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Tipping statistics

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When it comes to tipping on cruises, I've been broken. I used to care, and I used to tip generously, usually above the standard. Generally that is what I do on land, and I figure why do it any different on cruises. But the fact that it has just become this constant issue has worn me out. So I officially no longer care. I pre-pay the tips, or have them put on my account, or whatever the option is that involves absolutely NO effort on my part, and I'm done with it. I have decided wasting any more of my mental energy on this issue is pointless. The cruise line has told me what is expected, okay, I'll do that. End of story.


Exactly. I usually tip suggested or more on land or at sea. However now that they have gone to pre-paid I am done unless someone goes way above and beyond. Too many other things to think about on my vacation like where the next drink is coming from :cool:.

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OP- if you had the data you want, what would you do with it?


I don't understand why so many people worry about what other people do- if you tip, and extra, then do it. If your table mate does not- what are YOU going to do about it? Outside of uselessly getting upset, there's nothing you can do.


Pay, be happy, don't worry about others. On YOU can control how you treat other people.


There is some interesting facts come to light....


It appears that up to 25% don't tip at all. That means that we are all giving these cruisers a nice discount on their holiday costs! The ships still run with the same costs so because of this we all lose out. The staff, the line and us!


I would like to do something about this because it is not right. I don't know how but discussing it in forum will do no harm.


A solution would be to insist on prepaying. I'd welcome this.


A possible problem might be that staff fail to work as hard and service levell might suffer as a consequence.


But....I do pay, I am happy and I want to be even happier!


It is an issue in my opinion that needs addressing!

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It would seem to me that the service people must still be coming out on top by doing tipping this way. Otherwise, why wouldn't they just call it a service/maintenance/cleaning fee and make it a mandatory payment?

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I think the policy should be that the tips can't be "opted out of", happy and content staff will work well. If they are getting stiffed on tips continually work ethic will deteriorate. JMHO




We have one regular poster here on CC who takes pride in not tipping. Sorry, but I don't want to support this guy's cheapness.


Make it manditory and be done with it!

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When it comes to tipping on cruises, I've been broken. I used to care, and I used to tip generously, usually above the standard. Generally that is what I do on land, and I figure why do it any different on cruises. But the fact that it has just become this constant issue has worn me out. So I officially no longer care. I pre-pay the tips, or have them put on my account, or whatever the option is that involves absolutely NO effort on my part, and I'm done with it. I have decided wasting any more of my mental energy on this issue is pointless. The cruise line has told me what is expected, okay, I'll do that. End of story.



Well said

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I think the policy should be that the tips can't be "opted out of", happy and content staff will work well. If they are getting stiffed on tips continually work ethic will deteriorate. JMHO


I agree with your suggestion......but I think the opposite affect will transpire.


Imagine if as a server steward etc you were guaranteed all the tips. your work ethic is more likely to deteriorate as all of a sudden.......you don't have to work as hard for your tips. So you slack off a bit.


We need a level of service charge that does not allow cruisers to opt out. Those that don't pay increase cruise prices for the rest of us who do!!!.


But tipping should be completely descretionary........That way service levels would boom.....Everybody wins.


Sorry to repeat myself but if there is 25% that don't pay. 75% do. But they only get 75% of what they should. If this 75% were a mandatory service charge spread over 100% of cruisers. We would all pay a $9 per day service charge and they would still get a total income the same as they do already.


We can then all tip extra......which will often be much more than the additional $3.


The staff earn more. We pay the same......the service levels go boom......Shaka Laka

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I am not advocating not tipping. I always tip more than recommended. But is seems a policy that allows people to opt out of tipping anything at all is bound to be abused.

We always leave the prepaid gratuities in place. With that said- if it is mandatory it is NOT a tip, it's a service charge. They should call it that.
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On our cruise 2 weeks ago, we ended up giving our room steward an extra $50 (he reall did deserve it), and $20 each to both our waiters, on top of the auto-billed tips.


Not trying to sound cheap, but why give anything extra to the head waiter? Never even saw him walking around this time.


