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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Chandler, I think you were considering Celebrity Cruises; may I suggest that you call them directly at: 800.437.3111 or 800.235.3274 and ask them what will be required by them for travel to the UK with your Service Dog.

If you are flying to the UK and then boarding, you're Vet may be able to furnish you with all that is needed.

Sometimes we've booked our cruises with our Service Dogs so quickly we don't have the time to get all the paperwork that each port may require. If it's possible to leave Rex onboard with someone to watch him so that you can go into port [if it's possible for you to venture out without him] then that may be what you will have to do.

Most cruiselines discourage leaving your SD behind in the cabin by himself!


I wish you good luck in your travels and encourage you to continue to do it with your partner; Rex!

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OMG!!!! I'm 12 days away from my first cruise since Morey passed......My first thought is getting Brenda settled and comfortable with my son. My sweet, adorable girl [the Betty White of the retired dog set!] ;)

She has an automatic feeder....It's unbelievable how wonderful this thing is and she loves it.

And, I bought an automatic waterer this past Saturday and she took to it as well as the feeder. Horton could care less about either apparatus and completely ignores both of them. Brenda on the other hand, looks at, sniffs on and completely investigates both of them with interest and concern.

I'm afraid if the roles were reversed and Horton was the senior dog, staying home.....he'd either starve to death or dehydrate so badly he'd need I.V. fluids by the time I got home. He's such a creature of habit, where she's ready for any and all changes and introductions of any form that provides her with food and drink!!!!! He's not such a big "foodie" so he's completely uninterested! She's my chunky monkey and loves it all!!!!

The waterer works by gravity flow and she's lapping it up. The feeder is timed to give her 1 cup at certain times. My son will be coming over daily and checking-up on her. Since her food and water are being maintained.....he just has to make sure that she's actually getting it and [the worst part of the "senior dog" sitting] he has to pick up the waste!

I wish I could take her along too, but how would I explain this slow moving, breathing hard, gray-haired senior dog? I know; she's Horton's nanny!!!!! :p

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At the risk of getting yelled at,are you proposing to leave an older/retired Service Dog,alone for 12 days?While I understand that she will be checked once daily[more I hope],it is a matter of concern that you find this an accecptable way of fulfilling your desire for a cruise.I have no doubt that your response may be "but I need this cruise,for my health ,etc,etc"by taking on any animal,you have also taken on the responsibility for their welfare.

Why not a kennel/homestay or contact the supplier and ask about respite care.This dog has given you her love,trust and life and this is how you reward her in her later years.

What if she dies or worse becomes ill and for the lack of care dies?

Either board her out,take her with you,stay home or if she is no longer of any use put her down.

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At the risk of getting yelled at,are you proposing to leave an older/retired Service Dog,alone for 12 days?While I understand that she will be checked once daily[more I hope],it is a matter of concern that you find this an accecptable way of fulfilling your desire for a cruise.I have no doubt that your response may be "but I need this cruise,for my health ,etc,etc"by taking on any animal,you have also taken on the responsibility for their welfare.

Why not a kennel/homestay or contact the supplier and ask about respite care.This dog has given you her love,trust and life and this is how you reward her in her later years.

What if she dies or worse becomes ill and for the lack of care dies?

Either board her out,take her with you,stay home or if she is no longer of any use put her down.


Alone.....No way!!!! My son will be staying at my place to go off to work during the day, just like I do. I have a neighbor/friend who will be checking in just like she does when I'm home or when I'm at work. Anyone who knows me knows that my dogs are treated like my children. I suppose it may have sounded like she was going to be alone because everything is so automatic.......you don't know me!!!! If you did, you wouldn't even question this. And, I'm not yelling at you!

I've tried kennels for Brenny, she gets so depressed and hates being with other dogs. She loves her couch and her own back yard.

"No longer of any use"......what an awful thing to say! Thank you for your concerns. I think!

