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QM2 review...My Affair To Remember


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Hi Penny


Just to say that when I see ANY post of yours and I recall "Your Affair" then it makes my heart race as I am reminded that I shall once again be on our beloved Queen.

32 days to go but I will be leaving for my NY stay in 30 days time. Since I last posted I have had a 6 day holiday in Ireland and a 4 day trip to Scotland. Got back on Friday. I was visiting a dear friend who has Ovarian Cancer. Very ill and I told her I will be back whether I will be in time to see her again after my or whether I will be too late. Spoke to her today on the telephone.


Since I last posted on your board I have gone and booked a cruise to NZ/OZ for November 20th and I will fly out to NZ and then do 14 night cruise on X Millennium which finishes in Sydney on the 7th December. I will then fly to Perth and stay for Christmas and NY with my Brother and his family until the 5th January so I will be away over 6 weeks. It is a long way to fly and I have flown to Australia twice in recent years but never to NZ.

I had been on the point of booking the 19th September T/A btb and New England but thought about it in bed that night and decided that I would venture a bit further afield.

Have not decided whether I will do any stop or add any extra nights in Sydney or not but I have time to finalise the flights etc and I am doing it with Celebrity. I have been on Millennium twice and so I know her. Don't adore her the way I do our QM.

My concern now is what am I to do between the 11th March and the 20th November. Can't possibly not have another holiday or preferably cruise.


The OZ trip is expensive and as I need single occupancy then more so. I will find something for sure but not sure what!


Keep writing Penny and I do so look forward to reading about that AFFAIR.


Love and God bless



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Hi Penny


Just to say that when I see ANY post of yours and I recall "Your Affair" then it makes my heart race as I am reminded that I shall once again be on our beloved Queen.

32 days to go but I will be leaving for my NY stay in 30 days time. Since I last posted I have had a 6 day holiday in Ireland and a 4 day trip to Scotland. Got back on Friday. I was visiting a dear friend who has Ovarian Cancer. Very ill and I told her I will be back whether I will be in time to see her again after my or whether I will be too late. Spoke to her today on the telephone.


Since I last posted on your board I have gone and booked a cruise to NZ/OZ for November 20th and I will fly out to NZ and then do 14 night cruise on X Millennium which finishes in Sydney on the 7th December. I will then fly to Perth and stay for Christmas and NY with my Brother and his family until the 5th January so I will be away over 6 weeks. It is a long way to fly and I have flown to Australia twice in recent years but never to NZ.

I had been on the point of booking the 19th September T/A btb and New England but thought about it in bed that night and decided that I would venture a bit further afield.

Have not decided whether I will do any stop or add any extra nights in Sydney or not but I have time to finalise the flights etc and I am doing it with Celebrity. I have been on Millennium twice and so I know her. Don't adore her the way I do our QM.

My concern now is what am I to do between the 11th March and the 20th November. Can't possibly not have another holiday or preferably cruise.


The OZ trip is expensive and as I need single occupancy then more so. I will find something for sure but not sure what!


Keep writing Penny and I do so look forward to reading about that AFFAIR.


Love and God bless





Well hi there Sue my friend...so good to see you back here. You can always leave me a message on the old Dec 2nd 2006 roll call...we still go strong there. But this is a great spot too since we met here!!


I am in awe of your traveling schedule girl!! Good on you!!! Here you are gallivanting all over the place to such neat spots and all I'm doing is having a silly little "Affair" with a ship!! Seems a bit tame compared to you. The trip to NZ and Oz sounds fantastic. What a long haul that must be, but lovely to have family there to greet you and spend time with. So tellme, do you just keep a suitcase packed???? ;)


And back to QM2 again so soon. WOnderful....now just who's having an affair with her I wonder???? And you're doing my last itinerary it seems, the 10 day Caribbean? have you decided what excursions to do? If you've not planned anything for Tortola may I recommend the dolphin encounter as a most fullfilling thing? It was the high light of my trip....I fell in love with this wonderful dolphin named Posiden and he even kissed me...repeatedly!! I was hooked!! It was the best thing I've ever treated myself with I think. And in St Thomas we loved every second of the Trunk bay beach time....what a fabulous place. We did the catamaran to the Pitons and that was delightful and beautiful. My friends took Cosol for a full day tour of the island and said it was awesome....not booked thru the ship however. You can find more on Cosol on the St Lucia board. In St Kitts I just wandered and loved every second of it but the other 3 took the Nevis sailaway for the 2nd time and had a fantastic time again. Barbados is my least favorte island so I hung out on the shp all day and loved that too...all to myslef...almost...heavenly!!


