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Is the Serenity deck for people over 18 or over 21 years old?


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Last couple of cruises I saw the Serenity attendant check every young looking person. Some passed, some left. One family got quite agitated and shortly a security team showed up and escorted the father(I hope), mother(same) and 2 that seemed to be near 21 but were not out of the area. I overheard(everyone overheard) the "dad" complaining loudly about how much he had paid for this trip, how his kids were angels, etc. One "kid" looked quite embarrassed while the other looked completely bored. Not a very serene area for a bit. The next day the same family showed up and were quickly asked to leave, which thankfully they did.

Personally I would just let the darling angel go where she wants except the serenity deck, til she is 21.... one other note, there are a limited amount of chairs, just saying.

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My oldest son was born mature, my youngest son at 28 is still not mature. They do not have the ability to measure maturity so they have gone with an age cut off and that age is 21.


The area is not big. They needed some way to limit who could use the area. They choose the 21 or over. It does not have to be right or fair or anything else. It is what it is.


If a smoker decided to light up in a non smoking area, they could light up and have the cigarette smoked by the time someone got up, found someone to complain to and that person came over to say you can not smoke here. I don't really see the harm. After all, there are not many places they can go to smoke. The no smoking in certain areas is only a rule so as we are being told, those are meant to be broken. One little cigarette should not bother anyone too much so what is the problem?


Why not take the kids to the casino. Maybe there is nothing going on in camp they are interested in or maybe it is closed. SIt them down at a machine and give them some credit to play with. There is no laws governing children gambling in international waters, so what is the harm. True, they may be taking a machine an adult wants to play, but they paided their fare just like those pesky adults so they should just get over it.


I like to make things with my hands. I think next cruise I am going to check out the kids club and join in when they have something I am interested in. I will be quiet and well behaved and use my manners. I mean those age group things are only rules and I paid my money to be on the boat, so move over kids.


Sort of gets stupid after a while doesn't it? The rule for the serenity area is 21 and over and that is exactly what it should be.


Let me clarify that it is my "opinion" that Carnival should either have a space for the 18-20 yo to go hang out or make the "adult" rules consistent in all "adult" areas. They have one rule for bars and the casino for what is "adult" and another rule for the serenity area on what is "adult". The 17 and younger group have the teen clubs and the 21 and older group have the Serenity area, there is no area currently designated for the 18-20 yo only. Having said that, my DS is the biggest rule stickler you've ever seen. If there on signs posted saying 21 and older, he will not go in there even if we encouraged him to. It's just the way he is. I'm just calling out Carnival's inconsistency in what they consider to be "adult".

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Then write Carnival and request they change their rules. But until the rule is changed, it's 21 or older. Personally, I'd like to see it 35 or older to keep the 20something partiers out of there.


In my experience, it's not the 20 somethings that are usually the problem, either - its generally drunken, walking the line between middle age and senior status folks trying to relive their college years and thinking the way to do it is by yelling the f-bomb as many times as possible. Unless the reason the 20 somethings are getting loud is because the girls are being relentlessly pursued by a 50 something male in a too-small swimsuit. But that's why I bring my I-pod to the S-Deck. If people are getting obnoxious and infringing on my serenity, I recreate my own with my I-Pod. We're all on vacation - each to their own - but I do wish the Serenity Deck would remain "serene". I get enough loud, obnoxious behavior at work every day - don't need it on vacation, too - as to age? I could care less. As long as they're well behaved (and there's a nebulous definition in this day and age) I would be fine with any age up there. Just be quiet and serene ...

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I posted earlier on this thread saying 1-18 year old wouldn't be a problem. But after reading the other responses, I must say I was wrong.

For these reasons, she should not be going to or allowed in the Serenity area.

1) Kids should be taught to follow rules, not break them.

2) Limited chairs there and we all know how hard it is already to get a chair so under 21 would be taking chairs away from the ones who really should be there.

3) If the 18yo has friends on the ship, and they find out she was there with no problem, it wouldn't be long before the Serenity deck became the new hang out for the 18-20yo.


I do agree though that the most important thing for the Serenity area should be the "serene" atmosphere. If you want to party, there are plenty other areas on the ship to do that, whatever your age.

