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mexican antibiotics??


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Are you promoting that people should self diagnose and buy PX drugs for their own use without professional direction?



Walmart in Puerto Vallarta or Bejing is not the same as Walmart in Dallas or Huntsville.

No, of course I don't advocate self-diagnosis. Get seen by your doctor, have him write the Rx that is best for, and fill it where you can find the correct med at the best price. That's all I'm saying.


You are wrong that Wal-Mart is different in Mexico. It's the same company. The local laws are different, hence buying Tequila there, but certainly the quality standards are going to reflect the company.


I think the US Pharmaceutical industry has ripped us off for a long time. They sell drugs here at whatever price the market will bear. Mexicans by and large do not have as much money, so the prices there are less. For the EXACT same thing, from the same manufacturer. So why support the US Pharmaceutical industry if you have another option?


The people who die taking meds either did not go to a good doctor beforehand or did not buy from a reputable place. You can give me all the scary stories, I have been there and seen it myself, firsthand.


Also, more and more people are going to Mexico, China, and elsewhere for medical procedures. They can get the same quality of care for a fraction of the price. Why deplete your nest egg when you don't have to? This will happen more and more and the net result will be that US drug companies and doctors will have to lower prices and make less money. And that is not a bad thing at all! Unless you happen to be a doctor or drug company.

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Not trying to be rude, but please explain to me what I am missing here. What did buying Amoxicillan in Mexico have to do with your sister nearly dying? I am sorry she got sick and glad to hear she is better, but from what I read of your link had she bought her drugs here in the states, she could have still gotten sick. Her illness did not come from a 'bad batch' of antibiotics. In fact, according to your link, her pills were the real thing... which is what caused her illness.



Yes, let me clarify. She bought amoxicillan in Mexico. I'm not saying it was a bad drug or anything of that sort. What I'm saying is people should not 'self diagnose' and attempt to treat their illnesses with medications that were not prescribed by a physician. Not all antibiotics are created equal. There are broad spectrum antibiotics that saturate most cells in the body and kill off both good and bad bacteria. Folks, our digestive tracts are full of 'good' bacteria that you need to survive. Then there are the more narrowed down antibiotics that concentrate in only certain tissues of the body. If my sister indeed had a sinus infection as she thought and went to see her doctor-HER DOCTOR would have prescribed an antibiotic OTHER than a broad sprectrum to treat it.


She cried her eyes out and told me she knew she did it to herself. Lesson learned. People, do not attempt to treat a sore throat or cough with amoxicillan you picked up in Mexico.

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Yes, let me clarify. She bought amoxicillan in Mexico. I'm not saying it was a bad drug or anything of that sort. What I'm saying is people should not 'self diagnose' and attempt to treat their illnesses with medications that were not prescribed by a physician. Not all antibiotics are created equal. There are broad spectrum antibiotics that saturate most cells in the body and kill off both good and bad bacteria. Folks, our digestive tracts are full of 'good' bacteria that you need to survive. Then there are the more narrowed down antibiotics that concentrate in only certain tissues of the body. If my sister indeed had a sinus infection as she thought and went to see her doctor-HER DOCTOR would have prescribed an antibiotic OTHER than a broad sprectrum to treat it.


She cried her eyes out and told me she knew she did it to herself. Lesson learned. People, do not attempt to treat a sore throat or cough with amoxicillan you picked up in Mexico.


Thanks for clarifying.

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No, of course I don't advocate self-diagnosis. Get seen by your doctor, have him write the Rx that is best for, and fill it where you can find the correct med at the best price. That's all I'm saying.


You are wrong that Wal-Mart is different in Mexico. It's the same company. The local laws are different, hence buying Tequila there, but certainly the quality standards are going to reflect the company.


I think the US Pharmaceutical industry has ripped us off for a long time. They sell drugs here at whatever price the market will bear. Mexicans by and large do not have as much money, so the prices there are less. For the EXACT same thing, from the same manufacturer. So why support the US Pharmaceutical industry if you have another option?


The people who die taking meds either did not go to a good doctor beforehand or did not buy from a reputable place. You can give me all the scary stories, I have been there and seen it myself, firsthand.


Also, more and more people are going to Mexico, China, and elsewhere for medical procedures. They can get the same quality of care for a fraction of the price. Why deplete your nest egg when you don't have to? This will happen more and more and the net result will be that US drug companies and doctors will have to lower prices and make less money. And that is not a bad thing at all! Unless you happen to be a doctor or drug company.



