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The Devil Wears Prada the movie

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I am right there with you. We went to the "midnight" showing of Superman late Tuesday night. Brandon Rothe (sp?) is not as cute as Christopher Reeve was back in his day, but I think he filled the tights quite nicely.

Hubby and I saw the Devil Wears Prada Saturday Afternoon. He kept saying Meryl Streep reminded him of Cruella DeVille, he loved it. She is like the femail version of Christopher Walkin, She just naturally looks scary. Hell, I would not wanna work for her. LOL I am not into the lastet big fashion names, but I loved the movie! Never read the book though and from the sound of it, I guess that is a good thing.


I agree with your hubby! but I believe though that was Glen Close in the 101 Dalmation movie! Not sure though-it has been too long since I saw that!


My daughter and I saw it last night and I thought it was good-how Andi finiaally realized she was turning into another Miranda and so she left her position. alittle sublimal message huh-that we women can get too envolved with fashion.


The only thing though I would have had in the ending- that Andi instead of completely going back to her old dorky self- that she had kept some of her fashion sense-just that it was no longer the most important thing in her life.


I loved her all decked out. She (Anne Hathaway) is a very pretty young woman-which you could really see-I loved that last dress she had on in Paris with the matching capelet!

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Well I'm the Superman fan not DH, he won't ask to go see that movie for sure, lol, although I may if nothing else is out that interests us. I want to see the Lake House, anyone see that with Sandra Bullock. Love her new hair cut.


Momofmeg, let us know what you think, have fun and enjoy.


I loved Streep's earrings, especially 2 pair, in the opening, I think those were from Bergdorf's, I saw similar ones at Bergdorfs (the hoops), but then she has another pair of hoops, that have something big in the center hanging, loved those even more.


Hathaway's necklaces were great a lot of Chanel oh the bling bling was so nice as well as the clothes, lol.


The Lake House was very good-at least I thought it was-and it ended well-although we were lead to believe it wouldn't. I liked it because it was a good romance story-hubby liked the scicne fiction side of it-you know their corresponding to each other from differant time periods.


I do believe though the Devil Wears Prada had a slight edge over the Lake House-the only thing that disapointed me is I thought the Devil Wears Prada would be a good comedy, and it wasn't really a comedy-it could have been very funny-you know the setting of the movie-a dorky, brainy girl working at a fashion magazine.

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I agree with your hubby! but I believe though that was Glen Close in the 101 Dalmation movie! Not sure though-it has been too long since I saw that!


My daughter and I saw it last night and I thought it was good-how Andi finiaally realized she was turning into another Miranda and so she left her position. alittle sublimal message huh-that we women can get too envolved with fashion.


The only thing though I would have had in the ending- that Andi instead of completely going back to her old dorky self- that she had kept some of her fashion sense-just that it was no longer the most important thing in her life.


I loved her all decked out. She (Anne Hathaway) is a very pretty young woman-which you could really see-I loved that last dress she had on in Paris with the matching capelet!


First thank you for the review of the Lake House, I think I would also like it and will try to see it. I love Sandra Bullock.


I have to respectfully disagree with you with what you wrote above in relation to the movie. The movie was all about working in fashion, I personally think it is good to know all one can and be involved as much as possible in the industry they are in. In this case it was the fashion industry. You have no choice but to be very involved the way I see it.


It is advised when someone is looking for a job, to research the company, to know as much as possible about the business/company they are appying too as it shows a genuine interst in wanting to work for that particular company.


Women who work in the makeup section of dept stores are expected to wear makeup and know all about the products they sell.


I don't think they were too wrapped up in fashion, maybe Miranda was too wrapped up in her job, but that could be said about many people who work long hours and bring work home with them in any profession.


For some people, fashion is a business, for some it's a hobby. I'm in the "hobby catagory". People get all wrapped up in say golf, or tennis or even flying (as in being a pilot for a hobby). The only time it's wrong is if you use any hobby, job or whatever to hurt someone else.


I don't think anyone in the movie in a true sense, by that I mean Andi/Anne did not make any of her friends feel inadequate, less of her friends or not as good as her because of her new found fashion job/sense.


Miranda, expected her to look a certain way, well it's the job, I think anyone working on construction would be expected to dress a certain way and the same for a nurse, doctor, pilot, etc. I think it was normal to expect her assitant to look a certain way because that was the business. You go to a construction site you wear a hardhat, you work in fashion, it's normal to me to be expected to look fashionable. Especially since she was in meetings with Miranda.


