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Everything posted by MoCruiseFan

  1. YOU may be discussing that but the topic f teh thread was the SMOKE in the casuno. Thanks for trying to derail the conversation and make it seem like a non issue.
  2. While I highly doubt that NCL is going to file for bankruptcy, or that outsourcing IT is even a slight indication of that happening, one day of stock pricing is of no relevance.
  3. Going bankrupt LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL. So you are saying that non-American IT staff are all unskilled. Wow nice racist statement.
  4. They have a wide variety of food so even picky eaters will fidn soemthign to their liking.
  5. Smelling tequila won't kill you. Bretahing in 2nd hand smoke can. As long as you don't stick your nose in someone's drink you won't smell tequila. Pointng out a fact is not complaining.
  6. Not to worry. At some point down the road all cruise ships will be 100% non-smoking. May not be soon, but it will eventually happen. If tobacco states like VA and NC can ban smoking in bars, restaurants, anything is possible in the realm. I am looking forward to the day it is announced and will applaud loudly.
  7. I get a bigger discount than that on my own. 🙂
  8. Having had 4 lamenectomies and spinal fusion L3-L4-L5, I can relate to the back situation!
  9. Again you are assuming that is what they did. It may well be the case, but you really have no idea if it is so.
  10. Don't waste yoru money. Vibe was barely worth the old price let elone the newer (for the last several years or so) price.
  11. I have never seen in in THEIR dailies, may have been there but if s I missed it.
  12. I don't order food based on what the market value is. I order what I think tastes good.
  13. Weather, especially hurricanes, change rapidly. While it may have been as you described (a intentional delay in announcing the change), it very well could have been that a last minute weather update made it unsafe to go on the planned itinerary. Of course I have no idea what exactly happened, but you are assuming an intentional deception. Either way, I may have been disappointed but I would have been happy to be on a cruise ship rather than be sitting on my couch at home.
  14. No they sre not shsrable no matter if you got them THROUGH upgrade, FAS, or outright purchase. Enjoy your cruise.
  15. And don't forget to tip the smokers!
  16. You are correct, it is your CHOICE to enjoy amy cruise or not. I have only been on a little over 20 cruises but I have cjsen to enjoy all of them,
  17. I would not consider trimming down the appetizers or desserts MAJOR cuts, Also I have never had them limit how much I can order. Much ado about nothing.
  18. As someone else stated, the ONLY valid guide on tipping s to tip anyone you want any amount you want any time you want. What other people choose to do is not at all relevant as there is no suggestd amount and tipping is not required, however most people do choose to tip for personal service. I normally tip the bar keep who gets my soda for me, I tip the servers any time I eat, and I tip the dealer if I win a hand in the casino, plus others. How much I give is between me and the person I am tipping.
  19. NCL offers many options for picky eaters. If you have specific dietary needs see the FAQ on the NCL page. They address it there.
  20. Did you read the cruise contract that you agreed to when you booked? The captain can deviate from the planned itinerary at any time for any reason with no explanation abd NO COMPENSATION DUE. Sometimes they will give you some on baord creadut but it is not at all rquired that they do.
  21. They dont GO anywhere. You have to put them where you want them to be! A lot of people put them under the bed or in the bottom of the closet.
  22. Does not sound tandom to me. Sounds like a specific question you want answered. NCL no longer gives out those cups. Personaly I am glad they stopped ofr a number of reasons.
  23. Yeah but do you have to tip for lobster if you are smoking? 🙂
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