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3-25-21 Thursday Weigh-In --- Last Weigh-In Of March


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Last Weigh-In Of The Month---Did You Lose?

This Month? This Year?


It's been a year of the virus and everyone mostly staying home.

(in fact this is the day I came home from Travis after spending 2 weeks 

there after 38 days on the Grand) 

Have read some articles about weight gains of people this year.

Been said the Covid19-- 15 pound gain or more some times less.

But then I read they the average gain has been 29 pounds, for the year.


I think we've done good in here---With the year we've had.

Three different ways to look at it--by coming in here---

it's kept us aware of our weight, it's been hard, some weeks better than others.


1st--We've had some Loss's which is Great.

2nd--Stayed the Same no Gains which is Good.

3rd--Might of had some gains but not as much as you could of had because you kept coming in here.


Most didn't give up.---had a bigger group at the beginning of last year but then some left, was hard for them

I guess. Our small group kept at it no matter what. We did well no matter what number we are at now.


Now a Big Question for YOU ALL?

We are a small group, talking less...Do YOU want to continue --Lose Before You Cruise?

Do YOU still want the Thursday Weigh-In? I will still do it but only if you want it.


I like this thread because it helps me not to gain to much/stay the same as I try to lose

I like talking to you all, hearing how your doing.  It's up to you ALL let me know.


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Belle - I know that I would not want to lose this group, I've been posting since 2003 and I know that you have been on this thread much longer - 


Even though I've been going up and down as far as weight goes, I really need to have a place where I can voice my frustrations and successes.   


I know I haven't been talking much lately, but hopefully we all will get back to talking again.  I get my 2nd shot next month and am looking forward to getting out more (I hopefully will have more to talk about then).  


It is 3 o'clock in the morning here and I can't sleep .... Hopefully I won't forget to weigh myself in the morning.  Take care, Jan

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i  feel blessed to have found this forum 8 months ago.  I consider everyone a friend .  (It  is not about cruising it is support). I don’t discuss my weight with the friends I can see or my son in TN.  (They  can /will see the obvious loss).  

I want to continue .  Even though I may not report wt  every week, the accountability is there it keeps me going.  

March loss is 3.8.  I finally broke the 160’s  this morning 158.8.  I’m  changing my monthly goal to 3lbs.  It is more realistic at this point.   
Every pound lost after 150 will be  a miracle.


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HI all!


Belle ~ thanks for the info. I can't imagine gaining that much due to Covid!!

I like checking in & hearing what everyone has to say each Thursday so please continue.


Good News this week, I'm down 2.4 lbs & have my 1st shot scheduled for Tuesday!!


Izena ~ great breaking into the 150's! 150 is my goal so 19.6 lbs to go! I have to get serious as I think the excess weight is causing health problems.


Jan ~ wow you've been on this thread for a LONG time! You must have seen a lot of people come & go. One person I miss is shootr. Wonder where he is. I enjoyed his pictures.


Have a great day & stay safe!


~ Jo ~ 😊

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Good Morning all - I think we all agree that Belle doesn't have a choice but to stay and to continue to be a wonderful cheerleader!!!  😄


I did remember to weigh myself this morning and unfortunately I am up 0.6# .... but the good news is I'm ONLY up 0.6#.  I did check my weight from the beginning of the year to now I am down 0.4# .... don't want to look back to the beginning of last year.


I will keep plugging away and talking!!!  Jan

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Hello All

Jan, Izena and Jo glad you want to continue. Hope others do to.

Yes this is for support our weight loss before we cruise but it is really much more.

We can talk about anything, our hopes, fears, family, friends, people in public

who do the wrong things and whatever you want to talk about. You know I do!😄

What's talked about in here stays in here.




Jan---Sorry you couldn't sleep. Come in an check. I am up late and come in here

and check, if see you, we can talk. Glad you want to stay, happy your getting your 2nd shot.

With your small gains you've done well so far this year, no gains total.


Izena---I'm glad you came in here, you've had great loss's. Another great loss this week.

Your doing so good. Glad you want to keep coming in,  You help us to want to lose by

how good your doing.


Jo---Good loss. Happy your getting your 1st shot. Also glad you want to keep coming in here.

Yes some people have gained a lot. Coming in here has helped us even if didn't do as well

as we want the "Covid 19 year" and it's not over yet but getting better with vaccine.


Me---I stayed the same again. I haven't done to bad but not great this last year. Lost

10 lbs but some of those pounds more than once. Not what I should be losing but

with staying home and nothing to do, no where to go but eat then I did well.



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Good Morning All   Rise and Shine on this Friday Morning.🌞 Say Hi and----

Then go back to bed.😄 Relax take a day off---you deserve it!

( I know hard to do but you could, easier for us who don't have kids/grandkids at home)


Whatever you do or don't do have the best day you can.

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Good Morning Belle!!!  I have been making phone calls today, Dentist (for DH), Vet (for DDog), went to the bank (drive-thru), and I'm going to file my oldest son's taxes today ---- what an exciting life I live!!!  I almost forgot the biggest event -- I have dishes to do!!!!


