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Viking Emerald....anyone back yet?


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Hi there. Just checking to see if anyone on the 'maiden voyage' of the Viking Emerald has returned yet, many of us with future China itineraries are anxiously waiting to hear all about it. We are on the 5.5 Imperial Jewels of China and can't wait to hear about the tour and the ship itself. Welcome home and stop in if you have a minute. Thanks in advance,


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I am on this trip right now.......posting from the ship. Check some of the remarks under Viking China on "other cruise lines" at the top.


Today is rainy and very cold. We had a 2 hour tour this morning and are now cruising to the next town. Tomorrow we visit the school and then set sail for the 3 gorges. Don't forget to bring schools supplies for the school visit.

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We just returned April 1st from China's Cultural Delights on the maiden voyage of Viking Emerald. It was a fantastic trip and Viking goes out of it's way to make every experience wonderful. The ship wasn't actually brand new but it was beautiful and very nice. I think it is actually 2 yrs. old and newly acquired by Viking. Our weather was cold at times but we had many very nice days. The tours were all very enjoyable. The hotels were 5 star and we enjoyed them very much. We loved the buffets in the hotels as we got somewhat tired of the lazy susan type meals, but after all we were in China so we expected to enjoy lots of Chinese meals. You will get to sample Chinese food from different provinces so there are lots of variations. One regret was we didn't get a prescription from our doctor at home for traveler's diarreah which we did get. I would also suggest to pack a bottle of pink Pepto-bismol in your checked baggage. We had to go to the ship's doctor who doesn't speak English so our guide accompanied us and interpreted for us. The cost for the med's was $60 which is reimbursable because we did get insurance. They give you lots of pills and salt packets to keep from getting dehydrated. I checked out our HMO from the ship's computer and that is what the World Health Org. recommendeds too. The only negative regarding the ship was the dining room had very poor acoustics so it was difficult to have a conversation with anyone sitting across the table. Also, we found the dining room to be too warm each evening. The staff were wonderful. Our guide for the trip was Francis and he was terrific. Dress was casual during the days and smart casual for evening. The only nights which were somewhat dressy were the Welcome Captain's dinner and the farewell dinner, but many people didn't dress up. We packed lightly and didn't regret it because of the weight limitations and having to move to new locations at the beginning and end of the cruise. There was quite a bit of walking on the excursion to Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City (around 5 miles, but not all at once) and also numerous stairs throughout the trip. So bring comfortable shoes. We both came down with colds as soon as we arrived home because so many people were coughing and sneezing on the long flight home, it was inevitable. Anyway, I would say this was one of the best trips ever in spite of getting sick. One other item: we had several couples in our group that did nothing but complain the whole time. Attitude is everything on this kind of trip and most of the group was terrific. If you have any issues, your guide will do his/her utmost to take wonderful care of you. Being a whiner is a pain for everyone. Enjoy your trip!

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Glad you're home safely. Which direction did you go--Beijing to Shanghai or reverse? In which hotel did you stay in each of those cities? Did you see pandas? If so, where?


Were there major restrictions on the intra-China flights? Or did your guide just collect all the luggage and you didn't have to worry about it as you traveled from city to city. Were the Chinese flights very restrictive about carry on luggage?


Thanks so much for your info. Sorry you're under the weather--but at least you're in your own beds!

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One regret was we didn't get a prescription from our doctor at home for traveler's diarreah which we did get. I would also suggest to pack a bottle of pink Pepto-bismol in your checked baggage. We had to go to the ship's doctor who doesn't speak English so our guide accompanied us and interpreted for us. The cost for the med's was $60 which is reimbursable because we did get insurance. They give you lots of pills and salt packets to keep from getting dehydrated. I checked out our HMO from the ship's computer and that is what the World Health Org. recommendeds too.


