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Doing Cozumel by car?


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We are thinking of renting a Jeep to drive around Cozumel in July. How long should we give to drive across the middle, hitting the Ruins, and maybe Tequila factory, then down east coast stopping at Lighthouse then back up the west coast road? Any must see stops along the way? How is Coconuts for lunch?



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Do take out full insurance. I know others on my roll call who were set up and bumped on the back fender while filling up with gas. Its a crime to be in a accident in Mexico. They had to come up with $800 cash to get him out of jail.


I just did this tour, but played it safe and paid the $49 for the around Cozumel tour. The talk was interesting and information.


You can easily tour the small island of Couzmel in a few hours .. or more, depending on how often you stop. There isnt much on the side with the beach and ocean. No houses along that way, they said because hurricanes would wipe them out.


we did see coconuts. a lunch place right?

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I agree with Fire......very risky renting a car in Mexico, lots of people "planning" on how to involve tourists in a wreck. It would probably be cheaper to hire a driver for the day, then you can go where ever you want to without the liability of being the driver.


Just beware though, another potential scam is getting you back to the pier late so that you can be ripped off spending even more US dollars to stay on the island until you can make arrangements to leave.

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What Fire said about the insurance. Also make sure it 100% coverage. Another scam by some with insurance but a deductible is the 'cracked' windshield'. Avis, and Hertz and maybe some others have it.


If I am assuming correctly you are talking about going on the straight road across the island first, visiting sites along the way, then looking for a place to eat. If I am correct just as you get to the end of the straight road, just to your right there is a nice little restaurant and beach bar with a naturally protected beach area for swimming and wading. Big stones protect this little area from the waves, although occaisionally they will crash over.


The food is good, and drinks reasonable.


Unless you want to drive along the malecon through downtown, go inland a few blocks, grab a one way. It will take you to the airport road and you won't be able to go no further, take a right turn and save a bunch of time.


If you like Mexican liquor, ask the guys at the rental place for a map with "Covi Liquor" marked on it. Not the cheapest but a good selection.


Hugh in Dallas.

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I would agree with firefly on the insurance. You should have someone set up as a designated driver too. As far stopping at Coconuts, Nice views, but better lunch places on east side. Chen Rio, where you can also swim if warning flags aren't out (only beach were this is allowed on East side), which has great sea food and just down the road, Playa Bonita, with good food and drinks. And also, the Rasta Bar, just before the gate to the lighthouse and the right turn back up the western side. Really good ceviche there. The Tequila Factory isn't an actual tequila distillery (it's made elsewhere) but the guy running the place is a real hoot and it'll be educational. San Gervasio ruins aren't large and can be covered in 1/2 hour, 45 minutes. While you need to be careful at all spots, I'd say you should take extra care in San Miguel until you're out to the ruins cutoff. And again coming back up the west side, where entrances from both sides of the road start to com into play.

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Rented a Jeep twice in Cozumel. Both times we were there on cruises. I think it was a Hertz or Avis, can't remember which but it was walking distance to the cruise ship. With full insurance it was around 75 bucks for the day as I recall. You take that road that cuts right through the island to the west coast. As I recall it took around 20-30 minutes to get to the other side of the island. The beaches over there are empty and beautiful. Very wild and no people over there. You just pull off the main road and park and walk down. Then definitely go to Coconuts. Gorgeous views and a cool place, stopped there both times. Don't get scared to rent a jeep it was no problem at all for us either time would do it again if I ever went back to Cozumel with no reservations whatsoever.

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We've rented both jeeps and ATVs in Cozumel and had a blast. There isn't tons to see or do, but if you are easy to please you should find lots to keep you busy. I can't think of any "must see" places but I can tell you one place you shouldn't go. That road across the island, you know the one I mean (hopefully) makes a right hand turn as you get near the beach. There is a little vendor shack at the turn. Maybe 50 feet before the vendor there is a little dirt road to the left that goes to the beach...but it also is a sand trap after the first few yards down the road. Don't go there unless you are on an ATV...it's a sandy mess and not worth worrying about getting back out.


