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St. Louis Sal

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Posts posted by St. Louis Sal

  1. If you have not been to Cartagena look up Marelvy PeƱa Hall.Ā https://tourincartagena.com/

    She does excellent tours.Ā 

    The catamaran tour in Hualtulco is wonderful, but just wandering around the town is enjoyable.


    Our visit to Antigua was a highlight. My husband doesnā€™t even care for excursions and he liked this one. He has heart issues but did not find the altitude a problem.Ā 

    A lot of people donā€™t seem to care for Corinto. My daughter and I were there on a Sunday and enjoyed the craft booths. A couple people went to church at the cathedral. The town happened to have a small parade that day with a band.


    In Costa Rica we did an aerial jungle tram tour, canā€™t remember itā€™s name, but it was a ship excursion.Ā 

    I bought coffee beans everywhere I went, amazing I wasnā€™t over the weight limit on my luggage!


    St Louis Sal



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  2. @HAL Saileryour description of the tractor accident just gave me chills. My DH used to cut the fields and hills on our farm on his tractor and he would be out there all alone, it always worried me. I hope your DHā€™s nephew has a good recovery although Iā€™m sure it will be a long one. Prayers for him and your whole family.Ā 

    St Louis Sal

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  3. Greetings all from a hot and muggy St Louis today.


    Sorry I have been gone so long, lots to keep me from the Daily. My DS & BIL came to visit for two weeks and we had a good time, BUT, my sister chose not to wear a mask in the Las Vegas airport or on the plane and several days into our visit she got what she thought was a respiratory infection. She got better, but then my BIL got the same, but also with a fever. They were convinced it was not Covid (my sister had a mild case early in the pandemic). They headed home, but the following week my DDs were sick and tested positive, then I got sick, it was Covid and today my DH tested positive too. Bummer. Doc put my older DD and myself on Paxlovid, which my husband canā€™t take because of heart issues. So he is on Molnupiravir. Our cases so far havenā€™t been bad, but even mild cases are not fun. My younger DD is toughing it out.Ā 

    To top off such fun times, we had bad storms come through overnight which took out our electric. Unfortunately, I was in my adjustable bed and the battery did not work, so there I was at 5 in the morning stuck in the bed. (Fortunately there are no videos.) DH could not get me out (did I mention he is in a walking cast for his torn ligament?) so it was a call to the paramedics to come rescue me. They were quite busy, there were extensive power outages all around us. We finally got electric back on around 3 in the afternoon.Ā 

    Never a dull moment around here. Enough bad news for now, I think another nap is in my future. I am keeping all who need them in my prayers šŸ™ and a toast to those celebrating. šŸ„‚


    Take care all.

    St Louis Sal

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  4. Good afternoon, all!

    Iā€™ve been lurking only a little and canā€™t remember when I last commented. So to keep from repeating myself, hopefully, I will just say that Iā€™ve already had two drug trial doses with a third this Monday. I am finding my stamina so much less than last summer. By the time we do an echocardiogram, pulmonary test, strength test, urine test, blood draw and the lumbar puncture, I am not good for anything the next day. I ruined my record of one year+ without a fall and managed to fall twice. I do not wish to meet any more paramedics.


    My sister & brother-in-law are flying in to St Louis on Monday evening. We will spend a few days here and then head to Branson for a visit. I have been experiencing anxiety the last few days, I think partly from being excited to see my sister, but also, she hasnā€™t seen me since my ALS diagnosis (and since before Covid). I canā€™t really be much of a hostess at this point. I know she wonā€™t care, but I do!


    Sheā€™s lucky she did not come to visit this week! Our weather has been atrocious. Thursday there were small tornados all around us, finally the weather moved on and then our electricity went out. We sat for five hours in the dark. Glad we had electric candles and my Kindle was fully charged. Fritz Ernst, our new pup, seemed confused as to why we spent all evening sitting in the dark. Last night I was woken by a huge flash of lightening and crack of thunder. Couldnā€™t get back to sleep, just listened to the thunder and rain for an hour. This morning-more of the same-quite scary actually as it got dark as night. Right now, more rain, more thunder. Not surprising we have flood warnings.