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I wanted to add that if the first point of entry is the UK, you will need written permission from the UK authorities in charge of animal imports to bring your dog into the country. You will also need to have the lab that does the titer test send the results directly to the UK. I know you said that you were traveling to Europe in November.........that is a really tight timeline to satisfy the UK's requirements and get written permission.


thanks mcdw!


you're right, it's a fall [mid november] t/a. fortunately, first boots [and paws] on the ground will be in barcelona.


rex's vet won't be a problem, but getting a 10-day turnaround from the u.s.d.a. could be challenging -- and there's probably a fee? grrrrrr... (that's me growlin' about the fee--not rex) rex says: "fee/schmee, let's just go!" lol


rex's rabies shot is a 3 year -- do y'all happen to know if e.u. allow those (seems like i read, some places insist on a 1 year).


rex's chip is avid and i'm pretty sure it's the kind that can be read internationally ... but i'll ask dr. julie to check that too. thanks for the heads-up.



P.s. thanks sunshine for the welcome!







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Chandler, I think you were considering Celebrity Cruises; may I suggest that you call them directly at: 800.437.3111 or 800.235.3274 and ask them what will be required by them for travel to the UK with your Service Dog.


If you are flying to the UK and then boarding, you're Vet may be able to furnish you with all that is needed.


Sometimes we've booked our cruises with our Service Dogs so quickly we don't have the time to get all the paperwork that each port may require. If it's possible to leave Rex onboard with someone to watch him so that you can go into port [if it's possible for you to venture out without him] then that may be what you will have to do.


Most cruiselines discourage leaving your SD behind in the cabin by himself!


I wish you good luck in your travels and encourage you to continue to do it with your partner; Rex!


hey roz,


knock wood ... no u.k. on this trip. i was lookin' into taking the qm2 from nyc to the u.k. but cunard fares weren't cooperating, and (you're right) those u.k. rules/regs seem kinda daunting, but [i think] qm2 helps with some of it--at least for "pets", i don't know about s.d's. i think the u.k. has reception sites at heathrow and maybe gatwick too. but there's still a bunch of stuff they need (like the 'titer' mcdw mentioned).


it seems like i read somewhere that the u.k. will issue an actual pet-passport (but it has to be from a u.k. vet) valid for the life of your service dog--so long as the rabies are current ... and (if i remember right) it's good in all e.u. countries? has anyone else read/heard about something like that? if not, i'll try to find the reference.


another confusing part, is contacting the embassy in country's i'm gonna visit ... and maybe some kind of letter? the u.s. state dept website makes reference to it, but both state and the u.s.d.a. kind of discuss pets and service animals as the same thing. seems like there would be a different designation for s.d's.


thanks for the celebrity phone # ... is that good for rccl too? i like celebrity a lot, but i'm gonna be on rccl for the t/a part. celebrity and rccl are owned by the same parent company, right? so maybe they have central clearing dept for service dogs?


far as leaving rex onboard ... i'm 'fraid if he's not going ... neither am i. guess that could change down-the-road, but for now he pretty much goes where i go. take that back: a couple weeks ago, i went into the thermal spa on sapphire princess, and rex waited outside the steam rooms for me. but he's right there with me at the gym, in the dining room, theater, (back to the dining room again lol), etc ... but no wave-riders or water slides!


re-reading your post before i hit <send>, is it possible to bring your s.d. on the ship, with only the documentation required for boarding the ship, if you stay onboard the whole time?







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hey roz,


knock wood ... no u.k. on this trip. i was lookin' into taking the qm2 from nyc to the u.k. but cunard fares weren't cooperating, and (you're right) those u.k. rules/regs seem kinda daunting, but [i think] qm2 helps with some of it--at least for "pets", i don't know about s.d's. i think the u.k. has reception sites at heathrow and maybe gatwick too. but there's still a bunch of stuff they need (like the 'titer' mcdw mentioned).


it seems like i read somewhere that the u.k. will issue an actual pet-passport (but it has to be from a u.k. vet) valid for the life of your service dog--so long as the rabies are current ... and (if i remember right) it's good in all e.u. countries? has anyone else read/heard about something like that? if not, i'll try to find the reference.


another confusing part, is contacting the embassy in country's i'm gonna visit ... and maybe some kind of letter? the u.s. state dept website makes reference to it, but both state and the u.s.d.a. kind of discuss pets and service animals as the same thing. seems like there would be a different designation for s.d's.


thanks for the celebrity phone # ... is that good for rccl too? i like celebrity a lot, but i'm gonna be on rccl for the t/a part. celebrity and rccl are owned by the same parent company, right? so maybe they have central clearing dept for service dogs?


far as leaving rex onboard ... i'm 'fraid if he's not going ... neither am i. guess that could change down-the-road, but for now he pretty much goes where i go. take that back: a couple weeks ago, i went into the thermal spa on sapphire princess, and rex waited outside the steam rooms for me. but he's right there with me at the gym, in the dining room, theater, (back to the dining room again lol), etc ... but no wave-riders or water slides!


re-reading your post before i hit <send>, is it possible to bring your s.d. on the ship, with only the documentation required for boarding the ship, if you stay onboard the whole time?








