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Capnpugwash is finishing his season of crossings July 20 2011


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We are on the Oceana visiting Guernsey, Brest, La Rochelle, Bilbao & La Coruna. We are taking my stepsons (15 & 19) on their first ever cruise. I hope I"m not starting an expensive habit!


I suspect you might be! Earlier this month I led a group of 26 pupils and their parents on a cultural tour to the UK and Mediterranean from South Africa. We enjoyed a fantastic seven day cruise aboard the "Liberty of the Seas". Without exception everyone wants to go again next year!

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Update No 29


As advertised Hamlet lasted precisely 65 minutes and the 6 actors managed to tell the story in an uncomplicated way that got the main points across. It is quite a heavy play and really doesn’t do much to lift your spirits.


Tonight is the third formal evening and it is also the CWC Gold, Platinum and Diamond exclusive cocktail party, there will probably be 900 people there so I am not convinced about using the word exclusive. As has become my habit I am not going to go, I really dislike such crowded events although I know that lots of people think that they are great and wouldn’t miss them for the world.


We lose the fourth of five hours tonight which only serves to remind me that there are only two and a half days left. The last hour is adjusted tomorrow night which leaves the last evening totally unencumbered.


The temperature is 68/20 degrees and force 3 breeze still comes from the north west, humidity is reduced to 84% and the sea is still slight. Our speed is 21 knots and we have an overcast sky but the decks are nice and dry.


The evening went pretty much as normal, our table was hosted by a nurse called Bettina, and she is German and now lives in Windhoek in Namibia. She was absolutely lovely and is leaving Cunard to marry in November.


After dinner I went to G32 which was absolutely packed and great fun. I stayed for an hour or so and then sanity was restored and I headed back to my cabin.


Today is Monday August 1 2011 and our smooth journey continues, it is 8am and we have 960 nautical miles left to Southampton and 45 hours in which to complete them. The temperature is 61/16 degrees and the force 3 is still present. We are making 21 knots.


More later.

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Update No 29


Tonight is the third formal evening and it is also the CWC Gold, Platinum and Diamond exclusive cocktail party, there will probably be 900 people there so I am not convinced about using the word exclusive. As has become my habit I am not going to go, I really dislike such crowded events although I know that lots of people think that they are great and wouldn’t miss them for the world.



Hi Cap'n


Interestingly, on QV last month, the CWC party was spilt into Grills (in Hemispheres) and Britannia (in the Queens Room). I don't think that there were more than 90 in the former.


I was told that they had 1400 Red or Silver "guests" on board.


On our outing on QM2 in May, they had 1800 Red/Silver pax.


There was no Sen Officer's Party on QM2, but there was on QV and it was held in the Winter Garden. Again, probably less than 100 attended.


The downside is, that in a few years 90% of the "guests" will attend these events.



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While on the repositioning TA of the Queen Victoria this past Spring we had the real thing happen at Midnight as we were sitting in the Commodore Club. It was quite scary really, especially when the officer on the bridge, not Captain Rynd, as he was then, announced the emergency in a most quivering voice. It was amazing to see how quickly the crew reacted, but not so amazing, and a little bit scary, returning to the cabin and seeing the crew in the passages all with life vests on. One very funny thing, though, was the fact that as the waiters in the Commodore Club were rushing around shutting down everything, they still managed to make a full sweep of the Club, picking up all the drinks bills before departing. Well trained apparently. If the ship were going down, Cunard would still be kept afloat with drinks bills well and truly paid for. Also funny were the different reactions of my partner and I.


Having returned to the stateroom determined to change out of our formal wear in case we had to abandon ship, I was thinking of collecting our vitals as instructed--medications, passports, etc whilst he, on the other hand, was determined to save our black coral studs and cufflinks we had paid a small fortune for on our trip to Alaska. Needless to say we were quite relieved that the emergency was quickly ended once the assessment party found that there was no problem other than that the wind had blown smoke down the funnel setting off an alarm. Still, a truly memorable event. Also memorable was the parting statement from the Club's piano player, whose name escapes me at the moment. As he got on the lift (we walked down), he said "I'll see you tomorrow night--If we're still here."


Yes it was quite scary, I think due to the quivering tone of the poor officer who had to make the announcment, it's the first time I've ever experienced anything like this. I was with a group of friends who had only just arrived into the Commodore and hadn't even manged to take a first drink from the bottle of wine we had just ordered. Athough it was very alarming we did see the funny side with the bar crew rushing around to pick up the black wallets, one even offered me a pen to sign my bill very quickly.


As we had just ordered a bottle of wine we thought we would pour ourselves a quick drink before heading back to the cabin,we were just about to leave when, thank goodnes Capt Rynd soon made the announcement that all was under control.


You should have returned back to the Commodore, we all ended up with complimentry drinks with the Hotel Manager David Hamilton & Keith Maynard.... it ended up quite a party ;) .... but without a piano player ( whose name I think was Paul Madden)


Bell Boy.