    I will try to do some catching up. Love todayā€™s port. We did both the bear excursion and whale watching right after. That was one of our best whale excursions. Wish I had pictures on my IPad.


    Take care everyone,

    St Louis Sal



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  5. Before our first land/cruise tour, someone with experience suggested to skip it. We ate in the DR at McKinley Chalet. We ordered one entree to split and I got a salad. It was plenty of food. There are more choices there now. We did purchase breakfast in the dining car of the train, but the second time we rode the train, we picked up Subway sandwiches across the road from the hotel (not sure what options are still open after the last two years). I always travel with granola bars for emergency snacking. The snack box on the wilderness tour was good enough.Ā 

    St Louis Sal

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  6. I have not been on here for several days and have just heard the news of @kazuJacquiā€™s great loss. šŸ˜¢


    Although I never met him, Jacqui, your comments and pictures spoke of a very warm and loving person. May your wonderful memories enfold you. Your love affair was awesome. Iā€™m sorry you did not have more time together, but you will be together in eternity. May God bless and keep you always.


    St Louis Sal

    • Like 12
  7. Good morning, all!

    I had planned for this to be my first time back in church in person, but Iā€™m finding that if I have one busy day (I went to see ā€œHamiltonā€ at the theatre and then out to dinner with friends yesterday), the next day needs to be slower. I overslept and thereā€™s no way I can throw on my clothes and race out the door anymore. Maybe next week. So I did online church again.


    We are celebrating being pet parents again. Fritz Ernst is quite a gentleman, seems to cope well with my power chairs and Frankā€™s canes and walker. He has started sleeping in his bed in our room at night. Learned quickly that when I (slowly) get out of bed in the morning, Fritz goes out BEFORE I get to go to the bathroom šŸ˜‚.Ā 

    I am too old for NKOTB. But what I do like is the Wahlberg family pickles!Ā 

    The meal, drink and wine all sound delicious.

    Prayers for all needing them today (especially the people of Ukraine) šŸ™. And a toast to all the celebrations (last night I toasted with a delicious Manhattan).Ā 

    Take care, all

    St Louis Sal




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  8. 3 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:


    No, No, No @kazuĀ please don't think you have to be feeling any certain way to come here. Come here to share you pain, cry your tears, and also shout your joys -- please know that here you can be whatever you are on any given day. So, come as you can. Your Daily-ites love you, care deeply about you, and we miss you when you're gone.

    I agree. This site is very much a come when you can, come as you are kind of place. ā¤ļø

    St Louis Sal

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  9. @kazuI wonder if this is the sort of chair they are talking about for Jose. They are very expensive, although here in the states my Medicare insurance approved paying the biggest share. Mine has a black carbon graphic for the wheels, etc., I wasnā€™t in to pink or bright blue or red. It takes a bit of getting used to steering it. Mine also has a companion joystick in the back which allows someone else to push me. It reclines completely, the foot rests raise up. It allows for changes in position so I am not always sitting in the same spot.Ā 

    I laugh (ha haā˜¹ļø) because it cost as much as a car, but it does have headlights and a horn.Ā 

    Take care, you are both in my prayers

    St Louis Sal



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  10. Good afternoon, all!


    I have missed being here, I havenā€™t even been keeping up with reading so I am way behind on everyoneā€™s news.Ā 

    So first off I had two visits to the hospital to prepare for my upcoming drug trial. My first dose is next Wednesday, wish me luck. I have four doses the first two months and then once a month after. My first two will be with my favorite neurologist, but he is leaving soon. He is from Maine (he did not like summer in St Louis AT ALL!) and he is taking a job at a hospital on the east coast. Ā I will miss him. I also had several other doctor visits to catch up on as well as a visit from occupational therapy and several phone visits with the pulmonologist. Enough!


    The second reason I have been so busy is we decided to adopt another dog. Weā€™ve been missing our Fritz so much and the house was so quiet. DH and I have been married almost 52 years and never been without a dog (or two and one cat and a lot of birds). Open Door Animal Sanctuary, a local no-kill shelter posted a picture of a dachshund named Fritz whose owner died last month and he was looking for a new home. There were several applications for him and we made our age and handicaps clear, Ā but they chose us, probably because we have no other pets, a fenced in backyard and experience with dachshunds. It was meant to be! Weā€™ve named him Fritz Ernst, heā€™s a brown mini, 13 years old. He was a little nervous the first few days, but heā€™s settled in nicely.Ā 

    I will try to get back on track and catch up. In the meantime sending prayers for all who need them and a celebration toast!

