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All Things EARTH... part 2


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So...on a completely different topic...I'm wondering what everyone uses for a swim suit cover up on their cruises. Do you have one that you use for the pools and hot tubs? And then a different one for a ship excursion? Like going to Nachi for instance? Or the private beaches? 


I was so hoping that I could score like Margaret in the cover up shopping at the beach...but nope. I had purchased a wonderful one size fits most gauze dress that was dyed deep purple with yellow and white space. There is embroidery on it too. And so CHEAP...I bought it when I went with DH to Virginia Beach. Hey...I guess I did get to go on an overnight before...anyway...the deep purple started to run. I avoided washing it as long as I could knowing what was going to happen. And I tried to soak the dress to set the dye but that did NOT work. Now the white is lavender and the yellow is dulled and while the whole thing is functional...the purple still runs and bleeds on my pool towel...which is fine for at home but definitely not something to take on a trip.


I had hoped for a find in Fort Walton but no joy.


I have some solid teal gauze fabric that I've had forever. I'm debating between making a dress...an easy slip over the head thing...OR...these kinds of pants:




I have a pattern for these pants...they would end up looking more like this:




The important thing in my mind is make them look more like the above and less like this:




Definitely think the tie at the waist can be styled to be more helpful in looking more flattering...like this one:




Looking more like a wrap skirt in front.


What do you all think? I only have so much gauze...I bought it on clearance years ago. I have to choose between pants like these...or a dress...


So...what does everyone else do?

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Please excuse a long-time lurker for intruding.  In the late 60's there was a very popular pattern for wrap pants (or diaper pants as they were called then).  The front piece secured at the back waist, I believe with a hook-and-eye, and then the back wrapped to the front with a narrow tie fed through a casing.  They were very comfy --- until nature called;  then they were more awkward than jumpsuits.   Your pattern may be totally different, but I would suggest you consider the "engineering" aspects before you make a final decision.

Isn't sewing for a cruise a fun way to plan ahead.w

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I’ve had a crazy week, more about that another time, but there is so much I’d like to comment on here. So here are a few of my thoughts.


Anita, I think the main problem in that second wrap-pant photo is poor fabric choice: a gauzy fabric that drapes would have been better. A beachy print would be nice. What is that pant? Is it supposed to be dressy? Why is it too short? So many no nos.


Laurie, I liked your fall color pics. I kind of missed it twice: when we left for Michigan, it was just getting started here, then in MI it was too early, and by the time we got back it was at the brown stage. Now the leaves are mostly down. It’s been raining a lot.


Anita, as for post-picture adulterating, I am a big fan. Many times I just do my best to get the color and focus right, and crop later to get the composition I want. Where I need to practice is with low light and indoor flash photos. Your sunset photos are lovely. We abandoned the DSLR and all the lenses when we went digital because carting all that stuff around was a pita, and for our level of skill there are so many good P&S digitals out there to choose from. We’ve had vacations where the camera and lenses had to sit on the balcony for ten minutes before we could take pictures outside -- oh no, missed that leaping leopard seal shot because the lens was fogged up.


My favorite outfit of yours was the one with Uniqlo hoodie. Two thumbs up! As for eliminating bulk under rash guards, if I know I’m not taking the rash guard off like when I’m paddle boarding or snorkeling, I have a cheap (thin) nylon bra I wear under it and just wear swim shorts or bottoms. That is my swim outfit for the day. Since most of my swimsuits are one piece with a built-in underwire bra, they are not comfortable under a rash guard at all.


I guess I really have two habits with swim cover-ups. On an excursion or any time I am going to and from an activity on transportation of some kind, I like to wear a sundress or shorts and T over a swimsuit. On the ship or at a beach resort where there is wandering around within a bathing suit area, I prefer a cover-up for running to the restroom or getting lunch. I am really a function-oriented dresser.


When you said “I am still a backpacker at heart” my gut reaction was I am SO not a backpacker. Then I had to laugh at myself because what do I do every day in the city? Pile a bag with everything I need for whole day, hop on the subway, and trek around in comfy shoes.

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“clothing is really the easy part...it's all the personal care...and some entertainment/needs for taking care of the business of life...that is the greater burden. Clothes are easy.”