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In my experience, it's not the 20 somethings that are usually the problem, either - its generally drunken, walking the line between middle age and senior status folks trying to relive their college years and thinking the way to do it is by yelling the f-bomb as many times as possible. Unless the reason the 20 somethings are getting loud is because the girls are being relentlessly pursued by a 50 something male in a too-small swimsuit. But that's why I bring my I-pod to the S-Deck. If people are getting obnoxious and infringing on my serenity, I recreate my own with my I-Pod. We're all on vacation - each to their own - but I do wish the Serenity Deck would remain "serene". I get enough loud, obnoxious behavior at work every day - don't need it on vacation, too - as to age? I could care less. As long as they're well behaved (and there's a nebulous definition in this day and age) I would be fine with any age up there. Just be quiet and serene ...

You seem to be all hung up on the name of Serenity. It's not a statement of commitment. It's just a name. You'd have us believe that the Carnival Freedom was dedicated to Freedom. It isn't. For that matter, in years of cruising, I have never seen an actual Carnival on any Carnival ship.

You're missing the point. You are a guest and, as such, you should play by the rules whether you agree with them or not. If you can't stick to the rules, then don't be a guest. If you were a guest in my house and you peed on the carpet, I'd tell you in a heartbeat to get out.

Carnival doesn't "owe" a place for 18-21 year olds to go. They don't even owe you an explanation on why they don't have one. They provide what they want to and you sign an agreement that you'll stick to their rules. I'd love to see Carnival enforce all their rules, like no kids in the adult hot tub or no hogging deck chairs. But, it is not up to me. What rules Carnival decides to enforce or not is their right to decide. And it is not up to me to decide to break the rules just because I can come up with some self serving rationalization.

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LOL you are not a guest, you are a paying customer and the customer is always right. I am teaching my adult child how to survive in a world where NO rule goes unbroken, where it's more important to treat each other kindly and with respect than to be the one at the end that followed the most rules. The idealism on this thread is nice, but I prefer to live in reality. When they start checking IDs at the door as they do at the adult bars, the 21 and over rule will then be unquestioned. As it is now, there is no full-time enforcement. Obviously most customers don't have an issue with the rule's application at this time.Those people judging parents need to look at their own lives and which rules they bend before making negative statements.


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LOL you are not a guest, you are a paying customer and the customer is always right. I am teaching my adult child how to survive in a world where NO rule goes unbroken, where it's more important to treat each other kindly and with respect than to be the one at the end that followed the most rules. The idealism on this thread is nice, but I prefer to live in reality. When they start checking IDs at the door as they do at the adult bars, the 21 and over rule will then be unquestioned. As it is now, there is no full-time enforcement. Obviously most customers don't have an issue with the rule's application at this time.Those people judging parents need to look at their own lives and which rules they bend before making negative statements.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Forums mobile app


First of all, yes you are a guest whether you pay or not, and while someone underage might go undetected when there are ample chairs, they will certainly start checking ID's when the venue is full and the people who do belong there start looking for chairs of their own.

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They carded my kids when they were 24-27 even after I told the server that they were my kids and they were of age.

They had to go get their driver's license to get served at a past guest party.

So this is probably good advice.


Now if they could get rid of the loud people in the hot tub...

And why are there always loud people in the hot tub?


and have you noticed that those people in the hot tub do not get out for excessively long times and many of them are wasted (not all just many)...and you never see them get out to use the toilet...and you know there are no toilets in the hot tub...do you see what I'm getting at?...;)

I'm just sayin...

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It is 21 and up, but here is my anecdotal evidence. When I was 20, my mom and I took a cruise, just the two of us. They never carded me or questioned me, and I was allowed on the Serenity deck. If she acts like an adult, I doubt they will have issue with it.

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It is 21 and up, but here is my anecdotal evidence. When I was 20, my mom and I took a cruise, just the two of us. They never carded me or questioned me, and I was allowed on the Serenity deck. If she acts like an adult, I doubt they will have issue with it.


You have mistaken not asked to leave as permission to stay. What you did was ignored several clearly worded signs at each entrance stating the areas were for 21 and older. Since crew did not confront you, you decided that meant it was ok. Do you think the crew's experiences in confronting guests who have already ignored sign ends well for them?


When they don't find liquor in luggage, does not mean they allowed it.

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You can die for our country at 18, but going on the serenity area is a no no ;)



You can die for our country and not have a cold beer either seems stupid to me. The night before my son left for Basic Training he got a ticket from a cop for drinking as a minor. He even told the cop he was leaving for BCT the next morning. Cop still gave him a ticket :(. The way this country takes care of the ones that defend us is shameful

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l don't ever see anyone wearing an IDtag stating their age. Idon't belvieve they're going to card her at thr Entrance, therefore lf she wants to hang out w/ us "oldies" l doubt anyone will have a probblem with that.