I understand people giving you all sorts of warnings, but we have had no fears, no troubles and not even any close calls...just drive carefully and give yourself a few hours (like 3 or so) to see as much as you can.

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Have heard stories of what happens if you are in an accident even if not your fault.


Much better to hire a driver and not worry about it.


Famous thread on here a few years ago about a family who had a minor accident and was shaken down by police.

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Thanks for all the replies. I fiqured me would allow 5-6 hours for the drive. The main reason we want our own car is because we are a quite family, and feel like the driver would make us uncomfortable. Not in a bad way, but just wanted to stop whenever we want. These horror stories are kinda freaking me out a litle though. If we get full insurance, can they really still shake us down? Is it really this risky?

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Well Murph- you're on our cruise, so if you want to rent a car, go ahead... I promise I'll take up a collection from the passengers to bail you out if they throw you in the pokey, and we won't let the ship leave without you! We'll be waiting at the pier with a DOD in our hands for you, and will ask you TONS of questions about your lovely experience!


Just be smart, be careful but have fun! :)

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I shudder to think how much fun I would have missed in my life if I let other people's fears get to me. Insurance is available through the rental company, get it. Drive defensively, especially on the main road near the port as it gets pretty crowded. Have fun. Or...the other options are to hire a driver and be uncomfortable with it, go on a ship sponsored excursion or stay onboard the ship and do nothing.

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This link has become "famous" on CC and it seems to get reposted every time somebody asks about renting a car in Cozumel. Please recognize that bad experiences will always be publicized and sensationalized. You aren't going to hear all of the "good" stories, because they aren't eventful enough to write about.


It happens here in the US too. You don't see stories on the news each evening about the hundreds of local car accidents that happened that day. The only time you hear about it is when something crazy happens.


So yes, crazy things can happen to you in Mexico...just like they can happen to you in the U.S. Just play it safe and take out all of the Mexican insurances, then enjoy your trip and don't worry about the random horror stories that people are trying to scare you with.

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Have heard stories of what happens if you are in an accident even if not your fault.


Much better to hire a driver and not worry about it.


Famous thread on here a few years ago about a family who had a minor accident and was shaken down by police.


I googled the subject and got a guy who was a pastor in a church who got hit and held in jail. Very sad. His son stayed with him and it was at least a week before he got out of jail.


Its not a country I would chance .. but then I have more at risk than some people?? Im no longer young and foolish. OP this isnt a time to try and save some money by taking a huge risk.

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It not a money saving option. We have looked at the Carnival excursions and can't find anything we like. We do want to do the ruins on the island, and shop a little. I figured renting a driver or renting a car would cost pretty much the same when full insurance is added. On uour first cruise we went to nassau and did the walking tour by ourselfs, and had a great time, we felt we got to see a lot of the city and did it at our own pace and figured renting a car would allow us the same experience. I am taking peoples stories into account and weighting my options, I have not fully settled on which to do yet, hence the reason for my post. I have always gotten great advice here at CC. So thanks for all the replies.


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I shudder to think how much fun I would have missed in my life if I let other people's fears get to me. Insurance is available through the rental company, get it. Drive defensively, especially on the main road near the port as it gets pretty crowded. Have fun. Or...the other options are to hire a driver and be uncomfortable with it, go on a ship sponsored excursion or stay onboard the ship and do nothing.


Your money your choice. IMHO not worth it to rent a car in a country where the police look at you as a source of income and since you need to get back on your ship they have you by the you know what.


Most likely the OP rents a car and has a great time. Always the possibility something goes wrong and you see the inside of a jail cell.


BTW we almost always do private tours.

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You hear the occasional horror story about renting a vehicle in Cozumel, but you don't hear of the million other rentals that were uneventful.


We did it and it was a blast. We rented a jeep.


There's two roads down the east coast. The inner road is more like a highway and appears to be wider and better paved, and the outside road (closer to the water) looks to be the old highway. It's well worn, not as wide, and has areas that the pavement is broken up, and other areas that are partially covered in sand from the constant wind. You can switch-over from one to the other every mile or so. The two roads themselves are only about 20 feet apart on average. Sometimes they're only 5 feet apart, sometimes they're 50 feet apart.


