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31 Day Sapphire clothes and beauty questions


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I have started this thread because we have a huge roll call for the April 14th Sapphire Princess cruise and many of the women have questions about wardrobe and girlie things that are better discussed here than on our regular roll call. Sissy

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I know how extensive those roll calls can get!


The Fashion Board is a perfect place for you and your friends, as long as you don't mind other people giving opinions :) !


I cannot tell you how much I would love to do an extensive cruise such as this. It's a dream of ours.


Don't get too carried away with the clothes, pack for no more than 10 days and re-wear everything several times. For formal nights, I'd repeat dresses at least twice, you would have to take along steamer trunks to have enough for the whole trip!

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Thanks Sissy,

I added this thread to my subscriptions. Our trip seems to be creeping up very fast now and this will be great to get ideas for packing. I'm determined to not have too much. Fred and I are right across from the laundry so that should help. Packing is just more complicated due to the changes in climate. I think I'm going for comfort for this trip, but always bring too much. I'm trying hard to keep to a basic color scheme since shoes become a real problem.

Will be checking this thread daily.


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hi Sissy

Can you tell me if the dress code for our Cocktail Party at the Marriott is the same as onboard the ship, i ve only been to formal Cocktail parties onboard ship, never land based. As i am only allowed the 1 suitcase -50lbs-plus 13lbs hand luggage, i will not be bringing my heavy beaded jackets etc, i have been buying light weight tops in various colours and have a varied amount of coloured camisoles to wear underneath, plus scarfs and wraps to make the many changes needed. I shall only have the heavier shoes , i shall travel in and hopefully can manage with 2 or 3 pairs of sandals for day and evening wear. I am using my lightest suitcase to help with the weight problem, and have bought some travel digital weigh scales , and i have weighed several items and hung them in the wardrobe, ready for packing, my Biggest problem is getting rid of the large amount of excess weight i need to loose before i cruise, its not easy!!!!!!!. :D

I am really looking forward to this cruise, cant wait to meet all you fellow KOALA cruisers, take care, audrey :) :)

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I was happy to wake up and see posts here this morning, now I know that I am not the only one who is worrying about what to take. I've done this cruise before but it is still a concern.


I was planning to wear pants and a embellished sweater for the pre-cruise dinner party thinking that the sweater was a little dressy but that it wasn't too dressy because I was wearing pants.


Shoes are always a problem for me..I love them and I already have 10 pairs on my to go list..some are little flip flops so are light weight and flat and shouldn't take up too much room..I plan to wear my biggest and heaviest pair on the plane.


I shopped a little yesterday and picked up the rest of my undies and stockings. I am so shopped out I cannot believe it..Thank goodness for Chico's fantastic sale and coupons. For the first time I am not taking dresses for formal nights..just pants and dressy tops. I have a few color schemes that I am working on...with a lot of Travelors black as a basic color..but also have a little group going with a nautical theme.

My nail tech has me down for the day before we leave for a new set of pink and white nails and a pedi..I can only imagine what a fill will cost onboard and I think I will probably need to have them done twice. My hair is woven and I am having it done the day before we leave so think I can get by until we get back, but my hair grows really fast and I might need to have a trim towards the end of the cruise. My long time hairdresser has been really trying to get me to have a body perm..I am really scared about this..but she assures me that it will only be body and not curly..I am growing my hair into a bob and she thinks it will be easier for me...I am still not convinced.



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Thanks Sissy....

I have a question re those of us who are going to Australia for the pre-cruise. Will Princess take a suitcase and hold it for us until we are ready to board for the cruise part? Holland did this for us when we did a cruise tour in Alaska and it worked great!

What will the temp extremes be for the trip? Summer clothes and layering the best bet?

Anyone know what fills and hair services will cost us onboard?

Bobbie Curley

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Hi Sissy, good to see you again:)


Maybe one day I will be able to do this type of cruise (if not only

in my dreams).....gotta work at least 15 more years first:eek: :rolleyes:


Hope you are doing well and I am sure everyone will have

lots of suggestions;) :D

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Sissy, I am so glad that you started this thread, and I am glad that we can share ideas and concerns about how to pack, what to pack, and talk about our hair and nail concerns.