I'm so sorry to hear of your friend's illness...sending her positive energy and hope she will be there when you return. I have a dear friend I am losing to cancer too...it is such a tragic way to lose someone we love isn't it. I wish her well.


And I am writing....mostly transitional stuff for now from the first "Affair" to where my TA 'Affair" will take me...in my head and in my heart as I remember those wonderful days of my youth once again at sea in a beloved liner. Oct seems so far away but then when I return from the UK I'll only have to wait another month to board her again for the Caribbean. What fun!!! I'll be in heaven.


So be well my friend and do come back and tell me how grand your Caribbean was...and do dance your shoes off, you hear??


Hugs to you my dear...keep on smiling


Cheers, Penny


Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continued...did it ever!


December 9, 2008....the “Affair” resumes again....Life is good!


October 16,2008...the “Affair” goes transatlantic as we sail in tandem with the grand QE2 on her final transatlantic voyage...what a thrill!

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Hi Penny and again many thanks for your interesting and informative ideas. I didn't know that you were doing the T/A in October. I am sure that you will love it as there is so much of the Ship that excites. My friend June says she would be bored out of her mind 6 days at sea. NOT ME think of all the lovely afternoon teas, the times to sit in the library your favourite haunt "That Club". The Cinema the Shows the Lectures and oh yes I forgot the Dancing.


Yes I am away a fair bit. I had 6 holidays last year 3 of them cruises. To date I have just had my Irish holiday and my short visit to Scotland. This was a major breakthrough for me. I had not been to Kirkcaldy for nearly 8 eight years. I had only been 3 times twice prior to surgery in Edinburgh and once to attend a wedding.

The more time passed the more difficult it was to go back. I had friends who came to visit me here as Harrogate is a lovely town and very historic. Yes they asked me to visit them but I had demons of my own to face. Some people whom I expected to be there after Brian died and the hurt and pain caused when they were not. I felt so cheated time Brian and I gave up so that they could visit him. We wanted more time on our own but Brian didn't want to offend anyone as he said I would need them when he was gone.

I faced my demons and contacted one couple in particular and visited them. They made me welcome and I said the past is the past and now that friendship is renewed. I saw quite a few others and was sad to see that one friend has had a bit of a breakdown.

I had a reason to go in that I would never not go to see Rebecca. She was happy to see me and insisted that a few others come whilst I was there. Despite everything it was a happy visit and she was in good form. I am very good at doing the practical things and taking care of the cups of tea and washing up.

I know that after this visit I will go again with an easy mind. I lived there for 22 years. A long time and I went all prepared to the Cemetery with wire brushes scrubbing brushes just in case the stone was covered in algae. Not a bit of it I just washed it down put fresh flowers in and looked at the beautiful Celtic design and lettering. Brian had so wanted to be buried in Ireland. I took a big step when I went on the QM2 in that I had built a ring of steel around me and that barrier came down. Now I have achieved another goal. Just took me nearly 10 years!!

Now to happier times what about this 28 days today I will be on my way!! I have been looking at the excursions today. I am not one for doing a lot of trips. Prefer if I can just to potter around on my own if it is safe enough.

I must give my decorators a cup of coffee. They started yesterday on my lounge and dining room. I am shut out of half my place with all the many things having to be moved. Drat it will be finished by the middle of next week I hope. I think I will see if Julie's Au Pair would like to early a little extra cash and give me a hand with a few things!