Hi there,


My husband and I are taking this same itinerary on August 23, 2011...I found it interesting about what you said about "Traverler's Diarreah"...In October 2009 my husband I took GCT land/river cruise to Egypt and A LOT people came down with the "Pharaoh's Revenge, or Mummy's Tummy :( One man even died from it! Sooo yes, "Traveler's Diarreah" can get to be a very serious condition!!!...Couple things we did learn from that trip was nobody from tour got sick (that know of) while we were staying at the hotels. I can only surmise it's because most 4-5star hotels have their own water filter systems. However when we did get to the river boat that was a whole another story!!!! DO NOT DRINK ANY TAP WATER, diary products and uncooked foods, this also includes ice cubes, having your eyes open in the shower and brushing your teeth with tap water!!! We also learned "Cipro" (usually prescribe by U.S. doctors for Traveler's Diarreah) is not specific for this kind of intestinal bacteria.... While staying in Egypt at any drug store was a drug called "Antinal" that very specific for this kind intestinal bacteria and it was also at the front desk on our river boat for FREE!!! So what my husband and I will do BEFORE we get T.D. is to take our "Advanced Imodium" and ask our tour director on the first day in Beijing where we can get antibiotic/drug that specific for "Traveler's Diarreah"!!!! I will guarantee you, you will need it!!! :eek: You might say, I rather be safe, than sorry!!!;)

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Thanks for reporting back and giving some great advice regarding 'mummy tummy' meds. It's so interesting to hear from someone who sailed on the Emerald as well as getting 'live' reports from those who are on it now. We leave 5.3 for the 5.5 trip Beijing - Shanghai. I love all of the helpful information, if there is anything else you think of please post.


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Several more questions and comments. What part of the tour/cruise did you enjoy most? Can you give a heads-up as to what would be good to bring for the children at the school we visit? When you feel better please fill us in on the high lights of the trip. Thanks so much


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We started in Beijing and had one free day there before starting any excursions. It was wonderful because we were exhausted after the long trip and we had a friend who lived in Beijing and was able to show us around the first afternoon. We were very careful about using only bottled water, even for teeth brushing and washing hands and we still got the TD but so did others. We didn't think to bring anything for the kids at the school visit but I would have brought something easy to pack. They put on quite a show for us and then we visited their classroom and they each try to capture one of us for their very own and let us sit in their desk. They show you their workbooks and try out a bit of English. They were darling. We were told by our guide on the drive to the school they we would be singing 3 songs for them and we had to come up with something we all knew. We sang "You are my sunshine and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and a couple from Israel sang a song too. It was really fun and was one of the highlights of our trip. It's hard to say what was the most impressive part because it was all fantastic. The trip through the gorge was really amazing as was the Forbidden City, Terracotta Soldiers and Great Wall. We stayed at the Ritz Carlton in Beijing and the Kaminski in Xian; then the last hotel was the Westin in Shanghai. All the hotels were fantastic with fabulous buffets. My favorite was the Shanghai Westin. Another thing I thought you should know is that on the ship they have several professionals making georgeous silk jackets, PJ's or blouses. They are all custom made and the jackets are made from beautiful silks and lined in silk and custom fit for each person. They have several different styles. The cost is approx. $120 US and really a bargain when you consider the materials and workmanship involved. It's hard to believe they could knock out so many in such a small area in such a short time. I would suggest shopping at the beginning of the trip for the best choice of fabrics. There is another opportunity to purchase silk comforters, scarves, or jackets when you tour the silk factory and the prices were about the same but off the rack, not custom fit. You could also purchase silk-looking jackets off the street vendors for about $12. They looked pretty good but they weren't silk and the material wouldn't hold up the same, but for something you only wear occasionally they weren't bad. The ship also had a jewelry shop where they made custom made jewelry from pearls and assorted gemstones. Prices varied on quality and size. If you think of anything else, I'll try to answer. Peggy