    St Louis Sal





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  11. Good morning, all!


    I would like to have your weather @grapau27as itā€™s 37 F and raining, about as gloomy as anything.


    I must admit to reading cheesecake day at first and I do adore cheesecake. But a cheesesteak is okay too. I love anything covered in chocolate, but donā€™t do the raisins very often. I love a nice cocktail when out to dinner.Ā 

    Todayā€™s dish sounds good, drink and wine are okay. Have never been to Spain šŸ˜¢. The quote is probably true for a lot of us.


    Been practicing the 4-7-8 breathing this am. A little tired today because I went out last night. Getting dressed and getting to the destination is harder all the time. But my church had a Lenten event called Meal, Message and Music which was worth it. Catered dinner, a short meditation by a friend who is a fellow layspeaker followed by music from a quartet called the Rivertown Sounds. Nothing more beautiful than ā€œAmazing Graceā€ in gorgeous four part harmony. I will do the whole thing again next Wednesday as the lay speaker is me! I will also be preaching this Sunday at our local retirement home. Combined with my visit tomorrow for my screening for my drug trial, no wonder I am feeling a tad anxious this morning.


    Lots of prayers going up this morning. My pastors mom has just been put on hospice. Although she and I had never met in person (she lives in Springfield MO) we have both been doing online church and chatting on Sundays so I feel like I know her. Hospice is a wonderful thing. Both my mom and my sister-in-law were cared for by those wonderful people. So prayers for all in need, especially the people of Ukraine šŸ™. And a toast to the celebrations that make life so special šŸ·.


    Take care, everyone!

    St Louis Sal

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  12. 17 hours ago, AncientWanderer said:


    Sal, you mentioned a couple days ago that you're having panic attacks. Ā I've had them since having health problems of my own and this 4-7-8 breathing technique works for me. Ā Good luck. Ā They are scary.



    Thank you for this tip! And thanks to everybody that seconded it. I liken the anxiety to a dark cloud moving in. The breathing helps take the focus away from it. In a way it helps to know Iā€™m not the only one that experiences these. Couldnā€™t sleep this morning, so here I am at 4 am. ā˜¹ļø

    St Louis Sal

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  13. Good morning, all!

    Itā€™s a gloomy, rainy morning here in St Louis. We had a bit of thunder last night at bedtime.


    I goof off a lot. I certainly celebrate agriculture; I think we should be able to feed everyone and there should be no one going hungry in this world.

    As for young as you feel, I used to feel like a very young 70 year old, active, very busy, vacationing, cruising 2 or even 3 times per year. ALS has changed that. Oddly enough, when Iā€™m sitting in my recliner reading the Daily, I forget about the ALS until Iā€™m ready to attempt getting up. On a good day, I still get out of bed on my own, go to the bathroom, ride into the kitchen on my Go chair, make coffee, take my vitamins, grab a little something for breakfast and transfer into my recliner. On bad days I need help with some of that. @mamaofamiI follow your travails with aides closely as I know that is in our future. Very worrisome.


    I will skip the meal today. The wine sounds delish, but too expensive. The Midori cocktail sounds quite tropical. Ā I have not been to todayā€™s destination. On one of my last cruises I had an excursion planned for there and was so excited. But after dinner the night before I began to feel queasy. Something I ate did not set well and by morning I knew I would not be up for an all day excursion that included a lot of bus time. I regretfully canceled, luckily there was a waiting list and my money was refunded. Big disappointment.


    @ottahand7I love red winged blackbirds. They hang out among the cattails along our lake. Iā€™ve missed many a bite on my fishing line because I was too busy watching the birds!Ā 

    Deep prayers going out to Ukraine as well as all on our cares list. šŸ™. And a toast to the fun times for those on our list and for all of us. šŸ·


    Take care, all

    St Louis Sal


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  14. Good afternoon, all! Itā€™s a sunny and warm day here in St Louis.