I am really going to TRY to cut down on what I take on this cruise. I'm going to keep telling myself to plan for 10 days, and then recycle. If I don't, I think my husband will kill me. After our last cruise, I told myself that I have to cut down!! I take WAY too much stuff!!!:( "Stuff" is my problem. I take too many "what if's." My daughter and DH have always fussed at me about how much I take when we travel, but they never complain when they need the different kinds of medicine, sunscreen, Aloe Vera etc. that I brought, or to use the sewing kit, ask for a poncho because it is raining, and they didn't bring one, etc. Does anyone else have this problem?:confused:


So, if anyone needs any "stuff" like that, just ask me---I probably will have it!:)


I think this thread is going to be a great help!! It also will provide a way for "us girls" to get to know each other a little better!:)



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Bobbie, I think we might need more than summer weight clothes for Melbourne and Tasmania and New Zealand..it will be fall and from what I have read it can get pretty chilly especially on the day we cruise the Fjords. I was planning to pack a lightweight short quilted jacket and scarf for these days.

I really can't answer your luggage question, Maybe Lorraine would know more about that.

I am waiting for Canadiansnowbird to check in on this thread she spoke directly to Steiner about beauty services and might be able to tell us more about pricing. It seems there are a lot of us who will need a fill on this trip, I think I will try to call Steiner and make them aware so we are positive that someone will be in the spa that can do this for us onboard.....my husband is a patient man but no way could I get my nails done while in port.

Jan, I guess we will be the "go to" gals...I have to have my stuff with me too and I need choices..especially on a long cruise or I feel I am wearing the same thing over and over..I know I will have both suitcases filled to their 50 lb. limit.



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Thanks for setting this up! I am really releaved that there will be a person on board that can do fills. Last cruise all you could get was a regular manicure. My girlfriend in Sydney emailed me yesterday and let me know there are gobs of places in Sydney that do fills and also all the name brands for hair color for us that either will be in Sydney several days/weeks before sail date, and also for us who color our own hair and don't want to bring the dye with us.

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Sissy, I am so glad that you started this thread, and I am glad that we can share ideas and concerns about how to pack, what to pack, and talk about our hair and nail concerns.


I am really going to TRY to cut down on what I take on this cruise. I'm going to keep telling myself to plan for 10 days, and then recycle. If I don't, I think my husband will kill me. After our last cruise, I told myself that I have to cut down!! I take WAY too much stuff!!!:( "Stuff" is my problem. I take too many "what if's." My daughter and DH have always fussed at me about how much I take when we travel, but they never complain when they need the different kinds of medicine, sunscreen, Aloe Vera etc. that I brought, or to use the sewing kit, ask for a poncho because it is raining, and they didn't bring one, etc. Does anyone else have this problem?:confused:


So, if anyone needs any "stuff" like that, just ask me---I probably will have it!:)


I think this thread is going to be a great help!! It also will provide a way for "us girls" to get to know each other a little better!:)




This made me laugh. I, too, bring "just in case" stuff. One trip recently, my grandson needed a band-aid; then he needed something else; then the next day, something else. Of course, I had them all. He made me proud when he said, "Gee, Grandma has everything I need."


We are going on a 35-night cruise in July, so I will be following this thread very carefully. This time I am convinced I am only bringing one suitcase per person plus a carry-on. We'll see....;)



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What a great thread!!

First... I am packing EVERY outfit & pair of shoes that I can possibly fit in my suitcases. (and maybe a few in Ed's)

Second... I am bringing every piece of bling that I own that goes with my NUMEROUS outfits.

Third... I will tune out my husband's complaints over the above "demands"

I am on vacation damn it!!!!!


OK, I have learned something already. I forgot about hair coloring!! Wouldn't I just be surprised to wake up one day & find ROOTS. Also, I am having my pedi & pink & white done the day before so I will be very happy to find fill ins on board.

I, too, am bringing my portable pharmacy

I still dream of the "good old days" when you were encouraged to pack in steamer trunks. I was born in the wrong era!!!!


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Sissy - thanks for setting up this thread. Yes, I agree it's better here then on our Roll Call thread. Maybe the guys are getting tired of all the beauty and fashion discussions. Oh, maybe not all the guys.:rolleyes:


Best to start thinking of your packing ahead by checking out what you already have in your closet. Then go from there.

  • Mix & match and layers.
  • Stick with the basic colors.

I bring very lightweight jackets for formal evenings. They weigh about as much as a scarf. I do bring several pieces of jewelry; though usually buy something new on each cruise.


