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HAL .....I've Been Thinking!!!


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I like how you think! Now that is something I would be willing to pay extra for.:D

My first HAL cruise was a "theme" cruise ... the Maui Writer's Conference at Sea. It was one of the best HAL cruises I've taken, though it was clearly the most expensive. In this case, it was not sponsored by HAL, but rather by the Maui Writer's Foundation ... but there is no reason why the cruise lines themselves couldn't sponsor theme cruises such as this.


The sailing was probably about double what you would pay for a normal HAL sailing, because you have to factor in the many instructors and other support staff who were running the conference. Obviously, they don't pay for their fare ... we do. And they generally stayed in suites. But, the days onboard were full ... especially the sea days ... and the learning experiences were top notch. We actually published a book as a result of that voyage ... "Ship's Log ... Writings at Sea." It was a compendium of short stories, some fiction, some non-fiction, written by the cruise participants. We wrote the first drafts ... three of them each ... while actually on the cruise. One piece was written under each of three instructors. We were randomly moved every few days to the tutulege of someone else (so that we would get the benefit of different teaching styles). In addition to lots of critique sessions, we also had general sessions comprised of both workshops on different subjects as well as lectures by the top authors brought onboard for this cruise. Towards the end of the voyage, a committee of professional editors and writers (our shipboard instructors) met and selected the best piece of each participant's work, and that was the piece you would be sent home with to hone and perfect. We actually had to sign contracts committing ourselves to having the piece back to our editor by e-mail by a certain date. The pieces were then professionally edited and the book published. I'll just say that my piece was a non-fiction one called "Lessons from the Bridge" ... and, no ... I'm not talking about the ship's bridge. :)


I think there's a big market ... and lots of money to be made ... in theme cruises. Once these bigger "mega ships" are sailing in HAL's fleet, they'd be idiots not to tap into some of that.


Blue skies ...



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Thanks Beth, nice to have at least one friend.


Heather, although I love your posts, I have to agree with Beth. I started a thread with a similar theme and kinda got slammed. Now everyone is talking about about how that is what it HAL will likely become. There is definately a class system on this board.

Not trying to stir the pot, but I too agree with Beth and SnorkelBear. All message boards have a class system, and this one is no different. Certain posters will be more respected than others, maybe because they've been around a long time, or have met a lot of people here on past voyages. But whatever the reason, as a result, they can post a thread almost identical to the one you did, and that thread will be well-received, while yours maybe generated no replies whatsoever ... or worse, got you flamed. It's just the way it is. Not just here on cruisecritic, but elsewhere as well.


It's the same in the business world. I can recall several occasions where I've been sent as a representative of my department to company meetings. I'm not really high up in the organization chart ... barely at the mid-management level. Some of the other people at these meetings were much, much higher up than I. We would be trying to resolve a problem ... and maybe I would come up with a suggestion. "No, no. That won't work." And half a dozen people would "helpfully" explain to me why my suggestion was "just not practical." Since I was so quickly shot down, I'd shut my mouth for the rest of the meeting. Wouldn't want to embarrass my superiors. Then, what do you think happens? Maybe an hour later a higher level manager figures out the solution to our problem. Funny, it's pretty much the same thing I said an hour earlier. "Great idea, Bud! Now why didn't I think of that?" you hear echoing around the table. As the meeting then breaks up ... because hey, the senior V.P., Bud, just solved our problem, I walk out of the meeting shaking my head and laughing to myself.


It's the same thing here and on other message boards too. Just roll with the punches and continue to have fun. After all, that's why we are all here, isn't it?


Blue skies ...



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Count me Out!


One of the best things about cruising, other than being at sea, is its "mostly inclusive" nature. A lot of your vacation time is freed up when you don't have to "wait for the check".


Start to see a show, don't care for it, pick up your drink and move to another venue. Sit down and enjoy that music instead!


I enjoy the "mostly inclusive" nature of cruises. But I also take advantage of the "upsell" ammenities, Pinnacle Grill, Thermal Suite, Coffee Bar, classes.


I think the cruise lines will continue to be mostly inclusive, but offer more choices at the upsell pricing. That is fine with this cruiser.


Thanks for the thread, Sail. You certainly got a lot of us cruisers to pause and think.


