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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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My family and I were supposed to drive down to visit friends in South Carolina today. They live about 20 minutes from Savannah, GA. We got an e-mail from them yesterday that a big stretch of I95 is still closed. We decided not to go. Today I saw that over 500 bridges and roads are still damaged and 90 miles of I95 is still closed. All in South Carolina. :(


It's so heartbreaking!


We're concerned about our drought and will have triple digit weather again, here in L.A., when some of our states are literally drowning.


I always worry about our Service Dogs and the various Orgs. that are located in these flooding areas. Stay safe everyone!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Raylene sounds amazing, they got it right when they figured out that she should be a hearing dog. My heart goes out to all of those affected by the floods in South Carolina.


Here is a picture of Henri at CCI's Dog Fest Walk N' Roll this weekend.






She is such a gorgeous girl. And a "Dogtor"......I'd go to her in a second!

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Fairbourne, your story of "Bonnie" and her sleeping problems [or, should I say Mum and Dad's sleeping problems] is absolutely priceless. This is the specialness that folks like you and DKD have to withstand in order to raise these amazing future heroes. THANK YOU ♥ ♥ ♥


She certainly has a sparkling personality. Aruba has adopted her and it's so, so cute to see them laying with each other!


Aruba, I'm not a bit surprised at your warmth and love being shown to this new little imp in your families life! You totally understand what the future holds for this little girl. Hopefully, her tenacious attitude will hold good as she grows and fulfills what hopefully will be her bright new future.


Please keep sharing your lives with all of us, we love seeing the pictures and the progress being made!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Yes indeed, I am a proud alumni of ROZ's SCHOOL of Service Dog Travel! Could not have done it without you!


P.S. I LOVE seeing the animated yellow lab back on your signature in honor of Little Miss Bonnie!


Thanks, me too! It's Bonnie, just a little bit bigger!


Of course, it would be a Yellow Lab because we'd never be able to see the Black Lab's face!!! They're always a black blob in pictures!

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Love the photos of Bonnie and Aruba. I have such admiration for the puppy raisers. It is a tough job - I don't do well at all without enough sleep!




When we go to workshops at CCI and I see the Puppy Raisers come into the play yard with their pups, I want to give every one of the them a big hug. Without them the program couldn't be as successful as it is. I just love them!!!


Although neither of my Puppy Raisers took many pictures of my miracle workers Brenda and Horton, and neither of them had an album of any of their watershed moments as they were growing up with them......they are still my heroes. The work that they put into Brenda & Horton and the love that they gave were so instrumental in the Service Dogs that they became.


I'm forever grateful to both of my Puppy Raiser families.

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Good morning all ...... yawn, yawn, yaaaaawn ......


We had a good day yesterday and then it went all belly up at 2.30 AM this morning! but at least it was just straight out, did what she had to, then back to bed ..... For about 20 minutes ..... Dragged myself out of bed again, ran Madame out and then she did what she had to again (I'm beginning to identify the difference between yelling for "I need to go out to potty" and yelling "because I don't want to be in here without my big pal Aruba."


So after two excursions, everyone slept till about 5 when the DH took everyone out and Madame did her potty and she went back to bed when he left and would have then slept for at least an hour or two. But no sooner had he left and it's been a battle of wills - out - chase a few leaves, nothing happens so back in, wait a while, starts girning so out again, chase a few more leaves, nothing happens - ok so it's hunger, so I give her half her breakfast (an hour early) and a cuddle during which she falls back to sleep, so I pop her back in her bed while I plod on back to mine!


No chance, just as I pull the covers up thinking that was a good sneaky move Mrs F giving her a spot of brekky, the bed is still warm as I was smart enough to pull the quilt up as I got out, I'm going to get an hour here at least I'm thinking, oh I'm so cosy, all is quiet, wonderful! It lasted for about 5 minutes. :rolleyes:

The yelling starts again - I try and ignore it for a wee while but that's hard to do when a cat comes and stands on your head and looks at me as if to say "hey "The Mum One" can't you hear that racket downstairs!"


I figured all the bases have been covered and I'm starting to fear I'm doing the respond thing we are not supposed to do - it was hopeless, so I drag myself out of bed again - cats drag themselves back to their beds to resume their 24 hour long catnaps!


Out we go back again - finally success! I swear this pup can squeeze a poo out just to spite me! ;):eek:) So now it's light and the other dogs want out -again - they've not long been out with their Dad who has now escaped to work! So we all land up having a wander around the garden with little one being carried nice and cosy snuggled into me! By the time Poppy has covered every square inch of the garden, as who knows what's happened since she was last out less than an hour ago - it's back into the warm house and it's everyone's breakfast time - except me of course!


