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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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2 hours ago, grapau27 said:


Ibuprofen tablets were perfect but my heart medication prevents me from taking them and I am not interested in taking codeine tablets which didn't work for me anyway.

Fortunately I have a high pain threshold.


I'm sorry.  I didn't realize you can't take ibuprofen due to your heart medication.

59 minutes ago, h20skibum said:

It is sunny and 54° in the Bay Area of California this morning, our home for the next couple weeks.  It was so foggy when we crossed the Golden Gate Bridge last night, you could hardly see 100 feet, but was very clear when we reached the north end. 

Plan to walk to Farmer’s market this morning to find something fresh.

Enjoy your time in California, and most especially, enjoy your time with your grandson!

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17 hours ago, grapau27 said:

I hope your knee op recuperation is going well Greg.

I have an appointment tomorrow at my doctor's to get the results of all the x-rays on both my knees.


Sorry I'm late.


16 hours ago, Sunshine3601 said:

I forgot about the BD Down Under season.   I'll add to my list of things to watch.   


It's great. You can watch it now on the NBC Peacock App. I hope it will be on Bravo soon.



14 hours ago, lenquixote66 said:

Good news.My doctor who recommended me for the Wheelchair/Walker ,designed for people who have Parkinson’s called me last Thursday and said he is having the combo delivered to his office this week and that I should have it this week.He just called me and asked me to come to his office tomorrow afternoon to learn how to use it and take it home.Having this should enable me to have the ability to do many things that I cannot currently do.


Great news Lenny. I hope it does give you more mobility.



4 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good morning.

The results of my x-rays showed moderate osteoarthritis in both my knees.

The doctor is making an appointment for me to get steroid injections and physiotherapy.

We popped along to the beach for a walk afterwards.




Ask you doctor about Simvisc. It works really well. I had it injected in my knee and it gave me relief for over a year.



2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

At least it is not severe osteoarthritis.

I am learning to sleep on my back because with the moderate osteoarthritis in my hips when I lie on my side my knees touch each other when sleeping causing pain when I wake up.


Did they say what grade it was. I had grade 4 which is the worst. Bone on bone.



2 hours ago, Keksie said:

I have found for my knees that Celebrex works very well.  I also have used Voltaren gel or rosemary oil.  You might try a pillow between your knees at night.  It keeps your hips and knees in alignment when sleeping on your side.  Just ideas that may or may not help.  I have knee issues also and have tried a lot of things to help.



Good advice. I sleep with a pillow between my legs at night.



2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

I have moderate osteoarthritis in my hips so lying on my side in the recovery position is painful.

I have tried Normal pillows and special knee pillow's which work for 1 or 2 nights but any pressure on the inside of both knees causes pain.

Fortunately I can go to sleep very quickly but the inside of both knees is painful when I wake up.

I have tried rubbing Voltarol and other anti inflammatory gel on my knees but the pressure of rubbing the gel in makes the inside of each knee more painful.

Ibuprofen tablets were perfect but my heart medication prevents me from taking them and I am not interested in taking codeine tablets which didn't work for me anyway.

Fortunately I have a high pain threshold.



Sounds like you have done all the right things. You might ask about getting Diclofenac pills which is a good Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

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4 minutes ago, dani negreanu said:



It's really getting closer, and with yesterday's baking, today - visit to our single boy (details below) and the birthday celebration tomorrow, we'll get to the less than 2 weeks margin 😉


Lately, the "kid" asked for a reading lamp, handmade of course by dad. This morning we travelled to Tel-Aviv and were very lucky to find a parking spot quite near the flat (being such an old neighborhood, all the buildings have no in site parking).


Here's the reading lamp, freshly installed --




A corner picture




and a piece of furniture made from their old childhood one....




WOW!!!!!  Your DH's talent is amazing, awesome, etc,  Love them all!!  But especially the lamp coming out of the shoehorn!!


15 days more!  Yay Dani.  I'm so excited for you...it's been a long time coming!  In the meantime, enjoy your festivities!

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14 hours ago, DaniDanielle said:

I am so happy for you!!!!!!

Thanks Marietta.I am going to the doctors office in the afternoon.I just came back from my Dentist and holding Toby’s arm with one hand and my cane with the other hand was very difficult for me.If the doctor had not called me my plan was to buy a Walker that a friend of mine highly recommended.