Happy cruising, Kathy

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Not trying to stir the pot, but I too agree with Beth and SnorkelBear. All message boards have a class system, and this one is no different. ................




Rita, to me using the term "class system" suggests some think that longevity alone or number of HAL cruises under their belts places them on a higher wrung. I don't see that here ... I think overall it's a very cohesive, friendly group and almost always very welcoming to newcomers.


If you wanted to say "group system", I might buy that. Because I agree that some people have become friends much like in a neighborhood.


But "class system" is a negative to me and if that existed here, I wouldn't.:)

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I think what the OP is saying is more like easycruise: I don't see anything like that happening with any mass marketed cruiseline. I do see and it is happening already all over the industry more extra charges; more options while keeping the prices down. Cruising will always (certainly in our cruise life time) offer a good selection of average or a little better food; some entertainment and sea day activities. Yes, there will be more features with price tags. I wouldn't be surprised if they add a fee for the kids camp for instance. There will be more classes, like the cooking ones and wine tasting with added price tags. We can expect more than one specialty restaurant and the possibility of some extra charge entertainment. This is what I predict. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next 10 years. NMnita

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I would like to pay for everything separately, but have a more upscale cruise than easyCruise.


We are not interested in dressing up, the shows, or group activities such as trivia contests. We do like being on a beautiful ship with a beautiful cabin and good service. We like visiting new ports.


As far as the thread starters go, I do disagree with you, Heather, and I am not pointing the finger at anyone. However, my thread was titled, "On and Off a la Easy Cruise, good idea or no?" (I do not know how to link it here.) It was not inflammatory. It was further back then I orginally thought, posted in May.


I must say that I feel my ideas are sometimes different than the majority of posters here. I will continue to post and to cruise. I guess I will try harder to accept the fact that some posts are more well-received than others.



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Rita, to me using the term "class system" suggests some think that longevity alone or number of HAL cruises under their belts places them on a higher wrung. I don't see that here ... I think overall it's a very cohesive, friendly group and almost always very welcoming to newcomers.


If you wanted to say "group system", I might buy that. Because I agree that some people have become friends much like in a neighborhood.


But "class system" is a negative to me and if that existed here, I wouldn't.:)




i know exactly what you mean

I wouldn't say a "class system " either. More like the little "clcks " in high school.

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I think everyone knows the tone in which the term was used. No need for further debate.


Beth, I totally understand what you're saying. I'm disagreed with constantly, but I think you notice it more when someone is taking up an issue directly with you. I've started threads that have disappeared because of the way they were perceived.


But I still believe that people's reaction to a topic has nothing whatsoever to do with who is posting. I didn't see your thread, I'm quite sure, although I do remember something about EasyCruise awhile back but it was in the middle of some other thread.


I will say (as Doug did) that I don't think the possibilities Sail mentioned compare in any way to what EasyCruise offers. I read about that line in detail awhile back, and it's a different animal altogether.


In a way, I'd say a little bashing is going on right here in a subtle way. It just happens to be in a direction that some may not notice. I did.

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Heather, once again, I respectfully disagree.


One thing about some regular posters getting "slammed" may just be that they post more often. The more opinions that are shared, the more likely they are to elicit disagreement.


In addition, there are several long time copious posters here who only post in boldface. While not as loud as all caps, I do find this gives these posts both a more striking visual appearance and, to me, a perceived air of importance. This may also contribute to these posts generating a higher rate of responses.


Just my opinion,



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I think this thread has kind of gone "off-topic", but since it has, I feel the need to put in my 2 cents. :)

Since I joined in April, I have enjoyed reading and posting on this board, but I have to say (and kudos for your courage, as I don't think I could do it) there is a ring of truth to what the posters are saying about "class", "cliques", "good ole posters"; call it what you will. It may have something to do with a ring of friendship that has developed through personal contact on cruises or whatever, but there are definite signs that certain posters enjoy much more popularity than others. Bon Voyage notes, birthday notes, responses to postings, etc. are much more in evidence for some than others.

Nothing wrong with that, certainly. But to the newbies, it really is apparent. Not that newbies are shunned or ignored, but their posts seem not to generate the positive or copious responses of some of the "good ple posters". Do we have to "prove" ourselves worthy of attention, or is it just something that comes with time?