Madame has now had her second breakfast and a worming tablet, so we will see how that goes today. She's lying with her head on my slippers as I type this, looking so cute, so calm, so gorgeous - dreaming of, well who knows but I hope she's having lovely dreams - I'm think I'm falling in love! :D. Would I manage a quick forty winks ........ Yawn, yawn, yaaaawn ..... If only ......

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Good morning all ...... yawn, yawn, yaaaaawn ......


We had a good day yesterday and then it went all belly up at 2.30 AM this morning! but at least it was just straight out, did what she had to, then back to bed ..... For about 20 minutes ..... Dragged myself out of bed again, ran Madame out and then she did what she had to again (I'm beginning to identify the difference between yelling for "I need to go out to potty" and yelling "because I don't want to be in here without my big pal Aruba."


So after two excursions, everyone slept till about 5 when the DH took everyone out and Madame did her potty and she went back to bed when he left and would have then slept for at least an hour or two. But no sooner had he left and it's been a battle of wills - out - chase a few leaves, nothing happens so back in, wait a while, starts girning so out again, chase a few more leaves, nothing happens - ok so it's hunger, so I give her half her breakfast (an hour early) and a cuddle during which she falls back to sleep, so I pop her back in her bed while I plod on back to mine!


No chance, just as I pull the covers up thinking that was a good sneaky move Mrs F giving her a spot of brekky, the bed is still warm as I was smart enough to pull the quilt up as I got out, I'm going to get an hour here at least I'm thinking, oh I'm so cosy, all is quiet, wonderful! It lasted for about 5 minutes. :rolleyes:

The yelling starts again - I try and ignore it for a wee while but that's hard to do when a cat comes and stands on your head and looks at me as if to say "hey "The Mum One" can't you hear that racket downstairs!"


I figured all the bases have been covered and I'm starting to fear I'm doing the respond thing we are not supposed to do - it was hopeless, so I drag myself out of bed again - cats drag themselves back to their beds to resume their 24 hour long catnaps!


Out we go back again - finally success! I swear this pup can squeeze a poo out just to spite me! ;):eek:) So now it's light and the other dogs want out -again - they've not long been out with their Dad who has now escaped to work! So we all land up having a wander around the garden with little one being carried nice and cosy snuggled into me! By the time Poppy has covered every square inch of the garden, as who knows what's happened since she was last out less than an hour ago - it's back into the warm house and it's everyone's breakfast time - except me of course!


Madame has now had her second breakfast and a worming tablet, so we will see how that goes today. She's lying with her head on my slippers as I type this, looking so cute, so calm, so gorgeous - dreaming of, well who knows but I hope she's having lovely dreams - I'm think I'm falling in love! :D. Would I manage a quick forty winks ........ Yawn, yawn, yaaaawn ..... If only ......



It sounds like you have Bonnie sleeping by herself downstairs. Maybe you should try bringing the crate in the bedroom with you. She may just need to know that you are in the same room with her.

Don't forget, her whole young life has been spent with her litter mates. Just my humble opinion. :rolleyes:

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DKD - we are not allowed to take the pups into the bedroom. I know daft, as you can guarantee when they go to "work", they will be in their owners bedroom! (Our own dogs don't come to our bedroom.) They also don't want the puppy sleeping in a pile with the other dogs, so putting her and Aruba together wouldn't work either. This separation makes no sense to me as when they go to school, they are bunked up with at least two other dogs! I was also thinking how much easier it would be for us, if we had a bungalow with no stairs, or as one old lady we know calls them "a flat house"! But that would be a bit drastic to move house to be a puppy walker! ;):p


The other dogs and their beds are in the same area as her night-time crate (she also has a time out crate in the living room so that's she's kept in the body of the kirk as it were during the day and evenings if she needs some quiet time, but most of the day she's with me and the other dogs in the kitchen running around and then dropping off the edge - she's particularly fond of that grey fleece covered mattress with or without Aruba, so not much time at all in her crate. I've put a big dog mattress next to her crate for the others to be even nearer at nighttime, but still that doesn't work. Yes I'm making allowances with lots of night time cuddles - but it's a fine line with doing that and not responding to cries because she knows a cuddle will come, if you know what I mean. Don't worry she has lots of cuddles all day from me and Aruba. (Right now she's cuddled up asleep on my lap) Thank goodness my favourite armchair is comfy for a cuddle and a nap in the wee small hours!