Guess I'm lucky when it come to hair. Mine is naturally curly; no needs for perms or rollers. (Curly hair also has it's drawback, it does it's own thing). Color is what ever God has indented for it to be. Can't use hair color and any chemicals due to my allergies. (Does save lots of money).


One thing I forgot to bring our last long cruise was a pr. of scissors. Would have liked to cut my hair, (nothing drastic, just enough to keep it from falling in my eyes). At least with humidity on this Sydney – Los Angeles cruise, that won't be a problem. I keep it short anyway.


I didn't bring a lot of clothing for our B/B cruises on the Royal this past Nov. and Dec. As a matter of fact it was cool the first cruise and I ended up needing my Logo sweatshirt almost the whole cruise for our tours. This might be a good idea for Melbourne, Tasmania, New Zealand and maybe even Sydney. So far I purchased KOALA T-shirts for this cruise. I wasn’t thinking it might be cold in our southern ports. The T-shirts will be fine for those ports once we leave NZ.


Pack light, as a reminder. It’s always more fun to buy new items while on our cruise. So make sure you save some space in your bags.


Another good idea is to wait ‘til you get to Sydney to purchase some of your larger sized containers of tooth past, hair spray, gel etc. They can’t go in you carry-on bags and need to be packed in your checked bags if the sizes are over 3 oz. Just bring the minimum and pick up what you need in Sydney.


Hope some of these suggestions are helpful. I’m sure there are a lot of good ideas out there.



I’ve saved this thread as a favorite, so I can find it easily. Looking forward to reading other suggestions.


Take care & see you in Sydney, Lorraine:)

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Nancy, we are so going to like one another...I can tell. I too plan to pack until my suitcases weigh 50 pounds each, shoes, bags, bling the whole nine yards...good thing Robert likes clothes too..he is also a heavy packer so never complains about it. Like I said I already have 10 pairs of shoes on my to go list with the possibility of one more that I may not be able to live without.


Lorraine, why am I not surprised that you have your wardrobe choices and packing down to a science..I can tell you are a very organized person, not to mention a very lucky one too...I have stick straight hair and have always wished I had just the tinest bit of natural curl. I agree it will be smart to buy toiletries in Sydney...Lorraine do you remember if there is a drug store or beauty supply nearby?



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This is a great thread. Thanks Sissy! I guess we will have to look long and hard for something other than pants and jackets on formal night. Just got 2 new ones this week. I am using the traveler basic black also, but do plan to bring a couple other colors. I have packed in my head secretly, because Ray suggests I cut down on my shoes...no way. Practically all my bling will be on board too. We are bringing our lap top so there goes one of Ray's carry ons;) ! I need to get to Chico's this week and check out the sales and we may go to the outlet in Sunrise also.



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Chico's Outlets are having great sales now. "ALL" red line jackets ( which are most of them) are $29, sleeveless tops 9.99,short sleeve tops,9.99, long sleeve tops are 14.99 and pants are 19.99. My girlfriend manages the outlet and lets me know when they have a sale. They do not even know when one is coming till it happens.


Can't beat these prices. Happy Shopping!!!!:p




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Great thread. Thanks for starting it.


I can tell you in 2006, I took a jacket and never used it. So this time I am thinking of just a couple of long sleeve shirts with a zippered front sweater (heavy). I figure worse case scenerio I have to go shopping and buy something (like that would be a hardship). As for shoes, I unfortunately was gifted with my own water skis so my shoes take up much weight and much space. Still I will probably be in the six pair range.


Lorraine, I wish I knew you were looking for scissors last time. I had my hair cutting scissors with me and would have gladly loaned them to you.


I am on WW now, trying desperately to loose at least twenty so I am waiting to shop but am listening to everyone's great ideas. Now for a girlie question of sorts. I am really thinking about trying the "spanx" that everyone talks about. Has anyone tried them or had any issues with them? Not to be indelicate...but I am concerned they are going to pull and push that delicate piece of flab I have in my middle. I can just see it bulging out elsewhere. Also just how tight are they....I have serious reflux issues and cannot take tight clothing. This is something I have not seen mentioned elsewhere.



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Chris: I have to ask " what is a spanx". Do I need one?


I have packed and repacked and gone over lists in my head the last while, I am having trouble getting and staying asleep. Went to bed at midnight last night and after four hours of listing things and what bags they will go in, I got up, watched TV for an hour (I don't know what I was watching) and then went to bed at 5AM. Woke up at 7:30AM. Anyone else doing this?


