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Crown & Anchor Program Revisions - join the merged discussions here


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Thanks for clearing that up.:)


In any event, those who have not yet experienced the advertised Concierge Lounge 'benefit' previously/about to be removed from the C&A Diamond level, it might be helpful to point out that the happy hour is not the 'only' issue. It is an issue no doubt, because it was among other things not a 'house' brands or 'welcome back party' selection. It was a 'top shelf' happy hour. But, the 'benefit' started with the coffee machine in the morning which made capachinos, lattes, espresso, etc. There was a nice breakfast setup ... and ta da ... a toaster. This was probably the only place on the ship where you could get 'hot', 'fresh', toast, bagels, and english muffins. Imagine putting butter on one of these and having it melt ... on a cruise ship!:rolleyes: I never saw a 'crowd' at breakfast. The Concierge service for reservations, shore excursions, luggage tags ... any thing you would normally stand in line for at guest relations. And all of the Concierge staff that I talked with worked at guest relations first. So they new the game better than most of the staff who worked guest relations. There were several computers with internet access. It was a nice quiet place to read and drink coffee during the day ... and never a crowd during the day ... with comfortable chairs that do not exist in any 'public' area of the ship that I know about. It was a place where you could interact with your fellow passengers ... most of the public areas do not afford the type of setting that actually promotes meeting and talking with your fellow passengers. You also tend to see and talk with the same people on multiple occassions. So instead of only a 'sea' of people in a cast of thousands, you can actually build friendships. So folks, those who think it is (just) about a 'few drinks' are missing the big picture. The 'drinks' are just a little piece of the lower right hand corner of the big picture.;) And that is why some of us are really :mad:. We 'earned' this benefit by doing what RCCL said we had to do ... and we did it. The benefit is still there, it is just now being given to a different group. That would be 'bait and switch'. That is not an honest way to do business, and it reflects a total lack of corporate integrity.:cool:





I agree with everything that you said! There are a few people that we have met in the CL that I still keep in touch with and plan on visiting them in the future. We never would have had the pleasure of their company every night in the CL and gotten to know them so well if we had not had this diamond privelage. I'm going to miss all the socializing!:D



I agree with you both we have meet some great people in the lounge during happy hour.


We have been lucky enough to travel on four cruises with RCCL since August 2008 in all cases they opened an overflow lounge for diamond members from 5-8 30. We never saw it overcrowed, people drinking to much or abusing the system. Just a place for like minded people to meet.

I do not kid myself, it was the offer of a free drink that got us there and the good company that made us return.

On the Brilliance in February they tried to stop Diamond menbers using the lounge by not suppling the key. This was reinstated after compliants but with the restriction that it could not be used during happy hour. This worked well as most of the day it was empty. As Sealord says access to the lounge to obtain a coffee, use the internet 24/7 book shows/trips and a quite lounge during the day is a perk i will miss.

This has now reduced RCCL from our latest number one line to the level of other lines, they are no longer special.

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for new viewers epecially from the UK who will we hope recieve an email regarding what

RCCL have taken away before they sail after July 1st 2009.


I am stil waiting


i have copied this of a previous contributor. the last is the most inportant to myself


No more newspapers

No more mints

no more late night buffet

No more shipshape / vitality program

No more stock dividend

No more daily lunches in the MDR (sea days only)

No more daily or gala midnight buffets

Johnny Rockets fee increase

Late nite room service fee

No more in-cabin liquor purchase w/ fee

No more bringing wine onboard

No more morning ice service

No in-room beach towel service

New fee for drinks at the Captain’s “cocktail” reception

No more C&A welcome back party

Beer and wine (only) at the new Diamond reception

Cutbacks in food quality

Dinnig Room steak fee

No more free photo coupon

No C&A gifts below D+

No combining stockholder / diamond discounts, even though one has absolutely nothing to do with the other

no overflow Diamond bar (see below)

Of course, last but not least: No CL access for diamonds



There will be a Diamond bar but ONLY on there largest ships.


