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New Year and new weight loss goals: SPRING CRUISE


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I know more people who have said the same thing about Weight Watchers, but it is one of the few plans out there that you can eat normal foods, its just the quality and quantity...Unfornunatly there is no quick fix such as pills, shakes whatever it may be, the best plan seems the same , eating well or at least in moderation and exercise..Boring but so true.. Hopefully having a trainer can spark that interest for you . And 25 lbs by summer is very doable, its just getting through the holidays!!! Well We are a good support group here, and I know myself I fall off that wagon quite a few times, but its the getting up and getting into the habit again thats the hard part!!!

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Hi everyone!


DH and I are going on our 3rd cruise in April, and I would love to lose 40 lbs by then. 30 is probably more realistic with the holidays coming up. We were supposed to sail last year, but had to reschedule because I would have been 8 months pregnant at the time of embarkation. I had just started to get serious about losing weight when we found out we were pregnant so that was put on hold. The good news is I only gained 10 lbs this time and it came off along with 10 more after giving birth. Having a 4 year old and a baby, I just haven't been concerned with weight loss, but I'm back on track and started South Beach yesterday. I really do well when I stick to it, but I make cakes so when I cheat, I cheat bad! I only have a couple orders on the horizon, so hopefully it won't be an issue for awhile.

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My motto is "whatever it takes to motivate". I hang my "favorite" cruise dresses in the front of closet and leave my workout DVD's on my dresser.


Guilt and fear work for me :)


Just kiddin..sorta!


Welcome to all the newbies on our little thread! We have been around a while!




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So DH called and asked if I could have a cheat meal yet. He wants Mexican tonight. Hmmm I can get fajitas hold the tortillas and skip the chips. Not sure what to replace my margarita with though!:rolleyes:

ooh that is a tough one!! Although many places are adding the skinny margarita's to their menu...

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Well yesterday did 3 miles on the treadmill, which was good cause lets just say Saturday and Halloween candy ....Yeah not so good!!!! Today I workout out cross trained whole body, still trying to decide if I want to jump on the Tread for a little, days not done yet!! Another storm moving in at the end of the week, lets see , I hope all we get is rain cause I am so not ready for snow!!!! Stay safe all!!! Talk to you soon!

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Actually I love seeing the little goblins (Joly..did you see the pics of my "haunted house" on FB? ) BUT I hate that leftover candy!!!!


My oldest was home from college for the weekend and I sent about 90% of the "leftovers" back to college with her.


And on Monday (today) at the office...there are DARN bowls of it seeing around here. I am going to work from home for the rest of the week :mad::mad::mad::mad:


Joly..what Cross train workout do you do? I let my gym membership go and I am getting alittle tired of Jillian's DVD...any suggestions would be great!!!


I am down to less than 100 days... too excited!!!!



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Actually I love seeing the little goblins (Joly..did you see the pics of my "haunted house" on FB? ) BUT I hate that leftover candy!!!!


My oldest was home from college for the weekend and I sent about 90% of the "leftovers" back to college with her.


And on Monday (today) at the office...there are DARN bowls of it seeing around here. I am going to work from home for the rest of the week :mad::mad::mad::mad:


Joly..what Cross train workout do you do? I let my gym membership go and I am getting alittle tired of Jillian's DVD...any suggestions would be great!!!


I am down to less than 100 days... too excited!!!!



OMG less than 100 days??? I'm excited for you!! (BTW I just got off that dam treadmill!!! A side note, watching food network is such a bad idea when your working out.. Yeah Sandra Lee showing her Banana bread caramel trifle, as I was drewling, kept me saying to myself "think cruise, think bathing suit(dear lord) think sundresses!) .


Well I really like the Slim in 6 Series , been doing it on and off for quite a while.. like you I get rather tired of it! So much so I start nit picking the people !!! Terrible I know!! But I like the series cause I can get a full body workout in either 30, 40 or 60 mins!! I have a collection of exercise dvd's I go through spurts....I have a series from Gilad , 3 different cardio workouts and I think 4 toning ones legs, arms back and abs .. Not sure if you ever seen him but he has great DVd's....He use to be on tv all the time but now just an hour in the morn on Discovery Health (which use to be and I miss so much Exercise tv)..

I have not seen your Haunted house pics I'm gonna have to check them out! I'm telling you I still can't believe I found your message Just yesterday..

Well talk to you soon and gotta say thanks for being my conscious today, it made me get on that treadmill!!! lol

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Hi Everyone, I've been looking for a support group to throw in with and yours looks good. I'll be taking a mid-March 4 day cruise out of Florida and have started my weight loss journey this week. Day 3 is going well, even didn't get side-tracked by the election last night, ie: stress eating, haha.