Oh I am so excited about the 27th Feb. A friend from Holiday Truth that I correspond with is off tomorrow to join her on the 2nd February. Lucky Graham and Christine. They are on the 13 night.

Hope all is well with you and keeeeeeeeP writing.



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Congratulations on your recent victories. I know those things can be hard and the longer you wait, the harder it is. I hope the friends are contrite that they were not there for you. Remember, people get scared of saying something dreadful, or not knowing what to say, or not knowing how to treat you as a single after knowing you as a couple. Think kindly on them, and try to walk in their shoes. It is good that you were able to see them and talk. So sad about your other friend, but now, you can be the friend for her, that you wish some had been when you were in need. I find my loss has sharpened my understanding of some other people's losses in a way that I never really could see before. Use it as a gift to others. Brian would be proud, I am sure. He sounds like he was a very caring and considerate person.


Do you suppose someone or something (I'm talking spiritual here- whatever form of spirits you happen to believe in- right on down to Mother Nature!) could be keeping that stone clean? Maybe Navaleye's Rosalind stops by to blow sweet breath on it to keep his spirit fresh and memory clear. I never disbelieve wonder. You never know! No matter how cynical I get (and I do) about other things.



I am very happy for you. You have grown so much in the past year, what with your cruise, the dancing, and so on. It's beautiful, and inspiring to others of us who may have our own demons and self-doubts!


Thank you


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Many thanks for your kind words. I must sound a really miserable old bat!! Have another birthday tomorrow! Not saying except my Granddaughter guessed as 2 years ago she says Dan (Grandson) played a famous Beatles song on his clarinet!!


The guess what is I have got an UPGRADE. Letter form my TA today including the letter from Cunard.



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Hi sue , nice to have you back on board , just had to let you that Penny wont have time to bored on the crossing as Robin and I will be there too, Penny will be staying with in the west country for a few days and we plan to get her in the mood right from the start of the crossing, the new entertainment for the crossing we the wurzels almost every night, Pennt we hate the sight of a combined harvester when were finished with her, shw will know just how to talk proper somerset english , and if she is learns it fast we can go ahead with yorkshire accent as well, any suggestions anyone???


sue if your at a loose end join us on the QM2 october 10th westbound and oct 16th eastbound.



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Hi Rob


Many thanks for your kind words of welcome. I would love to be on those crossings with you. HOWEVER I am off to sunny NZ and OZ on the 20th November and will not return until the 6th January or maybe the 5th!

Almost 7 weeks and so I will miss a big chunk of you winter.

Sorry but the budget would not stretch to both.


I am sure that you will all have a marvellous time.



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Hi Rob


Many thanks for your kind words of welcome. I would love to be on those crossings with you. HOWEVER I am off to sunny NZ and OZ on the 20th November and will not return until the 6th January or maybe the 5th!

Almost 7 weeks and so I will miss a big chunk of you winter.

Sorry but the budget would not stretch to both.


I am sure that you will all have a marvellous time.




Hi Sue...and good for you slaying those demons. I love slaying demons...I'm working on Rob now but he's proving a bit tougher than I thought!:rolleyes: I shall persevere!


You are wise to head down under...the Oct crossing with Rob and Robin could leave you shaking your head in confusion. I know...I've already sailed with these two....Robin thank heavens is sane...and I'll say no more! And I plan on having them speaking Somerset-ese with a serious southern drawl by the time I depart their company. Too bad you'll miss this...it'll be different:eek:


You take care and just keep on being you...I love your spunk!


Cheers, Penny


Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continued...did it ever!


December 9, 2008....the “Affair” resumes again....Life is good!


October 16,2008...the “Affair” goes transatlantic as we sail in tandem with the grand QE2 on her final transatlantic voyage...what a thrill!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just wanted to add to everyone else's comments here and say to Penny what a marvelous writer you are. At the very least, Cunard should be scrambling to hire you to write their newest brochure! I can tell I am going to be re-reading this thread many times before I get to personally set foot on QM2 in September :D


PS-If anyone leaves clawmarks in the carpeting as they're dragged against their will off the ship, it'll be me!