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Today is our grandson Jack's 15 Birthday!  Jack is turning into a fine young man, who makes us very proud.  Last week he was invited to the Board of Education meeting where he was awarded the "Unsung Hero" award.  He selflessly videos most of the school's athletic games, as well as concerts at the High School and middle school.  He has been making school related videos since 6th grade, and last year he built his own computer.  He's a great kid, to boot!😉  Okay, bragging is over.



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2 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:

@dani negreanuDani, Yom Huledet Sameach, Happy Birthday to your grandson.

 Your cheesecake actually looks delicious as is but waiting for the topping reveal!


@lenquixote66Lenny, great news on the chair!

Thanks,Bonnie.Several people in my Parkinsons Support group have this chair and have had great results using it.

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28 minutes ago, Sea Dog said:


Sorry I'm late.



It's great. You can watch it now on the NBC Peacock App. I hope it will be on Bravo soon.




Great news Lenny. I hope it does give you more mobility.




Ask you doctor about Simvisc. It works really well. I had it injected in my knee and it gave me relief for over a year.




Did they say what grade it was. I had grade 4 which is the worst. Bone on bone.





Good advice. I sleep with a pillow between my legs at night.




Sounds like you have done all the right things. You might ask about getting Diclofenac pills which is a good Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

It should give me a lot more mobility,Greg.Thank you.

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11 minutes ago, Luckynana said:

Today is our grandson Jack's 15 Birthday!  Jack is turning into a fine young man, who makes us very proud.  Last week he was invited to the Board of Education meeting where he was awarded the "Unsung Hero" award.  He selflessly videos most of the school's athletic games, as well as concerts at the High School and middle school.  He has been making school related videos since 6th grade, and last year he built his own computer.  He's a great kid, to boot!😉  Okay, bragging is over.




Happy Birthday Jack!

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11 minutes ago, Luckynana said:

Today is our grandson Jack's 15 Birthday!  Jack is turning into a fine young man, who makes us very proud.  Last week he was invited to the Board of Education meeting where he was awarded the "Unsung Hero" award.  He selflessly videos most of the school's athletic games, as well as concerts at the High School and middle school.  He has been making school related videos since 6th grade, and last year he built his own computer.  He's a great kid, to boot!😉  Okay, bragging is over.



Never stop bragging Marianne.Very happy birthday wishes to your grandson Jack.That was my fathers name.😀

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19 hours ago, TravelGirlinDallas said:

Y'all. This morning was my boy's graduation from 5th grade. He's headed to middle school in the fall.


While we were waiting for the ceremony to begin, another couple came in and sat next to us. They had a baby carrier with them. The lady immediately started fussing with the carrier to take the baby out. Only it wasn't a baby at all - it was a large pug dog!! She then began dressing the dog in a shirt that matched her own outfit! All in an elementary school cafeteria. It was... unusual.

Happy fifth grade graduation to your son.Good luck to him in the Fall.

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19 hours ago, Arzeena said:

I have had the pleasure of meeting Lenny and Toby on NCL,
Marietta and Charlie on the Anthem. And I remember well enough to pick all four out of a lineup. 😄

I also think I have met or run across others....I see pictures and say hmmmm where have I seen them? Definitely have seen Deb. But I was associating Deb's Andy as somebody else's hubby. 🤣 Ok so I will be quiet before I get anyone into any trouble. LOL!😜😁

Marietta and Charlie were on the same cruise as Toby and I in 2019 but we never met .John Reid who posted a few times on this thread was on a cruise that Toby and I were on a few years ago and never met either.We were scheduled to be on two cruises with him that I had to cancel.

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18 hours ago, dani negreanu said:


Odd indeed. Not only that, but my reply to @NHProud was also locked down... First time it happened to me since I've joined CC ☹️


On a happier note, we have a Jewish holiday approaching, where the tradition is to eat lots of cheese.... Since our inlaws will be abroad [they got an offer to visit Normandy which they couldn't refuse 😉] and our "mutual" grandson was 4 years old today, we'll celebrate more than a week ahead, and I volunteered to bake.... surprise... a cheese cake. A new recipe.


So today I've baked "part 1", it has to "rest" at least a day in the fridge, and Friday morning I'll do the top.


Part 1 --





Happy birthday to your grandson,Dani.

