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QM2 Cabin 6065


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I will but not yet. I have just returned from the QM2 today. I need to do some more fact finding. I need to find out the full name and address of a lady called Brenda or Ursula, aged 52 from Peckham in London who passed away on the QM2. I need to speak to her son, then I will tell all.


Anyone got any good ideas as to who I should contact in Cunard?

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I will but not yet. I have just returned from the QM2 today. I need to do some more fact finding. I need to find out the full name and address of a lady called Brenda or Ursula, aged 52 from Peckham in London who passed away on the QM2. I need to speak to her son, then I will tell all.


Anyone got any good ideas as to who I should contact in Cunard?


Wow, that's a young age to pass away. Were you in a cabin nearby???


Not sure what to suggest about finding out any info as nowadays no matter who you speak to seems to always refer back to the data protection act.


Good luck with your search anyway, and I'm sure in time you will tell us more.



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:confused: Dear Naveleye,


I think I may know what you are getting at! Possible Haunting........


It was quite sometime ago on the QE2 on a Transatlantic crossing, Southampton to NYC when half way across the Atlantic we experienced some interesting happenings with the cabin next door.


For two evenings after 2AM, when we were sleeping we were awaken by crashing and unusal noises, some too loud to take from the room next to us on the 4th deck middle ship. We finally inquired after the second night with the stewardess, Virginia. She told us that what we experienced was right and the couple was moved upstairs because of sheer fight and would not remain in the room or on that deck.


She did tell us, and we also heard this from other people and staff/crew that the QE2 was very often occupied with about a dozen past passengers, very dedicated and longtime cruisier, that their spirits returned and remained at times onboard the QE2 for long periods of time. They even knew their names.

One spirited lady was known to walk the halls at night in a sheer shining bright white nightgrown during the early hours. They would not bother her, leave her alone.


We were also told by other staff that there has been exorcisms on board by priests brought onboard.


Maybe, and I believe that I would not be surprised if they may have transferred onto the QM2.


Believe me or not, it did happen! This is NOT A HALLOWEEN PRANK!



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Well, in "Parlor C" of the DELTA QUEEN is where Capt. Mary B. Greene passed away. She was a licensed ship's master, first class pilot and steamboat owner . Her spirit is said by some to "haunt" the DELTA QUEEN. I've been in that room as my stateroom for the cruise and have never had any meetings with Capt. Greene nor any other untoward experience.


Now, I certainly don't discount the spirit world. As a hospice nurse, I could tell you about some rather strange happenings!

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Yes it was big time!. I have never experienced ANYTHING like that before. My friend and I got on the QM2 2 wks ago. Everything seemed perfectly normal exept at night I regularly heard tapping noises. My friend even said to me "Stop tapping" - I wasn't but I'd been aware of them for some time. The tapping came and went and I payed no more attention to it. A few days later, while I was in the bar and she was getting ready for dinner, she experienced a severe choking fit and almost passed out. She got off in New York and here is where it gets spooky. I caught a 24hr stomach bug, so was laid up in 6065 reading and re-reading my book. After sometime, I became acutely aware that I was not alone in the room, I could hear breathing which wasn't mine (the hairs all over my body were standing on end). A little while later, I felt the bed move as if someone had got on it, I looked over, but there was no one there although I felt a physical presence. I was lying face down and I felt a leg lie across my calf muscles and I heard a distorted female voice saying "Its only me, its only me". I didn't really hear it as such, it was just in my head - similar to an outer body experience.


Anybody interested? - shall I go on? It gets better...

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:For two evenings after 2AM, when we were sleeping we were awaken by crashing and unusal noises, some too loud to take from the room next to us on the 4th deck middle ship. We finally inquired after the second night with the stewardess, Virginia. She told us that what we experienced was right and the couple was moved upstairs because of sheer fight and would not remain in the room or on that deck.




Phil - Now you can see where your problems came from. Banging and strange smells. Would have saved a lot of aggro if you had known about this one at the time.



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:confused: Dear Naveleye,


I think I may know what you are getting at! Possible Haunting........


It was quite sometime ago on the QE2 on a Transatlantic crossing, Southampton to NYC when half way across the Atlantic we experienced some interesting happenings with the cabin next door.


For two evenings after 2AM, when we were sleeping we were awaken by crashing and unusal noises, some too loud to take from the room next to us on the 4th deck middle ship. We finally inquired after the second night with the stewardess, Virginia. She told us that what we experienced was right and the couple was moved upstairs because of sheer fight and would not remain in the room or on that deck.


