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.......idle jottings


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Happy to report that we have been medical clearance to do the crossing!! As the neurosurgeon said "You gotta live your life!" So we look forward to seeing HH and Blondie again and meeting Commander Courageous and CoCoyote!


Also wanted to post an article from our AAA magazine -- edtitor sailed SD and loved it!! But appears it is too large :(

And Hayden and Michelle are an absolutely beautiful couple!! We met them on their very first SD cruise and they have continued to impress us.


Well that IS wonderful news Lady V !

Send Colonel Clint our best wishes.


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Happy to report that we have been medical clearance to do the crossing!! As the neurosurgeon said "You gotta live your life!" So we look forward to seeing HH and Blondie again and meeting Commander Courageous and CoCoyote!


Also wanted to post an article from our AAA magazine -- editor sailed SD and loved it!! But appears it is too large :(

And Hayden and Michelle are an absolutely beautiful couple!! We met them on their very first SD cruise and they have continued to impress us.


We look forward to meeting you also Vanderfalk. Hopefully you enjoy trivia as there are several amoung those traveling (not saying who but they live in the posh part of GB, the wilds of Canada and the Outback of Australia) who are great players with encyclopedic memories of all sorts of nonsense. Oh the losses we have incurred at their hands......

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...all sorts of USELESS knowledge......

.........and it's your specialist subject too: not so good at the USEFUL knowledge either.

Shame questions on wooden spoon whittling never come up.


Edited by ho-hum
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Excuse Hum for a second.........if you don't mind.

It won't take long.


Yes, well all Hum just wanted to say.........if you don't mind and please don't take this the wrong way.

But, on this side of the "pond", we....... err, well we're gettin' a little worried now (well really worried now in fact).

Some think, it's just gone a little too far and all.

Yes it was a little fun at first.

But errr....

Hope you don't mind us saying this.

No, of course we don't wish to interfere.

Yes, we will be there, no matter what but this time we'll choose our wars a tad more carefully this time.

Maybe you are all used to the extraordinary behaviour by now however it just ain't well.........err, normal and for someone in ultimate power, it is now really scary.

There, Hum has said his piece.

Apologies for interferin'.


What about that Yankee game ehh ?


Texas did what ?

In schools !

You cannot be serious ?

Oh the reasoning is so that nuts dont bring guns to school..... ....is it Hum ?

And Trump's not even been elected yet!

What will it be like that after that............if it ever happens (which at least, is quickly beginning to look unlikely, thank heavens).


Oh Lord, it is Hum.....yes it has been a while.

No dont be like that, it's not just about Hum this time.

Now, there is no need to be like that !

As Hum was saying, sorry praying, Hum beseeches you almighty to ......

What ?

You dont have the "clout" you once had.

Surely you know some people.....you claim to have created them!

You had nothing to do with Jim.

That would explain it.

Well as Hum was saying, please help America......they could do with a little help right now.

We're worried about them (we're worried 'bout us too !), that's all.

Well have a nice day.

See you around.

Giving up the judgement business.

Yeah well, take it easy old chap.

Pop by any time.

Yeah it has been nice.

Please smite Abenaki.......gently though.

He has been very naughty recently.

Aaahh you noticed that too !

Well Hum will leave it up to you then.

That shed with all his whittled wooden spoons is close to the diesel generator, a spark from that and whoosh !

"Act of God" you see.


Any time G, any time.

Have a nice day.

Don't be a stranger.

Bless yourself.

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Excuse Hum for a second.........if you don't mind.

It won't take long.


Yes, well all Hum just wanted to say.........if you don't mind and please don't take this the wrong way.

But, on this side of the "pond", we....... err, well we're gettin' a little worried now (well really worried now in fact).



Yes Hum, you're not alone in your worry. Trapper & I are VERY worried.

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We look forward to meeting you also Vanderfalk. Hopefully you enjoy trivia as there are several amoung those traveling (not saying who but they live in the posh part of GB, the wilds of Canada and the Outback of Australia) who are great players with encyclopedic memories of all sorts of nonsense. Oh the losses we have incurred at their hands......


As a matter of fact, we love trivia! Play quite often here at home. We each have different areas of expertise and usually do pretty well. We'll look forward to sharing useless/useful bits of knowledge!


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We look forward to meeting you also Vanderfalk. Hopefully you enjoy trivia as there are several amoung those traveling (not saying who but they live in the posh part of GB, the wilds of Canada and the Outback of Australia) who are great players with encyclopedic memories of all sorts of nonsense. Oh the losses we have incurred at their hands......


Hum's recollections are somewhat different.

You, dear chum, are always "saddled" with a person who insists he is right on every question and he is always wrong AND you know he is wrong, yet being the kind gentleman you are, you always defer to him.


Our team comprises of:

- Blondie, who admittedly is good

- Moi meme, who has good days and truly awful days (usually about 6 in every week)

- Commander Courageous who invariably falls asleep but does have great knowledge on America and musicals (before 1973 !)

- Abenaki, who always says "I know this one, I know this one, it's on the tip of my tongue" and that's where it invariably stays !