I agree with this so much, Anita. There was an old commercial where a girl in jeans grabbed her sweater and tucked her AmEx card in a pocket to go on vacation at the last minute. The idea of that was so appealing, that you could go anywhere at any time with only that. So easy. So never gonna happen with me, lol.


“…water tip for Marriott brand hotels is to hit up the exercise room. There is always a water dispenser there.” This is my strategy at hotels and on cruise ships as well, the water in the gym. I mentioned in an earlier post that I always have a water bottle with me when I travel.


Sally, I feel for you with all the sorting and donating. It’s a huge job. Your comment about holiday decorations really spoke to me, because when I had my first apartment I originally surrounded myself with decorations, I think to make it easier to be away from home. I have really pared it back over the years, though, because we are rarely home for Christmas day. As Anita said so well, it's really just the IDEA of lots of holiday decorating that I like, but actually I am more and more a minimalist in my décor as I get older. I prefer a well-chosen item over lots of stuff.


Anita, I recall a book called SMALL HOUSE, BIG STYLE that I got when we bought our lake house and were planning the renovation which had lots of very clever space usage ideas. Though I have to say that apartment living kind of imposes the same thing since our space is very finite. You can either be very clever about storage ideas or just constantly purge. I think we do a bit of both.


So, a Mustang, eh? Lucky you.  When we had our V8 Thunderbird, it had a limiter on it at 99mph.  I won’t say how close I got, but there was a trip we made upstate….


A “puppy pulling on the leash,” that was our GTO in a nutshell. Hey, I’m from Michigan, we’re all a bunch of gearheads.





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Anita , I have lived in Florida for 23 years and except for a light rain jacket I have never needed more in the way of coats . I do have a leather jacket I used to take when traveling and I did wear it once or twice in Florida. I basically wear the same clothes year round . I do wear darker clothes in the winter . My real winter wardrobe is jeans and a top . I wear a sweater about four times a year and then it is a pretty thin sweater .

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This is the time of year I wish I was in FL. We have snow forecast coming in tonight until Wednesday with highs in single digits. Of course, Halloween is this week, CO kids never get to show their costumes, just snowsuits!


on cars, the Miata convertible we had in HI was a disaster. It was a hardtop (transformer style) convertible. If the top was up Les couldn’t get into the car with his shoulder. Worst part tho was, we were out tooling around, Aloha Market, up to Dole Plantation for pineapple whip. I put the top up at Dole...good thing, it started to pour. We’d planned on lunch on the NorthShore, not going to happen. We got into the car & the key remote went dead (now Les isn’t happy with this car anyway & I didn’t like that it didn’t have ANY power). I finally got it started (must’ve held it close enough...the hidden key wasn’t available as the remote was damaged before us). At least the windshield wipers worked!  I’m approaching a narrow bridge, here comes a bus, now the road is flooding & I have about 4” of ground clearance. I wave the bus off...driver looks at me I motion to the flooding & the car, he nods & pulls to the side, I pass him waving madly. Whew! Off we go, I’m going to return the car, can’t get gas as I’m concerned about turning the car off. We’d rented the car at Hilton Hawaiian Village, so off to the 6th deck of their winding parking garage (without directions to National). Park the car, go down to the desk. Manager says you damaged the remote you’ll have to pay for it. I pull out my phone with the date/time stamp picture I’d taken of the car & key fob before we’d left with it. He says, oh...well I need to go check the car,...fine. He calls down & says to his ass’t charge them for one day & the gas...oh no. Manager comes down & I stated, nicely, I’m not paying for the fob, I’m not paying for the gas & I don’t think I should pay for the vehicle as it was un drivable. He looked at my steely gaze & agreed. He said I can give you another vehicle, but all I have is a Cadillac Escalade...nope too big for me on HI streets. I wanted to love the car, but it was not to be 😢. So the rest of the trip we used the city bus system& went all over the island for $2 a day Melody



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Wow Melody, that is quite a story! Good that you stood to your ground and didn’t let the rental car company take advantage. It looks like a fun car to explore the island in but I guess not!


No snow for Halloween here-just temps in the 80’s-ugh-not fall at all! However, I’m not sure I’d want to shovel the walkway for the tricker treaters.