I have spoken to the Manager from Steiner twice and stupid me "Didn't ask how much the services are" I don't want to know..... these things have to be done, girls!!! We deserve it and if our DH's want to see us looking ravenous, so be it.


Some of you are lucky to be home and can practice. We have less than three weeks to get home, see to appointments and pack. I'm hyperventilating already. I usually have everything that doesn't need to be pressed, packed already. Just so I know how much room is left for shoes and dresses.



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for setting up this thread!


My last experience with bringing my own hair colour on a flight (to a cruise) has driven me to go back to getting it done at a salon. I had the dye and other stuff in a ziplock (thankfully) but it did leak. Because of the liquid restrictions, I had it packed in checked luggage, and I guess the air pressure in the hold caused a vacuum (or something) and the dye leaked. I was missing quite a bit of product, but managed to get one treatment out of it. It sure made me nervous about what might have happened to all my clothes if the Ziplock had leaked. Yikes...:eek:


I go to an Aveda salon for my cut and colour, and have the formula for my 'current' colour. I already have the name and address of an Aveda salon in Sydney, and will get it done before boarding the Sapphire. I have had my hair cut on the Sapphire once before, on the last long cruise. It was just okay...


I look forward to any advice and chat before we depart on March 3. We are in south Florida right now, but are driving north on January 26 (Hi Canadian Snowbird!) and will have a month to fully focus on planning and packing!




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For formal night I'd suggest a long black skirt and several fancy tops to go with it. That worked for me. I had a red glitter top that I wore on one formal night and then I had another white top I wore for the second formal night. By changing the shoes and jewelry, it looked completely different.

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Hi Girls


Thanks for this thread. It will probably be very helpful to us all. I recently sent for Spanx & have worn it to a wedding we had for New Years Eve. It works really well & keeps that tummy bulge sucked in with the long line version. I didn't feel it was too tight. It does great things for also eliminating that bulge that comes at the top of the regular girdle type thing. It will definitely be in my luggage.


I am planning on bringing 5 formal outfits & then just mix & match my things for the other nights. Just will try different jewelry for a new look. We will just have to do laundry. There is no way around this fact. I think I can get buy with 5 or 6 pr. of shoes. Hubby will be bringing a tux & a dinner jacket & possibly another sport coat too.


We will definitely bring ponchos & a sweater plus a lt. weight jacket for walking the decks when its cool & windy & for some tours.


Thanks for additional thoughts on what to pack. I will have to visit the beauty shop for hairdo's once in awhile + I will be bringing a wig to trade off to once in a while. In the past to get a shampoo, blowdry & curling iron set, it would cost about $45 + tip. This adds up after a few trips there. I don't know how much it would cost for a trim, perm, or a tint. Have never had this done on a cruise before, but have never taken this long of one either. Will have to see how fast it grows.



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I love my spanx aka sausage thingies! They are super stretchy body control pants..they have above the knee and even full leg lenght and some that are knee length and also have a midriff control that goes all the way up to your bra..I bought one of these and hated it..although some love it..mine kept slipping down around my waist making me look even lumpier...The regular waist to knee lenght are wonderful and they really do make you look slimmer with no panty lines in sight. Even Oprah wears Spanx. You can order them on QVC and most department stores carry them. There have been a lot of posts on the fashion board about them in the past.

I have 10 pounds to lose and every week I either gain or lose a pound...the same pound over and over. It seems the older I get the harder it is to lose those extra pounds.

Hi Steph...glad you found your way here. Your scary story about your hair dye reinforces not taking any kind of toiletries in my packed luggage..it would be horrible if something leaked.

Snowbird, you are right...we will pay whatever it is they charge..I could not let my nails go longer than 2 1/2 weeks without a fill or they would look terrible..I saw on the spa page on the personalizer that they charge $19. for a nail color change. Sissy

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I think a fill was about $40 or $45 last year. I'm hoping to get away with doing it just once in the middle of the cruise. I've managed to make it 3 weeks between fills on other trips.


We checked with United today and we can bring 70 lbs per suitcase to Sydeny. But on the way home, we have a 50 lb limit with Delta. I am planning to mail our heavier fall clothing (sweatshirts, etc.) home from Honolulu to make sure that we are under the limit. I bought a neat little raincoat that folds up into a pouch. Takes up little room but great for traveling. I have a feeling we'll need rain gear on this cruise.


10 pairs of shoes! A woman after my own heart! (I'm trying to limit to 5 plus water shoes).



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