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No guts to fight the chair hogs...


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...I place them virtually on the running track...........!:mad:


To be honest, as a person who needs to walk everyday to keep my (high)cholesterol in-check I don't think this was a nice thing to do. You were hurting the walkers and the runners, not the chair hogs, placing items in the middle of the track.


Other than that, all you people who have taken on CHAIR HOGS I salute you even though I prefer to have a chair on a deck around from the pool area.

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I have a better idea for everyone who loves to have a chair "all day" whether or not they are sitting in it. RENT IT! The cruise line nickel and dime us anyway so what is another $10-$15 a day, per chair :eek:. You can have your own chain and lock and then lock it when you are not using it. Sort of like the lockers at the beaches.


And before you flame me - I'M KIDDING EVERYONE!

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Wow-what a great thread! Some of the better ideas: talk jibberish and act crazy, befriend a "big guy" to remove belongings, or make copies of the "no seat saving" policy to put on the chair. I'll have to try one of these if I run into trouble.


When I was last on RCL, I saw the deck patrol but I never spent time on the deck (thanks kids) so I didn't get to see them in action but I like the idea. But have no fear, I would never let the hogs ruin my well deserved vacation!

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My wife and I don't feel the need to sit right next to the pool and sit up a couple of levels. We only once had a problem finding chairs. Our last cruise we sat in the same two chair each day.

Same here. I enjoy reading about the "chair hogs" but it is unlikely I would ever need to confront one, as I don't see much value in sitting near the pool.

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Generally we go directly to the theater after dinner. We get there early and try to get decent seats. Before the show my SIL and I will go to the ladies room and have my DH watch our seats. On our last cruise someone tried to tell him he you were not allowed to save seats. They needed the entire row for their group. My DH just moved to another row where there was room for three. Lucky for him cause I would have been furious if we lost our seats while we were in the ladies room.


If you are in fact saving the seat while someone is on the restroom that is totally fine. I will save a seat for DW while she goes back to the room to change , I think that is fine. But come on , saving a large area for people to show up later isn't allowed. As for the pool area we don't usually have a problem as we don't usually mind sitting elsewhere , I have apool at home and only seldom use the pool so we sit farther away to allow others a place to sit . We see chiar hogs on every trip though .

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[quote name='3LittleBirds']I last cruised on the Crown Princess and each day crew actively monitored the chairs. 30,40,50 min would go by with no one in the seats, and the crew members would pick up everything off them and take it all to the towel hut. My wife and I thought it was great. Of course, the hogs thought it was terrible. I wish more cruises would have their crew "implement" their policy instead of just "posting" it and making passengers take care of it.[/quote]

We were on the Crown in February and chair hogs were everywhere. One morning as I was heading to breakfast, a few ladies were in the elevator talking. As they got off one of them said "I'll meet you in at breakfast as soon as I put our towels down on our chairs". I wanted to follow her and then grab her stuff and hide it but quickly decided to mind my own business.

BTW, no pool employees were going around gathering stuff that I saw.
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[quote name='lsp']I love my sea days. I get up early, at 6, go put my book and towel on a chair. Go to the buffet, get breakfast and then take it back to my chair and enjoy the quiet while I eat. It's my spot for the day for reading and watching people. If you want a chair, then get up early and sit on it. Don't ruin it for everyone else.[/quote]

I don't think you are what is being discussed . It's mre like when people show up at 6am , mark their spot ( put a towel on a chair ) and don't come back until 3pm to sit a hour or so then leave . in essence taking the chair for the entire day and only using it for a small portion of the day while no one esle gets to use it " Chair Hog "
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[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorange]At 4 AM you simply find the spot / chair you want and sleep there.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorange][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkorange]That's the only sure fire way ! :D [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B]
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On one of my cruises there were a middle aged (late side of) couple complaining about chair hogs. Plenty of empty chairs away from the pool but lots of unoccupied chairs with towels, flip flops etc.