And there is always a team of American academics who know all the intelligent stuff but who are hopeless on popular culture: they really thought Lady Gaga was a character in Macbeth !


Lady V will of course be joining our team as she is the brightest in the bunch !

The champagne bottle prizes are "in the bag" !


As a matter of fact, we love trivia! Play quite often here at home. We each have different areas of expertise and usually do pretty well. We'll look forward to sharing useless/useful bits of knowledge!



Our new team leader ! Victory will be ours: especially if Colonel Clint joins too and provided it remains at 4.30pm and not earlier for Hum must have his siesta after imbibing a few glasses before, during and after lunch!

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Yes Hum, you're not alone in your worry.


Hum and his big mouth ehh ?


At least dearest Zimmy, it is nice to hear from you.

It's been a while and you were missed (no that's not a mildly back-handed rebuke, Hum just enjoys your company and he too of course).

Love to you both.


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Yes, Murray played well and was mostly well disciplined this time, thankfully having also avoided Djokovic and Federer.

Hum was impressed by the great manners of the Canadian player and the sportsmanship of both. Part of the crowd (Scots) booing the PM displayed very poor manners though but after Scottish independence, they will no doubt be banned from entering the rest of Britain on grounds of being un-desirable (Hum hopes MACT is still on his "hols" and misses seeing this and of course Hum would lobby for a few exclusions from the banning orders).

Hum would like the vehemently nationalistic Scots more if only they were polite and friendly and exhibited some of your own and Jim's fine manners and friendliness.



Buckets and spades packed away for another year, (the big "five O" birthday was tremendous, even had a cake baked for me), and I pour a large glass of a fruit filled number from the Minervois to aid digestion whilst perusing the month's ramblings and I have not even cast an eye through the first page and the drink is already spilled...


Who does this Hum think he is?


Actually, one of a perceptive and growing band of fellow British who live south of the border but are sick to the back teeth of the immature, pathetic, childlike, unrealistic, denying, small minded and petty fellow Scots, unfortunately many in number, who think (sorry, they don't actually, it takes too much effort and even if they tried it would result in them stretching their small mental capacity to beyond its restricted limits)...who are incapable or are in denial of understanding the real world in front of them.


Ahhh, that's better. And to think the holiday put me in a relaxed frame of mind.


If we were to head over the border (more likely chased out by a gang of tax raising slavering hordes) it would be to such genteel and pleasant lands such as west Dorset or Devon (though I have always had an affinity for North Yorkshire...the beer, ah the beer).


As Mr Hum's Estate covers much of southern England we would seek to lease a cottage of modest means if we can scrape together an amount of rent that would satisfy such a rapacious landlord.

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Ciao Contessa. Circle the wagons. I have always hoped Texas will return to being a Republic. Then the inherited trailer lot out near the stockyards in Amarillo will be worth somethin'. Yee Haw! Happy Friday all.....:D:D

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I have always hoped Texas will return to being a Republic.


I'll be able to bring out my 49 star flag that flew for only seven months. And then we will build a wall in Oklahoma. And Texas will pay for it.


Hum, you make the crossing sound so enticing. Maybe someday Zimmy and I will do it. Especially if Lady V and the Colonel are on board. Glad to see that he is mending well.

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I'll be able to bring out my 49 star flag that flew for only seven months. And then we will build a wall in Oklahoma. And Texas will pay for it.


Hum, you make the crossing sound so enticing. Maybe someday Zimmy and I will do it. Especially if Lady V and the Colonel are on board. Glad to see that he is mending well.


Glad to see Col. Clint cleared to travel as well. He was one of many highlights on our January trip. If we end up on a crossing with you, I will bring my Lone Star Flag too. Maybe talk Atle int reinstating trap shooting off the stern as in the Sea Goddess days.:eek::D:D

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Maybe talk Atle into reinstating trap shooting off the stern as in the Sea Goddess days.


I'd vote against that, Jim. Zimmy and I are major contributors to the Save the Skeet Foundation. Haven't you seen the commercials with Sally Struthers crying about the poor skeet who are only wounded and left helpless to die? Each time we see it we are reduced to tears.

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Oh dearest chums of "idle jottings" forgive Hum for indulging in one dear chum.

Responses must be made to dearest Abenaki's posts.

Not to do so would be so remiss especially now that a little improvement in Hum's delicate condition has been made due to the well wishes of a few wonderful chums. Hum has now sufficient strength to respond to Abenaki.


In fact, the whereabouts of Pierre aren't nearly as interesting as the whereabouts of you. My reprimand of DUNNO was more of a general reprimand you understand, nothing specific. You have been lollygagging for days now. Tattle and gossip isn't for me, good heavens man. No No, give us some of your deepest most inner thoughts and raw emotions... or perhaps describe the passing countryside, if you like.

You can make it all up if you desire. In any case, Very few of your readers have any idea what you are talking about at the best of times, so a bit of flimflam will be quite acceptable to most, not all, but most.

You just have to try a little harder when your reputation is what it is....Think of the great writers who have come before you as you enter the city of the lagoons, and dig out that battered Underwood and let your fingers be released.


But remember to do it before lunch, you are quite hopeless after.


Well thanks for clearing that up !

