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Final word from RCCL on Jeans-in-Dining-Room policy


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The original thread started with a question about teens wearing jeans on casual nights NOT FORMAL nights.


The attire for formal night is clear.....the attire for casual nights isn't as clear and therefore up to interpretation -- so we all thought --


Someone posted that RCI cleared that up with a statement about it being appropriate to wear jeans on casual nights.


So really the debate is over.

It's a win for me because my teen will wear jeans....and I might even jump into a pair one night. Now I don't have to buy my DD a bunch of outfits she will not enjoy wearing. Trust me...She will look fabulous in her designer jeans - no belly showing... And contrary to all those who said she was a spoiled child for wanting to wear jeasn.....she is a darling honor student who likes to wear jeans and looks pretty darn good in them.

You are funny:D About as funny as "Final Word"
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Gotta love when a "final" word has over 100 replies.


While I wish folks would have enough respect for suggested dress codes and for the overall ambience of a formal night being something that many guests look forward to when selecting cruises that include formal night, we can't stop those who don't feel the need to comply. It is in fact a source of some amusement, as we survey the other guests, appreciate those who took the time to dress up, then have a laugh at those who don't care.


No, clothes don't mean class, or vice versa. And perhaps someone was the victim of lost luggage--it happens, happened to a guy I know last weekend. But it isn't that hard to find something appropriate, tux or otherwise. Some just dont bother and some do.


My biggest issue has always been that it isn't like people didn't know there was going to be a formal night. It is part of the advertising materials, it is described in the brochure. Not like wandering into a restaurant and having no forewarning of how dressy it might have been.So to me, it is a very intentional action of flouting what is presented politely as "suggested", but is nevertheless very much a part of the theme of the cruise programming. Nobody sprang it on you--it was part of what you bought, and there are many other wonderful vacations and yes, cruises, that dont have formal nights, or there are alternative dining options.


Dress code isn't the only symptom of the disregard for others. Like the woman sitting right in front of the no smoking sign at the pool bar (or maybe it was the sky bar, I forget) on the radiance last month, puffing away. what, does the sign not apply to that woman?


On two occasions I have gone on 4 night Disney cruises where there was no formal night, and I enjoyed being able to pack a little more lightly. And Most often, I have brought my tux when there was a formal night--and I have even rented from cruise formals when I didnt want the hassle of packing heavy but still wanted to enjoy the dress up factor of formal night.


Don't try to flame me with snob comments. I can wear t-shirts and not shave all weekend and hang with the rednecks at panama city beach, FL with the best of 'em, though I will avoid the smoke whenever possible. i like diners and chinese takeout and waffle house along with high end restaurants. situationally appropriate, that's all. some of our ivy league alumni functions are held at clubs where the gentlemen are required to wear a coat at all times and a coat and tie after 6, and sometimes we're watching our school's teams play college athletics as true student athletes and we wear sweatshirts with school colors.:cool:




I don't think there has been a single post in any of these threads where anyone thinks its ok to where jeans on formal night. There HAVE been a few posts where people said they saw other's wearing jeans, shorts, t-shirt's etc etc etc. but I don't think you will find any of the posts here recommending or even condoning it. Although, it appears RCI doesnt care.

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People on here are trying to make everyone believe that everyone who doesn't dress properly is just the best people in the world to be around and are the nicest people in the world, and that those who DO dress properly are stuck up snobs and impossible to socialize with due to their nose being stuck up as high as can go.


Talk about being judgemental.


Nobody is trying to make anyone believe that at all. What they are trying to get across to everyone is you are no better then the lady or gentleman wearing the jeans.

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This is still going and unfortunately still mostly off topic by the "don't wear jeans" croud.


Weez said it and it should be repeated. This is about casual nights, not formal.....ok. So if there must be discussion can we stay on topic on this thread.


Now about those kids in the Solarium.....

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This is still going and unfortunately still mostly off topic by the "don't wear jeans" croud.


Weez said it and it should be repeated. This is about casual nights, not formal.....ok. So if there must be discussion can we stay on topic on this thread.


Now about those kids in the Solarium.....


