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I Belize in MAGIC! MITSUGIRLY revisits the Western Route. My Novel.


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Before going to bed, Sakari just had to draw a picture of some birds...since she had seen birds at Paradise. She did it laying on her "good" side and continuing to hold her chest.





Off to bed we went...of course I couldn't sleep well knowing something was wrong with Sakari. It would be a restless night for me.


Another amazing drawing from such a talented girl! My girls like to read over my shoulder and they always enjoy her pictures. They both told me to ask you where and what you bought for painting the rocks. They’ve added “rock painting supplies” to their Christmas wish list. ☺️


I am waiting here anxiously for what is going on with Sakari. I do hope it was nothing serious!

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following along, so good to see another Kim and Kendra adventure......


Always an adventure. :D

Another amazing drawing from such a talented girl! My girls like to read over my shoulder and they always enjoy her pictures. They both told me to ask you where and what you bought for painting the rocks. They’ve added “rock painting supplies” to their Christmas wish list. ☺️


I am waiting here anxiously for what is going on with Sakari. I do hope it was nothing serious!


We bought the paint and rocks at our local JoAnn Fabric store. Any craft store should have them.

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BELIZE: Tuesday 8-5pm


I had set my alarm for 7am but was wide awake at 6:45am. What is wrong with me? I'm not a morning person. Someone has taken over my body! Kendra was up shortly after me and we all headed down to the buffet for some breakfast.







The scrambled eggs were a little better this morning but I opted for some french toast...just in case. THERE WAS NO BACON POLICE THIS MORNING! Say what??? Did an irate passenger capture them and tie them up for the remainder of the cruise? We could only hope! I loaded up...and no I don't waste any of it. Bacon=heaven and I don't eat a lot of it at home so this is my "treat" week.




We were pulling in on time and the birds were welcoming us. Sakari believes she's a bird whisperer and brought them in closer to the ship.




We headed back to the room to grab our things and knew that we needed to meet in the theater for our excursion.


On the way there, Sakari left another friendship rock.




We needed to meet at 8:30am and I didn't want to be late. Kendra is getting a little better at being closer to "on time" for things these days. Not necessarily "on time" but "close to".


We booked the Snorkeling Wonders of The Barrier Reef Excursion with Carnival. Now everyone knows that I normally DO NOT book excursions with the cruise lines if I don't have to. There has to be a good reason to book with them (for instance in Belize, since it's a tender port, some excursions booked with them will leave directly from the ship and no tender needed).


This excursion did leave directly from the ship and we did not tender over. However, this would not be the reason we decided to book with Carnival. We booked because there was NO local vendors that went to where we wanted to go: Rendezvous Caye. Seriously...no vendors at all other than the cruise ships. I wonder how they managed that!


Previously we booked with a local vendor to go to Goffs Caye, which is very similar to Rendezvous Caye. They both are very tiny little islands situated in the middle of no where. They are very primitive but I believe that Rendezvous did seem a little nicer with more there than Goffs.





So, I just knew I had to go there. The price of the excursion was $74.99 per adult and $59.99 per child. I personally don't think that it's too bad of a price but did know that it didn't include anything other than transporting you there and back and the snorkel equipment if needed. There's no lunch or beverages included. But to experience this place was worth it because I truly enjoyed going to Goffs Caye last time.


The excursion is supposed to be for 4 hours and everyone knows that when you take a ship sponsored tour, traveling to and from is included in that time. Therefore making the time at the island extremely short. This is another reason that I never book ship excursions.


They did have food, snacks and drinks available for purchase there.


It was supposed to be a 40 minute boat ride each way.



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Thanks and glad you are enjoying it. Have a great cruise in January.




It said $20 deposit then listed different prices for the various equipment, which made it seem as if you pay for each piece that was needed. I also have my own equipment, so I never really check these rentals out. I just thought it seemed pretty expensive.




If that's the case, they should probably state it is replacement costs otherwise people will think this is the rental cost (like I did). It could deter from business and people renting equipment if so.