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We just returned April 1st from China's Cultural Delights on the maiden voyage of Viking Emerald. It was a fantastic trip and Viking goes out of it's way to make every experience wonderful. The ship wasn't actually brand new but it was beautiful and very nice. I think it is actually 2 yrs. old and newly acquired by Viking. Our weather was cold at times but we had many very nice days. The tours were all very enjoyable. The hotels were 5 star and we enjoyed them very much. We loved the buffets in the hotels as we got somewhat tired of the lazy susan type meals, but after all we were in China so we expected to enjoy lots of Chinese meals. You will get to sample Chinese food from different provinces so there are lots of variations. One regret was we didn't get a prescription from our doctor at home for traveler's diarreah which we did get. I would also suggest to pack a bottle of pink Pepto-bismol in your checked baggage. We had to go to the ship's doctor who doesn't speak English so our guide accompanied us and interpreted for us. The cost for the med's was $60 which is reimbursable because we did get insurance. They give you lots of pills and salt packets to keep from getting dehydrated. I checked out our HMO from the ship's computer and that is what the World Health Org. recommendeds too. The only negative regarding the ship was the dining room had very poor acoustics so it was difficult to have a conversation with anyone sitting across the table. Also, we found the dining room to be too warm each evening. The staff were wonderful. Our guide for the trip was Francis and he was terrific. Dress was casual during the days and smart casual for evening. The only nights which were somewhat dressy were the Welcome Captain's dinner and the farewell dinner, but many people didn't dress up. We packed lightly and didn't regret it because of the weight limitations and having to move to new locations at the beginning and end of the cruise. There was quite a bit of walking on the excursion to Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City (around 5 miles, but not all at once) and also numerous stairs throughout the trip. So bring comfortable shoes. We both came down with colds as soon as we arrived home because so many people were coughing and sneezing on the long flight home, it was inevitable. Anyway, I would say this was one of the best trips ever in spite of getting sick. One other item: we had several couples in our group that did nothing but complain the whole time. Attitude is everything on this kind of trip and most of the group was terrific. If you have any issues, your guide will do his/her utmost to take wonderful care of you. Being a whiner is a pain for everyone. Enjoy your trip!


Dear mrcygrl,


We are happy to hear that you enjoyed your visit to China! You offered helpful and insightful information regarding your experience aboard Viking Emerald. Please contact us directly at TellUs@vikingrivercruises.com if you would like to discuss your concerns in greater detail. We look forward to hearing from you!




Viking River Cruises

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Dear mrcygrl,


We are happy to hear that you enjoyed your visit to China! You offered helpful and insightful information regarding your experience aboard Viking Emerald. Please contact us directly at TellUs@vikingrivercruises.com if you would like to discuss your concerns in greater detail. We look forward to hearing from you!




Viking River Cruises


Hello to Viking River Cruises!

I'm impressed that you are following the Cruise Critic's and their forums! Many companies do not have the time nor do they care!..... Kudos:cool:

My husband and I have travelled to MANY far and beautiful destinations in the world. But one thing I do remember from our last river/land cruise (from your competitor) was the lack of information on staying healthy! Not that the cruise ships do not have their problems with the "Norovirous"! As it was explained to me by my doctor in the U.S. ... "We are all like newborns when we travel to a foreign country"! The intestinal bacteria of "Traveler's Diarreah" can definitely set you back! This is JUST a suggestion about "Traveler's Diarreah", having information on your website, or packages that you send out BEFORE we get there on what to do! This is not something you take lightly.....My husband and I saw what can happen when not informed!


p.s. Do your colleagues in China have a recommedation on what antibiotic/drug we should take for the Chinese Emperor's revenge!

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Thanks for the review. We took this trip on Viking Century Star in 2005 and your review brought back memories of the great time we had. Regarding the water situation, we were warned by Viking reps not to buy bottled water on the street as vendors will take empty bottles and fill them and put cap back on and sell them as if they are truly bottled water. I'm sure this happens elsewhere too.

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Thanks for the review. We took this trip on Viking Century Star in 2005 and your review brought back memories of the great time we had. Regarding the water situation, we were warned by Viking reps not to buy bottled water on the street as vendors will take empty bottles and fill them and put cap back on and sell them as if they are truly bottled water. I'm sure this happens elsewhere too.


Yes, we had the same situation not just in Egypt, but in South East Asia! Do not buy bottle water from the street vendors!!!....Also, another situation that is worth mentioning that happen to us at the "Summer Palace" in Beijing. A women was selling silk purses CHEAP, I think they where about $1.50 USD a piece, so I bought 4 silk purses for gifts. When my husband ask for the change back, the women started yelling and then ran away!!!:( So the moral of this story is have the correct change, or better yet, have your tour director help you negotiate! Fortuately, we didn't lose that much money, maybe $5.00 USD total! But still it was another lesson learned!!!:o

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Hi mrcygrl, thanks once again for the great information. I've been so excited but actually getting information from a recent traveler just makes it all the more exciting! We picked up our visas from the Chinese Consulate last week and the information packet from Viking is on the way and scheduled to arrive Friday. If you don't mind....how many children were in the class?


