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Everything posted by Ride-The-Waves

  1. Marina does NOT "look bad." Just fine, in fact. Personally don't much care for chrome and glitz.
  2. Thanks for the advice. The actual time "away" was in seconds to minutes, not hours. FYI - its not easy to finger-type on an iPad or other small mobile device, especially when the connection is "dropped." Were there lounge chair hogs on Marina's last TA? Didn't notice...
  3. On the just completed Marina TA any wifi connection was terminated minutes following the last activity. This required repeated logons which became very intrusive and frustrating.
  4. The food is good. The ambiance sometimes not so much. We recently experienced Jacques and Red Ginger on Marina. Jacques is stuffed with tables sitting on hardwood floors which amplify sound throughout the restaurant. We were at a two-top and could bared hear each other across the table. Ate in Red Ginger twice, first time was good with the ship maybe half full. Second time a two couples sat at the table next to us came in well oiled with one carrying three drinks. Unpleasant. Dinning is more than food. Ambiance is important. We also need to remember that the slogan "Finest Cuisine at Sea" is a registered trademark and not an actual evaluation by any independent organization.
  5. Going to give Azamara a serious look. Sailed with them many times pre-Covid and before they were broken off from RCCL. Always enjoyed the ships, ambiance, crews, and felt it was truly "like coming home" again. We don't enjoy the mega ships and carnival atmosphere.
  6. Not quite the worst cruise ever, but close. NOT up to expectations. Onboard Rome to Miami. Toooo many days. Immigration at San Juan was a real cluster and all Marina's fault. Took the ship 2 hours and 45 minutes to get everyone off. Scary when you think about safety and security. I addressed the issue with one of the senior officers - and received a head shrug. NOT the fault of immigration. We processed through that in minutes. The terminal did have chairs for sitting - thankfully. Doors open and A/C at full blast resulted in a cold for both of us. Management/leadership incompetence. Found the ship to be dated and in need of overhaul. NOT a "near luxury" ship. Ate at specialty restaurants six times out of eight reservations. Food was generally good, if served colder than expected. Best of the restaurants was Polo. The noise level in Jacques and Red Ginger was uncomfortably loud resulting from too many tables too close together. Couple next to us in Red Ginger came in soused (carrying three drinks). Disappointing. We ate mostly in the Terrace Cafe which was also crowded with tables too close together (saw one lady trip and fall over a chair leg) - it was also impossible to get through to your table after selecting food from the buffet. Crew was great. Worked hard to please. Can't say the same about leadership. Guest lecturers were good and knowledgeable. Embarkation was a breeze in Civitavecchia. Walked off in Miami (see immigration above) and in car at Miami international within one hour. "Worst Internet at Sea" should be Oceania's moto. Horrible connectivity. First day tried logging on and received notification it would be $25/day for "basic (non existent)" Internet. Had my mobile phone "on" while checking in and that counted as the only device allowed (reception grudgingly "fixed" it). "Fast" Internet was $35/day. No thanks. Only good connection was last two days specifically for comments. Everything on board appeared geared to nickel and dimming you from your money. Boutique prices brought tears to my eyes they were so far above normal. Why? Who wants to pay over $120 for a polo shirt? Nuts! Cabin was nice and comfortable - "PH" on Deck 11. HVAC worked well. Great closet. Looks like first and last time on Oceania for us.
  7. We did Antartica on Hurtigruten's Fram making a dozen landings on islands and the continent itself, visited several research stations and were enthralled by the local wildlife, seals, whales, and of course penguins. Hurtigruten provided the boots and jacket (got to keep the jacket) and we cruised the Antarctic Ocean from Ushuaia and back. My spouse likens the difference to her experience as a teen driving through New York City: her father told her to look out the rear window to see the Empire State Building. Stopping was not an option. We have stepped on all 7 continents. Africa safari with Tauck and Antarctica with Hurtigruten have been highlights of our travels.
  8. Wearing a tux to 6pm dinner went out when waiters stopped calling people to dinner by walking the First Class passageways playing xylophones.