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Beth...... I have posted in bold (as does KK and some others) because personally, I find it easier to read. Everyone's eyes are different. I find the lighter font harder to read. It has nothing to do with trying to make my post seem more important.


Actually, I started posting in bold (years ago) when I noticed I was straining trying to read some fonts.


Sorry if you think it is for any other reason. It is not.

I don't think I am the only one who finds that type style easy to read but I do acknowledge that some people may not. Can NEVER please everyone no matter what one does.

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I think this thread has kind of gone "off-topic", but since it has, I feel the need to put in my 2 cents. :)

Since I joined in April, I have enjoyed reading and posting on this board, but I have to say (and kudos for your courage, as I don't think I could do it) there is a ring of truth to what the posters are saying about "class", "cliques", "good ole posters"; call it what you will. It may have something to do with a ring of friendship that has developed through personal contact on cruises or whatever, but there are definite signs that certain posters enjoy much more popularity than others. Bon Voyage notes, birthday notes, responses to postings, etc. are much more in evidence for some than others.

Nothing wrong with that, certainly. But to the newbies, it really is apparent. Not that newbies are shunned or ignored, but their posts seem not to generate the positive or copious responses of some of the "good ple posters". Do we have to "prove" ourselves worthy of attention, or is it just something that comes with time?


If you and others perceive this, what do you suggest we should do?


Should those of us who have been here for years stop sharing information....stop answering questions? Are you proposing the moderators put a limit onto how many times a person is permitted to post? Is the limit to be per day, per week, lifetime?


Why is this social group any different than any other.


If you should decide to join any group, either live and in person or in the cyberworld, there is a time when you are new to the group but others have been in it for years. This social group is no different. Some of us started cruising HAL many years ago, registered for CC years ago and have been posting for a very long time. Some of us have met on the ships; some of us e-mail privately and/or speak on the telephone.


What is wrong with that?

I sincerely believe that most of us try to say hello and welcome to newcomers and we certainly try to be helpful and respond to their questions.


Isn't that what brought most of us here to begin with? To talk about HAL and cruising and if we make friends along the way, all the better.

I feel I have shared useful information and if I have not, I'm very sure someone will tell me so and that is fine. Everyone's perception is how 'they see it'.


I have made a concerted effort to stay out of the bashing and slamming conversations for at least the last year. I think I'm welcoming to newcomers and am always happy when our group gets larger. New ideas; new minds; new exeriences to read about; new friends to make.......and if they hang around, they will turn into the new group of 'old-timers'.

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I recently came to this board to learn some things for our upcoming cruise on the Noordam. It has been an awesome tool and each of you have contributed in so much information. It is very appreciated. I will continue to learn, but I will stay out of any serious topics. I have a need to get back to my immature childish antics. They usually just annoy people without hitting any deep nerves.


On that note, did you hear about the new inflatable ice buckets in the Pinnacle?

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I have been on CC since 1995 when it was so small. I started with another name. I left and then returned and read this board while preparing for a cruise back in 2002 or so.


I think I "joined" in 2003 for the second time. I was brand new. I was a "newbie". Nobody knew me at all. The last thing I would have expected was "respect". I looked up to the people that I felt knew more than I did about the inner workings of the cruise industry and I still do.


And I NEVER posted the way some of you are posting now. I was so happy to find a place with such a wealth of information about specific lines.


When I started posting I barely dipped my toe in. And I was made to feel most welcome by so many people here. I've never forgotten that.


Now people come on here like a freight train and when they don't like the response, they're appalled, cry discrimination of some kind and demand respect.


Over the past 2 to 3 weeks this has happened several times and I'm offended and upset by all of it. This isn't about expressing an opinion. Sail started a perfectly fair and interesting thread and then people complained that they brought it up first and didn't get the same response. Get over yourselves.

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Could someone tell me please just exactly what it takes to be one called one of the "class", "clique", "good ole posters", "old guard", and "thugs". All of these are terms I have read on this board being used to describe some of us. They all seem to refer to those of us who either found HAL or found this board longer ago than others.

What I'd like to know is are all the definitions the same? Is it based on number of cruises? Number of days cruising? Date joined this board? Number of posts? Some combination?

I just don't understand why I should be sitting here reading and feeling so attacked. :(

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I've participated in quite a few boards/forums/lists and they all have their own atmospheres and social dynamics. I have been on ones where I don't feel welcome (which tends to make me leave). IMHO, as these things go, we are a pretty "tame" group.