Her BF who was a chef should have realized that there may be a time when he will have to work long hours/holidays/weekends/birthday/anniversary, a chef is not a 9-5 job. Her girlfriend, well she sure loved the free giveaways. What is the old saying, never look a gift horse in the mouth? To accept and love the gift and then criticize the person giving at the same time is hurtful to me.


If I were giving a gift and being criticized for how I got that gift to give, I would say it was hypocritictical at best and just downright nasty.


Now you know I agree with a lot of what you write and I think you make excellent points very often about various topics, but this time I have to respectfully disagree.

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First thank you for the review of the Lake House, I think I would also like it and will try to see it. I love Sandra Bullock.


I have to respectfully disagree with you with what you wrote above in relation to the movie. The movie was all about working in fashion, I personally think it is good to know all one can and be involved as much as possible in the industry they are in. In this case it was the fashion industry. You have no choice but to be very involved the way I see it.


It is advised when someone is looking for a job, to research the company, to know as much as possible about the business/company they are appying too as it shows a genuine interst in wanting to work for that particular company.


Women who work in the makeup section of dept stores are expected to wear makeup and know all about the products they sell.


I don't think they were too wrapped up in fashion, maybe Miranda was too wrapped up in her job, but that could be said about many people who work long hours and bring work home with them in any profession.


For some people, fashion is a business, for some it's a hobby. I'm in the "hobby catagory". People get all wrapped up in say golf, or tennis or even flying (as in being a pilot for a hobby). The only time it's wrong is if you use any hobby, job or whatever to hurt someone else.


I don't think anyone in the movie in a true sense, by that I mean Andi/Anne did not make any of her friends feel inadequate, less of her friends or not as good as her because of her new found fashion job/sense.


Miranda, expected her to look a certain way, well it's the job, I think anyone working on construction would be expected to dress a certain way and the same for a nurse, doctor, pilot, etc. I think it was normal to expect her assitant to look a certain way because that was the business. You go to a construction site you wear a hardhat, you work in fashion, it's normal to me to be expected to look fashionable. Especially since she was in meetings with Miranda.


Her BF who was a chef should have realized that there may be a time when he will have to work long hours/holidays/weekends/birthday/anniversary, a chef is not a 9-5 job. Her girlfriend, well she sure loved the free giveaways. What is the old saying, never look a gift horse in the mouth? To accept and love the gift and then criticize the person giving at the same time is hurtful to me.


If I were giving a gift and being criticized for how I got that gift to give, I would say it was hypocritictical at best and just downright nasty.


Now you know I agree with a lot of what you write and I think you make excellent points very often about various topics, but this time I have to respectfully disagree.


Oh I agree about the friend and the $2000 bag-she didn't mind taking that-although she picked on Andi about her being at Miranda's beck and call. I do feel though the friend realized that one guy was after Andi-and Andi was too niave to realize that-and then Andi realized he was not a nice person TOO LATE after she had slept with him- when he was ready to back stab Miranda.


I did not think Andi was too wrapped up in her job. she was never into fashion really-as we saw at the end of the movie-she just wanted to work for Miranda a year-so she could get into journalism.


I still felt there was a sublimal message there. Miranda had all this gorgeous stuff and a great position but was very unhappy-I think that showed in how she treated her employees and the fact that she couldn't "keep" a husband.


I just felt when Miranda told Andi-that she was just like her-which I felt was unfair-because Andi went to Paris or she would lose her job-so Andi was forced to "back stab" Emily or lose her job-and had no real interest in going to Paris.


That is where Andi felt she was tuning into Miranda-not the clothes-Andi never really cared about the clothes-she did that for the job and the year with the magazine.


I just felt the WRITERS of the movie or screen play were sending us a sublimal message that we can put too much importance on fashion and clothing. As you said, Miranda was famous and a fashion plate, but miserable.


I would have liked the story better if Andi had kept her fashion sense and did not go back to dressing like a nerdy brainy girl-just give up the job that she did not really want-except to advance herself in journalism.


It was nice she gave Emily all those clothes-but why not give Emily some of the stuff from Paris-why give Emily everything? I felt it could have been shown she was making things up to Emily without her giving Emily everything myself.


so really we do not disagree-at least not as much as you thought.

