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RB's Daily WW Chat

RB Bonzo

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Hi all,


It is so nice to think that I am missed when not posting. It really helps. Thank you.


Truth is I am suffering with Tension Headaches and not liking the computer much. I have never had them before and have tried painkillers, a massage, a Chiropractor's appointment, and trying to relax, but they still seem to hit me at sometime every day. Not sure why as I am not normally someone who gets tense and stressed much.


I was gutted at WI this week to have only lost half of one of the 5 pounds gained on holiday. I had been to Curves 3 times (and again this am), stuck fairly well to Core with maybe a few points over the 21 extra allowance. It seems that I will have to be really rigid.


It is very tough at this time of year. At our meeing on Thursday we learnt just how many points there are in those little things it is so easy to pick up at work. Why do people give us biscuits and sweets (cookies and candy) at this time of year? At a Dental practice!



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Hi, everyone!


Now that I'm back on track I'm finding that I have returned to a beginner's problem - not getting all of my points in! Two days in a row - both times it was because I had my dinner plans disrupted for one reason or another and made due w/ the healthier options available to me and stayed away from other stuff - I'm not going to eat junk just to get my point total up!


The good news is that things are paying off - my off the record scale peeking reveals I'm almost back to my low of 5 weeks ago! I think I had probably gained about 5.5 lbs back (more than I had initially realized). Good to be back on track.


The main obstacle I have right now is I can't run. I did something to my hip last Sat. while coaching my son's basketball team, and I aggravated it in the 3.5 mile Santa Run I did the following day. I took a week off, but it is still bothering me. I'll give it another week before seeing the doc. :(


Colleen - no go on the VB marathon this year - couldn't do that and Nashville. and if I'm doing one, it will definitely be the Country Music Marathon. I know other folks who are going to be in Nashville and have semi-committed to them on that.


have a good weekend, all!

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Colleen - my friend Ray (the Seinfeld guy) has decided against doing Nashville but wants to do the Hampton race. He had been talking about it for a couple of weeks, and I just realized that he was talking about the same race that you are planning. I thought he was talking about Long Island. He wants me to run that w/ him. I know I can get ready for a half in 10 weeks, but I really had hoped that, for my next half, I'd be able to be fully prepared. Anyway, I'm thinking about it (its about 2 1/2 hours away from where we live).

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Was expecting to be down a couple of pounds at this morning's weigh-in and was surprised to be up .4.


Not discouraged, and I know all of the reasons why weight can fluctuate. It is still a little disappointing after having an OP week. I've gained before, but this was the first time that I was surprised by it.


I've been doing everything ok, except I haven't been drinking as much water as I should, and I did have a fairly high sodium dinner last night. So, that's probably the reason.


So, guess what my focus this coming week is going to be?


Drink up!

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Was expecting to be down a couple of pounds at this morning's weigh-in and was surprised to be up .4.


Not discouraged, and I know all of the reasons why weight can fluctuate. It is still a little disappointing after having an OP week. I've gained before, but this was the first time that I was surprised by it.


I've been doing everything ok, except I haven't been drinking as much water as I should, and I did have a fairly high sodium dinner last night. So, that's probably the reason.


So, guess what my focus this coming week is going to be?


Drink up!


I stayed the same on Monday but was down another 1 yesterday so we will see again this Monday.


Also staying OP so far so good but this is going to be a tough weekend, we have dinner at my mom Friday night with the whole family and a Christmas party on both Saterday night and Sunday night:eek: :eek:


With the weather being cooler it is tougher getting that water down:D

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I think the cooler weather is a part of it. Plus, I've been eating a lot of soup lately. Homemade w/out much added salt, but still way more salt than I'm used to (my family hardly ever eats processed foods and we add little salt to cooking).

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Great article Dan, thanks for posting it.


Well, I managed to lose 2 of my 5 holiday pounds this week, making it half way to losing them all. It will be much tougher this week with 2 big dinners to contend with. I love Christmas and always in the past it has really sabotaged my loss. I need to focus very hard if I am not to succumb this year. I will be entertaing from Sunday 22nd till Monday 31st. Several different groups of family, but all will want to eat our 'normal' festive food. It is so hard to be disciplined when the cupboards and fridge once again contain the foods I try not to buy for just the 2 of us.


Good luck to all with your Points or Core.

I am so busy, I may not be able to post for a while.


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I saw this on another board and thought it might help some of us stay on track this holiday season:


Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. T o map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires...courage.



Ralph Waldo Emerson



Be Brave, Everyone!