It appears the weather is warming up a bit and while nice weather is a premium we don't care what it's like, there's nothing one can do about weather so just go along and enjoy the trip.



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Susan, we had 58 children in our second grade class. There is a large plastic bin before one enters the school and the supplies are placed in there. There is also a very large clear plastic box where currency (of any kind) can be placed.


Speaking of VISAs, we left from Chicago and each and every passenger had to get in line and have their VISAs looked at and a stamp put on the boarding pass that the VISA was valid. We sat in the gate area for quite some time before we realized that this needed to be done, therefor the line for the stamp was very long.

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We started in Beijing and had one free day there before starting any excursions. It was wonderful because we were exhausted after the long trip and we had a friend who lived in Beijing and was able to show us around the first afternoon. We were very careful about using only bottled water, even for teeth brushing and washing hands and we still got the TD but so did others. We didn't think to bring anything for the kids at the school visit but I would have brought something easy to pack. They put on quite a show for us and then we visited their classroom and they each try to capture one of us for their very own and let us sit in their desk. They show you their workbooks and try out a bit of English. They were darling. We were told by our guide on the drive to the school they we would be singing 3 songs for them and we had to come up with something we all knew. We sang "You are my sunshine and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and a couple from Israel sang a song too. It was really fun and was one of the highlights of our trip. It's hard to say what was the most impressive part because it was all fantastic. The trip through the gorge was really amazing as was the Forbidden City, Terracotta Soldiers and Great Wall. We stayed at the Ritz Carlton in Beijing and the Kaminski in Xian; then the last hotel was the Westin in Shanghai. All the hotels were fantastic with fabulous buffets. My favorite was the Shanghai Westin. Another thing I thought you should know is that on the ship they have several professionals making georgeous silk jackets, PJ's or blouses. They are all custom made and the jackets are made from beautiful silks and lined in silk and custom fit for each person. They have several different styles. The cost is approx. $120 US and really a bargain when you consider the materials and workmanship involved. It's hard to believe they could knock out so many in such a small area in such a short time. I would suggest shopping at the beginning of the trip for the best choice of fabrics. There is another opportunity to purchase silk comforters, scarves, or jackets when you tour the silk factory and the prices were about the same but off the rack, not custom fit. You could also purchase silk-looking jackets off the street vendors for about $12. They looked pretty good but they weren't silk and the material wouldn't hold up the same, but for something you only wear occasionally they weren't bad. The ship also had a jewelry shop where they made custom made jewelry from pearls and assorted gemstones. Prices varied on quality and size. If you think of anything else, I'll try to answer. Peggy

We were on the same cruise, same group and I agree with all Mrcygrl says. I never got sick, but my husband got bacterial gastroenteritis the third day with chills, fever etc. and it took a few days for him to recover. He had taken cipro which helped. I never used the cabin water even on my hands, but used the Purell etc. Be prepared for a lot of squat toilets. Often there was one regular toilet, but always a long line.

Our guide, Francis, was excellent, well organized, informative and patient with the complainers.

I took pens, alphabet stickers, a puzzle and a simple English book for the children at the school, but most people were not aware to do this and you have to be careful about weight in your luggage.

Definitely be prepared for much heat and humidity in July and August - check the weather history on one of the weather websites.

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Going on the Emerald April 22, 2011. Anyone else on this trip? Been

reading the posts and a little worried about getting stomach problem..

Dr. gave us Chipro. Someone said that would not work??? Why???

Also anyone heard about the radiation problem? Thanks in advance.

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We go to a travel medicine clinic before an exotic trip. Our travel doctor recommended Dukerol -- it was prescription when we did Asia in 2005 but it now is a behind the counter drug with no prescription needed. It's taken as a precaution BEFORE travel and we attribute our safety to it and cautious eating. On subsequent trips only one dose is required as a booster.


We do bring along Imodium and Metamusel and have had to use it. And we carry prescriptions just in case -- each of which gets returned for disposal in a couple of years travelling.


I buy a supply of dollar store tooth brushes -- though in Asia our hotels provided ones which tended to shed -- so they can be disposed of frequently. We rinse one to be reused in Listerine. (The Listerine bottle has shown up on an airport xray in our checked luggage and mistaken for a whiskey bottle. In Cairo a dollar bribe solved the problem) As an aside I also pack a bundle of dollar store face clothes as we both like to use one and they're often not available.


