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.......idle jottings


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After reading your glowing background piece on the wine we were recently presented, something did

not ring true. So, the two bottles now remaining in the cellar are a 2010 Chambolle Musigny ... not bad,

but am assuming not in the class of the Didier and one we know little about. Anyway, they remain in

reserve for your ultimate consumption.


So excited about your impressions of the new pianist. You might tell him of my penchant for jazz and

show music and that I am in the process of putting a repertoire together for my nightly performance and

to get the tickets printed. Hey, a kid has to make a buck somehow!


Assume you will be on deck to welcome (scrutinize) the new arrivals this afternoon. Hope this gang will

know the etiquette for consuming caviar, recognizing one does not make a "pile" the height of the

Urals on one's plate. Oh where is Mr. Hewitt when we need him? Love all around.



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One of the truly delightful aspects of Sea Dream is the crew.

Well we all know that ho hum !

Well if you would give ho hum a chance ! What's the matter with you people ! Oi vay !


There was a young man who came from a distant country to the world of cruising. He is a quiet, thoughtful and conscientious young man possessing exquisite manners. He is not one of the "rum-bumptious", "look at me" kind with an overbearing nature: no. His qualities may not be that evident on first impressions.

Well he came quite some time ago and it would be true to say that whilst the raw material was sound, there still remained work to do.

Not much had changed by the time of the return and even by the third return but by the fourth return, to borrow a catch line from the great Charlie "RedStripe": Oh My !


He had lost 7 kilos and was a toned and buffed trim guy. He had a "bounce" and quiet, underlying confidence enough to now instigate a benign enquiry of light social intercourse. But he had something else, he was "switched on" !

Now as you may recall, ho hum's experience of inter-acting with Bajan youth was not of the same ilk. There they were languid, morose, "dont want to be here" types who ho hum had to cajole, rebuke, do anything to get them to make a "move on". And please dont say this the relaxed Caribbean style.....that would simply be a dis-honest and corrupt mis-representation.


Getting back to this young man. He leaves to-day for his triumphant return to his homeland and people will say "guess what **+++**** is back and he looks great".

The ladies will be taking another look and "wayhay".... Let the good times roll !

Great job !

To paraphrase a saying "if you can make it here (SD) you can make it anywhere".

Oh and one more line borrowed from Jack Benny

When asked how do you get to Carnegie Hall ? Practice, practice, practice was the reply.

And oh boy did he practice. You did it, you bloody did it !

And when you do it for yourself....everybody benefits, the world benefits.

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After reading your glowing background piece on the wine we were recently presented, something did

not ring true. So, the two bottles now remaining in the cellar are a 2010 Chambolle Musigny ... not bad,

but am assuming not in the class of the Didier and one we know little about. Anyway, they remain in

reserve for your ultimate consumption.


So excited about your impressions of the new pianist. You might tell him of my penchant for jazz and

show music and that I am in the process of putting a repertoire together for my nightly performance and

to get the tickets printed. Hey, a kid has to make a buck somehow!


Assume you will be on deck to welcome (scrutinize) the new arrivals this afternoon. Hope this gang will

know the etiquette for consuming caviar, recognizing one does not make a "pile" the height of the

Urals on one's plate. Oh where is Mr. Hewitt when we need him? Love all around.


The 2010 Chambolle Mussigny you say.......hmmmm, they will be divine but please wrap those babies in mink fur to keep them away from your truly dreadful winter and please notify where they are located in the homestead should you unfortunately become frozen by the time we arrive !


Ho hum trusts the usual 50% agents commission is acceptable for your Sea Dream performances.

You will be so happy.....and that will make us happy.


Blondie (Sea Dream's alternative to Simon Cowell) will be holding auditions after the etiquette guidelines have been read and the $1000 deposit has been handed over for the new passengers. Any subsequent offending passenger will be thrown off on passing sand banks.

But please, ho hum may have "gone a little too far" suffice to say SD passengers are delightful. If ho hum were to come under the spotlight of scrutiny maybe he would fare less well. Certainly your fellow cabin mate has been quick to dismiss ho hum's attire on more than one ocassion despite a willingness to learn from the Master.


Kindly check up on him. He may be frozen bent over feeding the moggies at early hour feeding time ! It can be quite cold at these times.

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Well everyone passed the auditions with flying colours !

What a fantastic bunch of fellow passengers.

Drinks at the bar before dinner included the same fun guys at supposed sail away: sail away was cancelled until after dinner for the simple reason it will again be bouncy out of Barbados !