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Anita, my thoughts on those pants as a coverup...I think in a quick to dry fabric like you have mentioned, (gauze) they will work great.  I recall having a pair of pants like those once.  I know I very much liked them, but I can't for the life of me really recall exactly what they looked like on me.  They have a boho feel, and I think that picks up on your style a lot.  Do you agree?


My issue with the second photo is in relation to fit and length.  The fact that they don't wrap up closer in the front gives the illusion of a bad fit.  If she went up a size, they would create a different silhouette.  


I also think they create a line, top half, bottom half....even.  I don't know the proper terminology, but I find myself wanting her to create an illusion of the top or bottom half of her body being bigger than the other.  In other words, does the waist portion of the pants fall in the right area of her abdomen? Is the length right?


For a beach cover up, I think they are going to be great, and you probably wouldn't care if the swimsuit shows through a lightweight fabric.  If you were to wear them elsewhere, then you may or may not care about that.  I'm trying to remember what the fabric was of the pair I had, and I want to say they were a polished cotton.  It was in the 80s, I think.


When it comes to Christmas, I have always been fond of decorating. Growing up, we had very little, so there wasn't much under the tree.  But my mom made a big dinner, and we had a secondhand tree with that big fluffy garland, old ornaments, and some cheap newer ones.  It was the highpoint of the season for me.  


When I got my first place, I was in a similar position and did the same - cheap tree, and big garland to fill in all the empty areas!  Then came my first home, and I got a better artificial tree.  So much better, that my daughter uses this tree in her home now.  I have yet to see a tree this nice.  I slowly added to my décor over the year to include things in every room.


About 3 years ago, I was finding myself feeling a bit disenchanted, you could say.  I realized my decorations were so all over the place, not matching and some things falling apart.  I got rid of a lot of things, holding on to the things I still loved, throwing out the things that weren't good any more, and donating or giving away the items that were still good.  I have been building on the rest.


It's a lot of work, but my decorating is mostly inside.  I spend an entire weekend doing this.  When it is done, I just feel good.  It makes me happy.   I still have some things I would like to add.


You all know the situation with my house, the décor, and my husband, lol.  Old news.  🙂   🙂 

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Anita, I have gauze pants (white & black) that I’ve used as coverups. I have a white gauze blouse that works with both. However, my favorite beach coverups are cold shoulder swing dresses (with pockets!). I found a cobalt blue (I know, surprising!😂😂) & a black one. Both are T-shirt material & are perfect. Both are about 2-3 sizes too large for me now, but still look okay as a coverup. I’m on the hunt for another dress Like them  for our MardiGras cruise. Shees, no cruise for almost two years & then 3 in 130 days!  Hawaii & then this b2b. We become Elite Plus on Celebrity in between the MardiGras & ABC Cruise. Melody

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On 10/25/2019 at 11:21 AM, awhfy said:

Laurie, take a look at Express. I don’t normally shop there, but they’re showing a tobacco brown 3 button mid calf coat in a lot of ads. 

I had a beta fish on my desk at work for years, he was the office pet. When I retired I left him for the office, he liked the interaction. I retired in 2011 & he made it until 2015. I think he was about 11-12 years old, just about unheard of for a beta. Our office symbol was SND so he was Sandy.  Melody


Years ago I worked at Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and one of the admin assistants had a beta fish mascot.   She was on Johnny when I worked there, who was preceded by Bobby and Woody.


On 10/25/2019 at 2:19 PM, Anita Latte said:

So...on a completely different topic...I'm wondering what everyone uses for a swim suit cover up on their cruises. Do you have one that you use for the pools and hot tubs? And then a different one for a ship excursion? Like going to Nachi for instance? Or the private beaches? 

We don't spend a lot of time at the pools on cruises - between crowds and sun it just works better for us to do other things.  If we are doing water slides though I will use a crocheted coverup that hits just below my knees and has 3/4 sleeves for when I'm not in line.  For excursions it depends on the type of day.  If I'm going to a private beach only I'll use the crocheted coverup again, but if we might do some shopping or other "public" activities then I will wear shorts and top (also for kayaking excursions) or a sun dress (would love something like Melody's with pockets!).