Oh a GENERAL reprimand not a SPECIFIC one !

And you really expect that to be comforting to Hum ?

Incroyable !

So Hum must "raise his game" above mere tittle-tattle.

Moi tittle-tattle ?

Despite the fact that you also consider Hum's pists to also be apparently in-comprehensible!

Obviously the Canadian education system can learn a lot from the German school system but then GCMV is a most intelligent chum who somehow comprehends this "drivel" (a term for Hum's pists originally described by yourself and yet you continue to read them ! Aha !).

And by the way, all Hum's posts are jotted prior to imbibing and the subsequent afternoon nap or many hours after re-awaking.

Cheeky !

Hum will apologise in advance for sullying this forum with future posts about our beloved vessels and not provide Abenaki with pists akin to a nautical theme of Marcel Proust's, "À la recherche du temps perdu, sur la mer" !


If memory serves Hum well, Hum is unaware of you instructing other humble posters how to compose their posts or suggesting to them themes for their said pists: just Hum's.

Just how far from reality you have stumbled is clear to everyone except your good self.

Maybe you could raise the strength to compose something yourself along the lines you suggest to demonstrate a suitable example of what you seek from Hum and presumably others.

Of course, Hum is a simpleton and he has been fooled once before regarding your detailed instructions to Hum to do something or other.......even purchasing shirts from a fictitious seller in an obscure Italian riviera coastal town !



Ol Hummie dangling his hook in the water....you'll have to use better bait than that, darling.


Well dearest chum, your response shows the bait is working perfectly well.

In fishing terms, you are fully aware of the bait and have "taken a few nibbles" already.

Hum has all the time in the world. That is part of the sport, languid watching an inferior creature splash about.

Just remember, by your pride and lack of beseeching for additional information and Hum's considerations of apparent (very minor) shortcomings onboard Hum's recent voyage that you are denying the very nice JES and others maybe of the "spilling of 'dem beans".

Oh and the Guest Comment Card too !

Sadly not approved for release until......well a simple "please" or "if you would be so kind to share" from your good self is offered to Hum.

Meanwhile check the condition of the diesel generator near the wooden spoon whittling shed: Hum had a premonition.

Your response, dearest of dears?

Hum awaits.

Our dear chums await.



I am of course saddened to think that you are not feeling well, dear Hum. You really should make an appointmrnt to see an exorcist....


You are of course "saddened" !

My arsk.......yourself this question ?

Nay, Hum will not sully himself.

Who is fishing now dearest chum ?

And now you imply Hum is possessed by the Devil ?

What abuse the innocent Hum has had to suffer in his mission to "heal the world" of bigotry and hatred and to embrace our "chumminess" with one another !


The decline in health can be directly attributed to Hum's sensitivity and reaction to criticism from a dear, dear chum whom Hum has held (and continually holds) in such high regard and with oh so gentle innocent affection with no thought of reward for himself.

Yes Hum is foolish to have faith in you but somewhere in that dark, dark soul of yours, Hum believes some small embers must reside which Hum can fan and enable to glow once more releasing you from that cold dark desolate winter of your imprisoned, shrivelled soul.

Hum would call to you "Our soul ......... let us pray for reconciliation".


So from a poster of drivel, then tittle-tattle and now possession by the Devil and all in the space of a few days !

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Oh so many returning chums to read and respond to but alas all energy has been spent on Abenaki.

No, of course Abenaki does not deserve such indulgence.

And yes Hum's forgiving nature has cost him his health too.

But Hum so loves the simpleton and remembers so fondly leisure times together.

He really is one of the funniest chums to have.


So now, an evening with a glass of a little something looking out over the estate and beyond on this beautiful early evening with Blondie pottering about the kitchen.

Oh domestic bliss.....the servants have been sent home early.

Well that's the kind of guy Hum is.

You treat them too well, Hum hears you cry.

Just old "nursie" on hand in case of a relapse pendant la nuit.

Have a simply wonderful evening and weekend yourself dearest chums.

Hum will reply to you all.......if he makes it through the night.

Thankyou all for your many kind wishes and prayers.

No Abenaki, to make it through !

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I'd vote against that, Jim. Zimmy and I are major contributors to the Save the Skeet Foundation. Haven't you seen the commercials with Sally Struthers crying about the poor skeet who are only wounded and left helpless to die? Each time we see it we are reduced to tears.


I'll see if I can wedge this in between the other verbal harangues.....Yes, that Sally is a real trooper. She can squeeze a tear at the drop of a skeet.:eek: Oops, sorry for the insensitivity. Maybe SeaDream could use recycled, solar cured, no antibiotics skeet? Maybe not as skeet have to vote too!:eek::D Where is the TOY Bar when you need it???:D

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More Idle Jottings for those of you who might also be of the Crystal persuasion. Crystal announced today the result of their 6 month feasibility study to determine if the SS United States could be returned to service as a luxury cruise liner for them. Not surprisingly they concluded that it is just not technically or economically possible to renovate the 65 year old liner to present day standards and regulations. Sad as I would have loved to sail on her but not unexpected. It relates a bit to the now 30+ year old SeaDream twins. Enjoy while we can.:D

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