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Yes it was quite scary, I think due to the quivering tone of the poor officer who had to make the announcment, it's the first time I've ever experienced anything like this. I was with a group of friends who had only just arrived into the Commodore and hadn't even manged to take a first drink from the bottle of wine we had just ordered. Athough it was very alarming we did see the funny side with the bar crew rushing around to pick up the black wallets, one even offered me a pen to sign my bill very quickly.


As we had just ordered a bottle of wine we thought we would pour ourselves a quick drink before heading back to the cabin,we were just about to leave when, thank goodnes Capt Rynd soon made the announcement that all was under control.


You should have returned back to the Commodore, we all ended up with complimentry drinks with the Hotel Manager David Hamilton & Keith Maynard.... it ended up quite a party ;) .... but without a piano player ( whose name I think was Paul Madden)


Bell Boy.


Thank you for the memories. And yes, now that you mention it, it was Paul Madden, brought back from retirement for a spell. I even think that I remember you and your party--at least if you were the ones sitting left of the bar, starbord side of the ship, as you face it.

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BigMike Silver "guests" (what is the inference) are not entitled to go to the world club cocktail party wheras Gold "guests" are after having completed 2 voyages. So for a Gold member this this is their 3rd voyage and obviously most look forward to this cocktail party, its a good idea and i wouldnt begrudge an extra party for relatively new Cunarders.

Long serving passengers should have their more exclusive "do" which normaly is the senior officers cocktail party.

If 2000 passengers are gold and above then this must be good for the brand and the future of Cunard.


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Well, maybe you charge your guests to visit, I don't.


I think of myself more as a paying passenger.


Of course everyone entitled should attend. My point was that in years to come, it's going to get extremely busy at this rate. The Cap'n was reluctant to attend at the present levels. That's all.

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If 2000 passengers are gold and above then this must be good for the brand and the future of Cunard.



I agree, this is a positive result for Cunard. Brand loyalty and repeat customers are things that any business would want.


It would be a shame if the officers declined to attend these events simply because there are too many people. But it wouldn't be earth-shattering. The enjoyment of a cruise depends more on the food, and your fellow passengers, than it does on the appearance of an officer during a social gathering.


But then again, it's good PR. So the officers should simply 'suck it up' and get on with the meet and greets.

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Update No 30


The day is so cool and dull, the temperature has reduced to 59/15 and the wind whilst low is certainly adding some chill to it. Very unpleasant.


I spent some time in the spa after breakfast and came out about 10am, the weather was still grim with spits of rain in the air and it has remained like that for most of the day. It is now 6.45 and I am getting dressed for dinner, there is really something quite nice about doing this, obviously very reminiscent of the grand old days in society and it really is no big deal, a shirt is a shirt, a tie is a tie and a suit is a suit. Whether you are putting on a dinner jacket, a blazer or a suit makes no real difference. I am not suggesting that I will start dressing each evening at home but it really does make me feel special and everyone who makes the effort looks so smart.


Tonight is the final formal evening, the final hour adjustment and the Royal Ascot Ball, I imagine that the usual hats will make a brief appearance during the evening. It is also the cocktail party hosted by the senior officers on board, it is normally a much more sedate do than the others with significantly smaller attendee numbers.


I did go along for half an hour and then went to the pub for a sit down. Dinner was very nice and the table host was Sharon who is the senior nurse. She is very nice and is leaving soon to rotate to a P&O ship.


G32 was buzzing tonight and I left there quite late and of course it is even later with the hour difference but it is only an hour and we were having a lot of fun.


The decks are dry and we are making 21 knots, the sea is slight and the temperature is 56/14 degrees. We have a gentle force 3 south westerly breeze. We only have 527 nautical miles to run and 25 hours to complete them.


More later

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Update No 31


Today is Tuesday August 2 2011 and this is the final day in the final leg of my odyssey on the QM2. The weather continues unchanged with boringly slight seas through which we only have about 355 nautical miles remaining. The temperature is 61/16 degrees and we have low humidity but the sun is totally hidden by cloud.


The noon announcement has been made and our position is 19 miles south of Fastnet Rock and 125 miles west of Bishop Rock lighthouse, this is traditionally where the transatlantic crossings competing for the Blue Riband speed award commenced back in the last century.


We are due to arrive at around 6.30am tomorrow morning so having returned from the spa, I now have the fun of packing my case. I had intended going to the pub today for the normal Dixieland Jazz which is held on the last sea day but it isn’t on today so I will have to rethink my plans. Frankly I don’t feel like doing too much so I may just do that.


You will be aware that since May 10 I have been almost constantly on board this ship, well to be more precise I have done 56 days out of 79 and truthfully I am ready to go home for a while. It has been tremendous fun and a very nice experience as usual. I have been fortunate to encounter some wonderful people on board and travelling with them has been a real pleasure. Of course there have been a few bumps in the road but I prefer to ignore those people and look positively at the whole experience.


I hope that I have not been too repetitive in my postings; it is quite difficult some times to repeat the same or similar actions without doing just that. As usual I hope that you have enjoyed accompanying me back and forth across the ocean, I certainly have enjoyed doing it. Thank you all for your support and all that goes with that. I will certainly miss being on board after tomorrow morning but life does have to go on. Maybe the question to ask is would I do it all again for another 8 weeks? The answer has to be a resounding yes, in a heartbeat.