Fine, you shouldn't wear jeans on formal night OR casual night.

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For some reason, people just find it so hard to understand that. I really do think people don't think the rules don't apply to them and that their actions have no effect on anyone else.


Not my words but I agree. This is from a similar thread on the Celebrity forum.


Amazingly enough, I dress just like you, never wearing jeans, always dressed to the nines (have doubts, I'll link my pics to you). My family dresses to "your" dress code. but here out likeness stops and I take issue with you.


one... start enjoying YOURSELF and your well dressed lovely wife and pay more attention to each other at dinner than you do to your fellow cruisers dress. (I say this in the nicest heartfelt way). My perception is that conversation may be an issue, where your attention faulters away from each other and the enjoyment of conversation with your tablemates..... to WHAT they and everyone else is wearing. To suggest that those that disagree with you have suggested that you're a snob is a paranoia.


RCI, and I've sailed 'em causal jeans code and all, have made their policy clear... your lack of acceptance is your OWN PERSONAL ISSUE, not an issue with those here on the boards, or those who are unlucky enough to be forced to dine with your disreguard. I say this in the nicest, least offensive way possible, written words sounding harsher.


may I suggest you ante up the cash for a like mined cruising expeirence that you expect, unfairly from your fellow RCI cruisers and please consider celebrity or raddison. I feel from your posts that you are unrelenting in your beliefs despite the RCI FACTS on casual nights... and as a like minded dresser, I respect your beliefs... but I feel they are unfounded, unfair and unrealistic to your cruising peers.


respectfully, as well as acceptably dressed to your expectations,



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We have been cruising since our Honeymoon in 1981.


Unfortunately each successive cruise we've either lowering of standards or lowering of value.


Remember when drinks were .50 and being served Lobster was commonplace.


Everybody used to look forward to getting away and dressing in smart cruise attire and then getting dressed to the nines for formal nights. When you went on a cruise it was a chance to escape the everyday and take on a different persona.


Nowadays tips are automatically added to your fare, drink prices rival that of shore restaurants, entertainment is cruise passengers and crew.


Don't get me wrong cruising is still a good value but you have to be more selective of the ships you travel on.


Dressing down is just another move toward making cruising and everyday type vacation rather than a memorable experience.


We'll keep cruising, though our choice ships that meet our old standards is getting smaller and smaller.

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I am not complaining about the food, but I do not think it is a 4 or 5 star experience. I live in Los Angeles, and I have particular taste in food. It is not gourmet food in my opinion. It is also not horrible food. It is good, just not 4 or 5 star. If I didn't like it at all I wouldn't cruise. I love every aspect of cruising, including the food. I just don't think it is as gourmet as some make it out to be.


The point I was trying to make with the plastic covers and with the making food in bulk is that you can't have a 4 or 5 star experience when you are making that much food for that any people at one time. It is buffet food if made in bulk. The difference is that they put it on the plate for you. Never did I say the food was bad, just not at the top.


p.s. I have never once complained about a cruise or vacation I have been on. No matter what, any vacation is better than being at home. So no, I am not looking for something to complain about.


I believe the term you mean is "banquet" food. Banquet food is what you get at weddings and functions where the food is plated and brought to you. Buffet food is held in steam tables where you help yourself (such as the Windjammer). I've worked in the food service industry and in the banquet dept at a upscale hotel. I would say that food was gourmet, but not the food on RC. However, I think RC does a nice job with presentation and quality overall (in my experience) has been very good. Never left the dining room hungry or disappointed. And my scale proves it at the end of the cruise, for sure! ;)

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just checking to see if anyone knows what the theme nights for a 5 day cruise are?


Generally if you have specific questions, it's best to either start a new topic (with a good description in the title) or do a search. You will have to get lucky to have your question answered here.

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just checking to see if anyone knows what the theme nights for a 5 day cruise are?




Generally if you have specific questions, it's best to either start a new topic (with a good description in the title) or do a search. You will have to get lucky to have your question answered here.

I'll give it a shot....

3 to 4 - night cruises include one formal night and the remainder nights are casual.

5 - night cruises include one formal and the remainder nights casual.

