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John Heald's feelings toward TG/CD???


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Some of you may know that the Carnival brand ambassador is John Heald. I'm a little ticked today due to a joke he made in one of his facebook postings that seems to be a cut at the GLBT community. He insinuated that transgender/CD is inherently wrong and a crime. Sad that a line which makes a point of having a scheduled GLBT meeting allow someone who represents them to be so insensitive...*sigh* So tired of the intolerance.


In reference to his wife trying to let his MIL sit in his favorite chair:


"...What………no, no, no sodding no……that is one of the most important man rules…….. nobody sits in the chair but you! Having rumpy pumpy with another man’s wife is unacceptable, as is calling yourself Lucinda when you quite clearly have an Adams apple and a gentleman,s sausage but sitting in my chair is a far worse crime."

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Some of you may know that the Carnival brand ambassador is John Heald. I'm a little ticked today due to a joke he made in one of his facebook postings that seems to be a cut at the GLBT community. He insinuated that transgender/CD is inherently wrong and a crime. Sad that a line which makes a point of having a scheduled GLBT meeting allow someone who represents them to be so insensitive...*sigh* So tired of the intolerance.


In reference to his wife trying to let his MIL sit in his favorite chair:


"...What………no, no, no sodding no……that is one of the most important man rules…….. nobody sits in the chair but you! Having rumpy pumpy with another man’s wife is unacceptable, as is calling yourself Lucinda when you quite clearly have an Adams apple and a gentleman,s sausage but sitting in my chair is a far worse crime."


Stupid comment IMHO but I think you have to read "crime" in context here. :rolleyes:

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I don't know who this guy is, but I'm a bald, fat (used to be in great shape) gay comedian who is half crippled from 8 bad discs. I make jokes about everything. Yes, I'm careful not to insult people when doing comedy in front of an audience, but part of comedy is laughing at and finding humor in things that others may see as an issue. Part of it is to take the issue and make it a non issue. I remember once doing a show in NYC I was leaving the green room after a show and waiting for someone who was in the restroom, they shared a hallway. I had a bit about Sally Struthers being perfect for Richard Simmons as one of his lackeys because she's in need of work, she's fat and she cries (at the time she was doing "save the children" commercials). A morbidly obese woman looked at me like she wanted to kill me. Nevermind that I did bald jokes, jokes about being the only white guy in the Bronx, etc... I was the bad guy in her eyes for telling a joke about Sally effing Struthers because she was obese.

So everyone is entitled to their opinion, I don't know this guy and how he comes across to people, but I do know that most comedians just want to see or make someone smile and bring a little happiness into the world. If he is hateful of people to be hateful, that's another issue. I have noticed that in this day and age people tend to get insulted by everything. IMO the world is too politically correct and people need to take to heart what my mom taught me at an early age... sticks and stones etc...

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His jokes are about farts and poop and those jokes appeal to most of the demographic of Carnival.

I have to admit, I laugh too but look for more from my CD.


I see. As a cruise director, he should be tailoring what he says to not offend his potential customers, at least when he's posting stuff that gets into cruise related sites. That's different than standing up for the right to tell a good joke, which is really all I was saying. I did a few minutes at the meet n greet on the cruise we just finished, and knowing there would be children, I had to tone down the act a bit, get rid of all the curse words. A couple of the jokes were not as funny but that's what it takes sometimes. You have to keep your audience in mind. Offending someone in a comedy club, at least to me, is reasonably acceptable as long as you aren't attacking someone or something with malice. Sounds like this gentleman either has no filter or a faulty one.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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It's really about the callous disregard for anyone's lifestyle that deviates from the norm, particularly from a public figure who represents a company that *attempts* to cater to said demographic.


I doubt the majority would be ok with him making jokes about jews, the mentally disabled, or any other "acceptable" minority, but it remains ok to show disdain for members of the GLBT community, in jest or otherwise.


The ridiculous term "that's gay!" is still very popular in much of society. I wish people would think before they speak is all, especially when they speak for a living.

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I don't know who this guy is, but I'm a bald, fat (used to be in great shape) gay comedian who is half crippled from 8 bad discs. I make jokes about everything. Yes, I'm careful not to insult people when doing comedy in front of an audience, but part of comedy is laughing at and finding humor in things that others may see as an issue. Part of it is to take the issue and make it a non issue. I remember once doing a show in NYC I was leaving the green room after a show and waiting for someone who was in the restroom, they shared a hallway. I had a bit about Sally Struthers being perfect for Richard Simmons as one of his lackeys because she's in need of work, she's fat and she cries (at the time she was doing "save the children" commercials). A morbidly obese woman looked at me like she wanted to kill me. Nevermind that I did bald jokes, jokes about being the only white guy in the Bronx, etc... I was the bad guy in her eyes for telling a joke about Sally effing Struthers because she was obese.