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I'm here reading just haven't been posting much;)


I have been OP and back down to 25lbs lost so still a ways to go to pre cruise loss:D


We had 2 Christmas parties this past weekend, I tried to stay within my points and on Saterday night the food was excellent (the best fillet I have ever eaten) I ate what I wanted and even tasted dessert before DH polished off mine too.


I am still journalling - still a bit in my book but now also online and cannot decide which I prefer:rolleyes:


Next week I am taking the kids along with my SIL and DB and their 2 little ones to Daytona for a week so that will be tough for me points wise:eek:

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Boat powered by human fat to attempt speed record




This is just gross


Yes, pretty gross and a real ugly 'boat' to boot!!!


Today is 1st day of winter break down here and DS's birthday - my baby hit double digits today!!

He want's to go to Olive garden for lunch - eeekkkkk not exactly good for WW:eek: My parents are coming over for dinner tonight too.

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We had a substitute instructor at my mtg this AM. I have gone to her regular meeting, and I like her, but this morning's meeting was really off the mark.


There are usually 20-30 people at this meeting, but because of the holiday and the regular leader being away, only a half dozen were there. She was trying to make the point that sticking to the program requires perseverance and that past success can help to reinforce sticking to the program when you remind yourself that the program works.


She made an analogy to gambling. Two of the largest casinos in the world are nearby here, and we predictably have our share of gambling addicts. Most folks know one or two people who have had problems. She discussed her own observations about watching people standing at the slot machines and how they keep coming back and how they're reinforced by past times when they win and how they all believe that they are going to win.


An elderly lady then started talking about how she had enabled a gambling addict, and she rambled on about that quite awkwardly for nearly five minutes. The leader was smart enough not to go back to the gambling analogy after that, and she finished things up well enough.


After the mtg was over, I went up and quietly told her that I thought that it was a terrible analogy - that the gambling behavior she was describing was more like an addiction, with people sticking with destructive habits that will inevitably lead to ruin, whereas persistence with WW was a good thing that will inevitably lead to success. She thanked me for sharing my opinion, but I don't think that she got it.


And, no, she was NOT making a point about moderation - she was describing people who were losing who kept coming back for more in the belief that they would win and comparing it to people who stick w WW believing they will reach their goals. Makes you wonder how much vetting of meeting leaders' lesson plans takes place.


Now, for the good part - I lost 3 lbs. Yep. I am officially back on track!

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Congrats on the loss RB.

Amazingly I managed a 2lb loss this week despite 2 large festive meals, quite a few forbidden snacks and only one vist to Curves. I am now only half a pound heavier than before my November trip. I had hoped to lose that before Christmas, but never mind.


In contrast to RB, our meeting last night was great. We had a party with food and wine. I took some homemade Cranberry Muffins and a few homemade Carrot and Pineapple Cakes. Our leader is great and very inspiring. I have never gone into the Christmas season before with hopes of not gaining. I am not unrealistic enough to think I will lose, but really hope to STS at our next meeting on 3rd January.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year losers, and remember, damage limitation is a reasonable aim a this time of year.



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Hello - All - sorry for being AWOL so long. I usually get emails telling me when someone posts and I haven't received any so I thought this board sort of fizzled off. I figured I would check "just in case" and I was glad to see that people are still here! Hope everyone had a happy holiday and that the New Year brings us continued success! I have been a bit off this week with Christmas but have thrown out all the cookies and the cheeseball (that I bought and made - UGHHH) and now only have the chocolate bowl to contend with (and the box of Godiva truffles DH bought me as a gift - not throwing those out but they are 2 points a piece - I did check)! I am hoping for better control with New Year's and the Patriots game on Saturday.

Marathon training has me running 25 - 30 miles a week right now so I am hoping it will balance off my bad choices but somehow I doubt it so I have avoided the scale like the plague - LOL.

RB - are you going to do the Hampton Half? I hope so!! I am hoping that it will not be terribly cold by the ocean but there is a great seafood place down there called Brown's and it will be my driving force to make it the 13.1 miles. Of course I could be dreaming of steamers or a nice lobster but NOPE its a small fried scallop I will be running towards - LOL. Will 13.1 miles balance that off? Hope so.

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Just got back from a week in Florida. Managed to stay active and stay reasonably on-track. The weight was up several pounds this morning, but I think that was mostly water retention. Went to some great restaurants while down there (Cuban food in Key West; Grouper, Red Snapper, key lime pie, fresh oranges & grapefruit). Managed to stay active w/ some light running and LOTS of walking. Great weather.


I just finished reading Michael Pollan's "The Omnivore's Dilemma" Very interesting stuff - I will be writing a detailed review w/ my thoughts and impressions.

