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Posts posted by KBS1607

  1. On 4/9/2023 at 12:19 AM, cruisemom42 said:

    I always look for ways to do my own thing at ports and avoid ship tours as much as I possibly can. I enjoy getting around on my own and seeing and doing exactly what I want to do.


    Currently I am on a cruise around Japan where a few shore excursions were included my my package. On the first one I remembered why I dislike them so much. Instead of sticking to the program, several entitled passengers started haranguing the guide to “take us to a place we can shop without needing local currency!!!” The guide demurred, saying our cruise line told her no shopping but they continued to heckle and monopolize her attention:  “Tell me where the ATM is while everyone else goes in the temple!” “I need a Western toilet, can’t use these!” “Take me to a convenience store, I need something to eat!”  

    Honestly, it was a half day tour — there was a facility to change money at the port and they had time enough to shop on their own!!!!  But those 3 entitleds ruined it for the rest as the guide had to repeatedly give them special attention.

    This is so true!  I tried to get the other three members of my family to do an independent tour in St Petersburg. They would not agree so I picked a ‘small’ Princess tour of 25. It was awful. One guy had us waiting at the Summer Palace and we couldn’t leave the group even though there were all sorts of tantalizing places around. 

    They said I was correct later. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, vacationlover_mn said:

    On a related note- we also had Uber/lyft driver confusion in Miami this month!  The one taken us there kept taking wrong turns at the port area, and I finally had to guide him in (using signs, since I haven’t been there in ages).  At departure, we waited an hour for our guy, and he finally called saying he couldn’t figure out how to find our terminal (I had watched him on the app for over 30 minutes, circling around, like a mile from us), so we finally just took a shuttle to the airport.

    My daughter had to direct him and even then, he drove over a median!  

  3. We had trouble getting to the Miami terminal on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Our Lyft driver was very confused and there was something going on with traffic at the terminal.  We left in plenty of time but ended up boarding later than we wanted. 

    Even with that, we didn’t have any trouble making reservations for our small dining package. 

  4. On 12/2/2023 at 1:05 PM, shipgeeks said:

    A novice cruiser mentioned to me that she felt obliged to order a drink in any lounge she went into.  She loves music and dancing, but hesitated to sit, or to barhop, without buying more drinks.  Not true!  No obligation at all.  Typically, if a server offers and you decline, he will place a little paper napkin on your table; this is a signal to other servers that you have been asked.

    She also said she was told by another passenger that everyone must vacate the ship in every port, and that no food of any kind is available while in a port.  Also not true in the least (although some food venues, usually main dining room, will not be open for lunch).

    Have you come across other misconceptions?

    I think the person who said everyone must vacate the ship and no food on the ship while in port was being malicious. 

    We have looked at Oceania but we don’t drink alcohol and wonder if it would be worth it to us.

    • Like 1
  5. 10 hours ago, grandgeezer said:

    Two years ago I fractured my ankle and using crutches was not a good idea. My neighbor recommending renting a knee scooter from a medical supply company. It was one where you put your bad leg on the pad and pushed away with your good leg. It had hand breaks just like a bike. Worked really slick and was a life saver. It was $40 for a month. It was light weight a narrow enough, and light enough that you could go anywhere. It fit easily in the back seat, but I don’t know about flying or anything major. If you do decide to go this route, make sure you get one with a basket.

    My husband fractured his ankle and had to have hardware in it. The knee scooter was a lifesaver for him.  We didn’t travel with it but on Oasis we saw a few people with them. 

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  6. 22 hours ago, BecciBoo said:

    I've been looking at Youtube reviews since she moved to Texas....how'd you like her?

    Oh I didn’t know she was in TX!  That’s exciting. We loved her. It helped that it was my dream cruise (Baltic) and our son-in-law’s first cruise.


    The problem we have is Princess taking the chairs out of the cabin. It looks like you need a mini-suite to get the sofa we had on Royal. That’s a drawback for me. Also, the balconies are cantilevered which leave some really exposed to the sun. Since I’m basically a vampire that’s a drawback, too, especially on a Caribbean itinerary. 

    She had the Medallion which is wonderful. Although once the medallion showed that I was in some random cabin and freaked my husband out because I get lost a lot. 

  7. On 12/1/2023 at 2:14 PM, OnTheJourney said:

    Amazing for sure, and neat article. Somehow, though, I have zero interest in sailing on that big a ship. Largest I've ever been on is the Adventure. I wouldn't mind trying Oasis class at least once I suppose.

    We did the new, bigger Regal Princess in 2019


    Then we did a Thanksgiving cruise last month on Oasis class. I’m glad we did it but we had to travel when our daughter and son-in-law could so that meant a very crowded ship with lots of kids of all ages. 

    We would like to try Oasis class again. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Essiesmom said:

    If you click on @SailorJackyou will get to his current postings.  One is a reference to his review of that cruise which was mentioned on the board here Whatever Happened to…

      If you are not familiar with SailorJack his reviews are hilarious and usually linked in his signature.  Several evenings of great reading.  If you are reading at a computer (not tablet) cover your keyboard lest you spray your beverage all over it.  If you do choose to read them, try to start with the earliest as sometimes in a review he will refer to an earlier experience.  EM

    Is it possible to get to his oldest ones?  I’m on a tablet and usually prefer that. I couldn’t see anything that old just by looking at his reviews. I’m actually on a cruise and was telling my husband about that particular one. 

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