The wristband for the water toys is $18, I do know that. We would learn this later on in the day. I love the ala carte as well.

You photo says “charges for lost or damaged items” - seems clear enough to me.


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We sat in the theater waiting for them to call our excursion. Kam was a little tired. I don't think she's use to getting up this early.




They finally called for our group to head down and off we went.


We boarded the boat that would take us there and everyone was excited...or either faking a smile for the camera.




I don't know if I was still half asleep or what but I totally forgot to take a picture of my watch when we left and arrived. So, I had no idea how long it actually took us to get there. I didn't feel like it was that long of a ride honestly but I'm sure it was around 40 minutes because on the way back I took a picture of us pulling away from the island and one when we pulled up around the ship and that was 41 minutes. Oh well.


My first glance at Rendezvous Caye...









It was beautiful, just like I thought it would be.





I love small little islands like this...even if there's not much there. I don't need anything to please me other than the ocean and sand. Oh and pop, must have pop!





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Some more pictures of this beautiful little island:






The nice thing about this island is that it had quite a few huts/palapa's to sit under. They all had picnic tables and chairs under them. Goffs did not have this and is more out in the open.





The boat dock.




See all those people over there? They were lining up for the snorkel tour. We were told prior to getting off the boat that they would have a 1) beginners class for those that have never snorkeled 2) an intermediate class for those that have snorkeled and 3) an advanced class for those that are feigns like us that can't get enough and are pros. I was just waiting to walk over to the advanced class with Sakari for them to say..."oh, she's a child and must go in the beginners class". I would then have to throw out the "she's been snorkeling since she was 3 and is a certified PADI seal scuba diver" sentence on them.


It always take me forever to prepare to snorkel. I have to get my equipment out, take it out of the bags, put my liquid in the mask to keep it from fogging, put on my dive socks and so on. Everyone else...just gets to walk over and wait for them to hand out everything they need as they are talking.




The hubby decided he didn't want to go and stayed back with Billy, Kam and B (who for some reason didn't want to go). That left just us girls and it was now going to be a task to try to get Kendra to sneak away from Kam without her seeing her.






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Sakari and I headed over to the group, where I would stand and watch Kendra try to distract Kam and then take off running in the sand (have you ever tried to run in the sand? It's not easy) and then she'd bounce back and forth behind the palm trees (there wasn't many), a building or two, and sprint to the finish line of the hut where everyone was waiting.




Score!! She made it all in one piece, with all of her equipment, and without Kam noticing.


We arrived and ask which group it was. The instructor said that they had decided to combine the advanced with intermediate since we didn't have a huge group of people on the island today.


A lady in the group said "this is the advanced group" and looked at me and looked at Sakari. I was like "great, we're in the right group" and then added "the instructor just said it's advanced AND intermediate actually". She actually argued with me..."no, it's advanced" and then pointed to another hut and said "there's beginners". Um ok, I'm not sure what makes you think we are beginners...I'm standing here with my OWN equipment, which obviously means I'm not a beginner. She still kept telling me the same thing and at that point I have a blank stare with I'm sure a not so nice look on my face. Finally I had to put it to rest because she would not shut up about it and once again ask the instructor and he confirmed. Yep, the smirk on my face staring at her said it all...she stopped talking about it.


I forgot to mention, we were the ONLY one's on the island that day too! Yippee!


He didn't say anything to me about Sakari and I was relieved. I did ask him if it was ok for her to wear her mermaid outfit/mono fin snorkeling instead of fins. He said "if that's what she's comfortable in, then absolutely!" She was relieved as well. She really can swim better in it than fins.


After giving everyone instructions on what we were going to do, what we might see, how we were going to wear our equipment (the life jackets around our waist) we were headed to the entrance to go in.


The water was ROUGH today. So, they told us instead of wearing a snorkel jacket, we would have to wear the regular life vest. Honestly, I prefer that anyhow. I hate the snorkeling jackets because they ride up in places they shouldn't, go up over your face half the time and so on. They also told everyone that after we got out there, if we didn't want to wear the life jacket, we could remove it and tie it to our wrist, but it had to remain on us. Man, I really wished that Sakari didn't hear that because it would be an issue the entire time.