We have had head waiters who have gone above and beyond. One sailing on the Navigator, our Head Waiter brought my daughter Tiramisu from Portafino and sent Lobster Tails up to Chops because our Chops reservations were on lobster night. She was there every night and truly did an outstanding job.


But then are folks who do next to nothing so I see both sides.

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There is some interesting facts come to light....


It appears that up to 25% don't tip at all. That means that we are all giving these cruisers a nice discount on their holiday costs! The ships still run with the same costs so because of this we all lose out. The staff, the line and us!


I would like to do something about this because it is not right. I don't know how but discussing it in forum will do no harm.


A solution would be to insist on prepaying. I'd welcome this.


A possible problem might be that staff fail to work as hard and service levell might suffer as a consequence.


But....I do pay, I am happy and I want to be even happier!


It is an issue in my opinion that needs addressing!


Maybe I missed a roll back, but we DO pre-pay our tips. One has to request to not pay them.


Still, I miss what you can actually do about it. Besides worry, unless you start working for RCI, you can't go and find the dastardly cruisers who refuse to tip. Or if you know them, how are you going to force them to pay?


Funny you metion about service- some want to pre-pay to make sure they get good service, others want to pay after to make sure you get good service.


If you are happy, why do you bother about what other people do? Be nice, tip, and you get good service FOR YOU. If others don't- that's their problem. Maybe that's the source of all the complaints- the bad or no tippers do not get decent service, whereas the rest of us have awesome cruises every time.


If you are going to start a letter drive to the CEO demanding that we are forced to pre-pay, that would be one thing. If not, why worry?

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If you are happy, why do you bother about what other people do?



Simple, because if I have to pay more because some do not tip, it makes me UNHAPPY!:rolleyes:


In addition, there's an issue of fairness here.


Let's say the person who pays recommeded tips will spend $1000 total for a cruise, while the person who has exactly the same cabin but doesn't pay recommended tips will spend $850.


Is that fair???

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Simple, because if I have to pay more because some do not tip, it makes me UNHAPPY!:rolleyes:


So, what are you going to do about it, then?


Post here, or send a note to the president and CEO telling the two of them that they should force everyone to tip, so that it saves you money?


Or are you going to search out the 25%, and make them pay?


Oh, and life isn't fair.


IMHO, the amount I pay is WORTH the service I get. What others pay and what they get is up to them. I'm sure there are people cruising in the same cabin as me who pay less for other reasons that are just as unfair. I don't care- it IS worth it to me, as I decided that when I made the booking. Price drops make me happier.

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Hi Everyone


Mrs Ozone34 and me cruised for the first time for a week on Adventure of the Seas last year. We both enjoyed the cruise so much we have booked again for 2014 and this time it will be our honeymoon (can't wait).


Last year we had MTD so pre-paid tips up front, we also tipped as we went along, for example: spa staff for massage, room service, bar staff and speciality restaurant waiters.


At the end of the cruise week we gave the cabin attendant $25.00, Head Waiter $25.00 and Assistant Waiter $20.00 does this sound about right are would we have been seen as cheap skates?




The Head Waiter is the person you only see occaisonally, if you gave a $25 tip that is way to much, if it was your waiter still generous but not over tipping, glad you enjoyed your cruise.

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We have had head waiters who have gone above and beyond. One sailing on the Navigator, our Head Waiter brought my daughter Tiramisu from Portafino and sent Lobster Tails up to Chops because our Chops reservations were on lobster night. She was there every night and truly did an outstanding job.


But then are folks who do next to nothing so I see both sides.


Now that was nice...the HW went beyond the call of duty.

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Let's say the person who pays recommeded tips will spend $1000 total for a cruise, while the person who has exactly the same cabin but doesn't pay recommended tips will spend $850.


Is that fair???