I'm about 4-5 months post total hip-replacement now so getting the exercise part of the weight loss package started has been interesting to say the least, there's still stuff I can't do yet, but I'm getting there. My therapist said that the Leslie Sansone walking-in-front-of-the TV tapes would be good to start with (eliminating the "grape-vine" steps).


I'm shooting for about 30 lbs and I think that's doable. (PS, I haven't read this whole thread yet, just printed it out so I know who's who!). I hope to get to know you as we go along, Cheers!

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Hay there Travelrocker!! Welcome to our little nuthouse!! LOL ,really though great group of ladies here!! I think you'll enjoy it , hopefully we can add some support god knows I need it !! And I can tell you I've fallen off that diet wagon plenty of times but the ladies here really do help!!! Congrats on that hip replacement I've heard its quite the recoup for that...But its good that you can start some low impact walking to get moving and Leslie sansone is real good...There is a site Collagevideos that has a great assortment of her dvd's with plenty of customer feedback which is great! I've tried her in the past and definatly if your starting back out exercising she is great... Well Hopefully we can help you along, and once again WELCOME!!!:)

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Hi joly.....thanks for the nice welcome! I have to tell a "funny" on myself though. I only realized when I started reading the whole thread last night that the "Spring" you started with had already come and gone! I didn't realize it started last January. Anyway.....I got through about half of the thread and you guys really do seem like a fun bunch, 1st thing I noted was wine and chocolate, OH YES! We live in an area with many, many wineries within a few hours drive, belong to a few wine clubs and really enjoy going wine tasting. Of course I do have to curtail the amounts or go full tilt into calorie overdrive!


I also enjoyed reading about all your different exercise plans, I've done Billy Blanks, (Taebo) and Turbo Jam but now with my hip I can't do the hip-swivel part of it anymore. Yes.....the rehab for this thing is very l-o-n-g. I'll deal with it any day though rather than dealing with the pain pre-op. Actually my Doc. said I waited too long for the surgery and it was extra difficult. But it's only UP from here, :)


I was also interested to see that some of you watch The Biggest Loser, I've been a follower since the beginning and get "Fired Up" even knowing full well that that whole philosophy really does not work in the "real world", yeah, like we all can work out 8 hours a day! It's wonderful to see the transformations, some of them really go from overlooked wallflowers to va va voom, and the guys, really handsome. (I even heard that the dark haired weight lifter last season hooked up with Dolvett!) Also heard that Jillian is coming back! It's hard to maintain but a few have and more power to them! I'm looking forward to a new season but think I read it's not till next January.


Let's see what else, I am into Day 4 now and feel pretty good, munching my way through a chicken salad with the tastiest little cherry tomatoes in it. Yoghurt on the side! I've designated Friday to be my weigh-day so tomorrow morning we'll see where we are, I only weigh once a week otherwise it gets obsessive and if it goes up any then I am prone to "cheat", haha.


OK, it's back to work ladies, it's going to be fun coming here daily to check in. Like several of you mentioned, you are on here daily anyway so we might as well kill two birds.....etc. :) Cheers!

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HAPPY FRIDAY, EVERYONE! How are all of you out there??? Well. today is my 1st weigh-day since recommitting to this (never ending) weight loss journey. I have dropped 5.4 lbs.! Now I know, stop jumping up and down and realize that the 1st week is always a good one, haha! But it is a good motivator not to go hog-wild today or over the weekend.


We will be going to the big Harvest Festival tomorrow and one of the food stands has the most delicious green tortilla wraps you could ever want to bite into. I always look forward to them and it keeps me away from all the fudge and carmel-corn vendors. I'm also trying to keep away from sugar cause it flares me up, I've been feeling pretty good the last few days.


I'm curious as a "Newbie". As I said the other day I'm about 12 "pages" into the entire thread but don't think I've seen anything about your cruises, as in, which cruise lines or where you have been to or am planning to go next. For myself, I've only been on one other cruise, our traveling buds turned us onto Princess Sapphire and the Mexican Riveira, stops at Cabo, Puerta Vallarta and Ensenada, (this last Port was a detour from Matzatlan at the time). We had a blast and wondered why we had not done "cruising" much, much sooner. We are big travelers but never thought about it as a destination I guess.


Earlier this year we were all ready for the Bahamas and I got very ill the night before we were planning to fly out. I could not get my head off the pillow in the morning and long story short, had to cancel the whole thing, was so sad as our friends already hit Ft. Lauderdale and were calling me from the beach already into their "fruity drinks with the unbrellas in them"! Thank God we had travel Insurance, got it all back.


So now we are going again in March of 2013 for a 4 dayer. I am so looking forward to Atlantis, any of you been there???