During dinner there was a heavy downpOur and a large group of 12 Norwegians sought shelter around our more central table. Curvaceous bottoms surrounded us as we ate trying not to cut our fillet mignon at the same time as being accused of sexual harassment !


This is the crazy thing about SD, we all just get on: we are literally and metaphorically "all in the same boat".


This is a lovely bunch: we will have yet another great time albeit the weather is trying to spoil things.

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This week's itinerary is "up in the air" due to heavy rain, winds and choppy seas: the Captain also wants to avoid large "people carriers" !


It has not "dampened spirits" judging by the disco last night run by Hayden, the Club Director.


With this weather might even have to join the Gym which Charlie put ho hum on to Butch, Sundance, Ralf, Poppy are all members.

Check out the vid:


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Back home from SD II after spending Sunday in transit. Barbados to Miami to Chicago connections were perfect. Thank you, American Airlines. Just wish we didn't have to wake up at 4:00 am to catch the flight off the island.


Right now would be happy to sit in the rain in the Grenadines. This morning I already shoveled the snow off the end of the driveway where the plow had deposited it. And it was really cold.


Loved the II, but still missed the crew on the I. But now when we sail on the II next year it will no longer feel as if a new family had moved into our house. Great meeting you, ho hum, and looking forward to seeing you and Blondie again next January.


Zimmy's DH

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Back home from SD II after spending Sunday in transit. Barbados to Miami to Chicago connections were perfect. Thank you, American Airlines. Just wish we didn't have to wake up at 4:00 am to catch the flight off the island.


Right now would be happy to sit in the rain in the Grenadines. This morning I already shoveled the snow off the end of the driveway where the plow had deposited it. And it was really cold.


Loved the II, but still missed the crew on the I. But now when we sail on the II next year it will no longer feel as if a new family had moved into our house. Great meeting you, ho hum, and looking forward to seeing you and Blondie again next January.


Zimmy's DH


The pleasure in meeting you both was ours too and we similarly look forward to meeting up with you both next year.

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Dearest ho-hum,

as far as gcmv can gather, ho-hum and blondie are still onboard.


What has ho-hum done preemptively for the mice before leaving home for such a long period of time? Does ho-hum offer a variety of best Stilton cheeses for the posh creatures when baiting the moustraps? ;)


Pet lovers use only the best fodder for their sweethearts ... :)

Edited by gcmv
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Oh boys and girls the weather is awful.....for some.

The Captain is busy finding alternate places to frolic in some sun and with less wind and to arrive on less bouncy seas.

Does this satisfy our fellow passengers ? Well mostly, most people are sympathetic.

But there is a "batty" posh English dowager who when not coming out with the most crazy things to say simply relished the Captain's announcement that we were heading for Union Island.

Well you would have thought she was being transported to Devil's Island for 50 years solitary confinement !

An American lady seeing this display of shock demands what is happening. "We are going back to Union Island !"

Oh my God she exclaims then realises she has'nt a clue why she is saying "oh my God". What is so bad......ho hum has enough of this and escapes to the pool deck.


These two ladies become "as thick as thieves" swopping stories of life injustices they have been subject to. "pigs in muck" together.


Well yes the weather has been a tad trying but it is warm and still exceeds any English summer would produce and is way better than the weather in some of your backyards.


And again it is the crew that have to work even harder. Laying outside tables, then moving tables and then setting back up again. This can be repeated many times in a day for breakfast, lunch and dinner !


We have a VIP couple onboard and very, very charming they are too. They love blondie of course whilst ho hum tags along being given strict instructions not to tell jokes, get their names right and various strictures of behaviour for jolly, fun, carefree evenings at the bar !


But really ho hum likes them. In fact there are good bunch onboard again and most of us, nay the majority of us, come together in "adversity", sheltering one another on bunched up tables and joking with one another.......what other ship can offer this ?


Sorry no photos.....everybody must be on their ipads etcc due to weather

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Dearest ho-hum,

as far as gcmv can gather, ho-hum and blondie are still onboard.


What has ho-hum done preemptively for the mice before leaving home for such a long period of time? Does ho-hum offer a variety of best Stilton cheeses for the posh creatures when baiting the moustraps? ;)


Pet lovers use only the best fodder for their sweethearts ... :)


Most mice have been culled......but our mice love peanut butter.

You could say "they die for it" !

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We have a VIP couple onboard and very, very charming they are too. They love blondie of course whilst ho hum tags along being given strict instructions not to tell jokes, get their names right and various strictures of behaviour for jolly, fun, carefree evenings at the bar !


