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Everything posted by Joseph2017China

  1. I can't believe that people still think the people you drop you luggage with are porters. They are longshoreman, and the person you see, does not deliver your bags. He puts bags on a loading cart. That is all he does. Far cry from a porter that walks your bags to your room. He never steps foot on the ship. As for the poster, this is not an hotel. They don't have room porters on the ship. If you have luggage, give it to the longshoreman to load or you, or lug them around yourself. Your only two choices. As far as tipping goes, anyone longshoreman tells you that they will make sure your bag does not get on the ship, immediately ask for a supervisor and report this person. He may not loose his $100,000.00 a year job, but he may never work the easy job on that dock again.
  2. I have a bunch of free tests to sell you......They are expired, so on clearance. $50 for a box of two. Seriously, I never tested but when I traveled and only because I had to. But I do know people who tested weekly for 2 years. Never understood it. They said to protect me.
  3. When my kids were young like that, they went to dinner, sat down, ordered their food off the menu, even asked questions to the waiter, and than ordered, than ate, and than talked with the adults, and learned to socialize and eat strange foods. But that is also what they did at home, since dinner was family time
  4. really who cares. I pay it, and that is what the tips are......don't care who gets it. Never tip extra, that is sufficient and customary
  5. Why would you test positive on the cruise? Is testing still a thing?
  6. are you within 270 days or not? The cruise line does not need to do anything, it is the passenger that is required to make sure you qualify, and the Port is the country, so if you are not legal to enter, you might be denied boarding. You need to call the cruise line and get the right info, and check with the Spain health department also. Bottom line, get a booster if you really want to go, and if you are not within 270 days
  7. I don't carry anything valuable.....that stays home. I'm on vacation, and my clothing is insured against loss with an annual travel insurance. But if you really want to carry expensive stuff, board after 1:00 and you can drop it off
  8. What is a carry on? I'm on vacation and pay for people to deliver my stuff
  9. you booked it 4 years ago, and it was required to have a vaccine, and they just reminded you that you need a vaccine? So what changed? Nothing changed. However, if you want solutions, you need to call them, and not post on message boards that can't help you. This is not the cruise line.
  10. The point was which you missed is that the reason, the cruise requires the none drinking person, to buy the extra package is to increase the profit, and help discourage sharing, to help defray the cost of only one person drinking. This also stops sharing of soda, even though it is extremely cheap. So, $60 drink package plus a 35 refreshment package makes the package $95. The non drinker is supplementing and increasing the profit margins of the drinker.....
  11. You know the difference between 17 and 18? 17 is a minor, and 18 is an adult. This has nothing to do with your opinion that he is sensible. He is still a minor. It has nothing to do with drinking. Minors are not permitted to cruise alone. Although you never said what country, would he even be allowed to enter as a minor? He has his whole life to go......wait one more year.
  12. I'm thinking if you have to ask a question like this, than a cruise is not for you......stay safe and stay home.....The ship is not a full service medical facility, and is not a full service pharmacy either.
  13. Just so you know, a cup of soda cost about $.05 plus maybe $0.25 for a paper cup (which the cruise line does not use) and the price you pay for a cup of soda now is over $2.00. I forget the exact price, but the wholesale price is extremely low and the price the cruise line and all restaurants is high in comparison. What is inaccurate?
  14. Yes, nearly free for the cruise line. A soda fountain drink costs approximatel7y $.05 depending on the contract they have. The cup and supplies in a restaurant will add another small amount. Soda for restaurants is one of the biggest mark up and profit items. Coffee and Ice Tea are also extremely cheap to produce with big mark-ups.
  15. And the Covid posts still keep going and going and going.
  16. My wife takes 12 different medicines all of which should not be used with booze. Without the medicine, my wife will die. She will still have an occasional drink. She will also on occasion have soda, and other drinks. She is not dead yet. LIKE I SAID, most doctors will tell you not to drink, and most medicines will tell you not to drink because it will protect them legally. I'm no doctor, but as I SAID, the no drinking for medical reasons is absurd excuse for getting a doctors note. The poster just can buy as they go, and don't need a package. That is why you don't need a package, the choice you must do, in order to protect yourself for perceived dangers. If one person has a religious reason, great for them, their spouse needs to also respect that and not drink either. Drink package is an option, and finding excuses for others to get it, is absurd, and should not involve your church, doctor, or herbal healer to write you a note. Which is what the poster wanted to get around it. So for any person that does not want, will not, will die doing so, or just hates the taste, than you don't get a package and drink like you do everyplace else you go, one drink at a time and pay for it
  17. very simple answer. If you have a drink package, you already paid the tips. It either was included or it was added at the end depending on what country you bought it. On the ship, you will never need to add anything extra if you have the package. If they give you a receipt, for an extra tip, put a giant X across it, and never sign it. It is not required to have a signature.
  18. The reason both people need to get a drink package was theft. The cruise lines finally gave up, and changed rules. Very simple. A person needs to drink 5 drinks or 8 beers to break even per day. If you get a refreshment package, than break even is 8 drinks or 12 beers. Soda and water is nearly free for the cruise, like maybe a cost of $0.25 per drink or less. The object is to make money and cut out theft. My wife "should not" drink for medical reasons, but the idea that you "can not drink" for medical reasons is absurd. All doctors tell you you should not drink. It can be for medical reason, or just because it is bad for you. If you wife/husband or someone else should not, can not, or has no desire to drink, they they should not drink coffee or soda either. That includes sweet tea, or any drink that is sweet. Stop trying to get around using excuses for not paying the enormous prices of a drink package. If one person does not want to, the just buy drinks as you go. That is the way you do it other places, off the ship, so do it on the ship. Don't ask a doctor for a note, or make up excuses. They heard them all.
  19. I could care less of what they know, don't know, or what others opinions are. Prepaid tips, is the customary amount for the international industry called cruises. I tip the customary amount. How and who gets it, I don't care, I don't ask, and I have never had an employee give me bad service.
  20. Well, I was in AK and did not have to take any busses....but some places did have busses to get around, but those were not needed unless you had a special need for it. So maybe it's just a complaint.....but also, AK is pretty hilly, and does require a good amount of walking.
  21. So we learned after 3 pages: Most crew like Dollars if they are talking to an American, and they will answer Euro's if they are talking to an European. Basically, all they want is that money in your hand and will say whatever works at the moment. Crew has on board banking, and they don't send cash home, they deposit in the bank, like all normal people. They live in the 21st Century also. Any cash works One crew member does not speak for the other 999 crew members. They just want the cash in your hand The are not amused by a $2.00 note. Let's face it, most countries have two notes, coins etc. It is not a novelty. All they do is deposit it into their account. It is just money, and actually quite annoying, but the one receiving the tip is not going to say it Crew members are not children. They are adults and they chose the life of the ship. Treat them as adults, leave the gifts home, give them cash. They are only your friend for the days on the ship....than they make a new set of friends the following cruise
  22. we are talking today, not yesterday. The exchange rate is almost even. Last check, the dollar was $1.02
  23. If they are sending money home, and home is not USD, what do they do? Send in the mail a bunch of $2 bills? No, they have a bank on board, an employee ATM where they can deposit their money in their account, accessed by their family. The exchange rate is handled by the banks. It does not matter what currency you give but if you gave $2 or €2 they would rather have the $2 because it is worth a few cents more. Of course that can change at any time but it is all the same to them. No, they don't mail money home, they do banking like normal people
  24. Because who wouldn't want a $2.00 tip on top of an 18% tip. That's more than double the normal tip!
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