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RB - are you going to do the Hampton Half? I hope so!! I am hoping that it will not be terribly cold by the ocean but there is a great seafood place down there called Brown's and it will be my driving force to make it the 13.1 miles. Of course I could be dreaming of steamers or a nice lobster but NOPE its a small fried scallop I will be running towards - LOL. Will 13.1 miles balance that off? Hope so.



Hi, Colleen! Good to hear from you and glad to see that you're doing so well.


Hampton Half is unlikely for me. I'm only doing 6 miles/week right now - trying to recover from a groin pull from 4 1/2 weeks ago, and it is still bothering me. My friend Ray is planning to do it (he was just chatting it up this morning when we did a quick run, actually)! It sounds like a great run, and I would be very interested if I didn't have to reduce my mileage so much the past month

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Evening All,


Happy early new year!! I am having a few friends over tomorrow night and am in control of the munchies menu - this is a good thing. Shrimp cocktail, veggie platter is a staple but I am not sure what else I will make. I have been making cheese balls (3 in the last week) to bring places and I may make one and try to just have a bit. I have not stepped onto the scale but will confess all my sins on the scale at my WW meeting on 1/4.


Yesterday I ran 13.25 for my long run and today there was this 1 mile race - purely a speed thing. Considering I ran so far on Saturday I was pleased with my 7:30 mile.


RB - it is to bad about your groin pull - sounds painfull. I am forever nursing an inflamed bursa on my right hip that reminds me I am 42 and not 17! I will be watching for your "seinfeld" friend at the half. I know you have a real name and not RB but tell him if some strange red head comes up to him and says "say hi to RB for me" that will be me! LOL.


Hope everyone else is well! Colleen

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Hi Everyone! Hope you don't mind me joining your board but it seems that we are on the same track with WW. I have a lifetime membership for 23 years and had many times gotten out of control and back to goal. I had a recent slip of about 5 years. After having to add BP meds & cholesterol meds to my daily routine, I decided it was time to get back on track so last January I rejoined with a special deal they had where lifers attend weekly meetings. It took the year to lose 29 lbs. but I got to goal the day before Christmas! That's the success part of it but since then I've relaxed and put a few back which I plan to get off and hopefully another 5. This time around I feel confident that I'm not going to gain it back since this time is also for health purposes and not just vanity. My meds have been cut in half so that was a great plus.

I'm fortunate to live in sunny FL so DH and I walk 3 miles every morning. I also attend Curves. It seems to help adding that extra exercise. Tuesday nights they offer a power workout for an hour. I found that helped to boast my weight loss. I've been walking for 14 years so it's just part of my life and doesn't help with weight loss anymore. I just get punished if I don't do it and gain!

Happy New Year to all of you! I look forward to being a loser this year. :)


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Welcome Marianne - Hopefully this board will get more active again when the holidays are over. I too am hoping to be a loser in 2008. Send some sunny, warm weather up to NH for me, will ya?? Today it is snowing, yet again, for a new December total snowfall accumulation record. Those are the records you don't want to break - LOL. Everyone be safe tonight! Colleen

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Happy New Year to you all.


I have just come across this WW thread so was pleased to find some fellow weight watchers. I have attended WW classes here in the UK on & off for years, and am a gold member.


As soon as I find that I my clothes get too tight :( & I have to go up a clothes size as they were last January I decide that it is time to rejoin a class. I rejoined a year ago & decided to go on the Core plan instead of counting points for evermore. By May I had lost the extra weight & stopped going to class as I had holidays booked - caravanning & cruises.


During the cruises I more or less stuck to the Core Plan, but decided in December to go to WW class again for a pep talk before Christmas so that I would think before over indulging. I was extremely pleased to find that I weighed one pound less than I did when I last attended, so the Core plan worked for me & I can still have my red wine & occasional treats.:)


What about the rest of you? Core or points? It would be interesting to do a poll. I am retired so it is easier to do core, but if you work perhaps Points would be better.


Once again, wishing you all a happy & healthy New Year.

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wow - 2 new chatters in one day! welcome to Marianne and to K9Cat!


K9: I am currently doing FP's but try to stick mostly to core foods. I find that the extra structure and flexibility of points helps me to stick w/ it.


Marianne: You are doing a terrific job of maintaining substantial weight loss! I am sure the exercise is a big part of your success. What an inspiration!


Colleen: I mentioned to Ray that I knew someone else who was running the race - I'll tell him to be on the lookout (and you can tell him to pass the regards along to Dan,as he'll have no idea who RB is, as you suspected!). I suspect you guys will finish within a few minutes of each other based upon your past results and his current times. He and I were pretty evenly matched for a while, and I finished the Hartford Half about 7 minutes ahead of him. But, the past couple of months, he's progressed much more than I have. He is really doing well (as are you!)

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