cruise. I truly believe they were doing everything that could be done.



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Wow.....I read all the posts/reviews and were amazed.... No one, I mean no one should have to put up with that behavior. It's one thing to have fun and let loose a little but to be downright drunk, beligerant and vulgar language is not appropriate.... Especially with kids of all ages on ships these days..... I have never heard of spring break in Feb. It's always, for me, been in March... In fact in 2002 several friends and I went on a 7 day cruise and I think we had 100-200 spring break students. I have to say that although they had fun, maybe a handfull were bad.... And we were right across the hall from many of them. They were basically good kids having some fun.....But I would have been very angry to have been on the cruise you all were on.... And the cruise line should have told you it had "that many" spring breakers on there. Better to have some people cancel than that many unhappy cruisers with bad reviews. And to say the least the condition of ship in the end....lol.... What a shame that young people behave like that... We've all been there, been young but there's a big difference between some fun and what you encountered...

Glad you guys were able to fun inspite of all that....:)

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But I would have been very angry to have been on the cruise you all were on.... And the cruise line should have told you it had "that many" spring breakers on there. Better to have some people cancel than that many unhappy cruisers with bad reviews. And to say the least the condition of ship in the end
It would be nice to know when a big group of rooms is bought out by a college but the cruise line doesn't have a responsibility to tell you who's cruising with you. And even if they did, you can't cancel with no penalty. I'd also assume that travel insurance wouldn't cover your loss if you decided to not cruise because of the clientele of the ship for that week.
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I guess I'm just surprised not everyone knows to avoid the dreaded "spring break" season if that's not your scene!



There is a very large difference between spring break and kids damaging the ship, continually drunk, and no respect for the elderly or families with small children. Spring break is a time of no school, that does not imply that we as travelers should expect drunken, disorderly conduct with intentional damage to property. Typically, we travel in high spring break season (the third week of March) and we expect to see college students. There is no problem with that. What we don't expect or condone is the behavior witnessed on board that we experienced. I have said it previously here but just in case you missed it. NCL had to fly in two Miami Police Officers to try and contain and gain order on the ship!!! That should explain a lot of about the conditions we experienced.


Sandpepples - we certainly understand you not making the CC Meeting! From this thread though, I feel like I am getting to know you and the great values you have. Thanks too for your kind words below. Take care. I wrote the first installment of my review but for now I must go pick up the kids from school. I will start posting it tomorrow. Bye for now.

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Expect spring breakers anytime between February and April.


My daughter goes to college in Fort Lauderdale and her spring break begins March 21.


On another board there was discussion about finding out if there were large groups booked on a particular sailing. Most people said they were able to get that info through their TA.

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Hi boomboom51, The contact I used was chernandez@ncl.com. She sent me an email in advance indicating time and location. Ours was 11:00 a.m. in the Brig Room on our first sea day. When we got on board, there was a note in our room from Angelina Belleza confirming the get together and a request from her to contact her to reconfirm. They sent Rob (Food and Beverage Director) and the hotel director Tony Becker. If they assign you the same location, it was a bit difficult to find. But it is right near the Shore Excursion Desk. It does have a main entrance to the passageway but not labeled. It is only labeled when you go down a small hallway by the Shore Excursion Desk. Mr. Becker provided us a wonderful overview of the Spirit and future plans for drydock, plus an online scheduling system for reservations. We very much appreciated their attendance. Coffee, tea, juice and multiple kinds of cookies were provided.



Thanks so much for the information. Once again I'm sorry to hear about the rude behavior. NCL should certainly make amends somehow. If I were you the letters would be flying. I hope your next cruise will be on a ship I'm sailing on and that it is much more enjoyable.

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There is a very large difference between spring break and kids damaging the ship, continually drunk, and no respect for the elderly or families with small children. Spring break is a time of no school, that does not imply that we as travelers should expect drunken, disorderly conduct with intentional damage to property. Typically, we travel in high spring break season (the third week of March) and we expect to see college students. There is no problem with that. What we don't expect or condone is the behavior witnessed on board that we experienced.





Very true! Unfortunately it seems to be the way society is headed. It's also something I'd expect more on Carnival than NCL :) .

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Of course, like everyone else, I am thankful I wasn't on that cruise: Now, was it NCLs place to tell anyone booking about the college kids? Of course not; they have no obligation to devulge anything like that, nor do the owe the cruisers anything. do you think if you go to Cancun or Daytona Beach during the spring break season and run into college kids all over the place your hotel is going to refund part of your money or give you credit for another stay? The out of control kids owe everyone an apology, if nothing else, but the cruise line owes no one anything. NMnita

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To Cruising from MN -


When my husband and I disembarked, we spent quite a bit of time speaking to a Miami police officer who was posted just outside the terminal. He told us that extra police had been called in to handle security problems that had occurred during our cruise. We got the impression that they might have been there to pick up some people, but I could not swear to that.


Like Sandpebbles, I am sorry that we did not get a chance to meet each other. You mentioned the Captain's VIP party. We were there too - probably right next to you guys. Oh well, maybe next time?

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The students are responsible for what happened on the cruise. From my observations and conversations with the captain and crew, everything that could possibly be done by NCL was being done.


In my view, this cruise experience revealed a deeply disturbing value system among many of our young people. They loved their behavior. They bragged about their behavior. They made every effort to conceal criminal acts. I believe that jenninigator3 is probably right when she states that good students fear the drunken bullies and their female counterparts.


I choose not to blame NCL. I choose not to excuse the spring breakers. I choose not to have my travel plans held hostage by vulgar brats burping their beer.


If this trip was booked by the Student Activities Program at the University of Florida, I believe the university bears the responsibility for screening the students. If the university cannot do that, they should get out of the travel agency business.


One more observation: These kids seemed to be very comfortable with their language and drinking habits and rude behavior. I can't prove it. But, I just don't think this was one wild week in their lives. I think this was business as usual except they were on a beautiful ship.


In short, we witnessed problems that go far beyond spring break or when one chooses to book a cruise or NCL's perceived (by some) shortcomings.


Now, does society accept or reject the corruption of our youth. I choose to reject.

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