Ah well, this phase won't last forever.:eek:

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Alexspepa - this video isn't allowed for viewing in the UK, but thanks,,sounds like it would be hilarious.


To be honest my writings earlier were supposed to be a self-deprecating tail of woe - I thought you might all laugh at the thought of this auld Scottish wifie running around her hoosie in her goonie in the wee small hours at the behest of a teeny wee puppy called Bonnie!! ;):D


Bonnie's a delight, it's just young puppy time and all that goes with it. We were so spoilt with Aruba arriving a bit older and sleeping right through the night, right away.


Bonnie has just had a great time playing out in the garden, she's flat out, so I can catch up with a few chores (who am I kidding, I'm sitting right by her with my feet up writing this!:D)

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DKD - we are not allowed to take the pups into the bedroom. I know daft, as you can guarantee when they go to "work", they will be in their owners bedroom! (Our own dogs don't come to our bedroom.) They also don't want the puppy sleeping in a pile with the other dogs, so putting her and Aruba together wouldn't work either. This separation makes no sense to me as when they go to school, they are bunked up with at least two other dogs! I was also thinking how much easier it would be for us, if we had a bungalow with no stairs, or as one old lady we know calls them "a flat house"! But that would be a bit drastic to move house to be a puppy walker! ;):p


The other dogs and their beds are in the same area as her night-time crate (she also has a time out crate in the living room so that's she's kept in the body of the kirk as it were during the day and evenings if she needs some quiet time, but most of the day she's with me and the other dogs in the kitchen running around and then dropping off the edge - she's particularly fond of that grey fleece covered mattress with or without Aruba, so not much time at all in her crate. I've put a big dog mattress next to her crate for the others to be even nearer at nighttime, but still that doesn't work. Yes I'm making allowances with lots of night time cuddles - but it's a fine line with doing that and not responding to cries because she knows a cuddle will come, if you know what I mean. Don't worry she has lots of cuddles all day from me and Aruba. (Right now she's cuddled up asleep on my lap) Thank goodness my favourite armchair is comfy for a cuddle and a nap in the wee small hours!


Ah well, this phase won't last forever.:eek:

American translation please. :D

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Alexspepa - this video isn't allowed for viewing in the UK, but thanks,,sounds like it would be hilarious.


To be honest my writings earlier were supposed to be a self-deprecating tail of woe - I thought you might all laugh at the thought of this auld Scottish wifie running around her hoosie in her goonie in the wee small hours at the behest of a teeny wee puppy called Bonnie!! ;):D


Bonnie's a delight, it's just young puppy time and all that goes with it. We were so spoilt with Aruba arriving a bit older and sleeping right through the night, right away.


Bonnie has just had a great time playing out in the garden, she's flat out, so I can catch up with a few chores (who am I kidding, I'm sitting right by her with my feet up writing this!:D)


It does sound like she has truly won you over already and I did laugh at your descriptions of Bonnie already ruling the roost as it were...

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Good morning all ...... yawn, yawn, yaaaaawn ......


We had a good day yesterday and then it went all belly up at 2.30 AM this morning! but at least it was just straight out, did what she had to, then back to bed ..... For about 20 minutes ..... Dragged myself out of bed again, ran Madame out and then she did what she had to again (I'm beginning to identify the difference between yelling for "I need to go out to potty" and yelling "because I don't want to be in here without my big pal Aruba."


So after two excursions, everyone slept till about 5 when the DH took everyone out and Madame did her potty and she went back to bed when he left and would have then slept for at least an hour or two. But no sooner had he left and it's been a battle of wills - out - chase a few leaves, nothing happens so back in, wait a while, starts girning so out again, chase a few more leaves, nothing happens - ok so it's hunger, so I give her half her breakfast (an hour early) and a cuddle during which she falls back to sleep, so I pop her back in her bed while I plod on back to mine!


No chance, just as I pull the covers up thinking that was a good sneaky move Mrs F giving her a spot of brekky, the bed is still warm as I was smart enough to pull the quilt up as I got out, I'm going to get an hour here at least I'm thinking, oh I'm so cosy, all is quiet, wonderful! It lasted for about 5 minutes. :rolleyes:

The yelling starts again - I try and ignore it for a wee while but that's hard to do when a cat comes and stands on your head and looks at me as if to say "hey "The Mum One" can't you hear that racket downstairs!"


I figured all the bases have been covered and I'm starting to fear I'm doing the respond thing we are not supposed to do - it was hopeless, so I drag myself out of bed again - cats drag themselves back to their beds to resume their 24 hour long catnaps!