On 10/25/2019 at 2:19 PM, Anita Latte said:


I have some solid teal gauze fabric that I've had forever. I'm debating between making a dress...an easy slip over the head thing...OR...these kinds of pants:




I have a pattern for these pants...they would end up looking more like this:




The important thing in my mind is make them look more like the above and less like this:




Definitely think the tie at the waist can be styled to be more helpful in looking more flattering...like this one:




Looking more like a wrap skirt in front.


What do you all think? I only have so much gauze...I bought it on clearance years ago. I have to choose between pants like these...or a dress...


So...what does everyone else do?

Love the first pants, like the third pants, always worry things would look like the second pair on me 😉 I saw a great coverup at a lake party that was just the fabric but she was able to wrap and tie it in a way that it made either a cute long skirt or cute shorter dress.  Maybe with limited fabric exploring tying options might be good first (amazing how much extra fabric you need to actually construct something.

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grayparrot...there is no intruding here...I'm glad that you posted! Welcome to the discussion! The bathroom point is well taken and funny enough I did a search on that and actually found a video in which the person showed how to use the toilet while wearing this style of pant! LOL!! It's a bit of a process but basically it involves untying the outer layer and then folding those two ends toward each other to one side...you can then take the strings and make a slip knot (or not)...and then you have to step over the pants with one leg so that they are now in front. You can't wait to go...


It's such a good thought...I'm so glad that you posted. Because as I think about it...that's not really what I'm looking for. For this, I'm looking for the easy thing that you throw on to be able to go to the potty, walking across the pool deck...or into the buffet...or wherever...that easy on and easy off...and that pant style isn't it.


I started looking at Etsy to see if there were any brilliant ideas over there...and I did find a wrap style thing that you can tie this way or that...I think I'm going to use that idea for inspiration. The one being sold is a knit...and I want to use my gauze...so will be thinking about that more. Here's my inspiration:




I'm not a fan of the strapless version. This kind of reminds me of one I loved by Tommy Bahama...




But I've never thought the bandeau look would look right over my suits because all my suits have shoulder straps...and also...didn't like the thought of having to pull it overhead to get on. So I want to marry these two ideas...so yes, pacruise...a wrap type thing...and you always do need more fabric than you'd think for such a thing. I have a good amount though.


Meanwhile...we're doing a major first this weekend. Going to camping to a spot that we have to kayak to! Going to be loading up our kayaks and paddling over there...doing some fishing...etc. DH and I are both so excited for this. The plan is two stay two nights. But even if we decide to call it on the second night...that's fine. Check out is 11 AM so paying for the use of a second day is still worth it, even if we decide to go home. It's going to be so similar in concept to backpacking except that kayak will function for transport in lieu of the backpack. So...bonus...don't have to carry everything to get to our campsite. Will be interesting to see how this all works out.


I menu planning now. It's been a while since I have looked at my backpacking cook books. I'm so excited to experiment with this! 


Meanwhile...picked up some things on clearance at Bass Pro Shops yesterday. This dress:




In store, you get to take an additional 50% off the clearance price.


Also picked up some kayaking shorts, some quick dry not quite board shorts that I could also use kayaking, a high waisted swim brief, and a weird tankini top that I'm going to alter. The tankini is like a billowing top over a bra top...except the billowing top has a band around the bottom. It's kinda awful looking...maybe it'd be cute if it billowed more but on me it's pretty tight...but the bra top fit perfectly...I'm going to just cut off that added layer and use the bra top under rash guards!


I picked up what I thought was a pair of swim tights...and I thought there was no reason they shouldn't work...however...got them home and I don't like the rise in the back. So they are going to be returned. Did a bit of searching online and found these:




So giving these a try...think they will be great for kayaking...but also for the beach. IDK about everyone else but I've been to the beach enough lately that I'm finding the sand irritating around my bum. Even my swim shorts are a bit loose around the leg and the sand just gets up in there and it isn't easy to brush off. I think these longer shorts will be great for keeping the sand out of private places. LOL.

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Anita, your kayak trip sounds like so much fun!  The 1/2 sleeve dress is really cute!  I like the swim capris too - I've used exercise capris but it's a different feel in the water.  They get the job done, but I think a specific swim material would be better.  The length is great too.

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Anita, I wear those same SPF swim shorts for my aqua aerobics class, they’re fabulous...I’m looking at different colors now!  Woo Hoo!


the kayak trip sounds fantastic...I missed doing that & paddleboarding on our Hawaii cruise, but Les just wasn’t up to it. He’s improving every day but we likely won’t paddleboard in Feb/Mar on our b2b. 

