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Disgusted with RCL and Rhapsody Cabin changes!

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I can assure you. I am an adult, and will conduct myself as such. It will do absolutely no good to take out my frustrations on the crew, who had nothing to do with this mess. The crew will still be tipped, and shown the appreciation that they deserve.


I will also not willingly create problems for the passengers that took my cabin. Am I upset that they refused to accept that a mistake had been made, and willingly correct that mistake ? Yes. I am upset, and frustrated, and flat out mad as he**. But creating problems that will only embarrass my wife, and anyone within earshot, not to mention myself, will not accomplish anything.

It will only bolster RCI's stance that they were right, and THEY were the victim. I won't give them the satisfaction.


I have accepted the fact that RCI simply doesn't care. They don't care if I return to sail with them again, they don't care if I sail with the competition. They flat out don't care. That's sad, but so very true.


Even with this situation...Spoken like a true gentleman.

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I can assure you. I am an adult, and will conduct myself as such. It will do absolutely no good to take out my frustrations on the crew, who had nothing to do with this mess. The crew will still be tipped, and shown the appreciation that they deserve.


I will also not willingly create problems for the passengers that took my cabin. Am I upset that they refused to accept that a mistake had been made, and willingly correct that mistake ? Yes. I am upset, and frustrated, and flat out mad as he**. But creating problems that will only embarrass my wife, and anyone within earshot, not to mention myself, will not accomplish anything.

It will only bolster RCI's stance that they were right, and THEY were the victim. I won't give them the satisfaction.


I have accepted the fact that RCI simply doesn't care. They don't care if I return to sail with them again, they don't care if I sail with the competition. They flat out don't care. That's sad, but so very true.

Remember, too, that you can't even be sure if RCI contacted the people who have your cabin. Considering how much effort RCI is not putting into this situation, I wouldn't be surprised if they had put no effort into it at all and that includes even contacting the people who got your cabin.

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Like everyone else on here I feel the op should get back his cabin that he booked, if they changed his cabin then they should change him back to his orginal cabin that he paid for that would be the right thing to do..But it has been my experience with RCL corp that they just do stupid things without much thought and kick themselves in the rear then come back after everyone on here complains enough and say we heard you which is way past that point all ready.


I am amazed that they have remained silent I am amazed that they have not done the right thing and I am amazed that they have pist off so many people on here.


I think the OP has been great and civil not sure I could be as nice as he has been. I thought Puerto Rico Nightmare was pretty bad this is in the same catergory of a public relations nightmare that did not have to go this far. I firmly believe RCL Corp has lost touch on who their customers are or they just do not care either one is very disappointing.

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If I had gone online and booked an aft cabin that was available, then was called and told no it was a mistake, I would move. Mistakes happen. I would not be happy, but I would also not be comfortable in that cabin knowing that it truly bebonged to someone else.


They should upgrade one of the parties to a WONDERFUL cabin to make this less painful for all.


A small OBC of 200-300 is just not enough.


Sweeten the pot RCCL.

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I can assure you. I am an adult, and will conduct myself as such. It will do absolutely no good to take out my frustrations on the crew, who had nothing to do with this mess. The crew will still be tipped, and shown the appreciation that they deserve.


I will also not willingly create problems for the passengers that took my cabin. Am I upset that they refused to accept that a mistake had been made, and willingly correct that mistake ? Yes. I am upset, and frustrated, and flat out mad as he**. But creating problems that will only embarrass my wife, and anyone within earshot, not to mention myself, will not accomplish anything.

It will only bolster RCI's stance that they were right, and THEY were the victim. I won't give them the satisfaction.


I have accepted the fact that RCI simply doesn't care. They don't care if I return to sail with them again, they don't care if I sail with the competition. They flat out don't care. That's sad, but so very true.


The ones that I think will be raising the stink on the ships are the passengers who find out once onboard their rooms have been moved without telling them. I suspect they will make their feelings known at the passenger services desk (and rightfully so). I certainly would never advocate treating the crew or other passengers badly for something they have no control over.


It is ashame that you have given up on RCL but under the circumstances, I certainly understand. As much as I've enjoyed my cruise with them, I do not wish to book another cruise with them until they have a serious change in their handling of customer service issues.


What comes to mind here is the age-old story of the Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Even the Grinch finally realized how heartless his actions were and made everything right again. The execs at RCL should take a lesson from the Grinch himself. It is not too late for them to undo the damage they have done.

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Just checking back to see what has transpired since I last visited this site. Apparently, nothing by RCI.


Has this thread been reported to those on other cruise line threads here at CC and other internet travel site chat rooms? I would assume the facts about this mistake will only confirm a lot of preconceived negatives among those cruisers and become a real income and profit hit for RCI in the future.


