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Everything posted by LobsterStalker

  1. 2 words to get you started ..Airport Lounge ! Cheers
  2. I usually try to book it first thing in the week so when it gets cancelled they try to reschedule later on . However if I was out of NJ , I would probably go with the second available option in hopes to start that clock in a bit calmer waters . No guarantees of course but Odds are definitely in your favour further south GL Cheers P.S. One time we were cancelled 3 times and never got it in at all. That sucked
  3. Some relief maybe , but from what I read from others that is also going to be a challenge getting times you want at specialty this late in the game . FWIW , also agree with FIREFLY That MTD is a disaster on royal . That's also my 2 cents , you're almost up to a nickel Cheers GL
  4. During check in one of the questions ( As a Canadian) is for an address of where you will be staying if you are going to be in the US longer than 8 hours after you depart the ship ... What is the correct answer when you are going back for the following sailing ? Thx
  5. Lookin less and less likely that they will be able to salvage a stop at Labadee if that is the timeline. They could maybe make up some time but leaving 7-9 Hrs after scheduled departure will make it tough . If that is the case He Probably won't be in any big rush to get off anymore . GL Or if this is accurate hopefully I'm wrong... "New update I’m sure you heard: might be leaving between midnight and 2 am. Still expected to be in Labedee on schedule" Will be interested to hear in a couple days how it played out Cheers
  6. that is all you see online but there are different categories that you do not see online available if you call or use an agent
  7. My first cruise 07 Navigator , $1367 for 2 Promenade room. Got me hooked for sure ! Cheers
  8. To be clear as I've stated , I'm still paying auto grats, though I'm uncertain for how much longer... This is where I find the psychology of these threads interesting though . You lump yourself with as you state "the rest of us" , when it seems to me you Are in the camp of people with the mindset that IS paying the salaries of the poor ice cream girl..... etc. Because it seems , to me at least , that's what Auto Grats are doing It seems to me that many don't realize which side of the argument they are making . Always provides good entertainment though . Happy tipping!... (or not) Cheers
  9. This is an interesting example. (IF) you had the option of reducing or eliminating that mandatory % , likely you as a loyal customer of 22 years would still be frequenting the establishment regularly , and likely tipping as you felt appropriate based on history and service .... Cheers
  10. So you are accusing RCCL, a major multi-national corporation of lying and theft? Do you have any proof that the tips are not going to the staff? He stated the company keeps a portion of it which has been widely reported as fact. They keep a portion for "Administration Fees". Outside of that the facts around how they are distributed among the crew and what portion actually end up as a subsidy to their actual wage so that RCI does not need to pay the full wage , Yeah...those facts remain cloaked in secrecy it seems . I have not yet removed auto grats on any cruise , but I am tipping more and more to that side of the fence as time goes on. Starting to feel raising my cash tips to steward and servers may do them much better in the long run .... And I do believe 20 years ago that is who it was suggested that we tip ... When did it change to tipping (ie paying wages) for all positions on the ship ? Record breaking profits and skyrocketing fares , while guests gratuities subsidize wages ..? That is not in the spirit of what a gratuity is for in my opinion But ... maybe I'm wrong , haven't figured it out for sure yet. I'm sure it will become clear as mud by the end of the thread ! Cheers all !
  11. If capacity is actually that high , it should significantly impact crowds on the rest of the island. ....Either that or they'll upgrade the dock for a 3rd ship . Cheers
  12. 2000 sounds like a lot. Where did you hear that 'supposed' information ?
  13. Semantics... If not for people feeling the amount was too high , they wouldn't be so apt to wonder where it is going. Anyhow , Happy Cruising Cheers
  14. Understood . And I wasn't implying you were trying to suggest anything. I have been there several times over the last couple years , And the DJ is always hyping up the crowd with the party in full swing ! . If that was not not the case then something is off. I only Hope my (suggestion) is not the case . I'll be making to stops there in a couple weeks...May have to sneak out of Hideaway for a walk to confirm Cheers
  15. Do you have a question? I think this is a question
  16. Not that i'm all excited about another tip thread , but , If you went to a restaurant and they told you the 'Recommended amount' was now 45% ... would you just pay it and go about your business?... Or question it ? Maybe not for you , but For most people there is a limit reached in most cases to where if they feel they are being treated unfairly they will decide to question it , and are fully within their rights to know where their money is going. Cheers
  17. Wow. If this is yet another tactic to 'encourage' people to spend more money , that is disappointing . Anyone who has been by the Oasis lagoon pool in the early afternoon can tell you the party has clearly been a HUGE hit ! If their intent is to now make you have to go to another venue and have to pay to get that same experience if thats what you are looking for ....They have reached another low. Cheers
  18. Are you certain there was no DJ for the entire day . My experience , He usually shows up maybe a bit before lunch and starts ramping up the vibe. Hard to believe that this would just be eliminated as many people (myself included ) have com to expect this as part of the experience . We have booked hideaway to check it out but this would be disappointing to show up at the main pool to no DJ Cheers
  19. I'm guessing ( For the Revenue ) they will cram as many in as possible and it will be as crowded as anywhere else on the island ... just not crowded with kids Cheers
  20. You mean RC time dining yes? And was RC time dining chaotic or did it run smoothly ?
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