It has been beautiful here, (in the high 50's low 60's)  today not so much - rainy and dreary - they had talked about us getting 18" of snow this weekend - but changed the forecast to some rain.  Have to love the weather in Maine --- "If you don't like it, wait 5 minutes".   Jan







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Good morning all.  The weather is great this week.  Cool enough for long walks.   Big chore is to find some plants for flower bed.  Nurseries are slow in getting supply.  I’ve seen a trend that they are bringing in the larger sized containers  hoping to get us to spend too much.  I dint mind waiting for shrubs  to grow.   

Thinking about  day trips  to Galveston beach and the zoo.  Just want a change in scenery.    Everyone remain safe.


went to Staples (office supply)  and had my  covid vaccination card laminated.   It was free. 

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Hello all...we are on our way home from the casinos in Biloxi, Mississippi.    My wallet weighs less but with "boat drinks" for a couple of days I am not getting near a scale today.  I finally broke down and ordered my nutrisystem.  I can't make myself behave unless I pay for it.  Should get it in 7 to 10 days.  I have done their system before and lost well with it.  During Covid I found 11 pounds.  The trouble is i was overweight when it started.  I usually feel my healthiest at about 150.  That is when most of my clothes fit well too.  This trip was my last splurge for a while.  Time to try to get serious again.  Belle thank you for continuing the board.

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Afternoon All  Good to see you in here this Friday. Rose where are you?

Always wonder where our group went. When they say their leaving, we

miss them but know their gone but like Shootr he just left. Cruise42 left 

but checks us once in awhile. 


Everyone who has been here, come back doesn't matter why you left 

we would be happy you came back.


New people reading this please come in and join us, try to lose weight before

Summer. Helps to weigh in each week.


Jan---You've had a busy morning. Glad your not getting the snow. Guess your

use to it but I couldn't live in the snow. Visit Yes--live in it No.


Izena---Your so good doing your walks. Sorry having trouble finding plants.

Hope you get to do some day trips. I'm ready to but just waiting a little longer.


Ombud---Sorry your not cruising on the Grand. I love the "Old Grand". Love

the lay out and crew always nice. We're going to get rid of her and the virus happen,

now out of LA.


Susan---Glad you had a good trip, sorry your wallet is has less in it instead of more.

I say what ever plan works for you, do it!  Everyone has to find what works for them to

 lose weight. My/our problem is sticking with it.


Nothing exciting here.  Made a pot roast yesterday. Love to have left overs.

The foods there, just have to reheat and not cook for awhile. I like leftovers

while I know some who won't touch them.  Do you like leftovers?

Otherwise just still going though some drawers , taking my time, more not

doing it then doing it.:classic_smile:  Really need to think about doing something about my

yard since nice weather and no rain.


Well everyone have a good weekend. Hope you have time to come in. Help

us to remember not to eat to much because it's the weekend. It's funny we're

home everyday but the weekend still seems different.

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Hi all. I was down .5 this week. 


Today is DS's 9th birthday. We went to the zoo this morning, and only stayed for about an hour and a half. We usually make it to the 3 hour mark, but he was too excited to sleep last night (still up after 11pm and up for the day by 6am). Poor thing was exhausted and just ready to go. 

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Mel glad you had a loss.

Happy Birthday to your son.  Sounds like he's excited to have a birthday and

to be 9. Glad had nice time at the zoo even if shorter then planned. Sure he

will enjoy his birthday cake made by his Mom.

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Mel, I understand how excited kids can become when they finally can get out to attractions again. picked up my son's food processor today and the 5yo was chomping at the bit to take Koda for a walk. That's it. Just a walk in the hills behind his house. 


Today I managed to get the haroset, granola bars, matzo toffee brittle, caramel sauce, and ice cream made. Just 2 kugels& soup to do tomorrow. Only 8 for dinner -- then I'll send all leftover sweets home with them

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4 hours ago, Belle said:

Afternoon All  Good to see you in here this Friday. Rose where are you?

Always wonder where our group went. When they say their leaving, we

miss them but know their gone but like Shootr he just left. Cruise42 left 

but checks us once in awhile. 


Everyone who has been here, come back doesn't matter why you left 

we would be happy you came back.


New people reading this please come in and join us, try to lose weight before

Summer. Helps to weigh in each week.


Jan---You've had a busy morning. Glad your not getting the snow. Guess your

use to it but I couldn't live in the snow. Visit Yes--live in it No.


Izena---Your so good doing your walks. Sorry having trouble finding plants.

Hope you get to do some day trips. I'm ready to but just waiting a little longer.


Ombud---Sorry your not cruising on the Grand. I love the "Old Grand". Love

the lay out and crew always nice. We're going to get rid of her and the virus happen,

now out of LA.


Susan---Glad you had a good trip, sorry your wallet is has less in it instead of more.

I say what ever plan works for you, do it!  Everyone has to find what works for them to

 lose weight. My/our problem is sticking with it.