I can't believe that RCI executives believe they will ever get at that potential business if this is not resolved fairly and quickly.


I bet X customers who book JS and above regularly are more upset about this situation than those who are more infrequent, casual cruisers in lower value cabins. They now have reason to fear their bookings might take a similar mis-course direction?


Why set up a situation of distrust among passengers of all RCI cruise ship lines? Find a solution that provides added value to all those that are effected and apologize for the mistake. Stonewalling will just make matters worse.


From the sound of things here, many are beginning to wait before booking on other ships set for refurbishment till they see how this is resolved. Good luck to those still in limbo.

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Just checking back to see what has transpired since I last visited this site. Apparently, nothing by RCI.


Has this thread been reported to those on other cruise line threads here at CC and other internet travel site chat rooms? I would assume the facts about this mistake will only confirm a lot of preconceived negatives among those cruisers and become a real income and profit hit for RCI in the future.


I can't believe that RCI executives believe they will ever get at that potential business if this is not resolved fairly and quickly.


I bet X customers who book JS and above regularly are more upset about this situation than those who are more infrequent, casual cruisers in lower value cabins. They now have reason to fear their bookings might take a similar mis-course direction?


Why set up a situation of distrust among passengers of all RCI cruise ship lines? Find a solution that provides added value to all those that are effected and apologize for the mistake. Stonewalling will just make matters worse.


From the sound of things here, many are beginning to wait before booking on other ships set for refurbishment till they see how this is resolved. Good luck to those still in limbo.


If you go back to post 361 you will see the CC News link and Facebook link.

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I've been following this since the first thread and am disgusted that Royal has let it get this far. I currently have 2 cruises booked next summer - one on NCL and one on Royal, for the SAME day. I booked great cabins in both, planning to cancel one of them... You better believe that my loyalty towards Royal is pretty weak right now in light of their inability to reciprocate that loyalty to their customers... Royal - are you listening? You WILL lose many current and potential customers over this. I am even one that many would call a cheerleader, but you don't have a leg to stand on here - do the right thing!

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I am shocked by RCI's arrogance in this matter, and that they cant treat their customers a little more fairly and equitably based on RCI's own admitted mistake.


Was onsidering giving RCI a go recently but I will never cruise with these incompetants

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I've been following this situation closely and just wanted to throw my 2 cents in.


I feel for the passengers that got booted from their rooms. The situation has been terribly handled by RCI and I'm seriously contemplating cancelling my 2 cruises at the end of the year so my support is with you guys.


This next statement is for both the people following and for the people who lost their rooms to comment on and/or discuss:

If you decide to keep the new room and go ahead and go on the cruise, do you think there will be issues on the boat between the booted guests and the new occupants? I know most of us would probably say no but I just am hopeful that those who decide to take the cruise can somehow let the situation go while you are on the ship. And by all means keep fighting when you get back if that is what you feel you should do. Is this a concern for anybody?





We will be going on the trip for a few reasons. First, our travel agent required final payment for our May 18 cruise just days before this nightmare began. Second, we are traveling with my father and sister whose cabin numbers were not moved... it would hardly be fair to them to drop out of the trip, thus distrupting their plans too. Third, we'd already paid for non-refundable airline tickets.


As far as our interactions with the people that got our corner aft... there will be none. We will likely see them from our new location, so we'll be well aware of them, but they will not know that we were the rightful "owners" of that location for the week. I'm going to do my best to enjoy this trip that we paid a lot of money for.


Our real issue isn't with the people who will be in that cabin. It's with Royal Caribbean. They have told us that their $200 "good will gesture" is all they can do for us as far as "correcting the problem". $200 OBC is not a correction, it's an insult. I say that since Royal Caribbean can change a passenger's cabin location at will, they should change the location of the party who they resold our cabin to, and give them $200 as a good will gesture. All we want is our corner aft back, and an apology. Royal Caribbean has 3 weeks to make this right for us. I'm not holding my breath.

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We will be going on the trip for a few reasons. First, our travel agent required final payment for our May 18 cruise just days before this nightmare began. Second, we are traveling with my father and sister whose cabin numbers were not moved... it would hardly be fair to them to drop out of the trip, thus distrupting their plans too. Third, we'd already paid for non-refundable airline tickets.


As far as our interactions with the people that got our corner aft... there will be none. We will likely see them from our new location, so we'll be well aware of them, but they will not know that we were the rightful "owners" of that location for the week. I'm going to do my best to enjoy this trip that we paid a lot of money for.


Our real issue isn't with the people who will be in that cabin. It's with Royal Caribbean. They have told us that their $200 "good will gesture" is all they can do for us as far as "correcting the problem". $200 OBC is not a correction, it's an insult. I say that since Royal Caribbean can change a passenger's cabin location at will, they should change the location of the party who they resold our cabin to, and give them $200 as a good will gesture. All we want is our corner aft back, and an apology. Royal Caribbean has 3 weeks to make this right for us. I'm not holding my breath.