Same quality of care in Mexico...you must be kidding. Good luck. I say go to Mexico, get your medical care there, and buy your unneeded antibiotics. Anyone making these kinds of choices is crazy. If you can't afford your medical care, treat the ER as if it were a clinic like everyone else does and let us tax payers pay for it. It happens everyday. Not to worry though, we will all be taken care of soon by our new President.

As for doctors lowering their prices, we don't set any "prices". 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of medical school, 5 years of residency, 1 year fellowship, and $150,000 in medical school loan debt...just how much do you think physicians really make or deserve to make. Oh yeah...the Pres is going to take care of this too.

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Same quality of care in Mexico...you must be kidding. Good luck. I say go to Mexico, get your medical care there, and buy your unneeded antibiotics. Anyone making these kinds of choices is crazy. If you can't afford your medical care, treat the ER as if it were a clinic like everyone else does and let us tax payers pay for it. It happens everyday. Not to worry though, we will all be taken care of soon by our new President.


As for doctors lowering their prices, we don't set any "prices". 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of medical school, 5 years of residency, 1 year fellowship, and $150,000 in medical school loan debt...just how much do you think physicians really make or deserve to make. Oh yeah...the Pres is going to take care of this too.


ICD 9 Codes and insurance billing tables are a new concept for some.


Let's not even tell them what DRG's and Medicare reimbursement rates do to the accounts receivable figures.


Tort reform remains the single biggest challenge to the US medicine system. Abuse of the ER's is right behind that. If we'd turn the undocumented away and let Mexico tend to their own they'd be in deeper trouble than most would imagine...




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Same quality of care in Mexico...you must be kidding. Good luck. I say go to Mexico, get your medical care there, and buy your unneeded antibiotics. Anyone making these kinds of choices is crazy. If you can't afford your medical care, treat the ER as if it were a clinic like everyone else does and let us tax payers pay for it. It happens everyday. Not to worry though, we will all be taken care of soon by our new President.


As for doctors lowering their prices, we don't set any "prices". 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of medical school, 5 years of residency, 1 year fellowship, and $150,000 in medical school loan debt...just how much do you think physicians really make or deserve to make. Oh yeah...the Pres is going to take care of this too.


Yes but most of the Dr's make that in a year... after going to school. Dr's get paid well.... Insurance companies and Drug companies get PAID very well.. There is a problem here with the way health care is done. Also the way people get charged for pills based on weather you have insurance or not.. People normally get charge 3 and 4 times more if you have insurance visus not having insurance.


Something is wrong there. You should whatch Sicko... Besides Mexico you can get cheaper meds in Mexico, Canada, England & France.. Reason people chooses Mexico to buy their because its closer...


You have to be REASPONCEABLE for your own health... If going to Mexico works for you then do it. If it doesn't then don't.


Right now I don't have to worry about buying meds. But some people do. If you can get your meds cheaper over the border then good, just do you research and do it with the help of a Dr...

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Yes but most of the Dr's make that in a year... after going to school. Dr's get paid well.... Insurance companies and Drug companies get PAID very well.. There is a problem here with the way health care is done. Also the way people get charged for pills based on weather you have insurance or not.. People normally get charge 3 and 4 times more if you have insurance visus not having insurance.


Something is wrong there. You should whatch Sicko... Besides Mexico you can get cheaper meds in Mexico, Canada, England & France.. Reason people chooses Mexico to buy their because its closer...


You have to be REASPONCEABLE for your own health... If going to Mexico works for you then do it. If it doesn't then don't.


Right now I don't have to worry about buying meds. But some people do. If you can get your meds cheaper over the border then good, just do you research and do it with the help of a Dr...



Most physicians deserve every penny they make. It's not the doctors making all the money; it's the hospitals and insurance companies. As for Sicko, this is by far the most inaccurate film by Michael Moore I have seen. And yes, people should be responsible for their own health. The only thing buying meds from Mexico will accomplish is cleaning up the gene pool.

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I bought Adipex, which is Phentermine, called Phentermina, at the Mexican pharmacy in Cozumel. They are diet pills. I took them, and lost 18 pounds. They were great :)


Didn't claim them...didn't get searched. Although I was nervous.


