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Everything posted by Blackduck59

  1. See post #61, it shows the legend for the symbols on the deck plan. It is also on the deck plans themselves.
  2. Then it is not a booked cabin it is a "guarantee". Don't sell the Cadillac and charge for it, only to deliver a Chevrolet because someone else wanted your Cadillac.
  3. What you consider an "upgrade" may not be for someone else. Some choose cabins because of location, others for a bigger balcony. Perhaps the location is chosen to put distance between them and the stinky smoking casino (a whole different debate). The point is we put some thought into choosing and paid extra for the privilege. So basically the thought process at head office is everyone is in a guarantee category, and we'll just keep the premium paid by these guests and put them wherever we want, so we can give their cabin to a family where the kids are travelling for free. Not so much. If you're trying to build brand loyalty don't screw over the guests who pay full fare for the cabin they chose.
  4. I have to say this is a very poorly thought out policy. Like many we book well in advance, well over a year. We don't book guarantees and so far we haven't used Club Orange for an upgrade. Due to another strange convoluted process within the booking system trying to get the same cabin on both legs of a B2B even though the cabins shoe as available for both legs, if you book one leg or the other but not both. If we are paying a premium, full fare, to choose our cabin it better be the cabin we are in. Like @3rdGenCunarder I would expect some meaningful compensation.
  5. It doesn't hurt to ask at customers service, after the first leg is over.
  6. I don't think you will get a table for 12, 2 tables for 6 side by side more likely.
  7. Yes that is my maker's mark, I put it on my personal projects (often in places where it is never seen, only the owner knows it's there). Those particular flowers were for a project I abandoned more than 40 years ago. I still had them. Originally I was going to make the box out of Cherry but I saw that board and it literally said "use me". I don't particularly like carving white oak so a different technique was required; so rather than carve the mark in I laid the flowers on. They are made from Western Maple and the centers are Walnut.
  8. With respect, comparing HAL to Oceania is like comparing apples to pumpkins. I suspect when you pay 3 times the fare the cruise line can shell out for the 10 person entertainment troupe, and the 7 piece band. I'm sorry that the entertainment isn't what it used to be, but if it was I suspect HAL would be charging Oceania prices and those who are complaining about the "entertainment" would be howling loudly that the cruise fare was so high. Those who can afford the high end lines, enjoy them, but don't use them as a comparison, there isn't one.
  9. It wasn't serious, I'm sorry you don't know me well enough. I do have a sense of humor. The soldiers in the photos are part of the Royal 22nd Regiment, the storied Van Doos who's place in Canadian history is cemented with sacrifice and honour. We don't really joke about them. Feel free to joke about me or our Government or many other things, I'll probably laugh with you.
  10. There will be in less than an hour. Then we will keep them at home until we take them to Vancouver in April.
  11. It's not nice to make fun of Canadians 🤔
  12. Thank you for your enthusiastic report. I'm sure there are many who will be happy to read it. Hopefully the "talent" coordinators will be able to find more like Krista Meadows for the whole fleet. If so it would be a good first step to rebuilding the entertainment offerings on HAL ships.
  13. I think @boeckli is correct. I can see a "CD" Medal on the uniform. If they are correct that is a member of the "Vandoos"
  14. This is my final tribute of love and respect for Granny (my name for Lynn's mom).
  15. I just re-read the OP and it seems to imply that the term "Oriental Corner" was used in the Navigator App. So while many were debating the "political correctness" (including me to a degree); we all missed the reference as to where the term was used in relation to the original question.
  16. It sounds like an interesting concept, apparently it is available in Seattle and Vancouver; so maybe one day.
  17. I often read posts where people want to see the menus or some secret rotation formula so they can plan their specialty dining. I don't get it, FOMO to the max; We like to plan our cruise to a degree, what we will do on shore days, where we will stay before and after the cruise, etc. We actually have to preplan meals because of my wife's dietary needs. Never once have we thought, If we have dinner here we will miss out on (insert menu item here) there. We know that we should be able to find something to eat every day. If we missed the prime rib night because we made reservations for the Tamarind pop up, Oh well, I can roast a perfect prime rib at home and my Yorkshire pudding is pretty good too.
  18. Personally I was not that impressed with "Afternoon Tea". Each one of those stands should be for 2 people, and if you are going to add a new couple to a table after the fact (when the stand is picked over); then bring a new stand. If you're going to do "Afternoon Tea" then do it, rinky tea is just an insult to the tradition. We will see what we get next year on Westerdam, we will be on her for 6 weeks so I guess we will have several chances to see what they serve.
  19. @Haljo1935 Thank you for the photos, it looks a lovely meal. I have no problem with Mariner Society special events and perks. Loyalty deserves rewards.
  20. I'm sorry to hear that, it seems to be hit and miss. There have been reports of invite only "Mariner's Lunch" with presentations and special menu by a number of members on different cruises. There have also been some members expecting to have the "Mariner's Lunch" in the MDR on embarkation day. That assumption is usually from people who haven't cruised on HAL in some time. Now there will be no lunch in the MDR on embarkation day and hopefully those who enjoy the invitation only Mariner's Lunch will find it offered more consistently on cruises going forward.
  21. We will expect a proper report with the findings of your "research" into this event.😉
  22. @Miss G I think you missed my point. There is already a special "Mariner's Lunch" those who are invited enjoy if you choose to attend. If a person has a point of view or personal knowledge they want to share, then share it. No need to quote your "Mariner Status" to validate it. I think the MDR being open for lunch for a reasonable period say until 1430 hrs. on embarkation day would help set a tone for passengers new and returning who would enjoy a sit down lunch; as well as take part of the surge from the Lido. Unfortunately many people thought it was for "Mariners" only and since they weren't they didn't even try. Conversely some "Mariners" where upset that it was no longer exclusive.
  23. @BobbiSox I'm sorry that you have been driven to feel you need to bring your own camping chair. Even with your own furniture you will need the deck space, which some rude person will surely decide to use. It feels like a no win to me. Best of luck for a great cruise. Our cruise was on Zaandam which doesn't have the "Lanais" but does have the loungers on the promenade in the same locations as the Lanais. As a personal thought I wouldn't want to rely on that space as a substitute for a balcony.
  24. I think that the MDR should be open on embarkation day...or not. The idea of it being a "Mariner's" lunch is just off. I understand there is a "Mariner's Lunch" later in the voyage. As many people who have read my posts know, I don't get the whole quote my "status" mindset. There are many people who post on these boards (on all lines) who clearly have many sea days and they don't feel the need to mention status. Their opinions hold value to me. On that point my wife and I are 2* mariners, we have been on one 11 day cruise with HAL. Do I get into the "Mariner's Lunch"? Probably not. Will we go when we reach the lofty status required for an invite? Probably not. We will however happily take the free laundry if we ever get to 4*.
  25. Seriously???? Where does the "Tips" line end? Do you tip your insurance agent? The receptionist at the Gym? The plumber who fixed your dripping faucet? If you want to praise your PCC send a "My PCC did me a solid" to Holland America.
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