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How fabulous that your 'Affair' is once again on page one for all to read.


Noting that there are a lot more threads recently about QM, your journal says it all and is a must read for everyone planning to sail on her.:)


Not forgetting Pepper, another must read too. Matthew also reported well on his trip on her, particularly as QE2 is his 'First Lady'.;)



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I just wanted to add to everyone else's comments here and say to Penny what a marvelous writer you are. At the very least, Cunard should be scrambling to hire you to write their newest brochure! I can tell I am going to be re-reading this thread many times before I get to personally set foot on QM2 in September :D


PS-If anyone leaves clawmarks in the carpeting as they're dragged against their will off the ship, it'll be me!


Thank you Aaron...what flattery...I accept! I'm shameless!!:rolleyes: ;)


The next writing I will do will be to take the "Affair" transatlantic on the Oct tandem eastbound as I chase some very personal memories and a little blond girl I need to find again. It's a special voyage of remembrance for me, and the "Affair" I expect to find on this trip will become a part of the initial "Affair" here, the parts written now to bridge between the two and then perhaps, If I'm happy with it all I shall publish it.


And please feel free to leave your clawmarks next to mine in the Commodore Club....perhaps Cunard will get the point altho I've been told they left mine there as an example!! And thank you again...I'm so glad you enjoyed my "Affair"....


Cheers, Penny

Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continued...did it ever!


December 9, 2008....the “Affair” resumes again....Life is good!


October 16,2008...the “Affair” goes transatlantic as we sail in tandem with the grand QE2 on her final transatlantic voyage...what a thrill!

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How fabulous that your 'Affair' is once again on page one for all to read.


Noting that there are a lot more threads recently about QM, your journal says it all and is a must read for everyone planning to sail on her.:)


Not forgetting Pepper, another must read too. Matthew also reported well on his trip on her, particularly as QE2 is his 'First Lady'.;)




Thanks Jackie...it's fun to see it here again too and still see that new people find it even if buried.


And absolutely everyone should read Pepper's fabulous review....it will go with me in Oct just as it did on my first trip. I didn't need to bring it last Nov as the author traveled with us all! :D


So here it is to help people find it....Pepper's Transatlantic QM2 review....



See you in a few months jackie!!


Cheers, Penny


Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continued...did it ever!


December 9, 2008....the “Affair” resumes again....Life is good!


October 16,2008...the “Affair” goes transatlantic as we sail in tandem with the grand QE2 on her final transatlantic voyage...what a thrill!

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And please feel free to leave your clawmarks next to mine in the Commodore Club....perhaps Cunard will get the point altho I've been told they left mine there as an example!! And thank you again...I'm so glad you enjoyed my "Affair"....


I just might do that! Perhaps it will become a sort of 'Walk of Fame' on the ship ;) And you're welcome - it's not often I read a review that moving!

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Thanks Jackie...it's fun to see it here again too and still see that new people find it even if buried.


And absolutely everyone should read Pepper's fabulous review....it will go with me in Oct just as it did on my first trip. I didn't need to bring it last Nov as the author traveled with us all! :D


So here it is to help people find it....Pepper's Transatlantic QM2 review....



See you in a few months jackie!!


Cheers, Penny


Hello Penny,


I haven't sent a note to you since QM2 WC back in Feb '07. I remember you and Karie commenting on Pago Pago and its' allure. The wife and I had a great time there. It probably is what Hawaii was like 70 years ago. Very basic and lush.


I see you are booked on the EB Crossing of Qm2 with QE2 on Oct 16th. We are just going to miss crossing paths. Too Bad! We are doing a B2B Crossing on QM2 starting Oct 4th EB, and WB in tandem with QE2 on the 10th.


Watching QE2 on her final WB Crossing will be an emotional time for us. Having first sailed on her in 1973, I never had the experience of seeing her at speed in the open sea. Mind you, being on board more than made up for the loss. We will be watching and living history all the way! Memories of all the times spent on her will flood back and I won't be the only soul on the trip ruminating about her and the good times on her.