IN OTHER WORDS Diamond members are not wanted anymore on the other ships as we were cluttering up the Concierge Lounge.

I used to visit the CL for a coffee after the casino closed.


Please let C&A / RCCL know how you feel about this as they may change there mind if everybody writes.

Hope you all recieve the call i did.

Gentleman was very polite, very professional and a pleasure to talk to. He still said they would not change the policy but they have recieved a lot of complaints. So keep writting and emailing we may wear them down.


he rang from Miami which was a suprise.


They still have not offically informed us of the changes, i feel sorry for those who have booked and do not know of the changes.

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Wow. Over 3500 posts... and no closure. What casino in Vegas is taking bets on how many posts before people get tired of this discussion with no end?


Ephraim !!! Leave it to you to inject realty and humor into the thread. Hope you are doing well . Me and donald met you and Yves on the Brillance two years ago. Keep it up


Thanks , Mark

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Ephraim !!! Leave it to you to inject reality and humour into the thread. Hope you are doing well . Me and Donald met you and Yves on the Brilliance two years ago. Keep it up


Thanks , Mark


Hi Mark. Of course we remember you... having dined with you for two weeks. Good times! We are doing well... hope you are as well. I think Donald has our email address :)


Reality on CC? Is that allowed? The nice part is that beating of a dead horse.... ensures some really tender meat :)

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Nice letter, its going to mean exactly NOTHING when received.


Dont you think they knew the minute they made this decission that they would be innundated with angry letters.


Im sure they have a room all set up, with a handfull of employees, to respond to these without even looking at them. They are taking down the name and address cut/pasting them into the form letter and s*it canning them.

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I came across this post & the letter written by WMCMRBIL. I have contacted RCCL 3 times in the last 8 days regarding a totally different issue - not the Diamond change. My reason for posting here is only to share my own experience. My last response, which was the 3rd response, was from the same girl Kristin Loffland. It was apparent that she did not even read my email. The response used must be "canned" because it had nothing to do with my inquiry. They don't even read the emails, just reply with jibberish. Sad, very sad.

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Here's a copy of me E-mail to RCCL,


Dear Royal Caribbean Crown & Anchor Society Benefit Decision Making Executives,


I am compelled to respond to your Crown & Anchor Society Benefit changes effective July 1, 2009. Thank you for your Slap in the Face.


After many years and many cruises with RC, I have finally reached Diamond level with the completion of my last cruise. Now at age 65, retired and anticipating future cruises with greater benefits, bam, you changed the rules of the game. This Loyalty benefit of the Crown & Anchor Society, to partake in the services and amenities of the Concierge Club, is now only for the Diamond Plus level members. We lowly Diamond level member are left as loyal dogs peering through the butcher shop window.


Now for that privilege I must: a) complete 15 more cruises with RC, or b) reserve a Grand Suite or above. Assuming I take one cruise a year for the next 15 years, at age 80, in the year 2024, you might allow me in the Club. Providing RC doesn't change the rules or the good Lord doesn't call me to his own The Nation Of Why Not first.


I know I shouldn't complain. You have provided an opportunity for us lowly Diamonds (as well as even first time RC guests) to pass though those ever allusive Concierge Club doors. All we have to do is book passage in a Grand Suite or larger. This seems to me as if RC is asking me to buy the privilege that I have already earned with my years of loyalty and that has now been flippantly taken away.


I do realize that you have provided me with my very own "Diamond Lounge" on your Freedom Class ships, as well as the newest and biggest Oasis and Allure of the Seas. Thanks, but just maybe some or many of us lowly Diamonds may not want to be on a ship with 3000+ to 5000+ guests. Also, a "lounge" just doesn't sound as privileged as a "Club". Can those big, big ships even go where I might want to go?


However, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate RC on its success. I can tell you are successful by the explanation expressed on your website. Specifically, those explaining the changes for the accessibility to the Concierge Club. They being: "Due to limited capacity", "growing membership", and "is challenging our ability to provide the optimum experience for our guests"; great copy.If true, this only confirms to me how many loyal Diamond members you must have, and most likely will now be so disappointed with the downgrading of their benefits.


It also appears that RC's solution to the "challenge" was not to providing larger accommodating facilities, but rather to thin out a portion of their loyal Diamond members by raising the access requirements. However, at the same time keeping the doors open, to those now excluded lowly Diamonds, and also new guests, by providing complimentary Concierge Club services for the new "Enhanced Program for Suite Guests". And you don't even include the Junior Suite, wow! We can surmise the motivating factor in this decision. I'll wager with your current ability to accumulate and evaluate guest information, you know exactly when a loyal member will return diminishing revenues verses benefits granted and therefore be unconscionably compelled to provide more revenue or be thrown overboard.


Finally, though, I do wish to thank you for the enhanced benefits such as the New Ultimate Value Booklet, which yet remains to be seen as a value (better to be labeled as a discount booklet), (a free cocktail rather than just a beer would be nice); the upgraded wine tasting event,("at a special price"?) and of course the "New Special Event" for Diamond level and above members. On past cruises there were two special events. One a Welcome Back event for all Crown & Anchor Society members (Gold and above) and a second for Platinum and above Society members. Will there still be two, with the Platinum members attending only the Welcome Back event? Seems to be a logical step considering your other decisions. Why should only the lowly Diamonds suffer?


Well, should I join the "Nation of Why Not" again and attend the Special Event for Diamonds, I hope I don't make friends with a Diamond Plus members and have to decline an invitation to meet in the Concierge Club before Dinner. How embarrassing and demeaning would that be?


In closing, I would just like to wish you success in filling all those suites and of course in trying to keep all your lowly Diamond Society members, who are probably as disappointed as I am. Thank you for showing us just how much to really care. A very disappointed...........



Bravo bravo bravo!

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When attempting to use the free drink coupon (diamond coupon book) on the Liberty in September on our b2b, on the first week the bartender in the pub in the promenade used the coupon for a free draft beer for my DH. On the second week, another bartender in the same pub refused to use it on a draft beer as the coupon said mixed drink or a glass of wine. We then took the coupon to the Schooner and got a draft beer.:rolleyes:;) That's some pretty inconsistent training.


We were shocked as we weren't accustomed to being told no on a RCI ship. The usual is "it would be my pleasure."


Funny that you mention the pub. My brother ordered a draft beer and showed his coupon. The waitress came back with a can. My brother says.... I asked for a draft. She says.... we can only use the coupon for cans. Brother's response... why didn't you say that when I ordered it? Waitress repsonse... I blank stare.


I think that they try to apply the coupon in whatever way will give it the least value possible. I mean, really, how much difference is the cost to RCI? It is a small matter so why risk having your customer feel annoyed.

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We canceled a B2B on the Mariner - that's the only thing that will matter to them. I sent a polite e-mail. I got an automated response two days latter saying they got it and would be responding shortly. It's been a week... I think the PR people are busy. Is this like "New Coke"?????

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Just to be clear, I'm skeptical about what I was told too. That is why I was wondering if anyone else had had a similar call. This conversation was not with a person who picked up when calling customer service, but rather a person calling me from the office of Vicki Freed. In fact, this person left me messages twice before actually getting me in person, which surprised me a lot. She is supposed to send me something in writing. When I get that, I will scan and post.


I also wrote an email to Viki Freed and I think the temperature in hell will be around 95 degrees f. before I get an answer. But... I will post if I am still alive.

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I'm not quite sure how people take friends into the lounge or the overflow area. Every cruise we have been on in the last 3 years ( we are D+ with 31 cruises and will leave next week on NAV for the transatlantic) there was a person checking SEA PASS CARDS and a list before you could enter.


Also we find that very few suite guests have been in the lounges when we have been there. Maybe we just miss them but my hubby usually meets almost everyone !