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LOL you are not a guest, you are a paying customer and the customer is always right. I am teaching my adult child how to survive in a world where NO rule goes unbroken, where it's more important to treat each other kindly and with respect than to be the one at the end that followed the most rules. The idealism on this thread is nice, but I prefer to live in reality. When they start checking IDs at the door as they do at the adult bars, the 21 and over rule will then be unquestioned. As it is now, there is no full-time enforcement. Obviously most customers don't have an issue with the rule's application at this time.Those people judging parents need to look at their own lives and which rules they bend before making negative statements.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Forums mobile app


so you teach your children that its ok to break rules? wow... just wow


you say its more important to treat each other kindly and with respect than to be the one at the end that followed most rules... why cant your children do both? they cant treat people with respect AND follow the rules? By breaking this particular rule, arent you showing no respect for the ship who created the rule and for the people inside who did follow the rule that did NOT take their children in the area because of the rule?


you say you would rather teach your children to respect people. I personally teach my children both. Follow the rules and treat people with respect. its not difficult to teach both. its not one or the other.


its like the steroid use in baseball. they are breaking the rules. they might treat everyone with respect and be the nicest people in the world but the BROKE THE RULES and should be barred from playing baseball.

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Because you got it backwards.



I don't come here to debate so you have your opinion that doesn't make it right. My Son is a Soldier in the US Army. My opinion is he is mature enough at 17 to decide he wants to enlist and stand up for all of us and defend us and my opinion is also that he is mature enough to have a cold beer when the mood strikes him. He is a responsible young man and if he can agree to lay his life on the line and fight for us the least we could do is have his back and hand him a cold one.... if he doesn't die fighting. :p


And thats all I have to say about that..............


Hope everyone has a great day!!! 62 days and we head to Miami for 3 glorious cruises and that is why we are all on this board!!!!



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I don't come here to debate so you have your opinion that doesn't make it right. My Son is a Soldier in the US Army. My opinion is he is mature enough at 17 to decide he wants to enlist and stand up for all of us and defend us and my opinion is also that he is mature enough to have a cold beer when the mood strikes him. He is a responsible young man and if he can agree to lay his life on the line and fight for us the least we could do is have his back and hand him a cold one.... if he doesn't die fighting. :p


And thats all I have to say about that..............


Hope everyone has a great day!!! 62 days and we head to Miami for 3 glorious cruises and that is why we are all on this board!!!!




That's the same kind of logic that would dictate that an 11 year old that starts to ovulate should naturally start having babies.


When I need movers, I don't choose the brainiest. I choos the brawniest. And just because the brawny can fight, statistically doesn't mean they are ready to drink.


Therefore, one has nothing to do with the other.


I'm still trying to figure out if the child with the traffic infraction should have been excused just because he was going off to service.

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That's the same kind of logic that would dictate that an 11 year old that starts to ovulate should naturally start having babies.


When I need movers, I don't choose the brainiest. I choos the brawniest. And just because the brawny can fight, statistically doesn't mean they are ready to drink.


Therefore, one has nothing to do with the other.


I'm still trying to figure out if the child with the traffic infraction should have been excused just because he was going off to service.



Just shows how you think he is not the brawniest there areit takes all kinds of men and women to make up a military for all sorts of jobs. You don't have to be big and bad to fight for your country. My Son is part of a Medical Unit is he fit yes in mind and body it takes both and to answer your question he was at a friends house not in a vehicle cops were at the neighbors house down the street and the kids were outside cop was a jerk and gave them a ticket for being in the kids parents front yard it was 4 football guys after graduation seeing off a buddy to the Army at a parents house with all our permission. My son actually could have got out of the ticket they told him all he had to do was call me he said no I will take the ticket My Mom doesn't need to take care of my business. The kid that his parent lived there didnt get one and another parent came and got his kid out of his. So see he is mature in all ways.


Have a nice day!

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Just shows how you think he is not the brawniest there areit takes all kinds of men and women to make up a military for all sorts of jobs. You don't have to be big and bad to fight for your country. My Son is part of a Medical Unit is he fit yes in mind and body it takes both and to answer your question he was at a friends house not in a vehicle cops were at the neighbors house down the street and the kids were outside cop was a jerk and gave them a ticket for being in the kids parents front yard it was 4 football guys after graduation seeing off a buddy to the Army at a parents house with all our permission. My son actually could have got out of the ticket they told him all he had to do was call me he said no I will take the ticket My Mom doesn't need to take care of my business. The kid that his parent lived there didnt get one and another parent came and got his kid out of his. So see he is mature in all ways.


Have a nice day!

For some reason you keep taking this from the general to the specific. Not sure why.

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