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17 People robbed on Conquest Jamaica excursion


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We have to be very careful because Mr Canino graduated from the Colledge of Disney Knowledge, and I for one A humble dustbin man ( garbage collector) feel in "shock and awe" of a person of his qualifications, I would add in a poll of the most distrusted people in buss in the uk, and to be fair and balanced T A s did rank above second hand car salesmen, double glazing salesmen, etc regards, OH ps what color Knickers does Snow White wear?


Now that you are starting with insults, it takes this whole conversation down another notch or two. I can look into the situation and see the whole thing where those involved can only see what they want to. I don't throw out insults to anyone and don't expect to get insulted. I'm done!

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Now that you are starting with insults, it takes this whole conversation down another notch or two. I can look into the situation and see the whole thing where those involved can only see what they want to. I don't throw out insults to anyone and don't expect to get insulted. I'm done![/quote why do you and shultz not answer direct question, why do you continue to attemp to justify or excuse this horrific robbery, these people are just trying to allow people the choice by giving them information of there experience, this seems to threaten you, insult you, oh please, you need a refresher course at the land of fantasy, this is the real world, "Your done" I think you are half baked, goodbye adiu farewell I will miss you,
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Yes, it was a hilarous send up of WWII and played for years here on the telly.


It probably did not endear us to the Germans for they were the butt of many of the jokes.


Jokes....in that sense ...our now "Leaving TA " does not understand dry humor, satire and so becomes insulted.


Of course, until that time it was okay to downgrade other people's serious concerns about a very real serious problem.


Harry Truman....Can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen .


If one is to cast dispersion on other's ideas, then they must expect to receive the same in return.


And "seeing only what you want to " can sometimes be code for "You did not let me bully you into my way of thinking "....a fine line in discussions.


As the people involved in this terrible robbery have tried to do...put the information out there of what happened.


Let people make up their own mind as to their personal safety.


But instead those that do not agree decide to negate the entire incident.


When the tables are turned and they will have their experiences questioned, may they find less people like themselves listening to their plight.


You must be the change you wish to see in the world. ~Mahatma Ghandi

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Unless your were the poor American in the wheelchair killed aboard the Achille Lauro and pushed overboard a few years back :(


oh no... you've got to be kidding!... I guess no matter what anyone posts on here positive, there will be a negative. I think I shall stay home in the safety of my 4 walls... but, oh no... there are home invasions! :eek: Quick, we all need to get out of our homes... they are not safe as well. Does anyone have any statistics about home invasions?

I do not mean to make light of all of this, but this thread is now at the ridiculous stage. Didn't someone post around 500 posts ago, that the only safe place is Heaven!!!!!!!

Cheers everyone... no matter where you travel, be safe! Bluebonnet, Kenneth and El Chief... my best to you and your family once again. I hope this doesn't happen again, but in this world, that is probably just a wish...Kenneth, good luck with your quest to get the word out. Cruise travelers deserve to know what you went through despite what others on here post. I'm outta here! :rolleyes:

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Man, are you pushing it now ! Now the Med is out for traveling.


You are just losing it ! Better keep to Jamaica , the whole world is dangerous. :eek:


In fact I think Rome might also be bad for you, Et Tu Brute ! Someone was group stabbed there.


That was the whole point from the beginning. If we stopped traveling to every destination that experienced crime we'd never leave our homes.

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Let people make up their own mind as to their personal safety.



Bravo tech, I believe that was and continues to be all the Incident Affected Posters´ (Bluebonnet, Kenneth and El Chief) intentions.... to spread the message that there are concerns and not to let your guard down even when you are told something different by organizations or their reps, who you presume to be providing accurate information - and thanks for that quote from Ghandi.........Standby, surprised you don´t remember Hogan´s Heroes they used to show it on ITV when we only had 3 channels back in the UK!!! But now I´m showing my age...Glad to hear you had a great weekend and safe cruising when you get onboard this month......:)

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That was the whole point from the beginning. If we stopped traveling to every destination that experienced crime we'd never leave our homes.


...second wind...and before I go (for the 3rd time :rolleyes: ) sorry... that wasn't the whole point from the beginning, quote above. The point from the beginning was for those victims who posted here to get the word out as to their horrific experience and what the cruise line did or did not do in regards to them booking prior and how they handled it afterwards. I don't think they ever expected that this thread would create almost 800 posts and most of it trying to defend their points about their experiences. AND to defend why Jamaica is worse/better than every other place on Earth. I don't think I read from anyone who was in that 17 who posted here to stop traveling anywhere. Geez... I am STILL trying to figure out the fascination about Jamaica that a few of you all have. I must have missed something!