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I would like to know how many emails & letters they recived on the changes? This I feel is just the start the other shoe will drop when diamonds sailing 7/1 without knowledge of the changes are then made aware of decline in benefits.


Exactly Duchess.


There is going to be a whole bunch of mighty ticked off Diamonds come 7/1/09.


This thread may have a longer more active life than anyone imagined.

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We did have a free drink coupon in our platinum books two weeks ago on Adventure. However, it was only good for a beer, a glass of wine, a soda, or bottled water. When trying to get a mixed drink I was told by the bartender that they are no longer aloud to take the coupon for that because the liquor in the drink was too expensive. He said that the bartenders find it hard to say no to the customers. That does seem a bit cheap on RCI's part.


The gold two for one coupon is actually a better value in my opinion as you can (could) get any type of a drink with it.


We had coupons for a free drink in a souveneer glass in the diamond coupon book when we cruised March 15th.

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Sealord very well put! Yes I do remember all that you asked & more been cruising since the 80's.



Me, too! :) There have been a ton of changes since the early 80's and not all for the good. jmho.

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They still have not offically informed us of the changes, i feel sorry for those who have booked and do not know of the changes.


I still didn't get an email telling me about the changes either. I only know because 2 of my friends forwarded me the letter they recieved. They have my email address because just yesterday I received email from them asking me to fill out a questionaire about our cruise last month so I have no idea why I didn't get the email about the changes.

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It may die down a bit but bet it will be full steam ahead after 7/1!


You are correct about that.


Our next cruise, on May 11, will not be affected.

I can bet that subject will be the talk of the CL

where we will go every evening, during that cruise.


The thing is, that "bugs us", is that SOMEBODY

pays for the Concierge Lounge. It is NOT FREE offered by

R.C.C.L. out of the goodness of management in Miami.


Every passenger on that ship, Diamond cruiser, Suite Cruiser, or, first cruisers are paying for that amenity...

So, since it is paid for by us and, others, we'll use it.


Now, we have a b-2-b in January 2010, on the VOYAGER of the SEAS.

We booked that ship because we like the CL and, to get away from the Denver area winter in Januarys...we enjoy that so much, we booked 2 cruises this January. Since we won't have the CL availible to us for those

2 cruises, do you suppose R.C.C.L. will refund a portion of our money paid for those cruises, we booked in anticipation of being able to use the Concierge Lounge?


Nah...never happen... :rolleyes:


Newly minted Cubic Zircons.

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We've encouraged many of our friends to cruise with us and have advised them to cruise as often as they can with RCCL...some are now Diamond's, we're going to miss them in the CL. I know that personally, I've provided great word of mouth advertising and have booked many cabin's on RCI's behalf. We enjoy it because we've met so many wonderful people in the Concierge, who we've cruised again with. In fact, next weekend on the Mariner we'll be sailing with a couple we met two years ago on Radiance, already sailed together on Indy in January and meeting up again. That's just one couple.

I was hoping that Diamond's were going to be grandfathered. I understand where RCI is coming from though. In today's world it's about survival. I may not like it, but that's just the way you have to do things before you need a bailout.

As far as writing to Adam G, good luck with that. I've written to all the powers that be in the Government to STOP SPENDING so much money, and I don't think that's going to work either! And Please BO, could you save the Captain from the lifeboat!

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I am a recent diamond member. Not sure what that even means anymore. I have read many, many posts. I have heard many sides to an issue that seems like RC is just a bunch of greedy so and so's to me. I was led to believe that I was valued as a repeat customer and now I feel I am not. I just cancelled two upcoming cruises that I paid the deposit on and now I will either try to do something different with my vacation or save the money. Either way, I am just too disappointed and saddened by the actions of RCI to sail with them again. At least for now. I don't like the big mega-ships. (tried them once) So that is that. This will be my last post for a while as it is just too depressing to read this thread any longer. Royal Caribbean just doesn't give a damn and now neither do I.



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