We will just have to be aboard QM2 at the same time and enjoy martinis in the Commodore Club, someday! Am looking forward to seeing other friends aboard her as well. :)


Good sailing...............Kurt

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Hi my dear friend Penny. We did it had our meeting about 14 of us and GUESS what not only did we have the Captain but also the Hotel Manager!


They were very friends and also saying that in the past they have had as many as 200+


There are 1940 from the UK and 400 US I think this explains why the Roll Call was quiet.


We told the Captain about you and your Affair. We recommended that they read it. A lot of people are on their first cruise and also a lot who have never been on the QM


Don't worry I checked everywhere and your claw marks are in perfect condition. The Captain has been instructed not to clean the room too vigourously just in case they remove them


The weather is glorious today and I am very pleased with my room etc. I am writing this on land although I have a free 2 hour package.


Would you believe I got an upgrade on my flight and an upgrade in my roon in the Hotel. Also a bottle of Champagne and the real stuff I have the other of course.\

Beautiful wooden box of truffles delicious!! Also from the UK customer service. Needless to say I will be back.


Keep the dream alive!!


Fond regards



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  • 2 months later...


I will be back on the wonderful QM2 May 22 for 5 days. I found your "Affair" again and just read it once more. So vivid - especially for those of us who have been on board - you can literally picture it all with your wonderful descriptions. I did a reply to you on Jan 19, 2007 when I was trying desparately to be on the QE2 40th cruise (and I made it !!- words could not attempt to convey all the emotions). Can I find your book in the Library when I'm board again!!! So, I read all the way to this end, and it appears you were on board again Nov 2007 - Did you write a review for that? I was hoping to find it and continue to read your review. And how marvelous to see that you are doing the Oct 16 farewell to QE2 - you must write about that also. No doubt, life is good -

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Hi Gardenbunny....how nice to see you back again and how kind of you to bump this back up to the top. I figured it had gone to the CC graveyard by now. Thank you again for your very generous words...I'm just so pleased you will be sailing on my beloved ship so soon. You must be ecstatic....I sure would be this close to it!!! Ok, honestly?? I'd be bouncing off the wall!


And you managed to do the 40th...now I am green with envy. What an emotion laden voyage that was....I saw many videos of it and wished I'd been there too. A lovely memory....hard to express I know. And so it is with the Nov 07 trip...it was more than I could write about...so no review. The words just wouldn't come out. It was eveythng the first was and so terribly much more.


Ah, "the book"...not in the library yet...still swirls around in my head teasing me with images past and present. It has a working title and there's a fair amount written but the glue that will bring it all together hasn't happened yet and so if it gets written it won't be until early next year. How sweet of you to want to find it!!!


That glue will come from my solo transatlantic on the tandem, and yes, that should be filled with many evocative images and many personal remembrances. I am going alone to look for that little blond girl of so long ago and remember all the things she loved so much, and also to honor my Mom whose bravery at emigrating alone as a very young woman I don't believe I ever acknowledged before it was too late. Then perhaps I can finally finish what is in my heart and maybe it, combined wth the original "Affair" will become that book. What a trip that will be!!


And if you look at my signature you will see a coupkle of other "Affairs" just waiting to happen...the Tandem of course, a month later another Caribbean sojourne and the icing on the cake....next August I return by ship, by my favorite ship, home to Norway. Now THAT will be an "Affair to Remember"!!!


Bon voyage Gardenbunny...have the time of your life and come back and rteel me...I love vicarious living!


Cheers, Penny


Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continued...did it ever!


October 16,2008...the “Affair” goes transatlantic as we sail in tandem with the grand QE2 on her final transatlantic voyage...what a thrill!


December 9, 2008....the “Affair” resumes again....Life is good!