She did tell us, and we also heard this from other people and staff/crew that the QE2 was very often occupied with about a dozen past passengers, very dedicated and longtime cruisier, that their spirits returned and remained at times onboard the QE2 for long periods of time. They even knew their names.

One spirited lady was known to walk the halls at night in a sheer shining bright white nightgrown during the early hours. They would not bother her, leave her alone.



the same thing happened to us one evening and it seemed to be coming from our bathroom so i gabbed a golf club to protect myself and slooooowly opened the bathroom door and there was elvis presley getting ready for a show. happy halloween!!!!

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Phil - Now you can see where your problems came from. Banging and strange smells. Would have saved a lot of aggro if you had known about this one at the time.






Alas no, Phil was quite a long way further aft - 6125 - so perhaps the whole deck is haunted.........?


Funny how (most) QE2 passengers would expect to hear things creak and groan in the night...all part of being on a living ship on a lively ocean.....



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"the same thing happened to us one evening and it seemed to be coming from our bathroom so i gabbed a golf club to protect myself and slooooowly opened the bathroom door and there was elvis presley getting ready for a show. happy halloween!!!!" 2moose


Dear 2moose,


Your experience was Halloween (Ha Ha...), but what Navaleye did experience has been reported on many ships year round. There is even a known fact that a certain elderly lady (passed on) does sometimes make appearences on the QE2 in the Grand Lounge which was once known as the Double Down Room to true oldtime QE2 passengers.


It's you to the individuals to believe it or not......

(We are not alone down here.....................)



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Yes it was big time!. I have never experienced ANYTHING like that before. My friend and I got on the QM2 2 wks ago. Everything seemed perfectly normal exept at night I regularly heard tapping noises. My friend even said to me "Stop tapping" - I wasn't but I'd been aware of them for some time. The tapping came and went and I payed no more attention to it. A few days later, while I was in the bar and she was getting ready for dinner, she experienced a severe choking fit and almost passed out. She got off in New York and here is where it gets spooky. I caught a 24hr stomach bug, so was laid up in 6065 reading and re-reading my book. After sometime, I became acutely aware that I was not alone in the room, I could hear breathing which wasn't mine (the hairs all over my body were standing on end). A little while later, I felt the bed move as if someone had got on it, I looked over, but there was no one there although I felt a physical presence. I was lying face down and I felt a leg lie across my calf muscles and I heard a distorted female voice saying "Its only me, its only me". I didn't really hear it as such, it was just in my head - similar to an outer body experience.


Anybody interested? - shall I go on? It gets better...


Dear Navaleye,


Would be interested for you to continue your story.


Either you may have experienced a moderate fever or welcome to the wonderful world of the twilight zone on the sea. I think you did experience the second one. I have spoke to others on cruises and believe that spirits return to things or places that they cherished during their lives.


Even once a staff member was heard to state that past crew staff have been seen returning to their past assignments after they have been called to the beyond.


Awaiting your addition......

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I understand and appreciate everyone's comments and 2 weeks ago I would have been just as sceptical. After I was visited in my room, I had two choices; leave or try and make contact. I had been aware of its presence and I took the view that running away would not help. I sat up on the bed and asked if he/she could hear me. The response was a lot of taps and scratches. I asked several questions and got the same noisy/tapping response. I then said "OK, we have to find a way of communicating, so I kept it as simple as possible. 1 Tap=yes 2taps=no. I asked a variety of questions over a period of 3 DAYS. I got to know this entity, I've seen all aspects of her personality, her humourous side, her normal side and her dark side. I asked lots of questions (with a yes/no response) some of which I got answers to some of which I didn't. I'm not prepared to write all this up in detail now, but I will do so later. I have spent 25 years in computer industry dealing with absolutes and because of this my mind has been closed. What I have experienced over the last week has turned everything I have taken to be "normal" on its head. There's no logic to this all, and frankly I don't care if any of you believe me or not. Everything I have described to you happened verbatim. Thank you for your attention, I will be pleased to take any further questions at rnb82c"AT"yahoo.co.uk






I mentioned that I had been I'll with a stomach bug. That was sunday night and when Ifelt better I went out to play in G32. I got back to the back to the cabin very late :-) Consequently I woke up late at about 1pm (23hr days). I became aware of frantic tapping and scratching - not on me but around me, this went on for some while, then all of a sudden the phone gave 1 ring and I became fully conscious to the same tapping and scratching and I detected this feeling of great happiness - she wanted to play and was bored with my hangover and was so pleased when I woke up. I asked her if she made the phone ring and got a loud thump straight away. She used her "power" to make a piece of electrical equipment do something it was not designed to do. If that doesn't open you mind to what is out there then I don't know what will.