So everyone is entitled to their opinion, I don't know this guy and how he comes across to people, but I do know that most comedians just want to see or make someone smile and bring a little happiness into the world. If he is hateful of people to be hateful, that's another issue. I have noticed that in this day and age people tend to get insulted by everything. IMO the world is too politically correct and people need to take to heart what my mom taught me at an early age... sticks and stones etc...


I would say most comedians just want to get a laugh, if they're making fun of people to do so, they're not really trying to bring "happiness" to the world, clearly the obese woman was not happy, eh? Entertainers are outgoing, they like attention, it's not really a "labor of love" is it? No offense, but, don't you like the attention more than anything?


That's all well and good, but have you ever had sticks and stones thrown at you because of who you choose to be with? Have you ever been asked to leave a public swimming pool for putting your arms around your partner? IMO this isn't about PC, it's not just people making jokes, people get killed, ostracized, lose jobs and family because of their lifestyle.

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Anyone who reads his blog knows that the only people he truly dislikes are the French. My partner and I had the pleasure of meeting John before and I read his blog occasionally (I like the cartoons). He even had sparkling wine and an Anniversary cake sent to our cabin when he found out were were celebrating 20 years together.


I don't know why he wrote the statement in the op's post. I don't think he meant it as hateful, but an off attempt at humor. Hell, he makes many comments about poor straight Calvyn breathing heavy at George Clooney movies and having an effiminate underwear drawer. Should straight people be up in arms over those statements? Below is the full excerpt from John's statment. I'll go back to my cartoons now.



"Good evening from the UK where the Heald family have had a day of rest and fun.


Kye and I had some quality time today at the lark as she went down the slide 32675 times followed by 2 ice crewms from a pace called Rossi on Southend Seafront, argubaly the best ice cream in the world and so much better then Hagen Arse and Baskin Bastards. Oh, it was 2 ice creams because aye dropped hers moments afte...r I had paid for it and the only way to stop the hysterical tears was to buy another.


Anyway, I was looking forward to an afternoon by the TV watching the Formula One race from Bahrain and some sacccccccer but there was a major problem.


You see, I was horrified to discover that Heidi had moved my “man space”…….…the only bit I have in the whole house……. my chair.


This is the most important thing in the house as far as I am concerned. It was placed in the perfect position to give me the best view of the television, nothing was blocking the view and if anything ever did I would kick it out of the way. That’s the law. If something is blocking your view of the TV you must kick it out of the way. Wives, pets, mother in laws and small children …..none shall escape the Heald boot……this is not that feng shui bollocks….. this is man shui.


Anyway, Heidi had moved my chair because she wanted to rearrange the furniture a bit before her Mum arrives because after I leave for the Carnival Breeze her Mum is coming to stay for a week or twelve and likes to sit in my Lazy Boy chair!


What………no, no, no sodding no……that is one of the most important man rules…….. nobody sits in the chair but you! Having rumpy pumpy with another man’s wife is unacceptable, as is calling yourself Lucinda when you quite clearly have an Adams apple and a gentleman,s sausage but sitting in my chair is a far worse crime.


Heidi had also committed another crime. Not only had she suggested that her Mother would be sitting in my chair but she had decorated it with ………and some of you may want to look away or have a bucket standing by in which to collect the vomit…….Heidi had decorated MY chair with cushions……………yes………………..fluffy cream coloured scatter cushions. Oh FFS!


This is my chair and I cannot sit there and deliver sermons and opinions on things I know bugger all about (bit like some who post here and on the cruise boards) from a sea of cushions….…..my chair looks as manly and butch as Calvyn's underwear drawer."

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Gee, another reason I'm not sorry I don't cruise Carnival...



Being in Costa Maya several years back we had our ship(QM2)a Celebrity ship & a Carnival ship. The Carnival people were half smashed, wearing really bad Hawaiian shirts. They all wound up at the shore side bar, wereas the rest of us went shopping & took in the sites of the area. Hotels still were not built. There was no local real permanant development. Everything was on "wheels". I'm sure it's changed in the 6 yearts since we were there last.

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This thread is priceless.


The OP was offended by a disparaging comment made by John Heald.


Rest of the thread is disparaging comments about the people who would sail on Carnival.


I didn't say a thing about people that cruise on Carnival. ;)

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Then I guess this means that dear John will NOT be on the Splendor when Atlantis has their Halloween cruise this year. Also I hear he doesn't like Europop music either.


You can count on that. At least you won't be subjected to his comments about his farts and hemorrhoids. Those are two of his favorite topics. Doesn't take much to amuse his fans.

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  • 1 month later...

The comment that he made in the blog was to me funny becuase I have followed the blog and met John on several occassions. I met John with my ex on our fifth anniversiary cruise and he made it a point to send something to our cabin for us.


How many of you talking down about the people that cruise on Carnival have ever been on a Carnival cruise?

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The comment that he made in the blog was to me funny becuase I have followed the blog and met John on several occassions. I met John with my ex on our fifth anniversiary cruise and he made it a point to send something to our cabin for us.


How many of you talking down about the people that cruise on Carnival have ever been on a Carnival cruise?


