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Caribbean Cruise - Pride Travelogue!

Host Dan

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Enjoy the picnic today on Prickly Pear Island!! Watch for Richard Branson and his family ~~they visit their private island, "Necker" the month of Dec. Since "Necker" doesn't have a beach they frequently come over to Prickly Pear in their small motor boat for beach fun.

Oh, a question....is "Momo" (Mohammed) the Sommelier aboard? He is a real character ~~surely knows his wines! Please, if you see him, tell him the "Cowgirl" will see him next Sat. night! Thanks!:D

Enjoy the day!

Martita B.

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You're talking about THE "Sir" Cliff Richard here!

A real icon here in Holland!

The first movie I ever went to with my sister and parents was "Summer Holiday" with Cliff starring! I love his songs; he still is very popular in Holland. I really envy you now!

I hope he will sing for you one night. I have a lot of his songs on my iPod.

"Miss you nights" and "The day I met Marie" are among my favorites!

But I think I like all his songs! I know he never was very popular in the US, but here in Holland.......... During Wimbledon (you know the tennis.....) he sometimes just sang while there was a rain break!

Cliff sailed on the Legend before, also on one of his birth days!


Didn't know you were a Cliff Richard fan Marja!! I must show you my two autographs from him some time obtained when I queued at the stage door of the London Palladium in 1960!!! (That dates me!)

Dan - pleased to hear your mother is getting better and please say hello to Eric and Jean Cass for us and say we will be in touch when we get back from the Spirit in March.

Shelagh and Larry

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Hey all!


EXHAUSTED from the beach party... After banana boat riding (and spilling) and the worse... THE DOUGHNUT.. I'm am suffering! :D Another beautiful day here on Prickly Pear Island. I sat next to Cliff Richard at the beach and we discussed how some mutual friends were doing. No Kit, Jane is not onboard this cruise.


Shelagh, Unfortunately I don't know your friends Eric and Jean.


Last night was alot of fun, and it was only 1 "Platter" performing, Larry, and he was a rreal gentleman and artist. I had a brief chat with him after his performance.


Tonight we are dining at Nicks table again..should be fun. Last nights dinner was very nice at Dell's table.


I'll see if I can post later, if not, I'll keep you all updated tomorrow.


Host Dan


P.S. Immigration in San Juan is at 7AM tomorrow... YUCK!!! :(

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Was happy to hear Larry T. Collier (original Platter) performed last evening. Several years ago on a Pride Crossing Capt. Toenis came to the Club one night and told us he had a surprise for all of us ~~ 'lo and behold it was announced that one of the original Platters would sing ~~I reconized him on sight as "the bug man" (contracted) I had seen and spoken to spraying the corridors ~~Larry was terrific! In fact, after many ovations, we finally let him leave the stage.:D

Rest and recover ~~have fun tonight and win at Blackjack!

Martita B.

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Hi All,

Just a quick note before the Club and Nicks table. After posting last I went up to the Sky Bar for the sail-away, and had the pleasure to meet Curt and Kostas. Two fine gentlemen who have been onboard since for the 2 weeks we have been sailing. Funny how so much time passes, then almost at the end of the cruise you meet the people you have been smiling at and saying "hello" to for so long!


Also finally ran into both Ray AND Chris today at the beach party. I thought Chris wasn't even on board! we spoke of the green flash, but no such luck tonight. Wasn't able to rest, so I took a well deserved "Molton Brown" bath. Seabourn really hit a home run with these products. Wouldn't have thought about a bath (never take them at home), but our stewardess, Christina, had a couple bottles "out" as a temptation.

Hoping to win at blackjack tonight, if I can stay awake. I think a triple espresso is in my future!


Good night and sweet dreams to all my CC friends!


Host Dan

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Dinner with Nick was extremely enjoyable last night. He is such a character! :p There must have been a "situation" in the kitchen though, as it took a VERY long time for service. At 10 PM Nick had to quickly excuse himself to panel the Liar's Club. (fun)


Well the blackjack play was a bust last night..:( But had a nice time chatting with old and new friends.


I woke up this morning at 6:45 AM to get ready for 7 AM Immigration. I was able to have a quick breakfast then a smooth immigration inspection. The sun is brutal here in San Juan. We sail at 1PM and then 2 sea days till Ft. Lauderdale. I LOVE sea days, and this will be a relaxing transition for the final days on board. We even get an extra hour! :o


Its early, so I'll be sure to post later.


Host Dan

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Yes Chef Walter is still on. I'll be making a comprehensive post about Walter and the food, staff etc. at the the end of the travelogue. The Liars Club consisted of Nick the CD, John the lecturer, Adam the (excellent) assistant CD, and the Captain.


