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Anyone Regret Bringing An Infant?


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Hello all,


Most of the messages here have been wonderful stories from parents who have had great cruise experiences with their infants. Has anyone had a bad experience? My husband and I are thinking of bringing our (will be) 11 month old on a cruise, and I am looking for your stories--good or bad. :D

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As long as you know that this won't be the "romantic" cruise that is portrayed in ads, then you'll be fine!

There will be alot of your daily childcare routine for you, but as long as you expect it, it's the same as any other type of vacation with your child!

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Someone posted a while back about their experience cruising with an infant. They stated it was a lot of work and not very restful. Sorry, I don't have the thread. Perhaps you can pull it up with a search, or the poster will see this thread and link it for you.


Since I have no personal experience with this, I'm not going to tell you that "you'll be fine". I would not have done it with my kids as none of us would have had a good time. Each family and child are different, and there's no way you can predict how your child or you will do in advance.


Good luck.

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I agree with the previous poster that it is totally unique to you and your child - you can solicit feedback and comments from others that have done this, but only you know what your child and you will enjoy and take away from the trip. We are about to take our 3rd cruise with our 2 year old daughter and, for us, it is the easiest family vacation to take. We don't need to worry about flying, hotels, meals. I do all the chiildcare stuff I have to do at home, but I'm on a ship where I don't need to cook or clean!:D My daughter, while extremely active, is very easy going and adaptable and I am comfortable with her being in public/adult places. Having said that, I see friends' kids that I couldn't even manage spending a day at home with - never mind a day on a cruise ship, so it really does depend on what you think your child (and you) will manage. Is it the same as a vacation without a child? Of course not - we rarely do any of the shows, we skip formal dining, we interrupt our daytime activities for nap time, and pretty much the entire vacation si scheduled and planned around the child. However, a land vacation would be no different, so we choose to cruise. Good luck with your decision.

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We thought about doing this when our son was about that age. We have cruised 8 times prior to him. We decided not to as it was just so much with all the toys, food, etc... Went to Fla. instead and decided to wait until he was 2.


In doing research, my opinion would be to do it, it can be a great family experience. GIve time to yourselves to have "my time". Also, i was going to make sure the port's we did stop at were more "modern" just incase something were to happen. Islands like Bahamas, Cayman maybe even key west.


Just my $.02. Just search the forum under "infant" a lot comes up.

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Youngest we ever took our kids on a cruise was 18months. At the time, we had a 3 year old and a 6 year old along with us.


It was doable. It was Disney.


Kids are deliriously happy on Disney.

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When my DD was an infant (12-13 years ago) public sentiment was slightly less tolerent of babies in many public places and the cruise lines were not actively marketing as much to families. Still we had no negative experiences travelling with her (her 1st cruise was when she was about 8MO).


DD has always been a "go with the flow" kind of kid who really appreciated having a lot of things going on around her. Traveling with her was a no brainer. Had she been a different sort of personality, I might have different perspective.


DH and I are somewhat inseparable when we are not working. And DD has kind of blended right into that family trait. None of us can really imagine traveling without the others (no "girls trips" for the two of us, no "couples only trips" for DH and I).


DD's 14th birthday celebration involves five girls going to the Mall of America for a long weekend -- one of the friends moms was concerned about "just one" adult being there. I was genuinely confused until I understood that even though I had said DH would be there -- that she didn't realize that when he's there that he really is THERE (not in some sports bar watching the ball game and oblivious to everything else).

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We took our daughter at 9 months, 15 months and 18 months. We loved it! But as others have posted, you have to have reasonable expectations. One of us napped when she napped. We took turns going out at night. We didn't book formal excursions but did beach days (and walking around the port) instead. But we didn't have to cook or clean, so we were happy. We wouldn't hesitate to take little ones on a cruise.

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Our pediatrician recommended we travel while our DS was an infant. His spin on this was that, it's easier to get around with him in a stroller and not walking. DS was 15 months on his first cruise he had been walking since 10 months and gave the DW a run for her money around the pool. When they are small and still in a stroller, you have a little more control. The tough time is 18 months to 4 years old. They tire quickly on excursions and they're a little too big for a stroller.