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The only thing though I would have had in the ending- that Andi instead of completely going back to her old dorky self- that she had kept some of her fashion sense-just that it was no longer the most important thing in her life.



Hey, some of us haven't seen it yet! Thanks for the ending!

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Hey, some of us haven't seen it yet! Thanks for the ending!


Don't worry. There have not been any "beans spilled" and you'll still enjoy the movie.


However, I have to add in general, if a thread about a film goes on as long as this one does you really have to expect that people are going to have a conversation about it's conclusion. So if not knowing too much about a film is important to you, you really shouldn't read the thread.;)

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Hey, some of us haven't seen it yet! Thanks for the ending!


Maybe I should do as I do on other messegeboards about TV shows and say "spoiler ahead"! It is a good movie and worth watching just for all the pretty clothes you see if nothing else.

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Momofmeg, ok, I see your points. On one part, I can't say the guy was stabbing Miranda in the back as he was not employed by her. Maybe he was not nice or he was being "ruthless" but he wasn't really Miranda's friend and not an employee so not sure if I would call it backstabbing. I agree he was not "nice" but he did help her so he was nice to her (Andi).


You are right, Miranda had all the clothes and fame etc etc but she was unhappy, I think she would have been unhappy in whatever high powered position (something other than fashion) and still treated her employees the same way.


When a person wants that kind of power that she had in any industry and works that many hours, home life has got to suffer at some time so hence the "hubby" thing.


I understand all that you say, and if it is viewed in a broader context that anyone who gives all that time and energy just to their work, will become unhappy then yes, I agree, but I don't think it's just an excusivity the fashion business.


On Andi/Anne, I agree, she could have kept her "new found fashion style" no reason to give that up, unless she personally didn't like the look, and as for giving the stuff away, well, I saw it as a "cleansing of sorts", some people need to get rid of all bad memories before they can move on and if it represented bad memories well then, but let's remember that in real life things are not as "idealistic" as they are in movies. Giving up all the stuff was very idealistic and not very real IMO in geralizations but as I said, many people do a "cleansing" and maybe that was her cleansing for turning over a "new leaf". so to speak?


In the end you are right, I guess we don't disagree as much as I thought and thank you for explaining what you meant.:)

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Momofmeg, ok, I see your points. On one part, I can't say the guy was stabbing Miranda in the back as he was not employed by her. Maybe he was not nice or he was being "ruthless" but he wasn't really Miranda's friend and not an employee so not sure if I would call it backstabbing. I agree he was not "nice" but he did help her so he was nice to her (Andi).


You are right, Miranda had all the clothes and fame etc etc but she was unhappy, I think she would have been unhappy in whatever high powered position (something other than fashion) and still treated her employees the same way.


When a person wants that kind of power that she had in any industry and works that many hours, home life has got to suffer at some time so hence the "hubby" thing.


I understand all that you say, and if it is viewed in a broader context that anyone who gives all that time and energy just to their work, will become unhappy then yes, I agree, but I don't think it's just an excusivity the fashion business.


On Andi/Anne, I agree, she could have kept her "new found fashion style" no reason to give that up, unless she personally didn't like the look, and as for giving the stuff away, well, I saw it as a "cleansing of sorts", some people need to get rid of all bad memories before they can move on and if it represented bad memories well then, but let's remember that in real life things are not as "idealistic" as they are in movies. Giving up all the stuff was very idealistic and not very real IMO in geralizations but as I said, many people do a "cleansing" and maybe that was her cleansing for turning over a "new leaf". so to speak?


In the end you are right, I guess we don't disagree as much as I thought and thank you for explaining what you meant.:)


well you are right-that guy was just a jerk-not a back stabber as he did not work for Miranda. But he showed his true colors-and I think Andi's friend saw him as a threat to her other friend, Andi's boyfriend.


You know too-some people want high powered positions and that makes them happy-Miranda's problem was she wanted a family and all that went with that AND the high powered position-which was why she was not happy. if she had settled for one or the other-she could have been happy I think.


Do you remeber that movie Baby Boom from like 20 years ago? Diane Keaton was this big time exec-but then she inheirited this baby and became attached to the baby and she couldn't handle both things. She had been happy in her successful job-but later she began to love this child and her priorities changed. I really liked that movie.