:eek: Interesting stuff. Did your Dr. recommend? It's kind of scary that people can just go buy this stuff without an RX and use it without a doctor's supervision. The stuff is apparently very closely related to amphetamines. So glad it worked for you and as ok, though.


From a quick search.....


"Phentermine can cause side effects that may impair your thinking or reactions. Be careful if you drive or do anything that requires you to be awake and alert. Avoid drinking alcohol. It can increase some of the side effects of phentermine. Phentermine may be habit-forming and should be used only by the person it was prescribed for. Keep track of how many pills have been used from each new bottle of this medicine. Phentermine is a drug of abuse and you should be aware if any person in the household is using this medicine improperly or without a prescription.

You may have withdrawal symptoms, such as depression and extreme tiredness, when you stop using phentermine after a long period of use. Do not stop using phentermine suddenly without first talking to your doctor. You may need to use less and less before you stop the medication completely.

Before taking phentermine


Do not take phentermine if you have used an MAO inhibitor such as isocarboxazid (Marplan), phenelzine (Nardil), rasagiline (Azilect), selegiline (Eldepryl, Emsam), or tranylcypromine (Parnate) within the past 14 days. Serious, life-threatening side effects can occur if you take phentermine before the MAO inhibitor has cleared from your body.

Taking phentermine together with other diet medications such as fenfluramine (Phen-Fen) or dexfenfluramine (Redux) can cause a rare fatal lung disorder called pulmonary hypertension. Do not take phentermine with any other diet medications without your doctor's advice.

Do not take this medication if you are allergic to phentermine or other stimulants, or if you have:

  • <LI itxtvisited="1">
heart disease or high blood pressure;
<LI itxtvisited="1">arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries);
<LI itxtvisited="1">an overactive thyroid;
<LI itxtvisited="1">glaucoma;
<LI itxtvisited="1">if you are in an agitated state; or
if you have a history of drug or alcohol abuse.

Before taking phentermine, tell your doctor if you are allergic to any drugs, or if you have:

  • <LI itxtvisited="1">a thyroid disorder;
    <LI itxtvisited="1">anxiety disorder;
    <LI itxtvisited="1">diabetes; or
  • epilepsy or another seizure disorder.

If you have any of these conditions, you may need a dose adjustment or special tests during treatment.

It is not known whether phentermine will harm an unborn baby. Do not take phentermine without telling your doctor if you are pregnant. It is also not known whether phentermine passes into breast milk or if it could harm a nursing baby. Do not take phentermine without telling your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby. Do not give this medication to anyone younger than 16 years old without the advice of a doctor. Phentermine may be habit-forming and should be used only by the person it was prescribed for. Phentermine should never be shared with another person, especially someone who has a history of drug abuse or addiction. Keep the medication in a secure place where others cannot get to it. "

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Most physicians deserve every penny they make. It's not the doctors making all the money; it's the hospitals and insurance companies. As for Sicko, this is by far the most inaccurate film by Michael Moore I have seen. And yes, people should be responsible for their own health. The only thing buying meds from Mexico will accomplish is cleaning up the gene pool.


Yes some do earn their money, but you can't say all of them do. My mother was on dialysis for an year. She had to go in the hospital a few times. One Dr. came and said hi to her and asked a few questions wasn't in there more then 5 minutes charged the insurance $400... There is something wrong with that. He wasn't even the main Dr. taking care of her.


I'm not a fan of Michael Moore by any means, but I did watch the movie and he does bring up some good points..


I'm just saying our system is not the only one or the best in the world.. We rank 37 among the "healthiest" in the world yet we spend the most money on the what is suppose to be the best in the world.


Personally I wouldn't go buy antibiotics over in Mexico anyways, just to buy something you probably don't need is stupid. But if you have a medicine that you use daily. If you prearrange to buy in it Mexico cheaper, then why not. If you do the research first

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It's not just the antibiotics. We were in Belize and I went in the the little pharmacy and there was a woman spending $250 on Lortab, Soma, Valium, Ambien, etc. It was crazy. She was like "oh, I am stocking up for at home" - of course while she told her kids to wait outside. Stocking up for a coma?? I had to walk out before I said something - I am a nurse it just drives me crazy.


Ran into this same lady on the ship who was telling her son he couldn't have a $10 watch because she couldn't afford it. Again, had to walk out.