6 - night cruises include two formal nights, one smart casual and the remainder nights casual. 7 to 9 - night cruises include two formal nights, one smart casual night and the remainder nights casual.

10 to 13-night cruises include two formal nights, two smart casual nights, and the remainder nights casual.
14+ - night cruises include three formal nights, four smart casual nights and the remainder nights casual.

BTW You don't necessarily need a "good description in the title" Just mention jeans, smoking or a few other topics and people will flock to it!!

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I also would like to meet a parent who has a kid who isn't a darling honor student.

(Raises hand) That would be me. My oldest is flunking out of high school (senior year, no less) and can be really mouthy when he wants to be. But he's mine and I love him. :)

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(Raises hand) That would be me. My oldest is flunking out of high school (senior year, no less) and can be really mouthy when he wants to be. But he's mine and I love him. :)
What a good mom!

Been there... done that. There was a large sigh emitted from our house from DW and I when DS finally graduated

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What do you mean it is a win?

Could it be that RCI has no objection to wearing jeans on casual nights?

Why can't she look fabulous in something other than jeans? Why does it have to be jeans?

She probably does, but it's her choice as to what she wears and she has chosen jeans for at least one casual night, all in line with RCI's suggested dress code.

I also would like to meet a parent who has a kid who isn't a darling honor student.

You really are a cheap shot artist.

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What do you mean it is a win? What did you win? See, this shows that those who don't feel they need to dress properly really think this is a battle that they need to fight for reasons beyond me. Why do you think this is a battle you need to win? Why can't she look fabulous in something other than jeans? Why does it have to be jeans? My wife never wears jeans to dinner and she looks fabulous all the time. You don't NEED to wear jeans.


I also would like to meet a parent who has a kid who isn't a darling honor student.



I just joined your fan club. Excellent post! If we ever get to meet, I want to buy you a drink.


(orginator of snide remarks :D )

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I believe the term you mean is "banquet" food. Banquet food is what you get at weddings and functions where the food is plated and brought to you. Buffet food is held in steam tables where you help yourself (such as the Windjammer). I've worked in the food service industry and in the banquet dept at a upscale hotel. I would say that food was gourmet, but not the food on RC. However, I think RC does a nice job with presentation and quality overall (in my experience) has been very good. Never left the dining room hungry or disappointed. And my scale proves it at the end of the cruise, for sure! ;)


Yes, you are corrent. Thank you for correcting me. I have never said that the food on RCI is horrible. It is good food, and I enjoy it. But my point (to others, not you) was that it was not a gourmet dining experience.


And to everyone else, can we just let this thread die already. Everyone has very strong opinions. And no matter how strong your opinions are, you are not going to change anyones mind. Just enjoy your vacation, and dress in what makes you comfortable. Formal nights are formal, and casual nights are casual. I don't think anyone is disputing formal nights. And everyones interpretation of what casual night means is going to be different. Just go about your way, and don't worry so much about what others are doing. And remember, until the cruiseline enforces what they want worn in the dining room, nothing is going to change.

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"Final word from RCCL on Jeans-in-Dining-Room policy"


The above is where this thread started. It's now page 6 so I don't think that was the "final" word.


I don't wear jeans in the dining rooms, but having read the statements by some on this thread, I might start doing so!



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I am moving on - but this has to be said:


First the argument was no jeans on formal night.....but that wasn't the question - so there is NO ARGUMENT THERE


Then there was an argument about parents forcing kids to follow the rules...

which I am doing...the rule says jeans ok on casual night


Then the argument was no jeans...but RCI stated Jeans OK....

can't argue that point either


So what are we left with.....YOUR OPINION????? Fine but your opinion isn't about jeans -- it's personal and mean-spirited, and just plain ugly.

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People on here are trying to make everyone believe that everyone who doesn't dress properly is just the best people in the world to be around and are the nicest people in the world, and that those who DO dress properly are stuck up snobs and impossible to socialize with due to their nose being stuck up as high as can go.


Talk about being judgemental.



Your post is confusing. The dress-up people are the ones complaining about the non-dressers. So are you saying that the dressers are calling themselves snobs?

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