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Everything posted by albingirl

  1. It's really too bad and sad for people who are so sick to be evacuated. Sorry for all involved.
  2. I like the use what you have tea bottles recycled. Now, that's resourceful. Why buy water bottles at target when you already have tea bottles. Excellent. Winner winner.
  3. Balding men with ponytails could have been there for the coloring competition convention!
  4. Thanks alot for your review. One thing that I found odd, like you, is the fact that you can order as many sides as you want in Pinnacle, but the extra appetizer is an additional 7 dollars. So, I guess you can order 10 sides if you are really hungry and forget about the appetizers. Remarkable accounting by the Seattle folks.
  5. And, cooking demos don't cost them one red dime extra. The staff is already onboard and probably ready to go for this sort of thing. The people who did this in the past laughed alot. And I mean alot.
  6. If I miss one thing, it's the cooking shows that HAL had. Not Test Kitchen, but the ones before that. With a host or hostess and a chef. Lots of entertainment there, and samples distributed at the end of the shows. I amassed alot of recipe cards and really loved the demonstrations. What a shame it was when it was dropped.
  7. Yes, I can't stand Starbucks...too strong. I'm always up at exporations in the morning for a decent cup of coffee. Lido coffee is horrible. Why is this the one consistent thing about Holland America? It's been many years since they had a good coffee in Lido, or ever.
  8. It's amazing how much time we waste at the guest services. I give up
  9. I don't believe any supply chain issues regarding bananas. When you are visiting Half Moon, there are stacks and stacks of bananas for your luncheon pleasure.
  10. It never ends. The jeans crowd. Lol.
  11. I think the coffee in lido is awful. I'll use my hia package for good coffee in explorations. Gave up on room service since I'm usually sound asleep when they knock on the door. A sorry sight indeed.
  12. I've heard of byob, but byof is a bit over the top.
  13. I am a speed reader on menus, so that would be a drag.
  14. I tend to dress for dinner, gala or no. It's special to be cruising and my attire reflects that. It would be embarrassing to be a slobby American. Personally, I really don't care what other people do as long as they stay out of my lane.
  15. My inclination is to grab a salad or stir fry and bring it up a deck to have lunch in peace. It's pretty up there, too.
  16. I'll be on a pinnacle ship and I think I will leave it alone. It seems to be rolled in with fare so I see no advantage to removal. Plus, I like the bag .
  17. I've lost track of things with all this thread drift. Is a salad considered an appetizer? Soup? If I have escargot with a salad, do I incur a charge?
  18. Past final. It seemed to come with the booking. I saw no extra charges. Odd indeed.
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