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:eek: Interesting stuff. Did your Dr. recommend? It's kind of scary that people can just go buy this stuff without an RX and use it without a doctor's supervision. The stuff is apparently very closely related to amphetamines. So glad it worked for you and as ok, though.


From a quick search.....


"Phentermine can cause side effects that may impair your thinking or reactions. Be careful if you drive or do anything that requires you to be awake and alert. Avoid drinking alcohol. It can increase some of the side effects of phentermine. Phentermine may be habit-forming and should be used only by the person it was prescribed for. Keep track of how many pills have been used from each new bottle of this medicine. Phentermine is a drug of abuse and you should be aware if any person in the household is using this medicine improperly or without a prescription.

You may have withdrawal symptoms, such as depression and extreme tiredness, when you stop using phentermine after a long period of use. Do not stop using phentermine suddenly without first talking to your doctor. You may need to use less and less before you stop the medication completely.

Before taking phentermine


Do not take phentermine if you have used an MAO inhibitor such as isocarboxazid (Marplan), phenelzine (Nardil), rasagiline (Azilect), selegiline (Eldepryl, Emsam), or tranylcypromine (Parnate) within the past 14 days. Serious, life-threatening side effects can occur if you take phentermine before the MAO inhibitor has cleared from your body.

Taking phentermine together with other diet medications such as fenfluramine (Phen-Fen) or dexfenfluramine (Redux) can cause a rare fatal lung disorder called pulmonary hypertension. Do not take phentermine with any other diet medications without your doctor's advice.


Do not take this medication if you are allergic to phentermine or other stimulants, or if you have:

  • <LI itxtvisited="1">heart disease or high blood pressure;
    <LI itxtvisited="1">arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries);
    <LI itxtvisited="1">an overactive thyroid;
    <LI itxtvisited="1">glaucoma;
    <LI itxtvisited="1">if you are in an agitated state; or
  • if you have a history of drug or alcohol abuse.

Before taking phentermine, tell your doctor if you are allergic to any drugs, or if you have:

  • <LI itxtvisited="1">a thyroid disorder;
    <LI itxtvisited="1">anxiety disorder;
    <LI itxtvisited="1">diabetes; or
  • epilepsy or another seizure disorder.

If you have any of these conditions, you may need a dose adjustment or special tests during treatment.

It is not known whether phentermine will harm an unborn baby. Do not take phentermine without telling your doctor if you are pregnant. It is also not known whether phentermine passes into breast milk or if it could harm a nursing baby. Do not take phentermine without telling your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby. Do not give this medication to anyone younger than 16 years old without the advice of a doctor. Phentermine may be habit-forming and should be used only by the person it was prescribed for. Phentermine should never be shared with another person, especially someone who has a history of drug abuse or addiction. Keep the medication in a secure place where others cannot get to it. "



Yes. :) I was prescibed them about a year ago, however my insurance does not cover it.

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It's not just the antibiotics. We were in Belize and I went in the the little pharmacy and there was a woman spending $250 on Lortab, Soma, Valium, Ambien, etc. It was crazy. She was like "oh, I am stocking up for at home" - of course while she told her kids to wait outside. Stocking up for a coma?? I had to walk out before I said something - I am a nurse it just drives me crazy.


Ran into this same lady on the ship who was telling her son he couldn't have a $10 watch because she couldn't afford it. Again, had to walk out.


LOL I don't even know what all those meds are for.. Only the Ambien.. If those are all sleeping meds, there are a lot cheaper ways to help you sleep... :eek: If she was also telling her son the he couldnt have a $10 watch why were they going on the cruise?

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Self medicating with antibiotics is a bad idea. I've posted before about this, but folks don't seem to care. The broad spectrums are bad news if you're trying to treat something that's not even a bacteria. Last year, my sister took Mexcian acquired amoxicillan and almost didn't live to tell the tale. She developed C. diff (look it up-it's very, very bad) and was hospitalized for nearly three weeks. She was extremely ill and lost about 30 pounds. She's already tiny and totally looked like a skeleton after her illness. She 'thought' she had a sinus infection and decided to take the antibiotic. It's what caused the illness. Look it up. BTW, I'm a nurse with a master's degree. I know stuff.