If your ship is leaving from a U.S. Port all you need is what the ship requires. But remember, you will NOT be able to take your dog into some ports and unless the cruiseline itself requires something more. Follow all instructions and regulations of the cruiseline, it makes for a much more pleasant cruising experience.

Be careful with Hawaii their regulations and demands [even when embarking in the U.S.] for your dog are extreme.

I agree with your practice of NOT be separated from your dog. I have a hard time when a TSA Agent asks for my dog to go seprately through a scan and then pats him down.....I try to remain calm but I watch everything they do!!!

The phone numbers for RCCL are: 800.327.6700 or 800.521.8611.

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thanks mcdw!


you're right, it's a fall [mid november] t/a. fortunately, first boots [and paws] on the ground will be in barcelona.


rex's vet won't be a problem, but getting a 10-day turnaround from the u.s.d.a. could be challenging -- and there's probably a fee? grrrrrr... (that's me growlin' about the fee--not rex) rex says: "fee/schmee, let's just go!" lol


rex's rabies shot is a 3 year -- do y'all happen to know if e.u. allow those (seems like i read, some places insist on a 1 year).


rex's chip is avid and i'm pretty sure it's the kind that can be read internationally ... but i'll ask dr. julie to check that too. thanks for the heads-up.


I have good news and not such good news. The good news is that the 3 year rabies shot is OK, as long as your vet puts down the Batch # and the month/yr of when the shot expires.


The bad news is that the EU microchip readers cannot read the Avid microchips. You have two choices 1) Get an EU microchip implanted by your vet....vets can order them in 2) Purchase a Avid microchip reader and take it with you. From researching it, I found having the EU microchip implanted a good deal cheaper than purchasing an Avid microchip reader.


Yes, there will be a fee for the U.S.D.A. to sign off on the certificate.


If you can get the form signed off within the 10 days window and the above is done, you are good to go. If you are outside the 10 day window, you must get permission from the Spanish authorities. If you are taking a plane to Spain and are outside the 10 day window, they will not allow you to enter Spain with your dog unless you have specific permission. I was told by Madrid that they can give permission on a case by case basis when permission is asked for in advance of arriving. And, you can explain to them why you could not get the paperwork certified Within the 10 days of arrival.


Sorry it is not less complicated, but this is the result of the EU's decision last year to standardize the rules for all EU countries except GB.

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At the risk of getting yelled at,are you proposing to leave an older/retired Service Dog,alone for 12 days?While I understand that she will be checked once daily[more I hope],it is a matter of concern that you find this an accecptable way of fulfilling your desire for a cruise.I have no doubt that your response may be "but I need this cruise,for my health ,etc,etc"by taking on any animal,you have also taken on the responsibility for their welfare.

Why not a kennel/homestay or contact the supplier and ask about respite care.This dog has given you her love,trust and life and this is how you reward her in her later years.

What if she dies or worse becomes ill and for the lack of care dies?

Either board her out,take her with you,stay home or if she is no longer of any use put her down.

Sorry, can't let it go. And I will preface this also by saying I am not yelling at you. But have you been reading this thread long? If you have, then you would know under no circumstance would Roz even consider harming or causing harm to one hair on either of her dogs. That is just not in her make-up (Big hair is! LOL) An agree that your comment about "if she is no longer of any use put her down" is beyond insensitive and in any realm of any of our thinking. Makes my stomach churn. I will stop there.

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If your ship is leaving from a U.S. Port all you need is what the ship requires. But remember, you will NOT be able to take your dog into some ports and unless the cruiseline itself requires something more. Follow all instructions and regulations of the cruiseline, it makes for a much more pleasant cruising experience.