I found my cold shoulder dresses at TJMaxx for under $20 one was in the swim aisle (black one) & blue in with dresses. I’m still hopeful of another cause they’re really pretty big now (14-16 & I’m in a 10 now, not complaining).  Paceuise, they are perfect for shopping, lunch, etc, hit right at knee (well, they dud, now they’re almost a midi length!)


we just came in from shoveling. Had about 5-6” overnight & still snowing. Temperature is 12F...should’ve stayed in Hawaii!!!  Melody



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OMG Melody that you have snow is insane!


Glad to hear good things about the swim shorts...I thought they would be great for being more active with the water...especially going into the "cooler" season here. LOL. Seriously though, IDK how cool the water will get...but judging from what we felt this past weekend...it might be a while. And my impression is that the lagoon waters will stay warmer.


Hey...have you used the code SWIMSAFELIFE15? You get 15% off your first order...IDK if they keep track or how. It's the code you get when you sign up for their offers.


I saw my first wild manatee yesterday!!! I actually saw two. AND we saw a dolphin swimming up the intercostal waterway. We could track it's fin as it came up for air. The manatees were cute...you see their noses come up out of the water. And I really only saw their heads. I didn't get photos of them though...but I did have an easy time getting this guy (or gal)...a great egret...hanging out right on the railings of the dock...no care for how close the humans were:




We also saw an osprey flying around...magnificent.

Edited by Anita Latte
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Anita, I haven't been to the site in a while, but swisuitsforall used to carry a lot of swim shorts and capris.  


I  always have trouble finding coverups too.  When I find something I like, I tend to hold on to it long term.   a few years ago, I found an ivory one that I like a lot.


I had this shirt once that I really adored.  It hit towards my lower hip area.  When I lost weight, it got too big. I hated the idea of parting with the shirt, but I also didn't see an easy way to take it in.  Then it dawned on me that I can use it as a swimsuit coverup and use it quite a bit!  It is really nice, because it had a lot of brighter earth colors, and it matches just about every swimsuit I have, except the coral (fire) tankini.


I have always thought that there is a void when it comes to coverups.  Sometimes it's just that there are only a handful of styles, so if you are fussy, you're going to have a problem.  It's me, I'm fussy.  🙂 


I still can't believe I don't cruise until late November 2020.  I am excited about making plans for Boston next June.   If I could find a way to do it, I'd go somewhere in maybe February or March, even a quick 3 or 4 day cruise.  With airfare, hotel and cruise fare, I don't see it happening though.  For that reason, I'm going to enjoy all the trips and weekend getaways that you all share!  It looks like a lot of fun.  


Melody, how is Les doing?  I am trying to picture him getting in and out of that car with a tender shoulder, and it hurts just thinking about it.   With all the issues the car had, I'm sure you  were better off with the bus!  I'm hoping it wasn't too hard for him.


Your weather is crazy.

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Well, we ended up with 8” & another storm coming in tomorrow afternoon. It’s the single digit temps that are really early. Our 11 year old granddaughter leaves for her 6th grade 4day science camping trip tomorrow. They have moved the location to cabins instead of tents!  I bought her a huge box of 200 hand & toe warmers at Costco & told her to share! Today was a good day to be retired. All the schools were closed & military bases closed as well as many businesses & banks/credit unions. Very early for closures, but many people weren’t prepared for the cold temps. 

Anita, when we lived in Cocoa Beach (Patrick AFB) our backyard was the Banana River. The kids used to come home from school & run down to see the manatees & occasionally feed them a head of lettuce. 

Laurie, maybe you should look at a spring training trip to Ft Myers for a couple Red Sox games, spring training is a blast. Les is a trooper, but that car just about did him in (we only had it one day). He’s doing much better now. Melody

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Anita, a tube top dress like this won't fight with the straps on your swimsuit. I have a longer version of this type of dress (too small for me right now) that I've worn on a snorkel excursion or two. So easy to pull on or off:




I picked up two beautiful pareos when we were in Tahiti and learned to tie them several different ways. It's not very difficult, but it is important to have enough fabric:




I like those shorts that you posted. I always worry about sunburn on my thighs when kayaking (we have the sit inside kind so my shins are in the shade). Also they look cute with the rashguard in the photo.