Anything else you think would be good to see? My daughter is going to that Johnny Depp pirate sequel movie tonight with her friends. I have no interest in that-no matter how good looking JD is!

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well you are right-that guy was just a jerk-not a back stabber as he did not work for Miranda. But he showed his true colors-and I think Andi's friend saw him as a threat to her other friend, Andi's boyfriend.


You know too-some people want high powered positions and that makes them happy-Miranda's problem was she wanted a family and all that went with that AND the high powered position-which was why she was not happy. if she had settled for one or the other-she could have been happy I think.


Do you remeber that movie Baby Boom from like 20 years ago? Diane Keaton was this big time exec-but then she inheirited this baby and became attached to the baby and she couldn't handle both things. She had been happy in her successful job-but later she began to love this child and her priorities changed. I really liked that movie.


Anything else you think would be good to see? My daughter is going to that Johnny Depp pirate sequel movie tonight with her friends. I have no interest in that-no matter how good looking JD is!


Yes, I agree with you on what you say, some people thrive on that love that like of life and are quite happy. 100% agree with that statement.


Yes, I remember the movie vaguely, good story from what I remember although I'm not a Keaton fan, she grates on me.


I'm with you, no pirate movie for me or DH, not our cup of tea. Honestly, can't think of anything as the only other movie I saw besides "The Devil..." was the Da Vinci Code in the last couple of months.


I was thinking of seeing the Lake House but you saw that already, and from what you wrote, I think I'd like it. Maybe Superman, DH will go with me for me, but not his kind of movie.


Let me know if you see anything good, from the sound of it we may have similar tastes in movies.:)

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I thoroughly enjoyed the movie for the pretty bunch of pictures it was. I LOVED all the Chanel. It was a fun girl movie. I used to be in television and was told I was too heavy wen I was a size 8! I'm much heavier now, but it's a wierd little situation. We were constantly told what NOT to wear, but no guidance about what TO wear, so it was tough for me, with no real fasion sense.


I did enjoy the book, probably because I could identify with so much of it. There were little clips in the movie (a shot of Andy walking the dog, a shot of Andy driving Miranda's car) that were pretty funny in the book.....and what happened to all the white scarves in the book. For some reason that image of Miranda is most memorable to me. There were scenes where the assistants had to get scarves, but when all the scarves go flying into the air you see they are multi-colored. I really can't explain why I missed that signature so much, but I would imagine the scarves wouldn't have gone with every outfit.


I put this in the category of princess movies, which I adore. You know, normal girl (or guy) gets a chance to live the glamorous (sp?) life, at least for a whil. Fun, easy stuff :-)

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I finally got around to seeing the movie last night. Overall, I enjoyed it much more than the book -- probably because of being able to see all the gorgeous clothes. I loved Meryl Streep (actually liked her character much better in the movie than in the book, probably a tribute to MS's acting skills.) Ann Hathaway was also great.


I do agree with whoever it was that said her boyfriend was not very supportive. Sure, she was wrapped up in her job, but a lot of people have to put in slave-hours when first starting out in certain professions. And at the end, he just up and decided he was going to Boston -- I was kind of confused, since it seemed like he was planning for her to come along, but then SHE apparently got a job at the newspaper??


Hmmm..... I wouldn't mind having a Paris fling with that "bad" boy writer either!


I'm also pondering: If 6 is the new 14, then what does that make 14? Guess I'd better be off to the gym....

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I thoroughly enjoyed the movie for the pretty bunch of pictures it was. I LOVED all the Chanel. It was a fun girl movie. I used to be in television and was told I was too heavy wen I was a size 8! I'm much heavier now, but it's a wierd little situation. We were constantly told what NOT to wear, but no guidance about what TO wear, so it was tough for me, with no real fasion sense.


I did enjoy the book, probably because I could identify with so much of it. There were little clips in the movie (a shot of Andy walking the dog, a shot of Andy driving Miranda's car) that were pretty funny in the book.....and what happened to all the white scarves in the book. For some reason that image of Miranda is most memorable to me. There were scenes where the assistants had to get scarves, but when all the scarves go flying into the air you see they are multi-colored. I really can't explain why I missed that signature so much, but I would imagine the scarves wouldn't have gone with every outfit.