Be careful with Hawaii their regulations and demands [even when embarking in the U.S.] for your dog are extreme.


I agree with your practice of NOT be separated from your dog. I have a hard time when a TSA Agent asks for my dog to go seprately through a scan and then pats him down.....I try to remain calm but I watch everything they do!!!


The phone numbers for RCCL are: 800.327.6700 or 800.521.8611.


thanks for the rccl numbers. i'll give them a call tomorrow. long as i'm able to board the ship, i'll be okay. at this point, i'm still getting used to 'traveling'. thus far, i've gotten off (for a little while) at most of the ports i've visited--but i'm also cool with staying on-board ... there's always plenty to do. wnen i become a more "well seasoned" traveler, i'll take some shore-side adventures ... but for now, i'm still getting used to things.


and roger that, i follow the cruise-line's protocol to the letter. i'd do the same with other place's (hawaii/europe) rules/regs too, if they didn't seem so convoluted.


speaking of hawaii ... yeah, it seems very strict. i can't make heads/tails of what they want/need (the u.s.d.a. website adds to my confusion). i'm tentatively scheduled for hawaii in late october/early november ... but if anything will stop me from boarding, it'll be the s.d. rules/regs. i've been to hawaii quite a few times (although never on a cruise ship) so i'd be cool staying on-board the ship--but it's be nice, having the option to go ashore if i feel like it.


i know what you mean about being separated your/my s.d. even going into secure areas like federal buildings, airports, etc ... the feeling is hard to describe. like wearing a flip-flop on one foot and a dress shoe on the other ... something's kinda 'not right' about it. you know?


hey roz, you and "rolls royce lover" use the same font and are both (like me) in southern california ... you're not the same person, are you?

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I have good news and not such good news. The good news is that the 3 year rabies shot is OK, as long as your vet puts down the Batch # and the month/yr of when the shot expires.


The bad news is that the EU microchip readers cannot read the Avid microchips. You have two choices 1) Get an EU microchip implanted by your vet....vets can order them in 2) Purchase a Avid microchip reader and take it with you. From researching it, I found having the EU microchip implanted a good deal cheaper than purchasing an Avid microchip reader.


Yes, there will be a fee for the U.S.D.A. to sign off on the certificate.


If you can get the form signed off within the 10 days window and the above is done, you are good to go. If you are outside the 10 day window, you must get permission from the Spanish authorities. If you are taking a plane to Spain and are outside the 10 day window, they will not allow you to enter Spain with your dog unless you have specific permission. I was told by Madrid that they can give permission on a case by case basis when permission is asked for in advance of arriving. And, you can explain to them why you could not get the paperwork certified Within the 10 days of arrival.


Sorry it is not less complicated, but this is the result of the EU's decision last year to standardize the rules for all EU countries except GB.


thanks mcdw for delivering the good news first--i can tell, you're either a diplomat or a parent. yup rex's rabies vaccine batch number/expiration are there.


far as getting a second 'chip', if it's something the vet has to order--i think maybe my wallet won't like the news, but i (and speaking for rex) am okay with it. i think it's okay to have two chips, long as the information is consistent.


far as getting an avid chip reader instead of the accepted/standardized chip format, it wouldn't make much sense to have a dog 'chipped' if the readers aren't standard issue, e.g., if the chip can't be read, it may as not even be there. seems like more a way to sell 'chip readers' than an actual i.d. mechanism for dogs. see what i mean? or is there a downside i'm not seeing (other than the expense) to a dog having a second chip?


that "10 day" thing must be what i read about 'contacting the embassy'. it makes sense. have y'all heard/read anything about a u.k. pet passport being valid (so long as rabies are current) without other documentation? i did read that somewhere.

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Sorry, can't let it go. And I will preface this also by saying I am not yelling at you. But have you been reading this thread long? If you have, then you would know under no circumstance would Roz even consider harming or causing harm to one hair on either of her dogs. That is just not in her make-up (Big hair is! LOL) An agree that your comment about "if she is no longer of any use put her down" is beyond insensitive and in any realm of any of our thinking. Makes my stomach churn. I will stop there.