In all my years visiting FL I have never seen a manatee in the wild. That's so cool. Ospreys are so beautiful to watch. This is the first year we've ever had a great egret at the lake... ours is very shy. That's an awesome picture, even the sky behind it is really beautiful.


OMG Melody, how do you stand it??? I was complaining this weekend that my flowers are struggling and won't be around much longer. I can't even think about snow yet.


Edited by MJC
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More snow overnight & 6+” expected tonight & its 7 degrees. We went from 80 on Saturday to bam, full blown winter.  Even for Colorado this cold this early is unusual. I have to drive 30 miles north today for laser gum surgery...not looking forward to it. Doc is trying to save two implants, or replace them. Fun times 😢

We’re REALLY looking forward to our b2b cruises in February ( if I survive that long!!!). Melody

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So I remembered the name of the book I was thinking of...The Not So Big House. Weird when books are life changing...weird to say that...but there was something about that book that altered my way of thinking about houses. I guess that's life changing. I think I've hit that point of life that people call a mid-life crisis. Personally, I think it's a bit short changed to have a MID-LIFE crisis in your 40s...but I have hit that point where you look back at life and question everything and look forward and want to make big changes. Try to start doing things differently.


I understand that the root of this all is basically being unhappy and trying to figure out how to figure out how to get happy again. Is that sad? I'm sorry...I don't want to be a downer...but that's where I'm at. I think I'm spending too much time alone...which isn't really an issue...I have so many projects I want to do...and yet...I'm having a hard time getting going on them.


This coverup project of mine is a perfect example of the struggle I seem to have...I really want to figure out a great cover up! And so I'm spending all this time trying to figure that out rather than just picking something and making something and getting more sewing experience...who cares if this is the best cover up ever? Somehow I do! And so I put roadblocks in my own path rather than just making something and then maybe seeing how the thing I make could be better after actually using it for a while.


That bandeau dress is cute but I have issues with that style. I'd prefer to step into something rather than pull it over my head...and my bottom is so much bigger than the top...the size I would need to get it up and over my rump and hips is such that it would bag at the top and be all kinds of annoying. I could pull it over my head but I've learned from the one tunic that I have which I technically like a lot...I find it really annoying to pull it over my head. Things stick to each other and my tankini tops creep up as I try to remove that outer layer and I hate that.


And bandeau tops are really unflattering on me right now...there's too much squishy up there...get it tight enough to stay up and...well what do you call a muffin top up there? IDK but that's what it would be and that's really not attractive. 


I did have a scarf that I was using and that was fairly successful. Huge scarf much like a pareo but I learned that I feel awful with the way the excess fabric bunches with all the ties and twists...and I especially hate any of the ties that are chocker like around my neck. I like halter tops but then they start to wear on my neck and I always hurt after wearing one. My skinny part is right up under my chest and I think it looks ridiculous on me when I tie anything there...and tying anything anywhere else just means it falls down because that's the shape I'm dealing with...


The bleeding purple dress was so oversized, it didn't stick to my suit and so pulling that over my head was okay...it's just that it is SO MUCH fabric to get to that point...I was hoping to figure out something that would fold up smaller to make it easier to pack...not only in the suitcase but also in a day bag.


And even as I write this...I'm thinking these aren't serious problems...and yet...I'm spending quite a bit of brain power trying to tackle the idea of the PERFECT COVERUP. Good grief.


We went to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party back in September. I think I mentioned how you get to go trick or treating in the Magic Kingdom as part of the event. That process is basically walking through a line of varying length to reach the barrels of candy where Cast Members are dumping handfuls of candy into your treat bags. DH made it through his...but I saved a lot of mine. I like candy fine but I can also take it or leave it...CHIPS are another story... but anyway, we've been looking at all the Halloween stuff around and it just feels like Halloween was already so long ago since we went to the Magic Kingdom. But I unearthed my candy bag yesterday and DH is enjoying the candy again.


We'll be getting ready for our kayak and fishing adventure...we'll be leaving early on Friday. Haven't decided if we'll do anything to honor Halloween or not on Thursday.