I put this in the category of princess movies, which I adore. You know, normal girl (or guy) gets a chance to live the glamorous (sp?) life, at least for a whil. Fun, easy stuff :-)



You are right! it was a sort've "cinderella" story except Andi decided in the end she did not want to be Cinderella. Both this movie and the Princess Diaries first movie, Anne Hathaway plays a "nerdi" girl turned into a beauty. Ofcourse the Princess Diaries movie was the real Cinderella story as this common everyday American girl-learns she is royalty.


So Mrs. Moose you don't like Diane Keaton. I have always loved her! I loved her in the First Wive's club and Father if the Bride. I also loved this movie that wasn't so popular called the Other Sister-where she played the mother of a mentally challenged daughter. It was no box office smash but a very good movie!


I haven't seen that "Family Stone" either-it is on video now-maybe I should go rent that this weekend!

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I finally got around to seeing the movie last night. Overall, I enjoyed it much more than the book -- probably because of being able to see all the gorgeous clothes. I loved Meryl Streep (actually liked her character much better in the movie than in the book, probably a tribute to MS's acting skills.) Ann Hathaway was also great.


I do agree with whoever it was that said her boyfriend was not very supportive. Sure, she was wrapped up in her job, but a lot of people have to put in slave-hours when first starting out in certain professions. And at the end, he just up and decided he was going to Boston -- I was kind of confused, since it seemed like he was planning for her to come along, but then SHE apparently got a job at the newspaper??


Hmmm..... I wouldn't mind having a Paris fling with that "bad" boy writer either!


I'm also pondering: If 6 is the new 14, then what does that make 14? Guess I'd better be off to the gym....


Well i think 6 is the new 14 because of vanity sizing. In other words what we used to calla 14 is now a 6-so I guess I mean in reverse! People are NOT getting smaller but bigger-except for maybe in the fashion industry.

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Momofmeg, not particularly, can't say I'm a fan of hers. I did enjoy Father of the Bride, First Wife Club was fine and the more recent one I think with Jack Nicolson, can't remember the name, was ok, but I would not rush to see just her. She can grate on me. I think I liked her better when she was younger.


You know I was thinking about the sizing, and I have to say, that I think clothes are cut smaller. Now before you laugh, it's not about weight. I have a jacket from about 8 years ago and it fits just fine. Now I would not be able to fit into that size if I had to buy the same jacket. That is the one thing I found to be true in the movie is that a size 6 could easily be a couple of sizes bigger now than say 10 - 15 years ago. Meaning the clothes seem to just be cut smaller.


I measured a top with a tape measure, what used to be let's say X inches for a medium (something I own from 10 years ago), the same amount of inches is now a large. Not maybe all brands/labels/desinger, but some have definitley gotten smaller.


I mean come on, I see clothes on the net from desingers and it says large (size 8 - 10) years ago a size large was more than an 8 - 10 and then it also says cut on the small side or something like that so that means it is a small cut 8 - 10. I picked up a sweater recently and it said large, and it was the size I would have worn when I was a size 2 or 4 as I always like my sweaters on the loose side.


I too wondered about the white scarves, that was one of my thoughts.

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Momofmeg, not particularly, can't say I'm a fan of hers. I did enjoy Father of the Bride, First Wife Club was fine and the more recent one I think with Jack Nicolson, can't remember the name, was ok, but I would not rush to see just her. She can grate on me. I think I liked her better when she was younger.


You know I was thinking about the sizing, and I have to say, that I think clothes are cut smaller. Now before you laugh, it's not about weight. I have a jacket from about 8 years ago and it fits just fine. Now I would not be able to fit into that size if I had to buy the same jacket. That is the one thing I found to be true in the movie is that a size 6 could easily be a couple of sizes bigger now than say 10 - 15 years ago. Meaning the clothes seem to just be cut smaller.


I measured a top with a tape measure, what used to be let's say X inches for a medium (something I own from 10 years ago), the same amount of inches is now a large. Not maybe all brands/labels/desinger, but some have definitley gotten smaller.


I mean come on, I see clothes on the net from desingers and it says large (size 8 - 10) years ago a size large was more than an 8 - 10 and then it also says cut on the small side or something like that so that means it is a small cut 8 - 10. I picked up a sweater recently and it said large, and it was the size I would have worn when I was a size 2 or 4 as I always like my sweaters on the loose side.


I too wondered about the white scarves, that was one of my thoughts.


I did not read the book so I know nothing about white scarfs.