OK, I have a little time left for my lunch today, 1/2 pork chop, summer squash, 1/2 baked potato and a small tapioca pudding.


Hope all of you have a wonderful weekend, thanks for indulging me, I'm excited to be here and really want to hear about your cruising adventures, Cheers!

Edited by TravelRocker
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I need to be brief today as we spent the entire weekend (starting Thursday) camping for my birthday. The weather was great but cold at night and I walked at least 5 miles every day!


Very sore today but will post more tomorrow...


BTW, I have been on about 10 or so cruises and can honestly say that I have never been on a bad one...looking forward to seeing Puerto Rico again and St. Maarten in February


Welcome to our newbies!




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  • 2 weeks later...

Personal trainer is great! I lost 0.6 pounds recently on a cruise to nowhere and lost 0.4 pounds on a trip to Las Vegas. He has me motivated after 12 years on weight watchers. I have lost 30 pounds but have been trying to lose 25 more since chemotherapy 5 1/2 years ago. Still trying but I think I can do it this time! I see my trainer once a week and signed up for a year of training.


Cruise to the Med. in June and maybe a short cruise in February if I can find the money.

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Hay everyone, hope everyone's Thanksgiving was good! I can't beilieve its already done and christmas is on its way! Well I know I will be honest Did I eat and drink too much?? Oh yes I did, I won't lie but today I'll try to be better...Today is all about getting the decorations up with my girls and playing some Christmas music, no black friday for me!!!! To everyone on this long quest for health and fitness, keep up the great work, I know I will be back on track ,I have that cruise coming up and my bikini is buried in my closet as well as all my tank tops and sundresses!!!!

Well stay healthy my friends and talk to you soon!

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Just back from 4 days in Wilmington NC with the kids and my sweetie. Now that Turkey day is past and I thankfully don't have any leftovers...ready to crank it up.


Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.

FYI...five days to December!!! and then 31 days to 2013.:eek::eek::eek::eek:


Just wanted to freak you out with a smile.


Hugs y'all!


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  • 1 month later...

Hay there my fellow fitness Friends (mouthfull right there, lol) Hope everyone had a safe, healthy and happy holiday, boy it flew by!!!! How is everyone doing with their fitness goals ?? I've been doing real good and well this week in all honesty has been shot straight to hell!!! LOL , just being honest!! I think I gotta start looking at my bathing suits and cruise dresses for that extra motivation, cause my cruise is almost 100 days away and to me, thats GO TIME!!!!! Put my butt in high gear, as well as kick my bread habit (hubby has to work in a bakery!!) WEll hope to talk to you all soon, Realblonde474, not long now huh??? Good for you my friend, I'm jealous, but thats ok, this body needs to get Bikini ready, lol!!!

Take care all!!:)

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36 more days realblonde474, lucky lady!! And yes I understand your terror, lol!!! Just looking at my "cruise clothes" does that to me!! (in a good way though, well meaning its getting closer) I've been back and forth on whether or not to order a new bathing suit , but I think I need that added PUSH if you know what I mean!!! I think "really do you need another"? why yes I do!!! Then the "but I really have to push my butt into high gear" !! Lol yes my little chats with myself,


well gotta go put my face on cause me without makeup(unless I have a nice tan) is SCARY!!!:eek: Don't want to scare my clients away!!, lol !! Well talk to you soon , take care and stay healthy!!

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Hello Ladies Happy New Year! I leave for my cruise in 110 days! I would like to lose 15 (really 20) by then. I got married in August and I gained 10 pounds since my wedding YIKES!!! So DH and I decided to start the 17 day diet Jan 2nd. We also bought a tredmill on black Friday!


We did the 17 day diet 2 years ago and both had sucess. I lost 10 pounds and he lost 20. Then the wedding planning took over and we got way off track. SO back at it!!

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This little board has been around a while...BUT since I am always on diet and we are always looking forward to our next trip/cruise...



Happy and Healthy and Safe New Year's to y'all...





lol Yeah I'll help keeping this up and going as well, It seems I'm always on a diet and like you realblonde474 we always have some kind of vacation planned!!

Beans79 what is this 17day diet you speak of???? I am very very curious, Fill us in!! Cause as soon as the new year starts back on the treadmill and weights cause that cruise will be 100 days away!!!!:eek: And if thats not motivation I dont know what is! lol

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17 day diet. It was on the show "the Dr's." There is a book that a Dr wrote for the diet.


Its a clean diet that goes through 17 days in a cycle. First cycle starts off with cutting a lot out.


You are to have 2 pro biotic servings, two low sugar fruits, as many veggies and as you want, Protine like chicken, fish, or turkey everyday. Green tea after every meal and 64 oz of water. It is a little more in depth then this, but if you google it you may find more info.

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