Ho-hum, why not telling a nice joke. When they are real VIP's, they are golfers - you have to tell them my "20 minutes golfer joke" - you'll be the hero of the hour ... :D

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Ho-hum, why not telling a nice joke. When they are real VIP's, they are golfers - you have to tell them my "20 minutes golfer joke" - you'll be the hero of the hour ... :D



Haha......only you can tell that joke !

Ho hum thought you had sole copyright !

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So we arrive on a rainy morning for an hour and now the weather is gorgeous.

A beach party awaits us.


Do you remember the days of the "CHAMPAGNE & CAVIAR SPLASH" !


Then they cut out the festivities in the Med and just had event for Caribbean.


And now it's referred to as "CAVIAR SPLASH " ! (They use sparkling wine BUT not for nous).


Next year it may be "FISH EGG PLONK" !

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Ho Hum,


This is the one event we have been bragging to our friends about...

Hope it lives up to our memories!?���� of course We would go on Seadream if it was just spam on crackers! Haha!



Really ?

You really are the grateful type.......a really great attitude to have by the way.

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Lucky guess !


But is the cabin spinning this time? If it is, then it was definitely a fabulous day. Loved that eighties video HH. Think that was me in the background at 0.30 on some sort of exercising contraption when I was Blondie too. Now back to dark and 'planking and reverse planking'!!! At least Ho Hum you don't have Snow, 80mph gales,flooding, trees down etc as I do. Enjoy the rest of your cruise. :)

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Do you remember the days of the "CHAMPAGNE & CAVIAR SPLASH" !


Then they cut out the festivities in the Med and just had event for Caribbean.


And now it's referred to as "CAVIAR SPLASH " ! (They use sparkling wine BUT not for nous).


Next year it may be "FISH EGG PLONK" !


As long as they don't change it to the XXX & NO BEER SPLASH, I'm good. But I reckon that those on here who know me already knew that.....

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Correction about Norwegians



Ho hum wishes to make a correction in an earlier claim that ALL Norwegians are SOOO Dull !

On this voyage that is certainly NOT true.

Let ho hum make a correction:

- 50% fantastic fun

- 35% very nice

-15% bonkers but nice


A perfect proportion ho hum thinks you will agree.


Maybe ho hum's comments were picked up by Norwegian Foreign Affairs and perhaps guidance notes were issued to Norwegian travelling abroad to be more fun and interesting !

What else could it be ?

The Norwegian contingent are a truly delightful crowd even though their oil revenues are tumbling and the exchange rate means that ho hum and blondie can afford to visit Oslo and maybe even by a "round of drinks" !

A martini costs over $250,000 ! It's true.....would ho hum lie to you !

You need to arrange a mortgage to go out to dinner !


And not one of them has talked about snow, mooses, skiing or now much more clever they are than the Swedes and their snow is vastly superior too !


There is a contingent going around wearing regalia around their necks and greeting one another with secret handshakes and moose mating calls ! But you cant say they are boring: weirdly eccentric, definitely !


No the dullest are the Brits and there is one who complains soooo much about everything !


But really the ship is a happy crowd. Ho hum is writing this after a whole bunch of them has left the ship for a catamaran ride around the island. The locals turned up late with the boat causing the Club Director to run around the deck in blind panic quelling an insurrection, this time by Aussies ! The "cat" showed up not that late and they all trundled off: only a few wearing raincoats ! So far they have been lucky. The Aussies have just beaten the English at cricket and no doubt they will be "lauding it about" at lunchtime !


The scene this morning was so beautiful and atmospheric. Ho bum has never seen this wild side of the Caribbean and it was truly beautiful, dynamic and energising. Ho hum is certainly enjoying this weather but maybe the majority would prefer constant sun.


Ho hum loves it......dont forget chums it's not cold.



The posh VIP from the states and travelling companion are a most interesting, knowledgeable and wise pair who blondie and moi meme had the good fortune of dining with. The things ho hum learnt is astonishing (in all seriousness).


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But is the cabin spinning this time? If it is, then it was definitely a fabulous day. Loved that eighties video HH. Think that was me in the background at 0.30 on some sort of exercising contraption when I was Blondie too. Now back to dark and 'planking and reverse planking'!!! At least Ho Hum you don't have Snow, 80mph gales,flooding, trees down etc as I do. Enjoy the rest of your cruise. :)


HH has been "sensible" this time and he requested a "non-spinning" cabin !


Yes HH loves the vid too......think you are the only one !


We are experiencing another kind of weather in the Caribbean and all in all HH is loving it. Eating out every night t'boot? Cant be bad can it ?

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