Do some of you make it a point to express negativity? I am amazed! First off I have sailed almost all the cruise lines and CHOOSE Carnival for 1- the FUN 2- the cost (I sail 2-3 times a year instead of once on another line) 3- the food is above the norm 4- staff is always great and 5- a good mix of cruisers.

Some of you have chosen to hate on Mr Heald or Carnival for the dumbest reasons. First off, why do you care who is CD (not crossdresser) on a ship... and why do you get so offended by a few comments from someone else? Unless you feel his motivation or intent is to SLAM or attack the LGBT community..which I can tell you is far from his intent. He has gone out of his way to support and assist gay & lesbian pax as long as I have sailed Carnival.

So.. you don't like Carnival.. fine that's your CHOICE. I haven't expressed why I "hate' certain other cruise lines....I just choose not to cruise with them!

DOC :cool:

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Fair enough but this guy isn't a comedian. He's a cruise director and one of the chief ambassador's of their line.



A Cruise Director is many things, and usually comedian is one of them. Some of the comedians on cruises were cruise directors and vice versa. Comedy is a part of their entertainment job. All types of comedy.


I personally like john heald and his cheesy jokes. He offends a lot of people for a lot of reasons. He is generally a nice guy and his jokes arent malicious. Just my opinion, of course. But I dont see a problem with it.

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I just don't get his whole celebrity - and really, he blogs about his wife moving his chair??? The fact that this thread is here means that John's 'joke' was offensive to someone. But as my mother always told me, you can't expect more than a grunt from a pig...a.k.a. consider the source. Now that we know, we can avoid.

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I feel the need to jump in and explain some things here. The line from his blog is actually a reference to something else entirely and not at all directed to the GLBT community. Let me try and break it down....


John has an ongoing feud with some people who are regular posters here on Cruise Critic. These are people that criticize him, Carnival, etc quite a bit. They also make statements on his Facebook page and in the response section of his blog. They have resorted to using fake names to post many of their comments. John repeatedly calls out a certain member by name in his blog. This is a man who posts under the alias "Lucinda". Therefore the comment was actually directed at this particular man. John is just making a jab at the man whi us behind the alias "Lucinda". If you followed his blog or Facebook page then you would get the reference. I admit, from the outside it looks like a disparaging remark made at the GLBT community. I assure you it is not. In fact I am willing to bet John would feel awful that people took it this way.


Yes, my partner and I cruise Carnival quite frequently (15 cruises so far, but we cruise other lines as well). We personally met John on our Magic Med cruise last year and had a good time talking with him. He later sent wine and other things to our cabin. He is a generous man that does quite a bit for the brand. As I said, I like that man, but I am not a rabid fan of his. There are some things that I don't agree with, but they have nothing to do with this discussion or the LGBT community.


It should also be noted that John's Assistant Cruise Director is very openly gay. They have been a team for a couple years now and their constant banter is quite comedic to many. The sexuality of his partner is openly refereed to quite often during their "routines". I actually find it quite refreshing that John has made these strides in his duty as a brand ambassador. When you think about it, John Heald is actually doing quite a bit of good for raising awareness of acceptance for our community. He could just take the easy way out, pander to (what people erroneously believe to be) the "Carnival" crowd and hire some pretty chick who can open a bottle of Bud with her teeth.

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I feel the need to jump in and explain some things here. The line from his blog is actually a reference to something else entirely and not at all directed to the GLBT community. Let me try and break it down....


John has an ongoing feud with some people who are regular posters here on Cruise Critic. These are people that criticize him, Carnival, etc quite a bit. They also make statements on his Facebook page and in the response section of his blog. They have resorted to using fake names to post many of their comments. John repeatedly calls out a certain member by name in his blog. This is a man who posts under the alias "Lucinda". Therefore the comment was actually directed at this particular man. John is just making a jab at the man whi us behind the alias "Lucinda". If you followed his blog or Facebook page then you would get the reference. I admit, from the outside it looks like a disparaging remark made at the GLBT community. I assure you it is not. In fact I am willing to bet John would feel awful that people took it this way.


Yes, my partner and I cruise Carnival quite frequently (15 cruises so far, but we cruise other lines as well). We personally met John on our Magic Med cruise last year and had a good time talking with him. He later sent wine and other things to our cabin. He is a generous man that does quite a bit for the brand. As I said, I like that man, but I am not a rabid fan of his. There are some things that I don't agree with, but they have nothing to do with this discussion or the LGBT community.


It should also be noted that John's Assistant Cruise Director is very openly gay. They have been a team for a couple years now and their constant banter is quite comedic to many. The sexuality of his partner is openly refereed to quite often during their "routines". I actually find it quite refreshing that John has made these strides in his duty as a brand ambassador. When you think about it, John Heald is actually doing quite a bit of good for raising awareness of acceptance for our community. He could just take the easy way out, pander to (what people erroneously believe to be) the "Carnival" crowd and hire some pretty chick who can open a bottle of Bud with her teeth.



BRAVO! Well Said....

DOC :cool:

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