Today was a LONG day. Getting up so early and not being able to get back to sleep. Had lunch and great conversation with Chris and Ray this afternoon. Problem was, we ate out at the Verandah, and our food never came, until asking over and over again. It appears that there are some serious problems in the kitchen after last nights fiasco and today at the Verandah. When I finally recieved my lunch, I was told it took so long because they had to get my steamed veggies from the restaurant. (45 minutes?) Also the Chicken Ala King was dry and cold by that time. Very disappointing. I wonder if it was because the staff was so consumed with Pamela Conover (Seabourn President) and the other big wigs that boarded today. (She ate inside the Verandah, as we sat outside, so I was told.) Speaking of big wigs, it was my pleasure to see Christopher board. He is the Food and Beverage manager for all of the ships. I met him many years ago on the Legend when he was working at the restaurant. Such a nice guy, and seems that he is getting younger every year! :D


The ship started rocking and rolling, so I took a nice leisurely nap, and a quick stroll around the top deck.


Tonight we are getting ready for the Seabourn Club party, and the Chefs tasting dinner. We were invited to Mark's table (The Security Officer), but declined, as we wanted to have more of an intimate dinner. The large tables are wonderful, but you can only speak to the few that are around you.


Marienbad and his wife seem to be having a very nice time. We had the pleasure of dining with them the other night at a large table.


I also had the pleasure of having a nice conversation with Tulip1. He and his wife are on until early January.


Well, I'd better get ready for the party. I'll post again tomorrow!


Seabourn Dreams all! :p


Host Dan

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I know the Club Party was fun ~~I always enjoy seeing Guests receive their days pin awards ~~always exciting!

You might want to visit with Chris Prelog as he heads up our Seabourn Hotel Dept. ~~ (steamed vegetables should not take 45 minutes to arrive) I have felt this past year our ships have been understaffed ~~both in the dining room and the Club. I know it's been a transition and "teams" are readying for the Odyssey but I've noticed slips in the 6*service. Let's hope all will smooth out come next June.

Enjoy your sea days and Good Luck at Trivia!:p (the new Seabourn wooden prize box's are quite elegant~~I was given one, I didn't win it;))

Happy Holidays to all!

Martita B.

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Good morning everyone,

Last nights Club Party was very nice. Imagine my surprise when I received a tap on my shoulder, and its Pam Conover introducing herself to ME! It seems she's heard alot about me! :eek: Very personable.


Last nights Chefs tasting dinner was excellent. It consisted on Tuna tar tar, Butternut squash cappucino, Coconut rum sorbet, and Roast cannon of lamb. The only disappointment was the Goat cheese rosotto. (a bit bland and tasteless). I enjoyed the rest of the evening at the Club chatting with old and new friends. It was especially nice getting to know Adam the A C D. (Michael Phelps look alike!)


Today, the "big wigs" are doing a full ship and ship operation insspection. I'm sure the staff is a bit "stressed" to say the least!


Trivia in 45 minutes, so I must get the brain working... Maybe a bloody mary jumpstart? :p


I'll be posting again very soon.


Till then..


Host Dan

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Martita B wrote


"I know it's been a transition and "teams" are readying for the Odyssey but I've noticed slips in the 6*service. Let's hope all will smooth out come next June."


Yet on a Baltic cruise on the Pride in August I would say we experienced the best service of any Seabourn Cruise so it may well be that economies are being made or the impact of training for the new ships is taking its toll. With the general state of the world economy let alone staff coming available from the QE2 I would have expected well trained staff to more available now than in the past. Lets hope the inspection will identify if there is a problem which needs attention. At a time like this Seabourn does not want to let standards slip.

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Today was one of the best days of the cruise. A beautiful sea day, won trivia (bookmarks for all), had a terrific jacuzzi with Jesper, and played in the blackjack tournament for 2 hours. Didn't win, but the $25 fee was well worth the fun of playing and meeting even more terrific passengers!


INCREDIBLE sight tonight.. Double rainbows over the ocean. Total rainbows from one end to the other. A friend, Todd, took a photo, and I will post if it comes out!


Quiet night at the Club, and then dinner with Jesper and Ea.


Life is good.


More later, (maybe) :D


Host Dan

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Hi Host Dan,


Sounds like your really enjoying your cruise and also getting some relaxing time in. I've been reading your post from the beginning and have been enjoying it very much. Enjoy your last few days and see you back on the Eat's thread.............LOL



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Last night was alot of fun. other tha losing the blackjack tournament! Dinner was nice, with a glich.... We ordered the recommended wine on the menu, and was told that the 3 bottles available had been sold.. WHAT??? 3 bottles on board, and thats the recommended vintage? The Chef and sommelier should be embarassed. We then asked to switch the bottle to a Brunello as a replacement.. No.. They would not even consider repacing with a bottle that was $40 more. Come on.. Even at $90 Seabourn was still ahead, but NO. We still ordered it, and enjoyed, even though it hadn't been decanted properly. :rolleyes: A disappointment to be remembered. this was the first time I heard "No" on Seabourn.