You ought to rent that movie The Other Sister-it was very good-although it did not get good ratings. I actually saw it on TV-as I heard it was not good so I did not see it at the movies and then it was a great movie.


Diane Keaton had 3 daughters. The oldest was a lesbian. The youngest was mentally challenged, but the three girls had a great sister relationship although they were very differant from each other and very accepting of each other's differances. Not the mom though-so DK will get on your nerves in this movie too!!!! The mother was very controlling of all, but especially the mentally challenged girl, but she stands up to her mother and sprouts wings in spite of it all. It was a super great story.

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Sounds like a great story. I don't rent many videos as it's too complicated really. The place right near me, has mayb 10 movies at a time (in a convenience store) and the other places I have to drive to and look for parking which is sometimes not easy to find so I don't. I have pay per view and video on demand so that I don't have to go to rent but even then the choices are not always great.


The white scarves (Hermes only) were a signature trademark of Miranda's in the book. You didn't see them in the movie.

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I do agree with whoever it was that said her boyfriend was not very supportive. Sure, she was wrapped up in her job, but a lot of people have to put in slave-hours when first starting out in certain professions. And at the end, he just up and decided he was going to Boston -- I was kind of confused, since it seemed like he was planning for her to come along, but then SHE apparently got a job at the newspaper??



I'm the one that said her boyfriend wasn't supportive. She missed his birthday? I mean c'mon, he's a chef! How many Thanksgivings, Valentine's Days, Weekend Nights, HER Birthday, New Year's Eve will HE miss because of HIS career???? If anyone knows about missing special times with their loved ones, it's people in the restaurant business! So I found it amazing that he was so angry she wasn't around for his birthday.


However, when he decided to go to Boston, they had already broken up, so that didn't suprise me. Then he asked her to go, meaning he wanted to get back together - at least that's my take on it. Since she was hired as a special features editor, I guess she could telecommute and write her envestigative reports from anywhere???

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I am debating seeing the movie. Just read the book last weekend, and was not that overwhelmed. Although I suspect the "real" Miranda is Anna Wintour, I had conflicting images in my mind ... the size 12 American Meryl Streep, and the size 4 English Wintour. Most of the time I prefer books to movies, because my imagination can do a far better job than screenwriters and directors.


I will probably wait until it comes out on Netflix and watch it then.


Miranda actually reminded me of a male attorney I once worked for - who threw a chair at me on more than one occasion. Women have not cornered the market as worst bosses!

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I went to see the movie last night. I thought it was a good movie.

Alot of fashion to be seen. Made me wonder about my own fashion sense.... I figure that everyone has their own way of dressing and

that noone should really be judged by the way they dress. As long

as it is not too outlandish if you know what I mean. I enjoyed the movie

very much though. Just thought I would post MOP...




NCL SPirit July 16, 2006

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Went to see the film last night.


I really enjoyed it, thought the way it was filmed was punchy and upbeat.


The story didn't ring true with the book in many ways though (I know that's always the case!).


But loved the clothes, the shoes, the jewelry.....


Meryl Streep did a fantastic job, wow! she was really impressive. She had a very strong resemblence to Gelnn Close in 101 Dalmatians, i thought.


If you enjoyed the movie, I urge you to read the book! :D

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Went to see the film last night.


I really enjoyed it, thought the way it was filmed was punchy and upbeat.


The story didn't ring true with the book in many ways though (I know that's always the case!).


But loved the clothes, the shoes, the jewelry.....


Meryl Streep did a fantastic job, wow! she was really impressive. She had a very strong resemblence to Gelnn Close in 101 Dalmatians, i thought.


If you enjoyed the movie, I urge you to read the book! :D


Yep-a couple of us said that-Cruella Deville!!!!!!!

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Movie was really good. Casting was great....Loved the clothes and the scenes from Paris...


In retrospect, I would also have killed for a job like that in my 20's when I lived in NY...(First/Second asst')


Now....it's another story....!!!


Enjoyed it very much.




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Saw the movie last week and I loved it, so did my DH. I thought Meryl Streep looked soooo elegant and the hairstyle she wore was very flattering.

But what blew my mind was the scene where she is caught crying while wearing a comfy robe and no makeup, she looked 20 years older. Adrian Grenier who played the boyfriend is very cute except for that horrible designer stubble on his face! Do you like that look?

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