Watermelon seemed to be the dessert of choice for our land travels in China and while we ate it, some in our group wouldn't, fearing ground water polution. But we were game to try anything cooked, often unsure of what we were eating.


And we are seniors but in generally good health.

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It's so interesting to hear all the comments about the food and illnesses in China. I haven't been back there for many years, but was among the first American tourists way back in 1982. Things have really changed since then. In fact they changed dramatically between that trip and my second in 1985.


On that first trip we didn't have anyone in the group get sick. We did have a couple of the people refuse to eat some of the food, especially when our guide "suggested" that we were better off not knowing what we were eating.


Just so you know, there were no cars, no hotels, and very few Chinese had seen an American except on television or in the movies. The streets were filled with bicycles, buses, and military vehicles. We stayed at State Guest Houses... and the drink of choice was orange soda, other than the very strong clear liquor. (I think they called it Maotai).


My most vivid memory was that they were curious and always smiling. Unlike Japan which was so formal and where personal space was respected, the Chinese people we met loved to touch. Even back in 1982, most of the people spoke some English and were eager to practice with us. In some ways it reminded me of the dialogues we learned in school. Many used the same phrases wherever we were throughout the country.


I know I need to go back to visit because it has been such a long time since I have been there. I still consider that first trip to China the best trip I ever took.

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So far, from what I have heard from the other passengers, there has only been one person who was quite sick with diarrhea and vomiting. She did go to the doctor. A few pwoplw felt a little queesey (sp???), but nothing serious. There are lots of people who are developing colds.


The weather has been cool and rainy, the inside of the boat is warm, so there is quite a temperature difference when going from inside to outside, so maybe people are catching colds from that ???

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Going on the Emerald April 22, 2011. Anyone else on this trip? Been

reading the posts and a little worried about getting stomach problem..

Dr. gave us Chipro. Someone said that would not work??? Why???

Also anyone heard about the radiation problem? Thanks in advance.


Southgrl: Welcome to the group going on the 4/22//11 Emerald journey. Visit the Viking China River Cruise thread which is quite extensive.

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Just a few things about traveler's tummy. Sometimes I think that I am trying to become the medical specialist in that subject.


Our travel doctor advised us to take cipro -- a broad spectrum antibiotic and a seperate antidirrhea medicine. Pepto Bismal tablet daily is not a bad idea as a preventative. Liquid PB works better than tablet. Carry your own supply as not available some places -- like Australia:eek: The travel specialist also gave us rehydration salts in small packets that are easy to carry and not so bad tasting as salt water. Also suppositories for those bad times when just can not tolerate anything on stomach.


BOTTLED WATER: The Dr. says: Only buy bottled water from "European/American" style places (Hotels, 7/11, etc) and try to buy brands you recognize (Fiji water, Danzion, Dannon, Nestles etc) and where there are lots of bottles of the same brand. Pay extra for "foreign" water from these sources. You are trying to avoid the common practice of the water bottles that are filled from local sources using bottles recycled from trash etc. Western tummies just can not deal with a local water and food -- we have not the immunity:eek: To avoid nights with the White Throne Room eat only food/drink made for Western tummies (tourist places/boat etc). Do not eat street food no matter how much you love to sample local. I even carry my snacks from home in packages. I love new things TUMMY does not. Tummy rules!!!!

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Thanks to all for passing along such great information regarding foods, water, general health info. H20tstr, again, thanks for your reply, sounds like you're enjoying the trip. I think it would be better to just make a cash donation to the school rather than bringing supplies from home. new beginner, what helpful hints regarding the toothbrushes and listerine.


Only 25 days until we leave.


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When my DH and I went to Egypt and Jordan last year, we started taking pro-biotics (acidolphilus) capsules with every meal several weeks before we went. While we were on the tour we took one capsule with each meal. I also chewed a pepto-bismol tablet with every meal which I heard was an old remedy they told the kids who were serving in the Peace Corps in the 60's. We were practically the only people who didn't have tummy distress.


Don't have any drinks with ice either unless your hotel says they used their own bottled water to make the ice cubes.



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