Today, after losing at trivia (lost last question) I had the opportunity to have avery nice lunch with the President, VP, and Food and Beverage Big guy, (of Seabourn) for lunch. What a fine time. They seemed very intersted in CC and its operation and policies, as I was interseted in current Seabourn policies and the new Odyssey ship. The training progam for the new Seabourn employees seems to be state-of-the-art. 16 onboard as a trainee, and shadowing front staff. Folks, we are in for some unbelievable service on the new ships!


I spent the afternoon talking paparazzi and fan control with Sir Cliff Richard, and a fun "jolk" with new friends Todd, Chris and Mar Lou. Its Tea dance somewhere at 4! :eek: :rolleyes: (Inside jolk)


All packed and ready for home. I will be writing an intensive review upon my return.


I did, however, what to mention some of the incredible staff onboard that made my cruise very special. Any name I do not mention, doesn't mean they weren't great, just that they didn't especially relate to my cruise experience.


Front Desk- Leena and Kyle- FABULOUS!!


SkyBar- Nelson ( a great guy and professional), Eckhart, Gabon. and Martin


Verandah- Darren (both), Sanli (5 star), Bronson (Incredible) Zoltan (******)


Bar Waiters- Bogdan, Adrian, and Sabrina - EXCELLENT!!


Club bartender- Ian (FIRST CLASS)!!


Maitre D' staff- Luca (The best EVER on Seabourn) Bozi, Romana.



Thank you for reading my blog, and I will be following up with a full review upon my return!


Host Dan

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Folks, we are in for some unbelievable service on the new ships!

At the expense of the three older ships? Dan, some of your insights over the past days don't give me much confidence in Seabourn's 6* service when we board the Spirit in May. I hope that Seabourn's corporate leadership can see what is at stake here and can plan accordingly. Expectations are high; as they should be for Seabourn.


I only hope all the doting and hype over the Odyssey doesn't throw the sisters under the rug.

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We have loved your travelogue and will definitely look forward to your full review in a few days. Hope you trip home was a good one.

We especially enjoyed your wonderful comments about certain crew. Some of the names are familiar to us from the Legend and we know how wonderful they are!


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Hi all,


Just got back from a grueling flight and airport experience from Ft Lauderdale.. Delays, delays, everywhere! After reading my last post, I forgot to mention the most important name of all (crew) our stewardess Christina!! She was incredible! Very professional, yet warm and friendly. We really lucked out with her. Friends had Rosie as their stewardess, and they were thrilled with her! The housekeeping staff is number one at sea!


Last night was a bit emotional, as we dined with our new friends Jesper, Ea, Margo, and Iain for the final dinner of the cruise. We enjoyed a nice dinner with a start of a special softshell crab dish. Jesper and I had 2 servings of the venison, Excellent meal all around. We then enjoyed flambe under the stars, and then to bed. Woke up early and off to the airport. (you know the rest)


Missabby, I think you may have read my post wrong. My point was that the training program is so extensive and hands-on, the new staff will be up to the standard of the current front staff. After speaking with Pamela Conover et al, I am convinced that the triplets will be top notch as they are now. She even indicated that some new and exciting ports will become available for the 3 sisters. I can't wait for the announcement sometime this spring! As much as I love the Seabourn ships, the itineraries could use a "boost".


Like I posted last night, I will be doing an extensive review.


Time to rest... :D


Host Dan

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At the expense of the three older ships? Dan, some of your insights over the past days don't give me much confidence in Seabourn's 6* service when we board the Spirit in May. I hope that Seabourn's corporate leadership can see what is at stake here and can plan accordingly. Expectations are high; as they should be for Seabourn.


I only hope all the doting and hype over the Odyssey doesn't throw the sisters under the rug.


Hi Missabby I feel the same way you do as I am sadly disappointed by quite a lot of the review so far. However, I have to say that my own personal experience of Seabourn has always been of the highest standards and I fail to see how that can have changed in just a few months. Let's see for ourselves.

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Dan, just wanted to say hello and I'm so glad you had a nice voyage. I was thinking about the Pride, and your ports, as I was sailing over on the Legend through Central America and the Panama Canal. I am so, so glad I went on this cruise, it was fantastic. But I only got in two diving days, and Honduras couldn't hold a candle to the Caribbean. Belize was saved by the appearance of several nurse sharks, who kept popping up as we swam along. I do love the southern Caribbean, though, and hope you had a great time.