    Never was sure what to think of Alien Abductions šŸ¤£. I will take a day and of happiness and we need to take better ca re of the earth than weā€™ve been doing.


    Havenā€™t been to Fiji. Food, drink, wine all sound good.


    Thanks @grapau27always appreciate your sharing of the Sunday message.Ā 

    Ā @StLouisCruiserssorry to hear about Gracie the pup, seizures are quite scary. Our Fritz had them and when they became too frequent, the vet put him on phenobarbital. After that he never had another one. Getting the phenobarbital was interesting because it is considered a controlled substance so they are careful with the prescription. Plus it was funny when Walgreens would announce ā€œprescription for Fritzā€. Hope all is well with your DDā€™s baby, she is quite a cutie.


    Prayers for all on our care list šŸ™, most especially for the people of Ukraine. And so happy to read of cruises and birthdays and anniversaries šŸ·.


    Take care, all

    St Louis Sal

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  15. So sorry to hear this, but she is at peace with no more suffering and her memory is a blessing to so many. I loved this poem of hers.Ā 



    Life goes on, yes Life goes on
    A baby ewe is born, later he is shorn
    To make a shawl to keep your granny warm.

    Life goes on, the chords are struck
    A song is becoming a Melody that speaks
    That will someday teach someone down the road.

    Down the road, that's where life goes on.
    Out of sight just a bit beyond
    Down the road, we shall all one day walk upon
    For down that road; is where Life goes on.
    Yes, Life goes on.


    St Louis Sal

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  16. 44 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

    @St. Louis SalĀ  Not being Catholic, I had never seen a Friday Night Fish Fry around here, but I noticed a sign yesterday at DH's old Church while we were driving back from the doctor.Ā  I didn't ask him if he wanted to go, one reason, he is having surgery tomorrow andĀ  my reason ? I don't want to run into his ex wife again. (before DH and I married, she would stop by my place of business and she really was the worst customer)Ā  I am sorry that you are suffering from anxiety.Ā  What helps me is music.Ā Ā 


    Well, If i am ever going to get anything done this morning, I need to get out of this chair.



    Iā€™m not Catholic either, although my church is named St. Lukeā€™s. It is true that most of our Fish Frys are at Catholic Churches, but not all. There are also ones at a couple of American Legion halls and the Elks too. One of the most popular locations is St Ceciliaā€™s which has a large Hispanic presence. Besides fish, their signature dish is Chile Rellenos. They have strolling musicians and you can order a margarita while you are waiting in line to order! No margaritas at my church, we are Methodists, although more than one person has said weā€™d be more popular if we served liquor!Ā 

    St Louis Sal

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  17. Good morning, all!


    I have turned into a lurker lately and have even missed some days and itā€™s hard to catch up. I have been experiencing anxiety attacks! I think they are related to the fact my legs have gotten so much weaker, Iā€™m not sure how much longer I will be able to transfer to a chair, get into bed by myself or rise from the toilet. Very scary, but usually Iā€™m pretty much a look at the problem, figure a solution, deal with it kind of person. To have these panic attacks is just not my usual style. I am trying some meds, but sometimes my reactions to meds are worse than the problem! Well, distracting myself seems helpful, so lurking here is part of my therapy. šŸ™‚. I love reading about everyoneā€™s cruises, but I really donā€™t think cruises are in my future. šŸ˜¢.


    So enough with the pity party today and on to fun days, perfect quote, great food, drink and wine and hopefully beautiful pictures of a destination Iā€™ve missed. I am gong to missing my corned beef/cabbage this year. My church usually has a St Patā€™s Day dinner, but they have not gone back to community inside dining. I wish they had done a curbside carry out (that is how we are handling Friday Fish Frys), but no such luck. Not sure if any of our local restaurants have good corned beef and as DH doesnā€™t like it anyway, I will content myself with salivating over the picturesĀ @dfishshared. BTW, someone told me that church fish frys during Lent are not a thing in other places. Is that true? There are so many here in St Louis that the newspaper publishes a map of where to find them, and they get reviewed like restaurants!Ā 

    My prayer list is long and fervent! I pray for health and safety and comfort for all. Ukraine is a nightmare, may their people be safe. šŸ™ Ā Thank heavens for the celebrations to remind us of happiness and fun times. šŸ·


    Take care, everyone!