Nancy, I can always count on my sister's to come to my defense. ;) You've got my back and I love you for it. You know how disgusting and upsetting I found his/her comments! :(


I don't think this person knows any of us well and the insensitive remarks were out-of-line at the very least. It never ceases to amaze me how some people won't have anything to say until it can be negative, mean spirited and just nasty.

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thanks for the rccl numbers. i'll give them a call tomorrow. long as i'm able to board the ship, i'll be okay. at this point, i'm still getting used to 'traveling'. thus far, i've gotten off (for a little while) at most of the ports i've visited--but i'm also cool with staying on-board ... there's always plenty to do. wnen i become a more "well seasoned" traveler, i'll take some shore-side adventures ... but for now, i'm still getting used to things.


hey roz, you and "rolls royce lover" use the same font and are both (like me) in southern california ... you're not the same person, are you?


"Rolls Royce Lover" was my DH. I continue to use his computer when I'm at home.

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"Rolls Royce Lover" was my DH. I continue to use his computer when I'm at home.


mea culpa. while no one's ever accused me to being too socially astute, i wouldn't intentionally make an insensitive remark.


my asking if y'all are the same person was not intended to be disrespectful, my intent was to extend a light-hearted/friendly compliment, since you're "both" [obviously] held in high esteem on this forum.


kindly accept my sincere condolences on your loss and god bless.

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At the risk of getting yelled at,are you proposing to leave an older/retired Service Dog,alone for 12 days?While I understand that she will be checked once daily[more I hope],it is a matter of concern that you find this an accecptable way of fulfilling your desire for a cruise.I have no doubt that your response may be "but I need this cruise,for my health ,etc,etc"by taking on any animal,you have also taken on the responsibility for their welfare.

Why not a kennel/homestay or contact the supplier and ask about respite care.This dog has given you her love,trust and life and this is how you reward her in her later years.

What if she dies or worse becomes ill and for the lack of care dies?

Either board her out,take her with you,stay home or if she is no longer of any use put her down.



I just has to wade in here too! Your last comment makes me feel sick and if you has read ANY of Roz's posts you will know what we all know is that Roz would never put herself before either of her beloved dogs, and dare I say, especially not her beloved Brenda, the Grande Dame of SDs!


Roz has tried day care and spa care and in the end, as she says, Brenda prefers her own couch and Brenda's days will be no different to any other day when Roz goes off to work.


Perhaps when you wrote your comments were meant to be "well intentioned" but I'm afraid your last comment is still sticking in my throat! :mad: and I just know that this will have upset Roz more than you will ever know.


Theldaken - I expect an apology to be forthcoming, and quick!

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Makes me smile. :)Thinking of you Morey!


Me too!


Roz, you must be looking forward to your cruise with trepidation, and I know we all chatted with you ages ago when you wondered if you would go ... Well here you are and you are going .... :)


You and the Big Boy will have a fabulous time but I'm sure you will have your little moments, you wouldn't be the Roz we all hold so dear if you didn't!


And we will look forward to hearing all about your adventures when you get home! Hugs! :D

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Semperpup - gosh we don't seem to be very welcoming to SDs do we?


I wonder if this website is of any help? I know it's for UK folk, but you might be able to pick out some information which may relate to your travels around Europe? I've heard of pet passports and I've also heard that once you get it set up, it's very easy.






Good luck!



Edited by fairbourne
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At the risk of getting yelled at,are you proposing to leave an older/retired Service Dog,alone for 12 days?While I understand that she will be checked once daily[more I hope],it is a matter of concern that you find this an accecptable way of fulfilling your desire for a cruise.I have no doubt that your response may be "but I need this cruise,for my health ,etc,etc"by taking on any animal,you have also taken on the responsibility for their welfare.

Why not a kennel/homestay or contact the supplier and ask about respite care.This dog has given you her love,trust and life and this is how you reward her in her later years.

What if she dies or worse becomes ill and for the lack of care dies?

Either board her out,take her with you,stay home or if she is no longer of any use put her down.


Right now I am so angry that someone would say these things to one of the sweetest most caring people I know. :mad: People who don't know the facts shouldn't post. The last sentence is out of line and uncalled for :mad:

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OMG!!!! I'm 12 days away from my first cruise since Morey passed......My first thought is getting Brenda settled and comfortable with my son. My sweet, adorable girl [the Betty White of the retired dog set!] ;)


She has an automatic feeder....It's unbelievable how wonderful this thing is and she loves it.