Sakari was getting ready and I was busy watching a lady get in the water and screaming...like seriously screaming, because the waves was pushing her, she steps on a rock, she couldn't get her fins on...it was just complaint after complaint and I kept wondering what she was doing in THIS group. Guess who this lady was.......I'm sure you have figured out it's "Ms Advanced"








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I must echo the other comments. Thank you for this in depth review. We have just booked this ship and itinerary for March. My mother found your review and shared it with me. This will be my second cruise (first was Disney Magic in 2000). I am also a beach fan with two boys (12 & 14). Which Places in each port would you suggest for the first time visitors?

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Sakari was getting ready and I was busy watching a lady get in the water and screaming...like seriously screaming, because the waves was pushing her, she steps on a rock, she couldn't get her fins on...it was just complaint after complaint and I kept wondering what she was doing in THIS group. Guess who this lady was.......I'm sure you have figured out it's "Ms Advanced"


Was "Ms. Advanced" wearing beautiful pink fins?... If so, she kinda seems puzzled about how our favorite mermaid handles the water waaaaay better than herl!! :'):'):')

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I must echo the other comments. Thank you for this in depth review. We have just booked this ship and itinerary for March. My mother found your review and shared it with me. This will be my second cruise (first was Disney Magic in 2000). I am also a beach fan with two boys (12 & 14). Which Places in each port would you suggest for the first time visitors?


Why thank you. Glad you are enjoying it. Happy second cruise. I hope you enjoy it.



I have a list of places we have went and things we have done in my signature line. Check them out and see if any are something you'd like.



Great “novel”! Following...awesome job!



Sent from my iPad using Forums


Thank you!


Thank you so much for your in-depth and honest review!! I love it!!!


Thanks so much.



Following! I enjoy your reviews. We were on the Magic in January for the same itinerary. It was our first Carnival cruise and we loved it. Thanks for allowing me to re-live my cruise through you!


Thanks for joining and glad you are enjoying it.




Thank you so much for your review! Looking forward to the rest!




Was "Ms. Advanced" wearing beautiful pink fins?... If so, she kinda seems puzzled about how our favorite mermaid handles the water waaaaay better than herl!!


Oh no no. She was in the water behind me screaming. :') It's funny because Sakari has those same fins, mask and snorkel set. ;p

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I waited out in the water and before long...here came my mermaid.




She started her round of complaining instantly about having to wear the life jacket. Then she reminded me "he said we didn't have to wear them once we got out here" and she wanted hers off. I told her "we are not OUT here yet" and we were still in an area off the steps and it wasn't deep. She didn't like my response, but hey, the water was crazy choppy and I wasn't sure how this was going to go.


Everyone was in and we had several instructors taking us out and out we went.




Wow, it was beautiful instantly!










I couldn't believe my eyes. Much more than I expected.




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Sakari found a friend. Here was a brittle starfish. One of the instructors brought it up and Sakari yells "oooohhhh, it's a brittle starfish. We have one of these in our tanks at home but she's much bigger and her name is Katie". He hands it off to her and I snapped a picture and reminded her to let others hold it because...for the most part, maybe others have never experienced this before.







Then of course I heard "We are OUT here now. Can I take it off?"


I ducked my head back under and acted as if I didn't hear her.




Some how Kendra ended up with the starfish and I came up in time to see her holding it, get a picture, then release it.




Meanwhile, Sakari is struggling really hard to dive under. Silly kid. And the complaining continues...





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We were told that we would be headed to snorkel the "wall". Now when someone tells me "wall" I just instantly freak out. Remember Sakari hanging out over the wall in Curacao when we went scuba diving? Yea, walls completely freak me out. So I was definitely making sure that Sakari was keeping her life jacket on.


It looked to be getting deeper over that way.








There were places to the left of us that were fairly shallow. To the right...was the "wall"




They kept motioning us to move out...as in toward the wall and away from the shallow coral. No, no, no, I don't want to go that way.