    St Louis Sal



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  18. Good morning, all!


    Lots of things closed here today as the roads and sidewalks are ice covered with a topping of snow. The birds are already flocking around our feeders. Problem is, when they are empty, I do not want DH trying to walk out on the patio to fill them. He pretreated the walks and driveway with ice melt yesterday, but better safe than sorry. So I am huddled under some blankets reading this. Itā€™s odd, my thermostat says the temp inside is the same as usual, but looking at that ice is making me shiver.


    Interesting days. Love tortilla chips and appreciate a margarita made by a good bartender. Iā€™ll share my favorite meme about virtual leaning. CF98121B-4A6F-40DF-B629-F005116C98C4.thumb.jpeg.dd702a4d53aa21513067dc4f4cb09c6d.jpegAlways been a fan of Mark Twain, a native Missourian.Ā 

    Good food, good wine, good drink. Never made it to todayā€™s destination.Ā 

    Stayed up late reading news about Ukraine šŸ’” so many prayers need lifting up šŸ™. Just glad there are celebrations to lift our spirits šŸ·.Ā 

    Take care, all

    St Louis Sal

    • Like 38
  19. Good morning, all!

    @Crazy For Catsis right, this weather is a roller coaster! Yesterday it was 62 degrees F, I was wearing a light jacket & dodging some rain drops. This morning itā€™s 19, feels like 8, and we are having a snow squall that is just the precursor to the wintry mix heading our way. I hate, hate, hate that mix of ice covered with light snow. šŸ˜”


    Nice combo of days. I remember traveling in Minnesota many years ago and seeing a sign for the local curling club and thinking ā€œwhat??ā€ Ā Not sure what I was picturing šŸ˜‚. I have played tennis in the past-badly. Our Fritz was never fond of eating hard dog biscuits, but loved to hide them. Periodically I would remove the sofa cushions, retrieve all the hidden biscuits and start over. On our travels one time, the front desk of the hotel gave him a welcome ā€œdoggy bagā€ that had a dog biscuit. First thing he did in the hotel room was hide it in the chair; had to remember to retrieve it so a future guest didnā€™t get a surprise.Ā 

    I love the quote, love the meal, the drink, the wine! Havenā€™t been to the destination though šŸ™, pictures will be lovely.Ā 

    Itā€™s a long story, but I havenā€™t had my hair cut since November as my hairdresser has had gallbladder surgery, the flu and Covid and has just recently returned to work part-time and of course I was out of town several times. I have an appointment scheduled for ā€¦tomorrow. With the weather, I will not be driving my power chair over the ice, so I think my hair will have to wait.Ā 

    Offering prayers for those on our care list šŸ™ and raising a glass šŸ· in celebration. Loving to hear about the cruises!


    Take care, all!

    St Louis Sal



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  20. 7 hours ago, mamaofami said:

    Just finished reading that the 4 cruise lines that went to Cuba when President Obama lifted sanctions are in trouble with the US government because they hired Cuban tourist agencies to supply their passengers with excursions. So, since we went Ā to Cuba on Royal Caribbean ( horrible old ship) and took our own private tours, Iā€™m wondering if weā€™ll be in American or Cuban jails. At the port, we had to fill out all this information and reply why we were going. Tourism was a no no so we did one of the other choices. We were told to save those papers and I just shredded them last month. The cruise lines might owe tons of money. Article is on the net and in Florida papers today.

    Thanks for the heads up! I remember keeping the papers we signed, but not sure I can put my fingers on them. This really ticks me. I was so grateful to have the opportunity to travel to Cuba, I truly thought I would not get to go in my lifetime. I was so emotional I shed tears as we sailed into Havana. I enjoyed every moment there, meeting the people, seeing sights I had only read about. We attended two musical performances as well as meeting some other musicians at lunch. I found their medical system to be amazing.


    I guess one thing that bugs me is how we have no issues with traveling to Russia or China and yet Cuba, our near neighbor is a no go. I guess if we are in trouble, I will ride my power wheelchair into court and give my testimony about a people to people experience that I wouldnā€™t trade for anything.