And the big difference about Jamaica and anywhere I have traveled in the past even BEFORE this was posted and this act took place was that I personally found it undesirable as a whole and we DIDN'T have a bad experience. When I traveled along the roadways and saw almost all businesses and homes with bars on the windows, I knew it wasn't a place for me. Yes, the new hotels and resorts were beautiful, but they reminded me of a prison, only the opposite...the prisoners were locked outside of them and the beauty was within. Again, MY observation.

I need for myself a fast "CC 17 People robbed on Conquest Thread Intervention" and fast!... I have to stay away... Good luck to you Kenneth, Bluebonnet and El Chief... again, thanks for letting us know. You did the right thing despite getting all of this negative feedback. I know you have educated me and I would never have read or found the links and info provided. Keep spreading the news. Tourists deserve it. :) Then from there we can take Tech's advice and make our own personal choices. My best to your families...especially your children who were involved. Adults have a hard enough time dealing with this... imagine the poor children.


... and lol about Hogans Heros... I remember that show! AND Sgt. Schultz...he was hard to forget! lol

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That was the whole point from the beginning. If we stopped traveling to every destination that experienced crime we'd never leave our homes.


Naw, that hasn't been your theory but it sounds good now.


Did YOU read my satire ? If not, maybe you should go read it.


And yes, Loradoons we both need to go out to lunch ...let's go to Greece...


And forget about this thread...did you see the hit count ? Maybe some of those people are getting the message.


The rest....


Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. ~Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy

It has been an interesting thread but we both need to move on to ...oh, I don't know ...how about a non-hot thread like "Jeans in the dining room "


:D :D :D

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Oh No! Did jcanino leave? I'm not finished, he still hasn't apologized to my granddaughters.


If Mr. Canino has children, and he may, I am sure he loves them very much. I am also sure he expects them to be protected by their teachers, bus drivers, adult neighbors, or any other adult. They are children, they are not as capable of "protecting themselves" as he is. We as a society have a responsibility to them.


Sir, you have been very cold and distant about a violent and dangerous crime that happened to these four young children. Someone had the responsibility to keep this from happening to them, or at least warn their parents that Jamaica is a much too dangerous place to take children. The failure was on the part of someone in the travel industry.


Now, if "ole tech" has hurt your feelings, if I ever see him, I will make him buy the first beer and punish him for you.


El Chief







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...... I personally found it undesirable as a whole and we DIDN'T have a bad experience.

When I traveled along the roadways

and saw almost all businesses and homes with bars on the windows,

I knew it wasn't a place for me.

Aahh... it's those little observant touches that I appreciate!


I'm with you on this one

Those bars say a lot, I reckon.


Jamaica is (always has been) a beautiful island

but the people..?

Let's just say there's a theory on my island

about the slave selection process of the 1600s and 1700s,

that has resulted in Barbadians being the way they are..

and Jamaicans being the way they are,

but that's another story for another time.

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Aahh... it's those little observant touches that I appreciate!


I'm with you on this one

Those bars say a lot, I reckon.


Jamaica is (always has been) a beautiful island

but the people..?

Let's just say there's a theory on my island

about the slave selection process of the 1600s and 1700s,

that has resulted in Barbadians being the way they are..

and Jamaicans being the way they are,

but that's another story for another time.

oh, do tell aplmac... now you've piqued my curiosity about this... what is the theory??? Maybe that will explain why many of us had a problem trying to "adjust" and understand/question the Jamaican people and their "friendliness" and others didn't.

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I woke up this morning, in a cold sweat, not because of fear of leaving the ship on my impending cruise of the carrib, but it was the thought of being trapped onboard, with some of the people who have contributed to this thread, can anyone give me advice, to Mr Williams, El Chief, Bluebonnet, we would like to extend, the only pathetic thing we can, our sympathy for the trauma you suffered on the island, and on this thread, we are in miami from the 28th to the 9th of sept, and if you live in the region we would like to buy you a beer, to bunting I am that old I still remember when we had only one channel the B B C, and when you look at the quality of some of its "rivals" I question progress,tech it was you not the cheese I ate, manchego, that caused me to have this nightmare, in brief it was at a dinner table,on informal night, we were all mute, we only had keyboards and screens, but I could look at the O/Ps:eek: , the subject, topless sunbathing, we were all naked as well, regards

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Joe Canino,


If you are afraid to answer the question about all of your comp trips, thats O.K., just answer the other ones. I'm not with the I.R.S.


Just for info, I had to report a trip that was a comp to Vegas. They said it was worth $2,500.00, but I didn't think so, but what can you do, they make you claim it on your income tax.