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18 hours ago, dani negreanu said:


Odd indeed. Not only that, but my reply to @NHProud was also locked down... First time it happened to me since I've joined CC ☹️


On a happier note, we have a Jewish holiday approaching, where the tradition is to eat lots of cheese.... Since our inlaws will be abroad [they got an offer to visit Normandy which they couldn't refuse 😉] and our "mutual" grandson was 4 years old today, we'll celebrate more than a week ahead, and I volunteered to bake.... surprise... a cheese cake. A new recipe.


So today I've baked "part 1", it has to "rest" at least a day in the fridge, and Friday morning I'll do the top.


Part 1 --





Happy birthday to your grandson,Dani

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16 hours ago, Luckynana said:

Yes, I should've said 3. 😁  I don't always watch the 3rd hour, once I see who the winner is.  Here's hoping Johnathan wins.  If not Johnathan, then Mike.🤞

That was my wish too.Romeo should not have been in the final 3.For him to say that he was not there to win the money is not believable.I read an interview with Hai where he said that he was only going to vote for a woman to win .In a Drea interview she stated that she wanted a person of color to win.

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16 hours ago, Ocean Boy said:

I hope the challenges are physical ones. That will give Jonathan the best shot.

I hope that he is invited to be on a future show as sometimes happened.The winner should be the person who plays the best overall game.

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1 hour ago, dani negreanu said:



It's really getting closer, and with yesterday's baking, today - visit to our single boy (details below) and the birthday celebration tomorrow, we'll get to the less than 2 weeks margin 😉


So, our single son is renting an 1 bedroom flat in a very old building in Tel-Aviv (circa 1950). DH helped painting, repairing and updating the characterless space as much as possible.


Lately, the "kid" asked for a reading lamp, handmade of course by dad. This morning we travelled to Tel-Aviv and were very lucky to find a parking spot quite near the flat (being such an old neighborhood, all the buildings have no in site parking).


Here's the reading lamp, freshly installed --




A corner picture




and a piece of furniture made from their old childhood one....




Great work.  Great talent. 

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14 hours ago, Luckynana said:

Congratulations Lenny!!!  I am so happy that this should provide some freedom for you!!  Great news!

Last month we were invited to a wedding in South Jersey.I was unable to go because of disability.In November we will be invited to a wedding in your part of NJ .I hope that this chair will give me the ability to go there.

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13 hours ago, Mrs. H. said:

Like BB, never watch the end cause it's the one you wanted out first, wins.  

Three years ago the female of the couple who won BB is the niece of somebody who I knew.When I heard that she was going to be on I was planning to root for her but after one episode I no longer rooted for her.The uncle who told everyone he knows that she was going to be on did not brag about her winning.

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8 hours ago, sgmn said:

Gary and I are doing Slimming World, which I think is only UK based diet plan. Basically veg, fruit, protein with a bit of carbs. It's not perfect and I am a little concerned there's no or little fat/oil, but I find I can only stick to the plan when I have a weekly weigh in. 

Lost 3.5 Stone in 2016 but still have a ways to go. 

Well done to all who don't put on weight on cruises, tell me your tips.   We walk a lot but I still managed to put on 5lbs on the Norwegian Fjords cruise a couple of weeks ago.  I think we need to refuse the bread basket and drink more G&Ts instead of wine 🍷 🤔 

When physically able we would get up at 6 every morning and get to the Fitness Center as early as possible.We exercised for an hour then went to breakfast,no bread ,rolls or muffins.We usually had an omelet.On sea days we walked on this ship several times a day.We ate as healthy as possible for lunch and dinner.The only snack during the day was either a slice of pizza or an oat bran muffin and perhaps ice cream in a cup.

On non sea days we would walk as much as possible in ports.We never took taxis and only occasionally a bus.When not cruising I was in a gym 7 mornings a week after retiring.The company that I worked for had a gym for employees to use on coffee breaks if so desired.Exercise was stressed.The incentive was a 30 minute break for exercise but only 15 minutes for those who chose not to.

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6 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good morning.

The results of my x-rays showed moderate osteoarthritis in both my knees.

The doctor is making an appointment for me to get steroid injections and physiotherapy.

We popped along to the beach for a walk afterwards.




Walk as much possible ,Graham.In my opinion that is the best form of exercise.

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