    St Louis SalĀ 

    • Like 13
  21. 7 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

    Good morning all!

    I'm really late today, it was another one of "those nights", worse than usual.Ā  I was awake from 2am-6am.Ā  And absolutely no reason for it, just tossing and turning.


    Good collection of days.Ā  Like many here, I'll take chocolate in any form, and chocolate mint ice cream is one of my favorites. ButĀ @Vict0riannit's true, the chocolate mint ice cream on a BHB does taste like toothpaste šŸ˜žĀ  It was a real disappointment!


    I'll pass on the meal, wine and drink today.Ā  Stuffed peppers will be on our table tonight.


    @smitty34877Terry I'm so happy Tana is home!

    @StLouisCruisersSandi please forgive me -- I know we aren't supposed to mention typos but this one was almost too hard to resist -- early in your photos you said you all planned to go to a cafe next to the ship and "try their wife" (I know you meant wine).Ā  I loved your photos, thank you for posting them!Ā  I'm surprised that the port won't be on the Grand Australia.Ā Ā 






    Actually I though Sandi meant they were looking for Wifi. šŸ¤£

    Okay, I missed all the other comments (thatā€™s what I get for not reading all the posts first). A wine bar with great WiFi is a perfect find in a port!


    St Louis Sal

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  22. Good morning, all!


    This boomerang weather here in St. Louis is the pits. 60F and sunny two days ago, 13F and a yard covered in ice pellets this morning. Brrr.Ā 

    My mother worked for Ralston Purina for many years, at one time they owned Energizer, so all those batteries people purchased was a good thing šŸ˜‰. Now itā€™s just annoying to buy so many. I have a cute waste can in my kitchen that opens by waving your hand over it, but it takes 6 batteries and they donā€™t seem to last long. A day for drinking wine-thatā€™s everyday for most of us here. And caretakers are a godsend; us ALS patients in particular could not function without them.Ā 

    The drink sounds good, not sure about the wine, Iā€™ll skip the tuna tartare. I have never been to China and have to say it wasnā€™t even on my list, but interested to see pictures.

    Prayers to all on our care list, I wish Covid to be gone! And of course in the midst of the pandemic we are still having other health cares to deal with. šŸ™. And oh the wonderful celebrations, especially the cruises, definitely worth a toast šŸ·.


    Take care!

    St Louis Sal

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  23. 7 minutes ago, Mary229 said:

    This probably will be removed but I thought the irony too rich, upper photos from the super bowl - an indoor arena with over 100,000 people crammed together for over 4 hours.



    The pictures from the Super Bowl were interesting. I read the health protocols that were listed for those attending and that included being vaccinated or having a negative Covid test (several options listed) and wearing a mask. If any of those kids in the 2nd picture had parents making risky decisions, then I bet the teachers, staff and kids themselves are grateful for the health and safety requirements.


    St Louis Sal

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  24. Good morning, all!


    Happy Valentines Day (and Galentines Day). New computers are speedy things and then they start bogging down over time. Always worry when cleaning it out though, Ā that I will delete something important. I adore Ferris wheels. I made my youngest DD, (who sadly isnā€™t a fan), ride the London Eye with me twice. I love the newer Ferris wheel on Navy Pier in Chicago; the old wheel is now in Branson so I get to see it all the time. It has a really wonderful light show to enjoy even if you donā€™t ride it.Ā 

    The pasta and wine sound like winners, the drink Iā€™ll skip. I havenā€™t been to the destination (havenā€™t been to Spain at all, sadly). Love the quote from Ms. Roosevelt, have always admired her.


    An observation for this morning. Have you all noticed how much we have in common here on the Daily, over and above our love for cruising? The marriage stories of relationships that others thought would never fly. Love of cats, dogs, gardens, good food, drink and wine. More adoptees than I would have expected šŸ’—. Dealing over and over with health issues for ourselves and loved ones. Appliance curses šŸ˜‚. We certainly have our differences, but I think our similarities are a strong tie.


    Praying this morning for our cares list (sorry @rafinmdthat this is a sad anniversary) šŸ™. And lots of celebrating (love all the ā€œlive fromā€ threads that let us cruise vicariously). šŸ·


    Take care all,

    St Louis Sal





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