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Everything posted by Joseph2017China

  1. When reading a post like this, remember one thing. Many people only want what they want, and really are not happy that the private resorts are designed for everyone in mind. Some people like swimming poos....some like the ocean. Some accept the ocean is nature, others think nature should be cleaned up. Some like the multiple eating areas, some just want a hot dog. Some like the many places to get a drink, others would rather drink water. Some have families, and love the water park, others think it is a disruption of their views. Some like beach mats, others think it is a waste. But the poster, like many think the island is just for them, and are against everything else. I don't like the water park, but if my grandkids are with me, than I would change my mind, and love the idea of it's existance for when needed. It's perfect for everyone, if they take the time out to find the perfect area.
  2. I hope you are not actually serious with this post? I don't understand how you did not see all the huge maps, and walkways. Did you just go straight to a beach and never move? Pretty sure you have to pass the giant pool, all the bars, and other areas if you had walked around a little. You definitely missed the entire island by not looking at signs, or walking around. Side note, seaweed and rocks are part of nature.......the swimming pool would have been good for you.
  3. Well, first, your title says that you are laying blame on the booking agent and not yourself. The bottom line is that you are to blame. Once you accept that fact, than maybe, you can calmly request your issue to be reviewed.
  4. This tipping thread is still alive? I always say, the more others tip, the less I need to.
  5. NO, you are going to the USA. Alaska is the USA, and you will be going to multiple ports in the USA. A transit is a layover.
  6. Oh my gosh, a tipping thread......The answer is, simply you pay a daily gratuities, and it covers all your tipping needs. Plain and Simple. Just like anyplace else, if you want to start tossing money to everyone outside the daily tips, you can, just like you can put money in the tip jar at Starbucks. Your choice, and your business. But note this, tipping on a ship, and the amounts is customary for the ship not the USA. What you do in the USA, is not the same thing as a ship, or any international port. I tip per customs, not beliefs
  7. I'm proud to say, I have never washed clothing on vacation, and I never will.
  8. Most reposes go off on a wide range, without ever answering your question. On your desk/vanity, you will find 3 plugs. 2 of them are flat pin, 110 volt outlets, and one of them is a 2 round pin, outlet at 240 votes. Your iPhone and iPad will charge on either one, and all you need for the 2 round pin, is either a simple adapter from Amazon that you plug in, and it changes to a USB jack. Many of those actually will give you 2 or more USB plugs, and they are exactly the same as the flat pin plugs that came with your phone. There is no need to climb under your bed, to find a plug, which is usually a 240 round pin anyway. Some of the newest ships, actually changed out one of the 110 jacks, and made it into a USB jack instead. Many places, like hotels, ships, etc have changed to doing this for a jack. Many hospitality areas are now making a universal jack where a flat pin, or round pin, along with the many other types fit into one jack. It will be quite possible you will see this on ship in the near future.
  9. Hotels can be found with Expedia, or Orbitz, and many other search engines. You may also use Google, and that would get you a nice list. For the price of the parking, check out google, and search "parking at Port Canaveral" and you can find out the prices.
  10. Pandemic has nothing to do with getting a DL and did not prevent people from getting one. Not to mention, it's been over now for a year.
  11. The post just literally said, he lost his DL. A state ID card is used only if you don't have a license, and getting one is like getting a license, so why? For the poster, did he go to the DMV? Some states issue it on the spot like in Florida. If not, get a temp license at the DMV which is a paper, and bring an issued photo ID such as college card. Does the state also have an electronic version of the license? Many state have that option.
  12. I have sailed around the world......and traveled around the world, and my wife is in a scooter. Just about every island in the Caribbean, Alaska, China, Japan, and all of Europe and Morocco. As she stands up, your job is to lift the chair up the curb or step. Vacation or not, it's your job. Sorry. Next, there is no place to avoid, since all places will have a challenge. Next get a scooter that you can manage, and travel with. Many light weight travel scooters on the market. Ours is 54 pounds. The only port to avoid is a tender port. All others are fine.
  13. You can also contact the company running it by googling it and getting contract info. We have done many tours that say no to disabled, and find out, that they say no problem after explaining exact needs. When a tour says handicap accessible, they are basically saying all handicap, and not everyone is the same. So, to prevent issue, they either say no, or just don't say.
  14. Plenty of food on the ship.....When I have this happen, such on last cruise, we ate off the ship, and made our own "specialty restaurant" which was great. On vacation and in different schedules, sometimes you just need to row with the flow.
  15. Honestly, I wish they would give you a coupon book instead of preloaded. I know it might be a little hassle to carry, but it would eliminate the mistake which are extremely annoying. I literally had soda taken off, even when I had a soda package.
  16. You can just get wifi for one, and they will share it. Bottom line is that it is a cost they need, so that you can enjoy vacation, just like any other costs. I'm sure many parts of your vacation has a price on it, you don't like.
  17. Pretty easy, you can't get a refund on something that is consumable, so no, to drinks and foods and if you are on the ship, than there would be nothing that qualifies
  18. I'm Diamond, so have lots of experience with this......As a Diamond, I go to sleep when I pass out at night
  19. What is on the ship is often times what you find in hotels, internationally as well. If you dislike it, just bring you own small bottle. It has never bothered me what they have.
  20. I never look at the sizes....it could say anything.....all I need is a bed and a bathroom.
  21. Tip #1. Remember Cape Liberty is non in NY Tip #2. Walk faster....the faster you walk, the faster you make it. Tip #3. Have all you documents ready to check in Tip #4. When coming back, slow down, you already parked your car, it's not going anyplace, have coffee, and breakfast and relax for the morning
  22. It wasn't that long ago, when you went on a family vacation, that kids managed to live without a smart phone, xbox, video's etc. People say some of our answers are snarky, but I know many kids, if you bring an xbox and put in in the room, they will never come out. Our kids were told to go to kids club, or hang with us. They did not, or have their means of texting friends (yes, they had phones). As grandparents (the poster), it seems they are trying to give the grandkids a reason to join them, by dangling toys to play with, instead of spending time on the trip, as a vacation. Look, if you want to lock the kids in a room to play video games instead of getting outside, and playing with other kids, socialize, eating meals with you, going into ports, doing family things together, than that is fine, but being snarky wondering why you need to bring video games on a vacation will happen. My grandkids, when with me, they are with me, not having artificial babysitter in the room. They have a blast. They are doing things they can't do at home. Let them outside their comfort zones, they are not home.....they are on vacation with you. When they roll their eyes and say I am so old, I remind them, that my generation invented the video games
  23. all your questions were answered. But why would you have rain pants? Do you wear rain pants at home, when it rains? Yes, it rains a lot in AK, but rain pants are definitely something you don't need
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