I was sitting at a table reading and they were at the table next to me, eagle eyeing the chairs and going on and on about how rude and inconsiderate, chair hogs are Not allowed etc. Stopped a crew member to complain, who listened politely and than just said "I will pass your complaint on". The wife kept telling the husband to "do something".

He finally went to two chairs took off the towels (private not Carnival) sunscreen and a pair of sunglasses and bought them back to the table.

Ten minutes later they were back at the table complaining about how dare those kids make all that noise and they got splashed and couldn't even here themselves think. The took the stuff and put it on another table.

On my way back to my room I ran into a mother with two crying WET young children talking to a crew member about her towels (Dora the Explorer and Cars) being missing from her chairs.

I guess I just don't understand the lure of poolside lounge chairs unless you are in the water.
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[quote name='cathyoo']On one of my cruises there were a middle aged (late side of) couple complaining about chair hogs. Plenty of empty chairs away from the pool but lots of unoccupied chairs with towels, flip flops etc.

I was sitting at a table reading and they were at the table next to me, eagle eyeing the chairs and going on and on about how rude and inconsiderate, chair hogs are Not allowed etc. Stopped a crew member to complain, who listened politely and than just said "I will pass your complaint on". The wife kept telling the husband to "do something".

He finally went to two chairs took off the towels (private not Carnival) sunscreen and a pair of sunglasses and bought them back to the table.

Ten minutes later they were back at the table complaining about how dare those kids make all that noise and they got splashed and couldn't even here themselves think. The took the stuff and put it on another table.

On my way back to my room I ran into a mother with two crying WET young children talking to a crew member about her towels (Dora the Explorer and Cars) being missing from her chairs.

[B]I guess I just don't understand the lure of poolside lounge chairs unless you are in the water[/B].[/quote]

LOL! Me either......
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Chairhogs... LOL
I like the sun, i like a good spot , I get up early we get two chairs. I will go to the pool , I will go and get a deli, iIwill get up and get a drink and a cig at the bar. Im on vaction . Im enjoying the amenities. I like to get a certain spot on the deck.. thats why I get up early. IT is the way it is!
you can go to any resort and find the same issue. Clearly when people mark chairs with towels and dont show up for hours on end thats wrong.
but in most cases thats not what I observed There are a couple of instances but most of the time its people having fun. missing for 30 mins or so ...
If you want to get a certain spot you cant expect to get on deck at 1030am on a sea day and it be there. its not going to happen on CCl or any other venue.. one can harp on rules, one can say i will move them , one can say Im a big guy i will have no trouble.. if its that important move your Lasy butt and go with the flow ..LOL
I do wish they had Cabana's for rent, id go for 150.00 for half day.. do it all the time in vegas
Boy would that tee of alot of people LOL
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What my son and I noticed is that people put their stuff mostly towels on chairs then LEAVE for the rest of the day
We pick up their stuff and put it nearby .In all the times we did this NO ONE ever came back So now we sit anywhere and NO PROBLEM!!
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[quote name='SissasMomE']Not for nothing, but that was really rude. If the kids got there first to save the seats for their family, what gives you the right to barge in like that? Wow ... really, really rude.[/quote]

Oh, I get it! That must have been Sissa saving those seats in the theatre.
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[quote name='sprite']Wow-what a great thread! Some of the better ideas: talk jibberish and act crazy, [B]befriend a "big guy" to remove belongings, [/B]or make copies of the "no seat saving" policy to put on the chair. I'll have to try one of these if I run into trouble.

