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Everything posted by Sunshine3601

  1. No closure of nursing homes in my area, southeastern PA. In fact, they keep building more and more assisted living facilities in my area. Did the person commit suicide from 8th flr of hospital? My neighbor worked at children's hospital as a Nurse for 26 yrs and when she was told get vaccinated or leave, she left and now works through an agency doing the same job. That's crazy stupid.
  2. Exactly what I was thinking as I just started to read this thread. Now that I see they are 18 and 24 yrs old I am sure they understand that by this age and won't be upset.
  3. Someone did bad math and didn't refund you the proper amount or they are doing the $50 refund in a different batch. I would call and ask but be prepared to be on hold for a while. As far as the insurance goes I have heard some say they were refunded by Royal, some say they were refunded by the insurance company Royal uses but me personal I never received insurance refund on a March 2020 that was cancelled by them in March of 2020. I had several conversations with both Royal and their insurance carrier and nothing ever came through. When you call for the $50 question ask who will refund the insurance as you may have to initiate the call to their insurance carrier.
  4. We had to wear them for our January cruise but not for any cruise after that.
  5. I really don't know to what extent they verify the cards. Some have said there is a system they can use to confirm the data is true and correct so maybe they have one person sitting at home that does each photo one by one. That would be a horrible job. I completely understand how anxious you are to get back onboard. I cannot wait to board Oasis on 8.28😃
  6. Unfortunately this is happening a lot these days. One of our Sons was looking for a part time job to work evenings and weekends as he roommate was getting married and moving out. He ran into several situations where what they advertised was Not at all the job or pay they advertised. He eventually found a part time through a friend. I recently heard from another friend and her college aged Daughter had a similar problem for a summer job.
  7. I am now scheduled for a Bermuda cruise in September. I do enjoy the cruises that do overnights in Bermuda as we absolutely love the island.
  8. I think Bahamas tax per guest is $18 to $25. I know they have to pay the harbor pilot but I am not sure if they have to pay a docking fee for CocoCay. Bermuda typically has expensive docking fees and is why the port fees/taxes are always higher on bermuda cruises. I have the menu on my app for Adventure and I have no idea what that plate was suppose to be as No they do not serve a Charcuterie board in MDR. We have had an appetizer at Giovanni's Table called "Giovanni's Italian Cheese and Cured Meat Plank" and never had it look anything like this plate.
  9. I have read on some other threads that some people never got validation on the app but all was fine when they went to check in and simply showed their original vax card. Definitely seems to take much longer since ships are sailing at full or almost full capacity this summer. Our 4 sailings this year all had validation done in a matter of a day or two. Those were the days😉
  10. Happy Birthday to your Daughter. I hope she had a wonderful weekend too! That makes it easy for Jim to remember your Anniversay😁
  11. We returned from Eric's appointment with Orthopedic Doctor. As said by the Primary Doc not much can be done for a fractured sacrum other than rest, stay off feet as much as possible, (use walker, if possible) and just take things slow until healed. I think it was @Bailey & Sophiethat mentioned using an airline pillow and Eric did that this weekend and seemed to help. the Dr. said that is perfect! He said the heal time is about to 6 to 8 weeks but said he should feel much better in about 2 to 3 weeks since he is already 1 week into this. We are scheduled to return for follow up xrays on 8/15. I asked for a copy of the current x-ray and was given a CD. I was going to upload for @Ocean Boyto view but I am unable to open up on my work laptop. Dr. did say his fracture is located in Zone 1, the wing of the sacrum. I did ask about our cruise on 8.28 and Dr. said he would be much better by then. when we see him on 8/15 he may set up PT but for now he wants him to rest and stay off his feet as much as possible to let the bone heal. For the most part Eric isn't in any real pain. Every now and then I hear him moan as he moves around. He has stayed in his recliner and the sofa for the last couple of days. He slept in his recliner last night as he said he felt better being partially upright. Stinks this happened to Eric but thankful it isn't something worse. 😀
  12. I do not see any connecting cabins that join together right now. Hopefully something will open up soon. Or her friend will join then you can get 2 interiors and not have to worry about finding 2 that connect. Does look like we will have a full ship on our sailing. Hopefully no shortage of Vodka or Rum😄
  13. We are suppose to get thunderstorms this evening. They have been saying this almost every day for the last couple of weeks and the rain clouds just pass up. I feel like I live in the "Beach Haven Bubble" at home. That's what we say at LBI when our area is missed by rain storms on the island. We are also to reach 100 this week with several day heat wave.
  14. I am wondering that too. No receipt/invoice was in the pkg. It came from Sam's Club and we are not members of Sam's. There is a PO number on the shipping label and when I try to google it asks me to sign into my Sam's account, which we don't have. I said maybe we ordered while drinking one night so we both double checked our credit cards and nothing. I guess we will wait and see if anyone asks if we received it. Otherwise I guess the cats have a new sofa although they really don't seem to care about it. Eva sat down for about 5 minutes and Sparky for about 2 minutes and they haven't bothered looking at it since then. They both played with the box for hours last night.
  15. If you need 2 devices because you need to sync to a VPN for work, make sure you get the surf & stream.
  16. When package arrived and we opened it up, I said Eva (our little Princess) must have ordered online - 1 paw click shopping😸
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