In the spirit...here's some photos from that night that I don't think I shared back then...now it feels more appropriate. LOL






Here I am in my super duper awesome Millificent Mickey Ears...




Maybe we'll go down to Disney Springs on Thursday so I can wear my ears again and be dressed appropriately. 

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Laurie - have you considered a Spring trip to Niagara Falls?  It wouldn't be very warm, but could still be a nice short getaway and there shouldn't be as many crowds.  We did a family trip this July and thought it would be so nice to visit other times of the year.


Melody - your weather is crazy!  I enjoy some snow, but prefer it waits until Thanksgiving at least.  I'm glad to hear Les is on the mend and hope he doesn't have any setbacks from the shoveling.  Best wishes for your surgery today 🙂 for some reason I read it as laser gun surgery and have been watching too much sci-fi and pictured you getting a laser gun implant for a moment 😮At least it would help melt the snow 😉 


Anita - I'm struggling with some of the same feelings: wanting a project to be perfect and it keeping me from doing anything.  I've heard of paralysis of the analysis and I think we are struggling with paralysis from perfectionism.  Although I don't consider 40's to be old it is the time I tend to think of as mid-life (I think I'm more likely to pass before 90 than after), plus we have sent our "babies" to college far away - and you even had a move thrown in there - so don't discount the major life changes for some of what you are feeling.  I know part of mine is clinical depression too, which I have learned to manage over the years but can flare up from time to time.  If you continue to struggle please consider medical possibilities too - there are lots of pharmaceutical and natural methods of treatment that can help.  On a lighter note, I thought you mentioned the Nite Hood some time ago - did you end up using it/liking it?  I'm thinking that might be a good Christmas idea.  It's sweet of you (no pun intended) to share your treats with DH ❤️ 




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Well my laser gum surgery has been postponed due to the snow (the dentist couldn’t get out of his housing area (even with 4wheel drive, 18” in his area). We were thrilled not to have to drive 30 miles in this mess. So I have a reprieve until next Thursday (7 Nov). I burst out laughing at laser gun surgery...it would’ve helped. I did all the shoveling (yay me!).


Anita, when you start feeling overwhelmed get outside & go for a walk, it’s always helped me. Melody

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Melody...I think I'd be so frustrated to have to wait some more to deal with something like your surgery but you seem to be rolling with it. I don't deal well with waiting for such things...very hard for me to shut my brain down and so I go a little crazy with wanting such things to be over. I hope your postponement doesn't make you crazy!


pacruise...I love my Nite Hood. I wear it every night. I have since I got it. It's been a bit more problematic with my longer hair because it tends to ride up a bit...but I've reached that point where my hair can get caught under my arm pit at night and also get really snarled if I don't bind it somehow and so the Nite Hood has been good again. I absolutely love mine. I get their emails and every month this year the code to save 15% has been MONTH15. So OCTOBER15 until Oct 31. I can post confirmation that next month is NOVEMBER15... DH and DS think it's funny...my hood...DS said "You do you Mom". So not sure about the gift idea...except that if your giftees are willing to try it and open to the idea, they may love it. I got the purple one.

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So...cleaned out my nail polish collection. Tosses the very few that I just didn't even want to wear again...I was down to 30...and then sadly, I had to throw away one of my very favorites and another popular one. Hard to believe how down in the bottle I got on this deep midnight blue color...60-70% gone...and now the polish won't even move in the bottle it is so thickened up. I'm so sad though...I loved that color.


So I'm left with 28 different polishes...including 3-4 glitter polishes that are hard to count as polish because they are those glitter kinds. I saw a video on applying those once. I'm trying to remember but I swear they put on the glitter with a sponge maybe? Something completely surprising.


Painted toes make me so happy...so I'm making a bit of a mini-goal to go through my polish and try them all out. Kind of like when Margaret went through her closet. I find that I usually pick out the same colors all the time and even though I will buy something else to "add variety" I don't opt for the new as often as you'd think someone would. So...whether it is my first choice or not...going to go with what I THINK is the most seasonally appropriate color. I would have picked my lovely Deutsch You Want Me Baby orange...but I had to throw that away today with the midnight blue. Guess I'll be going for a brown color...brown seems most appropriate to wear in the fall...because I certainly never want to wear it in the summer. Crazy enough...I think I have 3 different brown/bronze?

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