Nevertheless, DS(5 yrs old) is going on his 5th cruise this weekend and DD(19 months) is going on her second. We never leave without the kids, that's just us.


BTW, DS loves cruising.

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The title of this post made me giggle.


My son is a horrible sleeper. He's four now, and we're finally taking our first vacation since we've had him in three weeks on the FOS. I NEVER would have taken him prior to now, the thought didn't cross my mind.


I think people are not always honest about their children. Like if you've had a bad time with something, if you admit it, you're a weak parent. I've had a very tough time with my son, and I'm not afraid to tell it like it is. So my guess is most parents wouldn't post if their cruise with their kid was a train wreck.


I guess if your 11 month old is easy-going and can fall asleep anywhere and stay asleep, you would have a nice time on cruise. You know your kid. You know his/her limitations and quirks. Do what is best for your family.

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I remember our DS first cruise. He was 15 months and ate blueberries and broccoli for lunch and dinner, everyday. The MDR staff was great filling our special requests. We slipped in some pizza once or twice.

Overall he had a great cruise. He stayed with us the whole time. The MDR staff commented how well he ate and how well behaved he was. Don't get me wrong, he has his moments, but overall a great kid.

DD is of similar temperament and we feel comfortable traveling with both.


I guess we're lucky.

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I have one horror story vacation but it wasn't a cruise- looking back on it now I can't imagine what I was thinking


my twins were 8 wks old and I was exclusively nursing- we decided to go to Cape Cod and use my brother in laws beach house


besides cleaning when we got there (his sons had trashed it the previous week and left all the cig butts, beer bottles and a burned mattress for us), and having to buy groceries and cook some of the time, the beach was too windy that week and the sand stung the kids so I couldn't even take them near the water til we bought a shelter instead of the umbrellas- my then 2 yo oldest daughter had a blast flying a kite and swimming but the babies and me were miserable- I didn't sleep all week long and couldn't wait to get home


I went on vacation for the wrong reasons- I was just feeling post-partem and needed to get out of the house more - and had 2 babies attached to me 24/7 plus a toddler - my husband was off from work so I figured rather than stay home let's take a vacation- I wanted to prove to myself that I was able to take my kids out and have a good time at the beach- big mistake!


I guess my rambling point is just examine what you want from the vacation, have realistic expectations of yourself, your spouse and your child. You know better than anyone how your family will function on a cruise.


Having said that, all the vacations after that even when the twins were still in diapers we had a blast at all-inclusives such as Beaches. They're social easy-going kids and always had each other too so never a problem leaving them with sitters or kid club staff


Good luck whatever you decide

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I'm right there with ya! I'll be cruising with my DD, who will be celebrating her 1st birthday ON the cruise! I am honestly looking forward to the experience, and I'm sure it will be an experience!! This will be my 4th cruise, first with a toddler. So I already know what to expect, somewhat. You didn't mention if you have cruised before?

I can only really compare to the vaca I took recently (first with DD).. We decided to do a road trip to Atlantic City for 4 days. I was so proud of myself after packing for an infant for the first time, got all the way there, and realized I only had the 4 or 5 diapers:eek: that were in the diaper bag!!! Yep, forgot the pack of diapers I had put into our other car, so we wouldn't forget them! (We decided to take a different car last minute.) So, learn from my mistakes and make sure you anticipate everything you need, because you can't walk a few blocks to get to a Rite-Aid! (I have no idea if they have this stuff onboard, and might be hard to come by in Belize or Honduras.. Who knows!) I have been scouring the boards to find out info. and have been compiling a list. Inflatable bathtub b/c no bathtub in our cabin, (can also double as a pool b/c babies are not allowed in the pools) things like that. My husband thought I was nuts for bringing infant tylenol and a thermometer to AC.. Guess who got a fever? And I can tell you, it wouldn't have been me driving around AC in the middle of the night looking for Tylenol! Just bring stuff for every sniffle, fever, etc. and you will be all set. When we went to AC we stayed on the strip, my husband would go to the casino for an hour or so and I stayed in the room with the baby, browsed the shops, etc. and we switched off. Worked out great! Gives you some time to relax and wind down. Sure you will have to miss shows, but there is plenty of other things to do, and think of all of the fun memories you will have! I can't wait!