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I think Sakari was a little mad at me and she went ahead with a group with the instructor who was in the lead. Kendra and I were hanging out with the instructor in the rear because I was busy taking pictures and he was busy showing us things.


The instructor in the front says "Who knows what some of the most dangerous coral is?" Sakari says "fire coral" and he said "ok, mermaid is not allowed to answer any more questions because she knows just as much as we do". Everyone laughed and I have no idea what other questions he was asking along the way was or what information he was telling the group, but obviously she had answered every question he had.







Notice how some of the coral (not a lot here in this area but some) is bleached out? We would find this to be the case in a lot of places.










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I just couldn't get over just how great this place was.





Our instructor brought up a pencil urchin. This not something we have in our tank, by my neighbor does and they are considered bull dozers in the tank. LOL They like to run over your coral and knock them down. I elected not to put one in any of my tanks.




We caught up with Sakari and ...the complaining continues. "I can't dive down with this", "I'm not meant to wear this", "I'm a mermaid", "I'm fine", "Please mommy". Ugh The struggle was real that day.










Then this happened...




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Then this happened...



HOLY COW!!! Another first for us!




This thing was huge and I believe weighing Sakari down!




Kendra was brave enough to hold it too.




A lot of people in the front were missing out! Their guide was pointing things out and giving them a lecture on the different kinds of coral and fish...meanwhile, the guide we were hanging out with was bringing that crap up to us for a hands on experience!!!











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Did I mention how beautiful this place was?




Then I seen our guide dive down really quick. He started looking around this huge rock. He came back up and said a lobster had went under there but he couldn't reach it. He ask if I wanted him to take my camera down there and take a picture and I handed it off to him.




We were around the wall now. I was trying not to get to far away from the Non-Wall area. lol







Then our guide came up with this...a flamingo tongue snail. They are so cool! The first time I had ever seen one was in Cozumel in 2011 at Chankanaab. I had not seen one since then.





They have a very unique marking on them and there's no mistaking what they are when you see them. They are bright orange with black markings...kinda like a giraffe. This layer of color is not actually the shell. When it feels threatened, it will retract this layer and you will only see the white shell. As you can see in the picture, it was starting to retract because it was being held. We held it for a moment and then released it.


Here's a picture of mine from Chankanaab from 2011 when I seen my first flamingo tongue snail.





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Next up...a sea cucumber. We find these every place we snorkel and are very common. Non-the-less, we decided pictures were appropriate.




Then up came a conch








After awhile, we started heading back. We actually swam basically around the island. The hubby said he could see us out there right in front of him. We really weren't too far off the island at all and everything was just beautiful that close.




On the way back...guess what he found!! The lobster finally came out and he got it.





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"Ok mommy, we are going back, please let me take my life jacket off". I gave in and off it came. She was free and loving it. She swam like a pro.




She could now dive...but was limited to the life jacket attached to her arm so she still couldn't go too deep.





We swam back. It was a bit of a struggle. They gathered us around and announced that it would be too hard of a swim back to the island and they were going to send our boat out to come get us.


Well, the boat came and parked quite a ways from us and it was one of the hardest struggles to get to it. It wasn't this hard swimming to come back but right where they parked...oh my! It felt like forever getting back. I was worn out. Sakari was doing great and said she wasn't even tired.


She was like a dolphin frolicking in the water.




We finally made it aboard and I couldn't be happier to sit down.




They passed out drinks and I rested until everyone was on the boat.





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It was a successful snorkel and the boat just went around the corner and we were back to the island.





We got back and knew that we wouldn't have very much time left on this small but beautiful island.


The hubby was eating a hamburger ($6) when I returned and some chips ($2). Pop was also $2. I wasn't really hungry yet and decided to just get some chips and pop.


Of course Sakari had no time for food and immediately headed back to the water with B.






There are several little coves like this around the island. The entire island has this wall around it, except for the side where you come in with the boat on. If you have little ones, this would be the perfect place for them to play in the water. It wasn't deep at all.









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