The goodwill is all they can do because they are greedy and don't care about it's poor customer service reputation. They care about $$

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We will be going on the trip for a few reasons. First, our travel agent required final payment for our May 18 cruise just days before this nightmare began. Second, we are traveling with my father and sister whose cabin numbers were not moved... it would hardly be fair to them to drop out of the trip, thus distrupting their plans too. Third, we'd already paid for non-refundable airline tickets.


As far as our interactions with the people that got our corner aft... there will be none. We will likely see them from our new location, so we'll be well aware of them, but they will not know that we were the rightful "owners" of that location for the week. I'm going to do my best to enjoy this trip that we paid a lot of money for.


Our real issue isn't with the people who will be in that cabin. It's with Royal Caribbean. They have told us that their $200 "good will gesture" is all they can do for us as far as "correcting the problem". $200 OBC is not a correction, it's an insult. I say that since Royal Caribbean can change a passenger's cabin location at will, they should change the location of the party who they resold our cabin to, and give them $200 as a good will gesture. All we want is our corner aft back, and an apology. Royal Caribbean has 3 weeks to make this right for us. I'm not holding my breath.


I think everyone here agrees with you that the cabin belongs to you and it should be given back. The people who ended up with your room bear no blame in this situation, however RCL should have politely informed them of the huge mistake they made and moved them to another location (like the room you are currently in).


I do hope that in spite of everything, that you have a wonderful vacation, but we all feel your pain. I'm still holding out that RCL execs will come around and do the right thing.


I happen to be in the middle of a business class right now (and I should be studying instead of on here). Everything I've read tonight is about the value of retaining valued customers, So far, RCL has broken every cardinal rule on customer loyalty here


This is what I've been reading for my homework assignment tonight- it seems very fitting:

Businesses are just beginning to discover the true costs of poor customer relations. For instance:

Sixty-seven percent of customers who stop patronizing a particular store do so because an indifferent employee treated them poorly.

Ninety-six percent of dissatisfied customers never complain about rude or discourteous service, but

Ninety-one percent will not buy from the business again.

One hundred percent of those unhappy customers will tell their “horror stories” to at least 9 other people.

Thirteen percent of those unhappy customers will tell their stories to at least 20 other people


(Zimmerer. Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 5th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions p. 286).

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I wrote a letter ( hard copy) to RCCL tonight. I expressed my outrage that they allowed this to happen and refuse to make it right. I have nothing to gain. I have not been affected. Everyone that thinks this is wrong should let RCCL know.


I am just so over people not doing the right or fair thing without being forced to do so.


nuff said.




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I think everyone here agrees with you that the cabin belongs to you and it should be given back. The people who ended up with your room bear no blame in this situation, however RCL should have politely informed them of the huge mistake they made and moved them to another location (like the room you are currently in).


I do hope that in spite of everything, that you have a wonderful vacation, but we all feel your pain. I'm still holding out that RCL execs will come around and do the right thing.


I happen to be in the middle of a business class right now (and I should be studying instead of on here). Everything I've read tonight is about the value of retaining valued customers, So far, RCL has broken every cardinal rule on customer loyalty here


This is what I've been reading for my homework assignment tonight- it seems very fitting:

Businesses are just beginning to discover the true costs of poor customer relations. For instance:

Sixty-seven percent of customers who stop patronizing a particular store do so because an indifferent employee treated them poorly.

Ninety-six percent of dissatisfied customers never complain about rude or discourteous service, but

Ninety-one percent will not buy from the business again.

One hundred percent of those unhappy customers will tell their “horror stories” to at least 9 other people.

Thirteen percent of those unhappy customers will tell their stories to at least 20 other people


(Zimmerer. Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 5th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions p. 286).




I would complain if it is this situation but in a shop I NEVER go back and I will tell people to be aware of how they treat their customers.

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I wrote a letter ( hard copy) to RCCL tonight. I expressed my outrage that they allowed this to happen and refuse to make it right. I have nothing to gain. I have not been affected. Everyone that thinks this is wrong should let RCCL know.


I am just so over people not doing the right or fair thing without being forced to do so.


nuff said.





Well said........Connie!


I'm calling for his head, at the next board meeting. For my measly shares...I'm flying to the next board meeting.


How many people would be willing to give me their proxy to vote??