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While I never would have left my DS (or my DD) at home while I cruised, I did regret bringing him many years ago when he was 10mos. He got noro. Or at least we think that's what it was. Luckily we grabbed a bunch of pedialyte from the infirmary before everyone else made a run for it!

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Not for one second have we regretted ANY of our travels with our kids. We did their first cruise at 15 months... this after a 2 week holiday to Maui at 10 months, and 2 trips to WDW (One at 11 months and another at 14 months)... we even strapped them into Baby Bjorns at 6 months and hit the wine country in Kelowna BC.


And that wasnt with ONE infant... that was with infant TWINS!


Since that trip they have been on 6 plane rides, 2 more trips to Walt Disney World, and are preparing for their second cruise in 2 weeks (This time aboard Carnival Splendor). At 28 months, they are more seasoned travellers than many adults, and we hope that our love for travelling is something they grow up knowing and enjoying as much as we do!!!


Dont try to pack to much into your holiday.... if you want to take a "trip of a lifetime" this may not be the age to do it... but if you are content in having lots of laughs, a few down times, and memories for a lifetime, then GO FOR IT!!!!

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Good Lord, best thing we ever did (twice now, once when our little one was 10 months and then again when he was 19 moths). No problems with luggage as there was no flying. Free babysitting every night*, great kids clubs during the day. Catering staff lovely, very willing to accommodate special requests for him.


Our little boy is very active and very sociable, so he had a GREAT time running and running and running in a very safe and friendly environment, and it was a pleasure for us to see him doing so. Go for it!





* not all cruise lines do this for children as young as our/yours - P&O and Cunard to name two of the small number that do, both of whom we have sailed with

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Thanks! I do like the idea of someone else cooking and cleaning for a week!! DS is fairly easy going, and a great napper (not a great night sleeper :confused:). I like the idea of not doing excursions and just walking around and hitting the beach. I think we can be flexible with scheduling stuff around his naps, etc...


But...I am worried about him getting sick. The thought of him crawling around where thousands of people walk....yuck!!!!!!! ALso, the rota virus seems to pop up all the time on ships, am I on the right track here, or will he be just fine with a few precautions?


Thanks for all your amazing advice, there is just nothing like words of wisdom from someone who has done it before.

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I think you just need to go in with reasonable expectations at that age. I do not believe that any Kids Club will take them at that age, so your child will be with you 24/7. At the very least, I would book a balcony cabin, so whomever is captive when he/she naps, will have someplace to go. At 11 mos, DD was still taking 2 two hour naps a day and sleeping 12 hours at night.


With the crawling, I would think you could go to any public forum and give him/her some freedom. Perhaps the less used ones, such as the library would work. You may be lucky and have a walker by 11 months, although our DD didn't walk until 14 months.


Have you traveled with him/her before? We are lucky in most of our extended family is in a different state, so by 2 months, DD was sleeping in strange places, strange cribs.


How about food? Will you pack jarred, or do you hope to be on table food by 11 months? I believe some cruise lines offer jarred food, and many, if not all, will puree food for you. If you use bottles, pack a few and you can wash them in the sink (pack a little brush and some dish detergent).


I think with good planning and good expectations, you will have a blast!!!!


DD is going on her first cruise at 2, but we have vacationed with her since she was super little.

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9 years ago, when our eldest was two, my wife and I dropped him off at my parents for a week, and went on a cruise aboard the RCCL EotS. It was supposed to be our "break", y'know... having our first foray into parenthood for 2 years.


First thing that happened when we went on board was feel regret that we didn't take him along.

When you enter the ship from port, the gangplank was around the area of the Aquarium Bar... and we just stared at the aquarium walls thinking about how much he'd like it.


After that, we've never excluded our kids from going on vacation with us (except the 10th anniversary, of course). Although, I don't think we've taken them abroad when they were less than a year old.


In regards to a novovirus infection on the little ones... check with your pediatrician on what to bring in case something like that happens. A little vomiting and diarrhea on an infant can really throw their bodies into a tizzy. Be wary of dehydration... maybe bring some Pedialyte or Gatorade or something.

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Thanks! I do like the idea of someone else cooking and cleaning for a week!! DS is fairly easy going, and a great napper (not a great night sleeper :confused:). I like the idea of not doing excursions and just walking around and hitting the beach. I think we can be flexible with scheduling stuff around his naps, etc...