August 7, 2009....the “Affair” goes on...this time “home” to Norway


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Sue my dear...I hadn't seen this..so sorry...hope you read this. I'm thrilled as you know I'd be at how much enjoyment you've been having...and to think you told the Captain about the "Affair"...I am honored!! Thank you. And I do so appreciate you checking on my clawmarks...I hear there may even be a plaque soon :rolleyes: I'll be sure to leave some more just as insurance that they never get cleaned away. And please...you too keep that dream alive and keep coming back to tell me!!


Zephyr...thank you so much for your knd words....so glad you enjoyed my "Affair"...each is better than the last it seems. Can't wait for the next one. Really hope that QM2 round trip works out for oyu. That's my next goal....only keep that quiet for now please. I'm still scheming that one.....with all the others booked I need to scheme very carefully


CHeers, Penny


Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continued...did it ever!


October 16,2008...the “Affair” goes transatlantic as we sail in tandem with the grand QE2 on her final transatlantic voyage...what a thrill!


December 9, 2008....the “Affair” resumes again....Life is good!


August 7, 2009....the “Affair” goes on...this time “home” to Norway

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Thanks Penny - You might have to share space w/ Bea if you keep booking!!!How I envy you getting to sail so often - I had my eye on that 2009 Norway - but my sister and her DH and me and mine decided on Hawaii again for 2009 - I have 2 loves - Cunard ships and Hawaiian islands! However, in 2010, for the 6th decade celebration of my birth, it is World Cruise on QM2 or bust! I have kept that dream alive for years and years - and I am thinking that will be a good time for it to come true. I want to do the 41 day segment from Australia to Southhampton and I think it may go on to NYC. I am taking my good friend and neighbor with me on this 5-day - I hope she will find QM2 to be as wonderful as we all do. Where are you in SC? I am in GA. It was very emotional to walk off QE2 without tears - and I didn't accomplish that part - I just told myself "don't look back". Not sure if this highlight made it on the boards, but the last night we were able to pass QM2 as we were heading back to Southhampton - they greeted with horn blasts - what a treat. I was also on QM2 when she met QM in Long Beach back in Feb. 2006 - I have never seen the water so packed full of ships, the sky was full of helicopters - another truly awesome moment. I'll let you know how the trip went. Take care

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Gardenbunny....somehow I don't think Bea and I would mesh well....Perhaps you ned to write your own "Affair"...you've had some seriously memorable ones too, far more emotion laden than the typical Caribbean!!! But aren't they all grand. So sorry you won't do that Norway...hawaii will always be there...do that the next year!!! Come with us...I speak Norwegian....


I will hold great thoughts for your 6th decade plan...what a grand idea and what a celebration of a fabulous time in your life. I can attest to that!!;) So you keep that dream alive. And do be sure to say a big hello to my firend Lanp (Linda)...Actually she's a great mutual friend of Pepper's and mine and you'll enjoy getting to know her as we have. Will enjoy hearing about that trip!!


I'm on Pawleys Island....are you close perhaps? I was just in Savannah a couple of weeks ago...loved it!


Cheers, Penny


Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continued...did it ever!


October 16,2008...the “Affair” goes transatlantic as we sail in tandem with the grand QE2 on her final transatlantic voyage...what a thrill!


December 9, 2008....the “Affair” resumes again....Life is good!


August 7, 2009....the “Affair” goes on...this time “home” to Norway

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Penny's affair is back where it belongs, on page one! Everyone read or re-read, you'll love it, again and again.


Well done Penny


Ahhhh, my biggest fan....;) Thank you as always as you well know. ;) Folks, were it not for Pepper's kind encouragement previewing part of this in the beginning, it might never have been posted.


ANd for more delightful reading, and a great deal of helpful information, read Pepper's TA review on QM2....you won't want to sail without it!!! Find it here... http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=514324


Cheers and thanks Mr Bond ;) ....



Penny’s Affair to Remember QM2 Review



November 10,2007...the “Affair” continued...did it ever!


October 16,2008...the “Affair” goes transatlantic as we sail in tandem with the grand QE2 on her final transatlantic voyage...what a thrill!


December 9, 2008....the “Affair” resumes again....Life is good!


August 7, 2009....the “Affair” goes on...this time “home” to Norway

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