If I remember correctly, there's two or three beach bars/restaurants down the east cost, right on the water. Going south, you'll eventually reach the park area (Punta Cana? Something like that) which has the old lighthouse and a couple small Mayan houses and such. This is where the outer/old highway ends. You either go into the park or you get on the new highway that takes you across the southern tip and then northward into San Miguel.


Coming back up the west coast (northbound) was a great drive, but once we got closer to San Miguel it quickly turned into a sea of traffic. It was a Friday afternoon about 3:30pm, and the traffic was at a standstill. Mexican drivers have a completely different driving style than I'm accustomed to. I could no longer be courteous. It's survival of the fittest in Cozumel. Kill or be killed. To survive you need to be aggressive. Just keep nosing in and don't let others force you out. Courtesy, good manners, and politeness are thrown out the window. After 5 minutes of being the nice guy, I quickly learned that I'd have to drive like the natives if I ever wanted to get back to the ship. In hindsight, those last 5 miles were fairly stressful. I don't think I could do that every day.


Overall, I would do it again in a minute. The awesome feeling of cruising down the coast, right along the water, watching the crashing waves, was something I had never felt or done before. (Plus, it had been nearly 20 years since I drove a manual transmission. I still got it, baby!)


Funny story: We had just been in the jeep for 5 minutes, still navigating the streets of San Miguel, when a police SUV started following us. It had Federale Policia (or something like that) written on it. He followed us, two uniformed officers actually, and they were quite close to us at times. We were a little nervous by the time we passed the Pee Pee Station (a little tourist trap about halfway across the island), but breathed a sign of relief when he turned around. We didn't realize until we dropped the jeep off that there was no licence plates on the vehicle. No plates whatsevoer. Whew!

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It not a money saving option. We have looked at the Carnival excursions and can't find anything we like. We do want to do the ruins on the island, and shop a little. I figured renting a driver or renting a car would cost pretty much the same when full insurance is added. On uour first cruise we went to nassau and did the walking tour by ourselfs, and had a great time, we felt we got to see a lot of the city and did it at our own pace and figured renting a car would allow us the same experience. I am taking peoples stories into account and weighting my options, I have not fully settled on which to do yet, hence the reason for my post. I have always gotten great advice here at CC. So thanks for all the replies.



Not sure how big your "family" is but if you head over to the Cozumel board and look up the thread on hiring a driver, there's contact information there about Gerry and others who drive and will go where you want to go, stop when you want to stop. $95 for 3-4 hours, I think and $25 per hour beyond that. Per person, might be cost effective. Certainly won't have the 'getting into an accident' bear hanging on you.


But again, with a designated driver, someone old enough to rent the car, NOT drinking at all, and is a very cautious driver, renting your own car/jeep does give you lots more flexibility. And as other posters have mentioned, yes, you're more likely to hear the bad stories than the good stories, which are more prevalent.

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This link has become "famous" on CC and it seems to get reposted every time somebody asks about renting a car in Cozumel. Please recognize that bad experiences will always be publicized and sensationalized. You aren't going to hear all of the "good" stories, because they aren't eventful enough to write about.


It happens here in the US too. You don't see stories on the news each evening about the hundreds of local car accidents that happened that day. The only time you hear about it is when something crazy happens.


So yes, crazy things can happen to you in Mexico...just like they can happen to you in the U.S. Just play it safe and take out all of the Mexican insurances, then enjoy your trip and don't worry about the random horror stories that people are trying to scare you with.




If you don't yield to a bike and hit it, thereby injuring someone, you're going to be in trouble no matter where you are. If you use caution and drive defensively then it is not "foolish" to risk driving around. Personally, I don't let fearmongers bother me too much. Life is too short.

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I agree with Fire......very risky renting a car in Mexico, lots of people "planning" on how to involve tourists in a wreck. It would probably be cheaper to hire a driver for the day, then you can go where ever you want to without the liability of being the driver.


Just beware though, another potential scam is getting you back to the pier late so that you can be ripped off spending even more US dollars to stay on the island until you can make arrangements to leave.



Wow! Why bother going to Mexico then? All they to do is want to rip us off.

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