When I was last on RCL, I saw the deck patrol but I never spent time on the deck (thanks kids) so I didn't get to see them in action but I like the idea. But have no fear, I would never let the hogs ruin my well deserved vacation![/quote]

Charles Manson is only 5' 4" BTW.;)
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I am a early riser and I walk about while DW sleeps ( her rule is I'm not allowed back in the cabin until 10am so as not to ruin her sleep). I have seen chair saving at 6;30 and no one in the chairs at 10:00. So now, when the pools and hot tubs open I use the chairs hogs towels, a different one at each pool and hot tub. After I'm done with the pools and hot tubs I also will use the chair hogs suntan lotion and sun screen and if they have a good magizine I will read it. When Dw gets up and is ready to sit out I will move the chairs hogs stuff for her. When the chairs hogs show up and tell us we have thier chairs, we say that the couple who was here before said they were done with them so we took them. If they are getting mean and rude we tell them to go tell security about thier problem, no one does though.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi all - back from the Inspiration and I'm happy to report there were plenty of chairs for me. It was hard to find one on the Serenity deck but I expected as much. I did see a young couple sit in some chairs for about 2 seconds before they left never to return while I was there. What's the point and aren't they worried about having to pay for the towels they leave behind?
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[quote name='royd1968']because then they couldnt make their ignorant point[/quote]

He DID say he was bringing breakfast back with him. Well, I'd think it would be difficult to carry a plate of food, coffee, AND a bunch of stuff back to the chair. Much better to drop your stuff first, which leaves a free hand for a plate, and another for the coffee.
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[quote name='windsmith']He DID say he was bringing breakfast back with him. Well, I'd think it would be difficult to carry a plate of food, coffee, AND a bunch of stuff back to the chair. Much better to drop your stuff first, which leaves a free hand for a plate, and another for the coffee.[/quote]

well, I guess he actually did...my bad.....its just I get a little crazy with some of the things said on here..the funny thing is..I wont ever have an issue with chair hogs because I dont sit in those chairs....its the mentality that someone thinks something belongs to them all day because they dropped a towel or something else there...we all paid for a vacation...its equally everyones stuff...
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[quote name='islahopper']I am a early riser and I walk about while DW sleeps ( her rule is I'm not allowed back in the cabin until 10am so as not to ruin her sleep). I have seen chair saving at 6;30 and no one in the chairs at 10:00. So now, when the pools and hot tubs open I use the chairs hogs towels, a different one at each pool and hot tub. After I'm done with the pools and hot tubs I also will use the chair hogs suntan lotion and sun screen and if they have a good magizine I will read it. When Dw gets up and is ready to sit out I will move the chairs hogs stuff for her. When the chairs hogs show up and tell us we have thier chairs, we say that the couple who was here before said they were done with them so we took them. If they are getting mean and rude we tell them to go tell security about thier problem, no one does though.[/quote]

Hilarious! I love it!
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[quote name='islahopper']I am a early riser and I walk about while DW sleeps ( her rule is I'm not allowed back in the cabin until 10am so as not to ruin her sleep). I have seen chair saving at 6;30 and no one in the chairs at 10:00. So now, when the pools and hot tubs open I use the chairs hogs towels, a different one at each pool and hot tub. After I'm done with the pools and hot tubs I also will use the chair hogs suntan lotion and sun screen and if they have a good magizine I will read it. When Dw gets up and is ready to sit out I will move the chairs hogs stuff for her. When the chairs hogs show up and tell us we have thier chairs, we say that the couple who was here before said they were done with them so we took them. If they are getting mean and rude we tell them to go tell security about thier problem, no one does though.[/quote]

This is great. It would be fun to watch the sparks fly when people come back and all towels were used and wet. See if they leave them unwatched again.
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[quote name='lady_cruiser']To be honest, as a person who needs to walk everyday to keep my (high)cholesterol in-check I don't think this was a nice thing to do. You were hurting the walkers and the runners, not the chair hogs,[B] placing items in the middle of the track. [/B]

Other than that, all you people who have taken on CHAIR HOGS I salute you even though I prefer to have a chair on a deck around from the pool area.[/quote]

No, not in the middle of the track....about six inches on the track. Point is...there was no choice or room anywhere else. BTW, you can always use the gym to get your little walk in;)
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[quote name='LHP']Not rude at all...

Saving seats in the theater is not allowed.....

Rude is not following the guidelines set forth by Carnival that civilized mature adults abide by.[/QUOTE]

I completely agree. By using the kids to break the rules what kind of morals are you teaching them?
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