I've decided one of the reasons I particularly liked this itinerary was that everyone was on for 14 days. It wasn't back-to-back 7 day cruises (which I have done on the Pride), with people coming and going, so I got to know alot more people. At any rate, I had a blast. And, since I was not diving in every port, I did some Seabourn excursions. Zip lining, white water rafting, the sloth sanctuary (see pix of baby sloth attached). What a trip!


Sorry to hear you had delays from FLL. Although I had to change planes in DFW, I got home to California okay. Maybe I'll see you next time Dan!


Merry Christmas to all.




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First of all, I would like to thank each and every one of you that enjoyed reading my travel experience for my 14 day cruise on the Pride. Unlike a review, my travelogue was just that, a day-to-day account of the experiences I had as a passenger on my favorite cruise line, Seabourn.


The crew on Seabourn never ceases to amaze me. This was my first cruise on the Pride, and I was a bit apprehensive that I wouldn't know any crew, and that it would be different from my several cruises on the Legend. Not so. From the moment I boarded Pride to the moment I disembarked, I felt that "Seabourn family" feeling that has never been duplicated on any other cruise line. I believe this a result of excellent training, the number of passengers to crew, and that Seabourn simply knows how to hire genuine professional crew that care about the passengers and each other. :o


That said, I have to also comment on my fellow passengers onboard. I met so many wonderful people, that made my cruise so special and memorable. To name a few- Jesper and Ea, Iain and Margo, Curt and Kostas, Elizabeth and Scott, Steve and Gloria, Ray and Chris, Todd and Chris, Marylou, Henny and so many more. What a lucky cruise to have the best mix of passengers AND crew!


I loved the new "look" of the ship. Black stripe, gold emblem on the stack, new furniture in the Verandah and the new Sky Bar area. The cushions on all the weight machines have been re-upholstered, making the gym look fresh and new.


The entertainment staff, especially Nick Hale the CD, was top-notch. The shows were terrific, and the quick wit by Nick at Liars Club, his shows and even trivia! :D


The officers on board were very approachable, I thought. This was a first cruise in a long time that I didn't have a chance to dine with the Captain. They both seemed very nice and professional. (Mark Dexter and Hamish Elliott) The Hotel Manager is definitely one of my very favorite ever. (Laurent Lalouer) A very kind, genuine guy who is so sincere. He really wanted to make sure my cruise was excellent, and he succeeded. The Maitre' d (Luca Di Matteo) is someone I have known for many years, and I consider him a friend. It has been such a pleasure watching him rise in the ranks! Last but not least, I have to say that it was my pleasure to meet the Travel Manager. (Carol Frey) From my first request to "crash a tour" at the last minute, she arranged it without blinking an eye. This is what Seabourn is all about.


The only not-so-perfect experience I personally had was with issues in the restaurant venues. 95% of the time the food was perfect. (i.e. the very best Venison and Filet Mignon's I've ever had on board). Because Seabourn is not only a ship, it is a floating 6 star restaurant, I expect 6 star dining. There were a few incidents where cold plates brought down the temperature of the meal, unacceptable wait times for non-exclusive items such as steamed vegetables, items coming out the kitchen that shouldn't have, and having a recommended wine on the menu that there is not enough of to sell. Unfortunately I have to put the responsibility on Chef Walter Blakemore.(Buck stops here). His experience dictates that he should be running a 180 seat, successful restaurant, watching what leaves the kitchen, and preparing the days menu selections, making sure he has adequate stock. There are always glitches in any kitchen, but this well -oiled machine needs a bit more grease to hum silently. If this sounds like a major flaw to you, believe me, its not. I am only a bit more critical as with over 200 days on Seabourn, I have a good point of reference.


The beach parties were incredible, from the first- starting the day on a lovely Catamaran- snorkeling, to the second- Gorgeous Virgin Gorda, and the water toys! :eek:


Having the opportunity to meet over lunch with Pamela Conover was such a special honor. It's not every day an opportunity like this arises. Her passion for the cruise line is immense. Her excitement over the new build ships and the new itineraries for the triplets is so refreshing coming from the top. Seabourn and her ships are in very capable hands with Ms. Conover.


Having the opportunity to have such a nice, long chat with Sir Cliff Richard was also a treat. Funny how we have friends in common. (of course I met them on many shared Seabourn voyages). :cool:


To wrap things up, this was one of my most favorite Seabourn cruises ever. Each and every Seabourn cruise has something special about it, but this one just had the right "mix". Maybe the fellow passengers? The crew? The perfect weather everyday?, the "double full rainbows" one afternoon? Who knows? But I'm not going to question it.


Until my next Seabourn Cruise....


Host Dan

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