And, I bought an automatic waterer this past Saturday and she took to it as well as the feeder. Horton could care less about either apparatus and completely ignores both of them. Brenda on the other hand, looks at, sniffs on and completely investigates both of them with interest and concern.


I'm afraid if the roles were reversed and Horton was the senior dog, staying home.....he'd either starve to death or dehydrate so badly he'd need I.V. fluids by the time I got home. He's such a creature of habit, where she's ready for any and all changes and introductions of any form that provides her with food and drink!!!!! He's not such a big "foodie" so he's completely uninterested! She's my chunky monkey and loves it all!!!!


The waterer works by gravity flow and she's lapping it up. The feeder is timed to give her 1 cup at certain times. My son will be coming over daily and checking-up on her. Since her food and water are being maintained.....he just has to make sure that she's actually getting it and [the worst part of the "senior dog" sitting] he has to pick up the waste!


I wish I could take her along too, but how would I explain this slow moving, breathing hard, gray-haired senior dog? I know; she's Horton's nanny!!!!! :p


Roz and everyone else, please don't yell at me but here goes. First let me say that I think I know Roz well enough to know she would NEVER leave her dog home alone. But when you read the above it sounds like she is. But the rest of the poster's statement is despicable!!

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Roz and everyone else, please don't yell at me but here goes. First let me say that I think I know Roz well enough to know she would NEVER leave her dog home alone. But when you read the above it sounds like she is. But the rest of the poster's statement is despicable!!


Yes I agree it does.... But even if the poster had thought that, could they not have asked in a nice way, and not made those horrible comments, I'm sure Roz would have been happy to explain.


I am still smarting from the thought that anyone could even think an animal was disposable in this way!

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mea culpa. while no one's ever accused me to being too socially astute, i wouldn't intentionally make an insensitive remark.


my asking if y'all are the same person was not intended to be disrespectful, my intent was to extend a light-hearted/friendly compliment, since you're "both" [obviously] held in high esteem on this forum.


kindly accept my sincere condolences on your loss and god bless.


Chandler, you've been a true gentleman and someone who we look forward to following on this thread.

Your input has been very helpful. Thank you for that.

I hope that we can help you and and Rex enjoy many more cruises together with us onboard with you!!!!!

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I just has to wade in here too! Your last comment makes me feel sick and if you has read ANY of Roz's posts you will know what we all know is that Roz would never put herself before either of her beloved dogs, and dare I say, especially not her beloved Brenda, the Grande Dame of SDs!


Roz has tried day care and spa care and in the end, as she says, Brenda prefers her own couch and Brenda's days will be no different to any other day when Roz goes off to work.


Perhaps when you wrote your comments were meant to be "well intentioned" but I'm afraid your last comment is still sticking in my throat! :mad: and I just know that this will have upset Roz more than you will ever know.


Theldaken - I expect an apology to be forthcoming, and quick!


Your kind words and support are so endearing to me. Yes, his/her words were biting and unkind, it was stunning to read them.


Moving on; Horty gets his nails done today and Brenny had a foot massage this morning......why, because she decided to track in such a mess......I can't begin to tell you what my living room, hall and bedroom rug looked like!!!!! Geezzzzzz Brenny, if you wanted to do redecorating you could have warned me first!!!!!!


Thanks again for your support, much love to you!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Me too!


Roz, you must be looking forward to your cruise with trepidation, and I know we all chatted with you ages ago when you wondered if you would go ... Well here you are and you are going .... :)


You and the Big Boy will have a fabulous time but I'm sure you will have your little moments, you wouldn't be the Roz we all hold so dear if you didn't!


And we will look forward to hearing all about your adventures when you get home! Hugs! :D


Yes, you are right, I'm talking big about this cruise but as you said I'm so hesitant and in the very back of my mind is; "I'm going to cancel it, I'm going to cancel it!"

My daughter Lisa is right there encouraging me to go and if I do nothing else but stay in my cabin and rest, I'm making "forward" steps in my life.

Thank you for thinking positive thoughts for me. They do help!!!!

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