This will be my final post on this epic series of crossings as very little happens on this last day of the trip. Once again I thank you all.



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Cap'n thank you for all your postings. We are on the 5 night voyage in October that you are also taking, our first with Cunard, so it is great to hear all about travelling with Cunard. We are on Queen Elizabeth not the QM2 but your detailed postings do give us a taste of what we can expect. We are really looking forward to our first voyage.



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Capn - I see that you're booked on a Celebrity cruise to Norway and Iceland next year. We're thinking of doing this at some point, having done Norway on QM2 this year and would like to go back to include Iceland as well which Cunard don't appear to do.


Have you been on the Celebrity ship before and what sort of difference might there be to QM2 do you have a view?

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It is now 6.45 and I am getting dressed for dinner, there is really something quite nice about doing this, obviously very reminiscent of the grand old days in society and it really is no big deal, a shirt is a shirt, a tie is a tie and a suit is a suit. Whether you are putting on a dinner jacket, a blazer or a suit makes no real difference. I am not suggesting that I will start dressing each evening at home but it really does make me feel special and everyone who makes the effort looks so smart.


Well said, Capn.

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Thank you for the memories. And yes, now that you mention it, it was Paul Madden, brought back from retirement for a spell. I even think that I remember you and your party--at least if you were the ones sitting left of the bar, starbord side of the ship, as you face it.


Yes that was us.... partying as usual.. we got into the habit of buying wine by the bottle rather than by the glass ;).....We'd been on since LA, I don't know how we kept up.



Bell Boy

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Capn - I see that you're booked on a Celebrity cruise to Norway and Iceland next year. We're thinking of doing this at some point, having done Norway on QM2 this year and would like to go back to include Iceland as well which Cunard don't appear to do.


Have you been on the Celebrity ship before and what sort of difference might there be to QM2 do you have a view?


No it will be our first time and hjave no preconceptions, but we are looking forward to it

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Thank you so much for your daily postings over these past many weeks. I have thoroughly enjoyed them, and am quite envious of your many trips on QM2. I am looking forward to my first B2T TA starting August 22, and reading your adventures has only made me more eager for that day to arrive.


Have a safe journey home.


Best regards,


Jane :)

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Reading your daily reports from the QM2 prompted me to book a crossing this fall. Cunard must surely be indebted to you for a considerable number of such bookings.


Having sailed previously on the QM2, I know what a delightful week we have ahead. Thank you for inspiring us to skip the jet lag, and sail to Europe a week earlier.


Reading your musings is a delight. Many thanks for sharing your adventures.

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Update No 31




I hope that I have not been too repetitive in my postings; it is quite difficult some times to repeat the same or similar actions without doing just that. As usual I hope that you have enjoyed accompanying me back and forth across the ocean, I certainly have enjoyed doing it. Thank you all for your support and all that goes with that. I will certainly miss being on board after tomorrow morning but life does have to go on. Maybe the question to ask is would I do it all again for another 8 weeks? The answer has to be a resounding yes, in a heartbeat.


This will be my final post on this epic series of crossings as very little happens on this last day of the trip. Once again I thank you all.




One more point/question. I was very glad to hear that you would do it again as to me it sounded very special to do some many TAs. I'd be very curious to get your overall views of this series of trips. What did you like overall, what didn't you like? Would you have preferred more variety in destinations or even ship if it were possible?


Perhaps after you've returned to land you can write up some of these thoughts for us. Thanks again.

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Hear, hear! I, too, thank you for sharing your daily experiences, Cap'n.


You are quite the wordsmith and possess so much interesting and useful knowledge about crossing on the Queen Mary 2. It would be a lot of fun to sail with you! Unfortunately, I am only now discovering that fact. :( As it turns out, we were actually onboard with you for the westbound crossing, but I hadn't done any pre-trip research (odd for me, but it was a last-minute booking); thus, I didn't discover you until I was back home hitting the Cunard forum in an effort to ease the pangs of withdrawal. ;) As we found our fellow passengers to be one of the best parts of the QM2 experience, I will be sure to come here before we embark the next time to see who else will be on board, and perhaps I will be lucky enough to knowingly sail with you again one day.


Best wishes on your return home.

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Update No 30


.... It is now 6.45 and I am getting dressed for dinner, there is really something quite nice about doing this, obviously very reminiscent of the grand old days in society and it really is no big deal, a shirt is a shirt, a tie is a tie and a suit is a suit. Whether you are putting on a dinner jacket, a blazer or a suit makes no real difference. I am not suggesting that I will start dressing each evening at home but it really does make me feel special and everyone who makes the effort looks so smart.




I agree wholeheartedly. There are some men who think that a DJ takes up more space in one's luggage than a suit does. I have a friend who cruises annually on Holland America and he has often said to me that he is taking only a business suit because of the luggage restrictions in flying one way between Canada and Europe. I finally persuaded him to leave the suit at home and take his formal wear and he was glad he did because all of the other gents at their table had done so.


Thanks capn for taking the time to give us the interesting postings. I see you are back on board the QM2 on Nov. 10th. I wish I could be there.

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