  9. Great thread. First O cruise next month booked well over year and a half ago. Experienced cruiser - first transatlantic in 1949 with family and we have visited all 7 continents. Thread confirms all the perspectives we have gisted since booking. Oceania appears to obfuscate a lot of the costs and pricing by making it difficult to understand and choose. Interesting business model for a business. Confuse the prospective buyer to the point of making them believe they are getting the best for their money while never really knowing. Whether we travel with Oceania again will be determined on the upcoming cruise. I do not like being made a fool and it appears this is the primary business model. I don't understand why Oceania makes it so difficult. This is not putting their "best foot" forward. FYI - we took the basic no perks fare for a PH cabin and found good pricing for flights. Probably all with less work and angst than if we had swallowed the whole O magilla. Excursions have been booked with private venders. I feel a bit distanced from O in that the company could have made more $$$ by just being straight forward with their approach to our cruise.
  10. Marina and other cruise ships moor pier side in Istanbul.
  11. "Dress code"is a legacy from the days of ocean liners across the Pond. In "First Class" only a xylophone player walked the First Class passageways calling all to diner. Dark suit and "ball gowns" were required. That was the 1950s when men wore hats outside and women never wore pants in public. Much different today. "Dress code" should be more a "cleanliness" code with most forms of dressing permitted. We always dress "country club" which implies collared shirt, trousers, and pants/top for women. Easy. Dressing for a 1950s transatlantic in 2nd or 3rd class did not require "dressing up" and was much more casual.
  12. If your are using SPECTRUM mobile, I agree that you are confused. Highest prices for the worst service.
  13. Nine months on USS Kitty Hawk, San Diego to San Diego. Most of the time spent in the South China Sea. Married three days after return. 😀
  14. There is one upscale cruise line which permits passenger to carry on wine and liquor for use in cabin. This is good!
  15. Verbose, but appropriate. Problem is there is a lot of good helpful tech in the techosphere which is ba\oth helpful to the provider and the providee. There is also a lot of really bad tech pushed out that is cumbersome and unhelpful to the user, and possible provides only a monetary benefit to the provider (including taking your private data for profit). The Princess tech is a good example of the latter - little to no benefit to the guest cruiser and extremely cumbersome to use. Tech improvements will be with us as they have been for centuries - no issue. Maybe we need a "tech traffic police" which rejects bad tech. Additionally, requiring a $1000 smartphone and $50-100/month subscription to a provider is not "user friendly." SPECTRUM is the worst and most expensive of these culprits. Raising fees at their will, changing access at their will, and providing slow connections just is totally unhelpful.
  16. More importantly, the World Cup starts 20 November. Hopefully that will be available on board.
  17. One should not have to ask for a corporation/company to not sell or profit off your information; they should have to ask you if they can use/profit off you in a provided form.
  18. The real issue is that the Medallion App is terrible technology. Nobody is against technological improvements. Happens all the time. Good stuff as long as it improves and simplifies everyday life without security compromises. Problem is that Princess's version is just terrible technology and does NOT work as "advertised." And, Princess knows this.
  19. There appears to be one consistent theme across all these post, and that the failure of Princess to manage and care for passengers and the deterioration of Princess operations since the beginning of the COVID pandemic. Earlier this year we sailed on Sky across the Pond and experienced this deterioration. By the end of the cruise COVID was rampant throughout (although we did not catch it and neither did our friends also sailing in a suite). We missed several ports, to include the reason we took the cruise, a visit to Morocco. Princess was well aware they would not be allowed to moor in Casablanca before the cruise started, yet never informed us passengers. Food on board was marginal, especially in the specialty restaurants. Our friends just returned from Enchanted in Alaska and reported that conditions had gone for bad to worse, especially the food. Cleanliness was marginal and many caught COVID-19 during the cruise. "Entertainment" was terrible. Princess appears to have changed from a customer friendly cruise line to one focused solely on recovering monies "lost" during the pandemic. Not good. And, yes, we have sworn off ever cruising with Princess again. Many mentioned the "contract" with Princess. Likely if anyone actually read ie pre-cruise they would choose to not board. Funny thing about contracts - they go both ways. Princess has a responsibility to care for passengers which some fail to point out. Princess is in business solely to make money and not be your friend. The bottom line is the paramount objective. Mistreating passengers on a case basis doesn't really cost them anything. Be aware, be very aware, cruising with Princess. Our next cruise is with Oceania and expect better treatment.
  20. The ship's medical center carrie Paxloid and should have been prescribed by ship's doctor. Acute failure not to do so.
  21. The Medallion App is a total joke. Last three Princess cruises is has not worked except for opening the cabin door, and that was problematic. Period. The App check-in "requirement" is simply another was Princess is placing more onus on the passenger than on the crew.
  22. Well Done, especially at fast food and similar establishments. I detest the customer gouging many of these establishments foster on patrons these days.
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