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um, yeah... If I had an opportunity to prove the existence of the netherworld, I probably would have borrowed a video camera or asked someone else to corroborate that I hadn't been delirious from bad fish or having some sort of lsd flashback. However, I'll give you points for a fair attempt at scaring whomever is staying in that cabin over halloween.

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I'm British, I have no interest in Halloween its an American thing which no-one here takes any interest in. Everything I have told you is true. You can choose to believe it or not, that's entirely your choice, I won't lose any sleep over it.

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Interesting, I had no idea Halloween isn't celebrated in Britain; I'm not much into holidays, but "all hallows eve" is a hell of a lot of fun if you're a kid. Maybe you should take the initiative and start things off...I'd pay good money to see a country full of draculas with bad teeth and harry potter glasses going door to door chanting, "trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat."

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I'm British, I have no interest in Halloween its an American thing which no-one here takes any interest in.



What a shame. You have missed out on one of the best holidays around IMO. It's great for adults and children, and there is nothing like getting dressed up and pretending to be something you are not. It's a blast.


Actually, my best memories of Halloween have been as an adult living in Los Angeles. Santa Monica Blvd. in West Hollywood is completely closed off and turned into one giant costume party. Nothing like it.



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Alas no, Phil was quite a long way further aft - 6125 - so perhaps the whole deck is haunted.........?


Funny how (most) QE2 passengers would expect to hear things creak and groan in the night...all part of being on a living ship on a lively ocean.....




Peter -- You may be on to something...I was in cabin 6109 last August. It was my third trip on the QM2, but my first time on Deck 6. I did hear a strange tapping sound at the balcony door each night...that I'd never heard on previous crossings. At first I thought that the door simply hadn't been closed properly, but after investigation, found nothing amiss. By simply upping my evening quota of spirits (Appletinis, that is, not ghosts), I was able to get to sleep despite the noise, which did continue every night for the 11 day cruise. Next time I think I'll ask for cabin 6065 and bring my Tarot cards on board with me. Nothing like a good, old-fashioned seance to pass the time on the North Atlantic! Donna

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I'm British, I have no interest in Halloween its an American thing which no-one here takes any interest in. Everything I have told you is true. You can choose to believe it or not, that's entirely your choice, I won't lose any sleep over it.


Of course we have an interest in Halloween. See here - http://ImageEvent.com/mufi/abritishpumkin

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Of course we have an interest in Halloween.


Quite right too! We started it!

In the United Kingdom in particular, the pagan Celts celebrated the Day of the Dead on Halloween. The spirits supposedly rose from the dead and, in order to attract them, food was left on the doors. To scare off the evil spirits, the Celts wore masks. When the Romans invaded Britain, they embellished the tradition with their own, which is the celebration of the harvest and honoring the dead. These traditions were then passed on to the United States.

See here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halloween



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Boy, talk about the vicissitudes of the internet.....oh, wait, we weren't; still, you have now made QM2 cabin 6065 highly desirable and possibly the most famous cabin now on the seas. :)

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So totally agree!


This Tuesday I'm going to the pier to wave off friends crossing.....I'm wearing a sheet.


Have already sent several messages to a few booked on the '06 NYC/NYC short Summer cruises 4th July and Labor Day........we'll all be banging about on Six Deck; all are bringing sheets! ;)

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I have spoke to others on cruises and believe that spirits return to things or places that they cherished during their lives.


Even once a staff member was heard to state that past crew staff have been seen returning to their past assignments after they have been called to the beyond.


This is really very interesting and to me very timely. The New Orleans Steamboat Co. in cooperation with the Bush-Clinton Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund are taking the sternwheel steamboat NATCHEZ, normally based in New Orleans, up to Covington, Kentucky as a fund raiser. They will "tramp" their way back to New Orleans offering two hour excursions to the public.


Today in Covington I visited the boat, and was sitting in the boat's cabin chatting with her captain, chief engineer, and first mate. The discussion came up about one of her past captains whom was tragically robbed and murdered in New Orleans. Passengers and crew who did not know the murdered captain have reported seeing a spirit and described how it looks. It could only be one person's spirit. There is even a photo which a passenger took, not knowing the story of this captain, that shows a presence in a cloud of steam. I just saw that photo today and I certainly see the spirit; The spirit is wearing a dress officer's cap and has its hand on its chin as I witnessed this captain doing many times before he was murdered.


This is all true. It gave me goose bumps as I first saw the photo, and as I type these words I still feel strange about the whole story and photo. I knew this captain, and continue to think about him and what a wonderful person and master mariner he was. Perhaps when we were sitting there on the NATCHEZ today he was nearer than any of us could possibly think.

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