This doesn't make sense...other things factor into ones final cost. The missing $84/per person (assuming 7 day cruise) is peanuts. What if the $850 person drinks more or spends more in other places? What if they booked earlier or later and got a different price for the cabin? Tipping is not what drives the price of the cruise fare it's supply and demand...Royal's bottom line is a profitable sailing, which comes from liquor sales, dining revenue and shopping. This is why we tip so they don't have to provide salary out of their profit. Does it suck when others don't tip? Sure, but we can't do anything about until the corporation changes their system.


I never get in on these tipping threads, because as others have stated I do what I need to do and I don't worry about what others are doing. People here on land get wage shafted everyday (teachers, policemen) how do we change that? But I had to say something because this was just absurd. Stepping down now...:D

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This doesn't make sense...other things factor into ones final cost. The missing $84/per person (assuming 7 day cruise) is peanuts. What if the $850 person drinks more or spends more in other places?


Actually, my argument makes complete sense. Yours is comparing apples to oranges. What the $850 person drinks or spends on shore excursions is irrelevent to the issue.


And sorry, but $168 for my wife and I is not exactly "peanuts!":)

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Actually, my argument makes complete sense. Yours is comparing apples to oranges. What the $850 person drinks or spends on shore excursions is irrelevent to the issue.


And sorry, but $168 for my wife and I is not exactly "peanuts!":)

It is peanuts in the grand scheme. But asking about being fair is irrelevant...life isn't fair...I only responded to what you wrote, which was final cost and all of those things affect final cost. Not trying to cause an argument but what someone else does shouldn't really affect what one does as an individual...it's not fair to compare what someone else pays for something like a cruise, or airline fare or a car...different things factor into the final cost...

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If our TA doesn't give us pre paid gratuities we always add it to our final payment. I was once told (several years ago) that an average of 20% don't pay gratuities on any given sailing. We also tip 20-25 to our room steward and to our servers in the dining room. I can afford to vacation. Most of them can not.

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It is peanuts in the grand scheme. But asking about being fair is irrelevant...life isn't fair...I only responded to what you wrote, which was final cost and all of those things affect final cost. Not trying to cause an argument but what someone else does shouldn't really affect what one does as an individual...it's not fair to compare what someone else pays for something like a cruise, or airline fare or a car...different things factor into the final cost...


Granted, final cost is final cost. But tipping at the recommended or above guidelines shouldn't be effected by how much your cruise, airfare, booze and entertainment cost you. This is one reason I like to pre-pay my grat's. My TA includes it into my fare and I am done with it except for any additional tips left in cash. But I am not going to leave less of a tip because I spent too much on my vacation.

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Up to 97% of statistics are made up. :cool:


See post #11.......cello56 says a Captain said that 25% don't pay........


A few posters here don't seem to understand the point being made....just bury your head in the sand peeps......


You say nothing can be done to change things that are not fair.......well tell that to Martin Luther king!

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Granted, final cost is final cost. But tipping at the recommended or above guidelines shouldn't be effected by how much your cruise, airfare, booze and entertainment cost you. This is one reason I like to pre-pay my grat's. My TA includes it into my fare and I am done with it except for any additional tips left in cash. But I am not going to leave less of a tip because I spent too much on my vacation.

I absolutely agree...and I pre pay now that it's a daily charge. I always tip the recommended and often above....but the statement, at least the way I understood it, was about is it fair that one person pays more than another...


Don't misunderstand me, I know the crew works very hard and I think they should be fairly compensated, but until Royal decides to do something about it (that's more binding) then what is there to do about it?


I don't know who said nothing can be done to change things, but change is slow...even the changes the MLK Jr. fought for, take it from me

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See post #11.......cello56 says a Captain said that 25% don't pay........


A few posters here don't seem to understand the point being made....just bury your head in the sand peeps......


You say nothing can be done to change things that are not fair.......well tell that to Martin Luther king!


I wouldn't say nothing could be done. Perhaps, in order to reduce the number of people who do not pay gratuities, Royal Caribbean could start automatically adding gratuities to your onboard account each day. That way, a person would at least have to go to guest services and request it be removed in order to not pay.


PS - I saw Post #11. That doesn't change the fact that I don't trust some statistic that cello56 says that a captain said once upon a time.

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