Out we go back again - finally success! I swear this pup can squeeze a poo out just to spite me! ;):eek:) So now it's light and the other dogs want out -again - they've not long been out with their Dad who has now escaped to work! So we all land up having a wander around the garden with little one being carried nice and cosy snuggled into me! By the time Poppy has covered every square inch of the garden, as who knows what's happened since she was last out less than an hour ago - it's back into the warm house and it's everyone's breakfast time - except me of course!


Madame has now had her second breakfast and a worming tablet, so we will see how that goes today. She's lying with her head on my slippers as I type this, looking so cute, so calm, so gorgeous - dreaming of, well who knows but I hope she's having lovely dreams - I'm think I'm falling in love! :D. Would I manage a quick forty winks ........ Yawn, yawn, yaaaawn ..... If only ......


Dear Bonnie, "good girl!" You're keeping these folks on their toes [slippers!]


Life with Bonnie.......so much fun to read.....so glad it's you and not me!!!!


Every time I entertain the thought of bringing a puppy into Horty's and my life, I will remember the potential bags under my eyes!!!!!

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American translation please. :D


DKD I found this on google:


'Come in tae the body o' the kirk', translated, means come and join us; we want you to be one of us. In Scotland, the word 'kirk' means church. The saying no doubt dates back to a time when the kirk was all-encompassing, and is no doubt rooted in the maxim that a truly Christian society excludes no one


I am sure Fairbourne will come tell us if that is close as soon as Sweet Bonnie lets her.:)

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Hi DKD - yes Alexspepa is spot on!:D:D


Bonnie has a dog crate in our living room which is the one where she was photographed with the giant teddy. This is where she can go if she needs a nap and she can still be with all of us if we are sitting in there.


This saying is still used as people use it to mean you are welcome to join them, be a part of the group, no-one is excluded, my aunt uses it a lot when people arrive and she ushers them into her sitting room.


Just in case - hoosie = house, goonie = gown as in dressing gown, auld = old, wifie = woman. LOL!!!

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DKD I found this on google:


'Come in tae the body o' the kirk', translated, means come and join us; we want you to be one of us. In Scotland, the word 'kirk' means church. The saying no doubt dates back to a time when the kirk was all-encompassing, and is no doubt rooted in the maxim that a truly Christian society excludes no one


I am sure Fairbourne will come tell us if that is close as soon as Sweet Bonnie lets her.:)


So, my translation wasn't too far off!!!

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Hi DKD - yes Alexspepa is spot on!:D:D


Bonnie has a dog crate in our living room which is the one where she was photographed with the giant teddy. This is where she can go if she needs a nap and she can still be with all of us if we are sitting in there.


This saying is still used as people use it to mean you are welcome to join them, be a part of the group, no-one is excluded, my aunt uses it a lot when people arrive and she ushers them into her sitting room.


Just in case - hoosie = house, goonie = gown as in dressing gown, auld = old, wifie = woman. LOL!!!


Fairbourne, can I come and live in your hoosie? I wouldn't care where you put my crate as long as I'm with you and your wonderful brood! :)

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Good thing that little Bonnie is so darn cute! Looking forward to hearing about her adventures.


Henri had to go back to the vet today - she has an ear infection in her right ear. She had an ear infection in her left ear when we brought her home. I hope that it is not a recurring thing.


The vet recommended a tablespoon or two of pumpkin with her meals - I think I remember others on this board giving pumpkin to their dogs?



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Good thing that little Bonnie is so darn cute! Looking forward to hearing about her adventures.


Henri had to go back to the vet today - she has an ear infection in her right ear. She had an ear infection in her left ear when we brought her home. I hope that it is not a recurring thing.


The vet recommended a tablespoon or two of pumpkin with her meals - I think I remember others on this board giving pumpkin to their dogs?




Yes, Dianne, I have had success giving Raylene plain pumpkin for digestive woes, and keep it on hand - carry a couple of cans with me on trips. In fact this morning, I found some throw-up by the bedroom door containing three large, hard palm tree seeds from the back yard, so I gave her pumpkin with her meals today - so far, so good - no repeat of the barf. I think the pumpkin is soothing and bland. She loves it.


Fingers crossed that Henri's ear troubles clear up!


My new vet said ear infections are common in Florida, so she prescribed stuff to squirt in Ray's ears twice a week, then clean out with cotton balls. (I distract her from such procedures with a Kong stuffed with a big dab of peanut butter.) I found the ear medicine online for about a third of the price the vet charges.

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