I'm also a nurse and I totally agree!!! I've been sitting here wondering about all the people buying amoxicillin in Mexico for their "sinus infections, uti's, etc"

Self diagnosing and putting yourself on antibiotics is a brew for disaster, yes C-Diff from the antibiotic itself, super infections when you REALLY get sick because body has built up a tolerance for antibiotics, AND I've never heard of anyone taking amoxicillin for uti? Isn't that a Cipro, levaquin thing?

I'm really shocked everyone would just run and buy these things in Mexico, as one poster said we won't even drink the water:eek:

I think I'll stick with our own, controlled pharmaceuticals here, I'm not willing to pay with my life.

JMO, Carole

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LOL I don't even know what all those meds are for.. Only the Ambien.. If those are all sleeping meds, there are a lot cheaper ways to help you sleep... :eek: If she was also telling her son the he couldnt have a $10 watch why were they going on the cruise?

Wow, those are all controlled substances, they actually sell them without scripts in Belize? Soma and ambien are both sleeping pills, Lortab is a narcotic pain med (the same one Rush was addicted to) and valium is a major tranquilizer (think mothers little helper by the rolling stones)

Hope these meds are the doses they say they are and I hope this person doesn't OD and stop breathing:eek:

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I would be leary of purchasing drugs in a foreign country off the shelf without a prescription. We already have a problem here with online pharmacies selling pet products that are black market products as well as counterfeits. My concern would be the type of regulation in that particular country. As others have stated, you don't know how much of the active ingredient is actually in there.


Another problem is the self diagnosis & medicating that people want to do. We see it all the time at the vet clinic. If you aren't doing some sort of urinalysis, you don't really know what's going on. You may be simply throwing money away on drugs that aren't doing anything. If you are not under a doctor's care, you have no business prescribing meds for yourself. The incorrect drug can actually make matters worse. Seriously, people do this all the time with their pets - I know Bowser has an ear infection. It's exactly the same as his last one. Let's see, oh he was in 2 years ago for that. Yeah, you really remember all the details. How exactly do you determine the difference between a yeast & bacterial infection without an ear swab & scope? And you got your veterinary degree from where? Oh, you looked it all up on the internet. Umm huh. Using the wrong meds means the infection simply continues to get worse.


As far as the docs being posted at pharmacies to write scripts, are they doing a physical exam? In the U.S. there must be a doctor/patient relationship to write a prescription for someone.

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Yes some do earn their money, but you can't say all of them do. My mother was on dialysis for an year. She had to go in the hospital a few times. One Dr. came and said hi to her and asked a few questions wasn't in there more then 5 minutes charged the insurance $400... There is something wrong with that. He wasn't even the main Dr. taking care of her.


I'm not a fan of Michael Moore by any means, but I did watch the movie and he does bring up some good points..


I'm just saying our system is not the only one or the best in the world.. We rank 37 among the "healthiest" in the world yet we spend the most money on the what is suppose to be the best in the world.


Personally I wouldn't go buy antibiotics over in Mexico anyways, just to buy something you probably don't need is stupid. But if you have a medicine that you use daily. If you prearrange to buy in it Mexico cheaper, then why not. If you do the research first

I'm a nurse in the hospital and have worked in hospitals for the last 17 years and I know this is a cruise board, but I am highly offended when people make statements like this!!!

The doctors in the hospitals that just wander in to charge your family 400 bucks was most likely a CONSULTANT that your PC doc called in for his expert opinion. Sometimes they don't spend a lot of time with the patients, but they order tests and they review radiology films and so forth to help the PC make a treatment plan that works for them.

You'll also get bills from doctors you never heard of or seen because radiologists read the xrays or CAT scans, MRI's etc.

So it's not always what it seems and if you feel you've been unfairly charged you should go to the hospital administration and get explainations but just assuming isn't fair to the hospital and leaves a bad taste in your mouth doesn't it?

JMO, Carole

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need prescriptions? with the swine flu can you find meds without prescriptions? tamiflu?


I buy amoxicillian every time we go and I have perfect results from it. Whenever I feel a sore throat coming on I start the prescribed regimin and it works. So I trust the products down there.

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Yes but most of the Dr's make that in a year... after going to school. Dr's get paid well.... Insurance companies and Drug companies get PAID very well.. There is a problem here with the way health care is done. Also the way people get charged for pills based on weather you have insurance or not.. People normally get charge 3 and 4 times more if you have insurance visus not having insurance.


Something is wrong there. You should whatch Sicko... Besides Mexico you can get cheaper meds in Mexico, Canada, England & France.. Reason people chooses Mexico to buy their because its closer...