Thanks to everyone, who understands our position here. To you who fight so hard for the port, Jamaica is known for marijauna and prostitution, I'm not sure what else a person does there, but to each his on.



I would like to say that Cruise Critic has alot more guts then some others. Some of them didn't even allow me to post the story. I can only speculate that it was denied because it was a negative story about travel and could have negative consequences in regards to travel dollars. If anyone else has another idea, why travel website would not allow the post, please let me know.



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Let people make up their own mind as to their personal safety.



Carnival says the same thing in the contract:

"Guests assume responsibility for their own safety and Carnival cannot guarantee Guest’s safety at any time. The United States Department of State, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other governmental and tourist organizations regularly issue advisories and warnings to travelers and Carnival strongly recommends Guests obtain and consider such information when making travel decisions."


And the Department of State agrees:

"The Department of State urges American citizens to take responsibility for their own personal security while traveling overseas. For general information about appropriate measures travelers can take to protect themselves in an overseas environment, see the Department of State’s pamphlet A Safe Trip Abroad."


I've been to Jamaica a number of times not once on a comp and not once for drugs or prostitution. There is plenty to do. Hawaii is known for drugs and prostitution, but I don't go there for either, either.


European cruises are nice, but since the ship doesn't stop in US ports, US laws are not applicable. I would recommend currently avoiding Naples as a port without checking current conditions. It could be a definite health hazard.


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I was asking Canino about the comps. He is a TA.


Are you a TA?


I am not (and never have been) a TA, drug lord, or **** (wow - p i m p is not allowed?) and I didn't stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night.


All of the cruise contracts are similar. Airlines and other carriers also have contracts. I think everyone should read them as part of their basic research.


From RCL - looks similar to me:

"Read All Clauses

Whether or not signed by Passenger, this ticket shall be deemed to be an undertaking and acknowledgement by Passenger that he accepts on behalf of himself and all other persons traveling under this ticket, all the terms and conditions set out herein.



All arrangements made for or by Passenger for air transportation, shore excursions,ground tours, ground transportation, hotels, restaurants and other similar activities or services are made solely for Passenger's convenience and are at Passenger's risk. The providers of such services are independent contractors and are not acting as agents or representatives of Carrier."




I'm not sure what you did to deserve the wanker taking your position, but I'm glad he is on your side and not mine and offer my condolences.

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Joe Canino,


I would like to say that Cruise Critic has alot more guts then some others. Some of them didn't even allow me to post the story. I can only speculate that it was denied because it was a negative story about travel and could have negative consequences in regards to travel dollars. If anyone else has another idea, why travel website would not allow the post, please let me know.




Yes I agree with you there but what needs to be watched though is that CC does enforce its guidelines concerning respect for other posters and we must all take care against insults being exchanged on a personal nature........that will only get the forum closed......IMHO ALL of us seem to agree that people are entitled to their opinions...... I admire your efforts to get your message out and especially your ebay posting did you try youtube...I remember a while back someone who had a problem on his cruise (nothing I think in comparison to your own) who posted on youtube....

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All arrangements made for or by Passenger for air transportation, shore excursions,ground tours, ground transportation, hotels, restaurants and other similar activities or services are made solely for Passenger's convenience and are at Passenger's risk. The providers of such services are independent contractors and are not acting as agents or representatives of Carrier."


So would we consider then that the cruise line is the agent or representative of the tour operator? since they (cruise lines) advertise and receive payments for publishing the excursions on the internet and onboard?

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I have been to Jamaica on prior trips and to be honest with you I am a little hesitant to go back. I don't want to be harassed when walking through the markets. I definitely don't want to be attacked or robbed.


KWilliams, I wanted to offer my support to you and your family (and the others robbed). I hope that you all can recover from this.

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I will tell you I just got off the Carnival Conquest that left Galveston on July 29th, 2007 and returned August 5th. We were in Jamaica, Montego Bay, on Wednesday August 1st and let me tell you, we were not all that safe there. In fact we all got the feeling like we did not belong and got back on the boat and waited for our excursion to start.


There is a shopping area at the port and my 12 year old son was approached by someone attempting to sell him drugs. Nice. And from there, we had a real uncomfortable feeling the remainder of the day. We did go off to the Canopy Tour and had a wonderful time on our excursion, it was managed by nice people who were professional and assured our safety at all costs. But let me tell you, Jamaica is not safe for American tourists. This is no Mexico City, hell this is not even Brooklyn, this is a rough place with rough people looking to profit off of tourists not from their wares or services but by crime.


I think we will skip any cruise that includes Jamaica from here on, was not worth it. And to those who mock these people, go there, and not just to Margaritaville or Sandals.....what is outside those doors you do not want.

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