But...I am worried about him getting sick. The thought of him crawling around where thousands of people walk....yuck!!!!!!! ALso, the rota virus seems to pop up all the time on ships, am I on the right track here, or will he be just fine with a few precautions?


Thanks for all your amazing advice, there is just nothing like words of wisdom from someone who has done it before.


My little one is a great sleeper and will sleep through the night anywhere - however, be aware that on a cruise there is a lot of door slamming on other passengers talking outside your room when they head back to their cabin. Even my wonderful sleeper was woken nightly on our last cruise!


In regards to noro and other nasty bugs - you can just as easily get them from playgroups, daycares, etc. Infatc, at 6 months my daughter got nor 6 times from her daycare. She would get sick, stay home, get better, go back to daycare and get it all over again. They didn't actually know they had the virus there until one day when every child was sick. Needless to say, she is not at daycare anymore, but she has never gotten so much as a sniffle on any of the cruises we have been on. Just make sure that you all practice good hygiene - hand washing, etc.


The big thing is to go prepared - take anything and everything that you may need. As someone else mentioned, if you're in the middle of the ocean you can't pop out to the drugstore! They do have basic things for sale onboard, but at a pretty high price! Take lots of diapers, lots of snacks (sounds strange, but they really don't have that much "snack" type food onboard), a good supply of small new toys (markers, books, playdough, stickers, all worked wonders for us), tylenol, paedialyte, etc....


Good luck!

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Thanks! I do like the idea of someone else cooking and cleaning for a week!! DS is fairly easy going, and a great napper (not a great night sleeper :confused:). I like the idea of not doing excursions and just walking around and hitting the beach. I think we can be flexible with scheduling stuff around his naps, etc...


But...I am worried about him getting sick. The thought of him crawling around where thousands of people walk....yuck!!!!!!! ALso, the rota virus seems to pop up all the time on ships, am I on the right track here, or will he be just fine with a few precautions?


Thanks for all your amazing advice, there is just nothing like words of wisdom from someone who has done it before.


I think ships are probably some of the cleanest places you can vacation because the sanitization continues constantly. In six cruises, my toddlers have never gotten sick on board, but they are just as likely to pick something up on land as they are at sea. We did cruise once when my daughter had a horrible ear infection the first night, and the medical service was amazing.


Also, one benefit of cruises is the furniture is mostly all very kid-safe - no sharp corners, etc., because they don't want anyone to get hurt if they stumble in rough waters.


As for sleeping, I find that like me, my toddlers sleep much better on cruises because of the slight rocking of the ship - and from the constant activity during the day. I always bring books along to read during naptime, and then never touch them because I find napping with my girls a luxurious part of cruising.


I know many people would not cruise unless their kids are old enough for the kids club, but I wasn't willing to put of vacationing until my kids were two, and there is no vacation as relaxing as a cruise - even with toddlers. And then it only gets even better once they can use the kids clubs!




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Hello all,


Most of the messages here have been wonderful stories from parents who have had great cruise experiences with their infants. Has anyone had a bad experience? My husband and I are thinking of bringing our (will be) 11 month old on a cruise, and I am looking for your stories--good or bad. :D


My honest opinion is no two children are the same. So, the answer depends on you as the parents and your child.


Our children enjoyed wonderful cruises with us over the years starting when our youngest one was around 4. Our youngest ones probably would have been fine on a cruise with us at 11 months but it would have been much more challenging if we brought our oldest one with us when only 11 months old. Why? Because the younger one would have been fine to sit with us at dinner but the older one at that age would not sit.


So with the younger one it would have been a nice vacation but with the older one at that age it would have bee a lot of work and not fun for any of us.


This is why I say you will be the best judge of this and all children just like all adults are not the same.



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I think you just need to go in with reasonable expectations at that age. I do not believe that any Kids Club will take them at that age, so your child will be with you 24/7.


Not quite! P&O will allow you to leave your little one their night nursery from 6 months. I believe Cunard may be the same, and possibly Disney too.


Cunard will take your little one during the day as well from 1 year...so in this case if the OP waits another month this option would be open to them.

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