I can sympathize with those who have brought something up and it's not been noticed, and then someone else says almost the same thing and everyone notices it... It's happened to me, certainly. (Not here - being a Host tends to mean I get listened to ;) - but certainly on some other boards where I'm a "nobody".)


I guess it's inevitable that some people's posts will get listened to more than others - just as in any other group of people, certain people will tend to be at the center of attention, whether or not they're actually trying to be. And yes, perhaps people who have been around a while will be listened to more carefully than others whose names aren't so well-known around here. I guess it's just the nature of any group like this.


It's also worth noting that on the web there is no such thing as tone of voice, body language, etc. We are divorced from most of the cues that we usually have in our everyday lives to figure out whether a person is, for lack of a better word, "friend or foe". In writing it's a lot more difficult to figure out. I know I sometimes will read a post or an e-mail and be unsure in what spirit it's meant to be taken. It happens to all of us sometimes and it can lead to misunderstandings. If you've known a person for a long time and are used to their "tone" or style of writing, it's usually pretty easy to figure out what's meant, but if the reader or the poster (or both) is a newcomer, that can be a lot more difficult.


But we were all new once and I really do not think that anyone is trying to make newcomers feel uncomfortable.


If and when you do see a post that you think is offensive or inappropriate, please do use the "Report Bad Post" function by clicking the red and white triangle icon (report.gif) located in the upper right corner of the post and one of our staff will gladly look into the situation.

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To Heather, RuthC, Sail7Seas:

No attack intended from me. I was just making an observation. All of you have been on the board a long time, and have certainly earned the "credibility" vote. I am not one who joins a lot of message boards (well, OK, this is the only one), etc., and maybe I just don't know message board protocol all that well. I certainly appreciate the fact that on any message board there are "trolls" or insincere posters, or whatever you want to call them. And I realize that sometimes it's hard to discern those types from posters who are just trying to be helpful and join the spirit of the board. I have asked many questions on this board that have been probably taken as "suspect" just because I don't know any better being I'm a message board neophyte.

I am happy to keep offering whatever advice or help I can when I feel it would be productive. I try not to feel, if my efforts are not rewarded with positive feedback, that I'm not taken seriously. Maybe I just have acceptance issues.:) But I do like to think that the time I spend in answering posts or offering advice is not wasted because I haven't reached some perceived level of credibility. Maybe I'm just a little bit jealous of the status the rest of you hold on the board. Maybe I'll get there someday. maybe not. It's not that big of a deal. But I think I should be able to express what the perception is from my vantage point without raising everyone's hackles.

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Doug, that's such a wonderful post. I hope your words put it all in perspective.:)


HALonly, I just saw your post after submitting. It really is all about what we perceive. You should never worry about being "accepted". I honestly believe that everyone is. We're not always in agreement, but it doesn't mean that new faces aren't welcome because they are. As Doug said above, we were all new once. At one point early on I do remember getting very upset and walked away from it. I honestly didn't "get" the dynamic of it. But once you're over that hump and stop taking it all so seriously, it's really an awfully fun place to be.....a little "opinionated", but fun ;)

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Could someone tell me please just exactly what it takes to be one called one of the "class", "clique", "good ole posters", "old guard", and "thugs". All of these are terms I have read on this board being used to describe some of us. They all seem to refer to those of us who either found HAL or found this board longer ago than others.

What I'd like to know is are all the definitions the same? Is it based on number of cruises? Number of days cruising? Date joined this board? Number of posts? Some combination?


I just don't understand why I should be sitting here reading and feeling so attacked. :(


I consider all of you who post a lot and have been on many cruisers to be "experts." I love reading all of your posts and value your opinions. :) I appreciate all of the advice and help that you give. Whenever I have had questions, you have all answered with great information. I would hate to think that you are feeling "attacked!" :eek:


I don't post a lot because I don't know a lot (about cruising, that is :D ). Maybe after my first cruise on HAL I will feel more comfortable posting, but until then, I will enjoy "lurking" (as some of you call it).


About the OP, I believe most cruiselines will always offer an "all inclusive" type of vacation. It's what sets them apart from most other vacations and I, personally, like knowing what my vacation will cost before I take it!

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