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Even though this is not my issue I really feel for those who lost their cabins they picked so I decide to email Richard Fain and I copied this thread. I have always found him to be reasonable and he has always replied back. I told him that it is a shame that RCL has remained silent about the issue on Splendor and not communicated back to their customers and remaining silent is causing so much ill feelings that someone in RCL needs to do something and I feel he needs to be the advocate here . .I am not sure if this will do anything at all but I really feel there is a wrong here that needs to be corrected and RCL has to stepped up and he needs to know how his customers are feeling...

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I found an very appealing itinerary and I am considering booking an Aft cabin. The Grandeur is going into dry dock next month do I have reason to be concerned or have RCI learned their lesson?




Well, if you don't book the aft cabin, somebody else will, so you may as well chance it unless you see another cruise on a ship that won't be having a similar refit. I imagine that they will add the same cabins that they did to Splendour and Rhapsody, so you will need to keep a very close eye on your booking because I wouldn't count on them learning a thing.


As I reflect on it, I seriously doubt that RCI was forthcoming to the people who booked the cabins after they'd already been booked. Remember that Island Lady was told, "we would like that cabin for somebody (Nancy) who has booked a B2B," not bothering to tell her that Nancy had booked the cabin months before IL had and they'd booted her out of it. So without lying, RCI concealed the truth, letting IL believe that she'd booked it first. Not surprisingly, she declined to move. I'd bet good money that they did the same thing in this instance.


So if RCI presented the situation to me that way, I wouldn't move. But if they told the truth and were willing to present some decent compensation (upgrade me or find me my dream cabin on another cruise, with full reimbursement of any travel change expenses, such as cruise cost and air travel), then I'd do it. But I don't think they should even give me a choice. Just take the cabin back, give it to the rightful owner and give me (as the second to book) something to keep me from thinking the worst of their shoreside operations.

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However I am sure that whilst most would be upset and mutter, deep down know that it was the right decision and probably think that they knew snagging one of those cabins at this late stage was too good to be true!


Right - and there are no chair hogs either.

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I can assure you. I am an adult, and will conduct myself as such. It will do absolutely no good to take out my frustrations on the crew, who had nothing to do with this mess. The crew will still be tipped, and shown the appreciation that they deserve.


I will also not willingly create problems for the passengers that took my cabin. Am I upset that they refused to accept that a mistake had been made, and willingly correct that mistake ? Yes. I am upset, and frustrated, and flat out mad as he**. But creating problems that will only embarrass my wife, and anyone within earshot, not to mention myself, will not accomplish anything.

It will only bolster RCI's stance that they were right, and THEY were the victim. I won't give them the satisfaction.


I have accepted the fact that RCI simply doesn't care. They don't care if I return to sail with them again, they don't care if I sail with the competition. They flat out don't care. That's sad, but so very true.


Bill I just saw this thread, I hope it all works out for you and Cindy, I would be so upset if this happened to me too, and you guys have a great attitude, I hope the cruise is still fantastic for both of you.

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I've been following this since the first thread and am disgusted that Royal has let it get this far. I currently have 2 cruises booked next summer - one on NCL and one on Royal, for the SAME day. I booked great cabins in both, planning to cancel one of them... You better believe that my loyalty towards Royal is pretty weak right now in light of their inability to reciprocate that loyalty to their customers... Royal - are you listening? You WILL lose many current and potential customers over this. I am even one that many would call a cheerleader, but you don't have a leg to stand on here - do the right thing!


This is not really an issue about RCI being loyal to its customers. It is an issue of RCI doing what is right by its customers. And doing right by your customers is just plain good business practice.

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This is not really an issue about RCI being loyal to its customers. It is an issue of RCI doing what is right by its customers And doing right by your customers is just plain good business practice. .



OB.........that just does not make sense, at the Worldwide Headquarters of Royal Caribbean, as, you see, by your own statement "And doing right by your customers is just plain good business practice."


They don't understand the meaning of those words. I have been saying this for sometime, Mr. Fain and his board need to replace the CEO with someone that is more customer oriented, as well as understanding the bottom line.


The Gentleman (and I use that term loosly) that presently holds that seat, has no experience in customer satisfaction. NONE!!!:rolleyes:



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I started this particular thread last week after finding out about the change in my cabin on our June15th Alaska cruise. I then saw the other posts and since then it has been my mission to try and get RCL to make this right for those who booked originally. Today my email to Mr. Goldstein and Mr. Fain was answered by an Exective Customer Relations Specialist. I talked to her directly and even she does not know why this all occured. But they are not willing to move the current ocupants who booked after us. I have written letters, made phone calls and now I am just plain worn out from trying to have the best vacation possible. I give up.


That's the whole plan, they are just waiting for all of us to just go away

and take it whatever it is.

This problem has not caused us any problem but I feel that the ones it has should be treated in a very fair and reasonable way. Even go out of RC's way to make you happy.

LOYALTY should work both ways but in the case of corporate greed it seems not to.

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