You have to be REASPONCEABLE for your own health... If going to Mexico works for you then do it. If it doesn't then don't.


Right now I don't have to worry about buying meds. But some people do. If you can get your meds cheaper over the border then good, just do you research and do it with the help of a Dr...

The family doctors typical pay is 119,000 a year, sound like a lot? Not really huh? They work 12 to 14 hour days (need to add office hours, hospital rounds and reviewing labs and radiology) they get called at all hours of the day and night by patients and hospitals, they have weekend rounds (most have partners that split these weekends, but not all)

They spend most of thier lives taking care of people and dedicating an amazing amount of time and emotion to patients.

I totally don't begrudge them what they make, they MORE than deserve it.

And believe me if you are making all of your judgements based on Michael Moore "documentaries" then you maybe need to look around at some fact with your fiction.

JMO, Carole

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The family doctors typical pay is 119,000 a year, sound like a lot? Not really huh? They work 12 to 14 hour days (need to add office hours, hospital rounds and reviewing labs and radiology) they get called at all hours of the day and night by patients and hospitals, they have weekend rounds (most have partners that split these weekends, but not all)

They spend most of thier lives taking care of people and dedicating an amazing amount of time and emotion to patients.

I totally don't begrudge them what they make, they MORE than deserve it.

And believe me if you are making all of your judgements based on Michael Moore "documentaries" then you maybe need to look around at some fact with your fiction.

JMO, Carole


I have work in a hospital also, although only as an EMT. My statements are not base solely on Micheal Moorse's movie.. Funny thing about him is he did that movie, yet he is not in the best health either. As for Facts.. we still rank 37 in health care... Yet rank 2nd in the amount of money we spend on it. That's from the World Health Org.. I do believe that for current things the US does well like in Emergency Services.. But not in everything.. But as for the thing with my mother yes there may have been things going on that I did see.


But one time I went in to a Dr. with insurance I had at the time for a rash on my arm. Spent 15 minutes with me and gave me script for a oinment. for 1 refill.. Charged the insurance $300.. Never gave me any refills, which I found out latter from another Dr. he should have.. I quite my job so now I don't have any insurance went to another for the same thing, He spent 30 minutes with me and gave me a script for the same oinment for I believe 4 refills which solved my rash problem, guess what he only charge me $80... If i had gone back to that other Dr. with my insurance just to get a another refill, I'm sure he would have charged the insurance another $300...


LOL looks like we got a debate going,the problem is most of the time people hardly listen to the other person side..

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The family doctors typical pay is 119,000 a year, sound like a lot? Not really huh? They work 12 to 14 hour days (need to add office hours, hospital rounds and reviewing labs and radiology) they get called at all hours of the day and night by patients and hospitals, they have weekend rounds (most have partners that split these weekends, but not all)

They spend most of thier lives taking care of people and dedicating an amazing amount of time and emotion to patients.

I totally don't begrudge them what they make, they MORE than deserve it.

And believe me if you are making all of your judgements based on Michael Moore "documentaries" then you maybe need to look around at some fact with your fiction.

JMO, Carole



I totally agree with this. Most physicians aren't wealthy. Plus, they work like dogs 24/7 unless they take official time off. People without insurance are the first to complain the loudest when handed a bill at the doctor's office or hospital. What? Do they think this stuff is free. It's a personal responsiblilty issue-IMO. Anyone, who thinks they're 'educated' about the U.S. health care system after seeing Michael Moore's movie is deluded.

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The family doctors typical pay is 119,000 a year, sound like a lot? Not really huh? They work 12 to 14 hour days (need to add office hours, hospital rounds and reviewing labs and radiology) they get called at all hours of the day and night by patients and hospitals, they have weekend rounds (most have partners that split these weekends, but not all)

They spend most of thier lives taking care of people and dedicating an amazing amount of time and emotion to patients.

I totally don't begrudge them what they make, they MORE than deserve it.

And believe me if you are making all of your judgements based on Michael Moore "documentaries" then you maybe need to look around at some fact with your fiction.

JMO, Carole



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I buy amoxicillian every time we go and I have perfect results from it. Whenever I feel a sore throat coming on I start the prescribed regimin and it works. So I trust the products down there.


That's because you had a viral infection that resolved on it's own and would have with or without the antibiotic.

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