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Everything posted by LobsterStalker

  1. I have continued to leave auto Grats on and still tip waiter and Assistant the same as always , but it was only common sense to me at the very least to knock the stewards "Ëxtra" in half on last months cruises . I mean why would I tip him the same amount extra , when he now has twice the amount of rooms he had previously due to only servicing once a day? If everyone continued to tip what they had previously thought of as being fair , He would be making a damn good increase ! So factoring the same logic into the auto Grats and their constant increases alongside the reductions in service , It really makes me ask myself why I am still leaving them on ...But I am ! ...To be continued with later thought Cheers
  2. But they are nice enough to take them out of the shell for you ! Bon Apetite !
  3. So thinking a bit more about this , There are many who are adamant about leaving the auto grats in place (merely because it is the RIGHT thing to do) . Seems from what I've been reading lately there are gonna be quite a %age of those same cruisers who are going to hit a breaking point with the continual increases and stop tipping Extra. I wonder if any could be open minded enough to see the possible other side to the argument at that point ? Or will all still just be beating the drum ? Just thinking out loud... Cheers
  4. Sad thing is , by raising grats again , upfront customer facing staff , (who I believe deserve the tip) , Are actually going to get way less by my estimation . With the amount of the increase ,we could estimate that the steward gets maybe an extra .50c-.60c per day .So a buck a day per cabin . If this leads more people to stop tipping them extra , they could be hauling in maybe an avg. of $5 a day from that loss. Haven't decided to do either yet , still auto gratting and tipping extra , but Makes me feel , removing autograts , and tipping accordingly may be the better option , rather than leaving them on and not tipping extra. ...Good job RCI Cheers
  5. That is actually a hilarious statement . Can you explain where those children have been Loyal in ANY way ? Cheers
  6. Certainly there is It's called cash in hand on the last day , as I prefer ! Cheers
  7. I don't spend time here with the intent to stir the pot . That said , this response ( for my own humor, and a little clarification) ,I acknowledge I am stirring the pot . I have read a lot of posts regarding the vouchers and the tip they should get , and my observation has been that a lot of posters disparage those who do not tip on the voucher drinks as they are "stiffing" the crew . Also , in most cases those same posters generally claim to tip $1-$2 per drink for vouchers. However if you go with the standard 18% as the accepted minimum on your standard drinks $1 does not come close , and $2 is still light on the avg. $14 cocktail. .....And go. Tipping threads never get old ! Cheers
  8. Your experience may have worked , but I can assure based on the standby lines I saw out past the elevators each night as we were leaving early , that that is definitely not a great option ! Cheers
  9. It may be easier for the waiter for whatever reason , but if dining is listed for 5:15 , you have until 5:30 at the very minimum to arrive. That is not for the waiter to determine , but for you . Cheers
  10. ... And maybe this example is the reason they are not rushing to fix it . Seems to be a lot of factors pushing cruisers away from traditional and straight over to Specialty ! Cheers
  11. Says right on the package "Non Drowsy ". Would a pharmaceutical company ever lie ? 😏 Stick with what u have
  12. FWIW , A balcony guarantee is showing for closer to 2200$ US
  13. Anything they can make with alcohol can be made mocktail (Virgin) by withholding the alcohol . So your list is long. Cheers
  14. Personally It wouldn't put me in the right frame of mind to sit and enjoy a nice relaxing meal with my wife if I have just got done argueing/begging/pleading my case to the host and then being dragged up a couple flights by an unhappy waiter. .... I doubt if that's just me ! Cheers
  15. You should have asked your friends to ask him to their every other day cleaning in your room !
  16. I never commented on the solarium bistro as I was mainly posting on the MDR , but I will add this . We had never utilized the Bistro before this trip but strolled down to check it out day 2 , and were pleasantly surprised by the lack of chaos (Pretty much the same offerings just on a smaller scale ). We ate there breakfast and lunch day 2 . We routinely just put together a good salad for lunches , and when we returned for lunch day 3 , we arrived to an empty lettuce bowl , and 4 (of the 8 or so) fixings bowls also empty , And a handful of people standing there plate in hand . We waited for about 5 minutes and the only action while we waited was one of the attendants telling someone (That was waiting for dressing ) that there was only honey mustard left , and the others were not available. Needless to say , we ate our remaining dinners in the chaos of the windjammer. I would have thought with a smaller venue they would have done better , but I guess it's the opposite Cheers
  17. On Harmony 2 weeks ago . Only 46 Pinnies onboard . From everything I had been reading , I expected it to be higher. Maybe It's because they knew Super Mario would be onboard
  18. I said a few things . Curious which do you disagree with ? Or everything ?
  19. Keep in mind , one thing that seems very clear from many reports , along with my own experience , the food quality can vary greatly from ship to ship . Therefore regardless of your experience in may I don't feel it would be conclusive to anything . If you have a good experience it is not necessarily indicative of a fleet wide improvement , and vise versa for a bad experience. One thing is near certain ... You won't have an epic "Wow , that dining was through the roof"" experience ! Gl Cheers
  20. There is the description I couldn't come up with , but QUITE accurate ! Cheers
  21. Even better , take the continuously looping buses ! much cheaper , and the station is right across the cruise terminal Cheers
  22. Gotcha. I only bid on my last couple that I returned from last week . Don't spend enough time in cabin to care much , but if I was lucky enough to fall into something cheaply , figured I'd go for it . Cheers
  23. Viator is one i have used frequently And they do "guaratee" ,(FWIW), on time return to ship
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