Nothing exciting here.  Made a pot roast yesterday. Love to have left overs.

The foods there, just have to reheat and not cook for awhile. I like leftovers

while I know some who won't touch them.  Do you like leftovers?

Otherwise just still going though some drawers , taking my time, more not

doing it then doing it.:classic_smile:  Really need to think about doing something about my

yard since nice weather and no rain.


Well everyone have a good weekend. Hope you have time to come in. Help

us to remember not to eat to much because it's the weekend. It's funny we're

home everyday but the weekend still seems different.

I still read it every day. I have to start dieting soon. Between the pandemic and my dislocated shoulder (which left me unable to exercise) (I just started classes this week) I gained about 40 lbs. I have always gained quickly and lost very slowly.

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Ombud--You did a lot of cooking today and more tomorrow. Know they will all enjoy

what your fixing for Passover. Hope Koda liked the walk with your grandchild.


Cruise42--Good to see you. So sorry about you shoulder, is it better now? Hope so.

The pandemic has been hard on everyone. Please join us again, might help you

to lose at least not to gain. Like a lot of us we seem to stay the same a lot at this

time but at least not gaining much. It will get better.  Sorry I forgot, are you teaching

classes or taking them?


Everyone have a good Sat.

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Hello this Sat. afternoon.  Are you all doing good?

I'm down a little on the old scale but now the job is

to keep it down!


Are you up or down?  Are you being good in eating today

or is the weekend hard for you?




Whatever your doing just enjoy your day as much as you can.

(or just get by it the best you can)  Know everyday isn't sunshine and roses.


Take care and stay safe---we still need to be careful out there!

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Today it is chilly and a little overcast - high is about 40 degrees.  We did take the dog for a walk this morning - about 1/2 mile total - not much but did get out for a few minutes and the dog loved it.


Our excitement for the day was we went grocery shopping - I'm always amazed about what items they are out of on a weekly basis.  This week and last week is was manicotti noodles and a specific salad dressing.  Perhaps they will have them next week.  This week they have propel water and frozen asparagus.  


Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.  Jan

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22 hours ago, Belle said:

Ombud--You did a lot of cooking today and more tomorrow. Know they will all enjoy

what your fixing for Passover. Hope Koda liked the walk with your grandchild.


Cruise42--Good to see you. So sorry about you shoulder, is it better now? Hope so.

The pandemic has been hard on everyone. Please join us again, might help you

to lose at least not to gain. Like a lot of us we seem to stay the same a lot at this

time but at least not gaining much. It will get better.  Sorry I forgot, are you teaching

classes or taking them?


Everyone have a good Sat.

My shoulder is a lot better but not 100%. I just take exercise classes.

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Chilly this morning, intermittent rain so took a short walk.    

spoke with the TN bunch yesterday.   Just discovered their dishwasher has been leaking - probably for a while.  May have to replace subfloor.  Kitchen is out dated so time to remodel.  Issue is they want to move - housing market is tight they need a inside track on listings ( houses are selling in a week).     GOOD NEWS  my son and grandson(11), may visit in a month.  My son works from home and GS is home schooled. I’m so excited haven’t seen them in 20 months (they have no idea I’ve lost 70# since I last saw them )


every one stay safe,   Move. Limit snacking

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1 hour ago, Izena said:

GS is home schooled. ..... lost 70# since I last saw them )

1st congratulations on 70#s gone!!!


My daughter is homeschooling her 6 yr old. Last night at Seder my granddaughter could read everything. My 7 yr old grandson who attends 'regular' school struggled despite being a grade ahead of her. I'm moving more in favor of homeschooling 


Welcome @cruise42


I'm still here @Bellealthough I my take up lurking a little 


@Jan_In_Maineyour winter should end soon .... 70s-80s now and spring veggies are finally available.  Will send some your way 🥗


Added:  I went to rearrange the refrigerator with last night's food. And discovered something interesting. I think the kids did me a favour because I have only got a 1/2 box of matzos, some cheesy broccoli potatoes, small bowl of soup, and raw veggies left. No dessert. I think I'm gonna have a good loss this week


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Izena, that's awesome! It will be nice to see your son and GS.


Ombud, glad you think you'll be losing this week.


Belle, just a few days. Keep it up!


Jan, I agree that it's odd what is missing from the store shelves each week. It's like everyone is planning the same meals.


Cruise42, glad you are able to exercise with your shoulder. 


We worked in the front flower beds today. Pulled weeds, put down weed block in one, and covered with mulch. We ran out of mulch or we would have done the other one and around the tree too. Also replaced a few plants that didn't survive the freeze last month. 


Our spring break ends tonight, and I didn't get any of the school stuff I wanted to done. Entering grades in my spreadsheet, clearing off my desk, getting science experiments ready for this week, ordering next year's curriculum. I was a nice homeschool mom, and didn't assign any homework over the break though, so we should all be ready and energized to finish out our last 5 weeks, right?🤣

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