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Everything posted by MoCruiseFan

  1. Only slightly less fake than the straw in the turtle's nose picture that the tre huggers get all upset about.
  2. You are paying a LOT simply for bubbles, that is the only difference, but oh well. I agree with PPP, feel free to buy the hype!
  3. It would be a logistical mess to charge for milk. People need it for cereal at breakfast for example.
  4. It was longer ago than a few months I think. I thought it was at least a year ago.
  5. First off there are no gratuities to pre-pay. I think you are referring o the DSC, To address your question, you can always go to the shore excursion desk and cancel the shore excursions then rebook them... I should refund to original form of payment then charge the rebook to your acct. Worth a shot.
  6. 1st off it is not a 'stunt', it is covered and speciiicaly addressed in your cruise contract that you obviously did not read. You were actually due nOTHING at all for the change. Them giving you he $100 was not required at all. Nex time you buy something you ought to read what it is you are buying before plunking down your money.
  7. We have been to GSC several times. None of us are smokers and I have not noticed if tehy have a designated smking area but I will say this... Whatever arrangements they have made seem to make it a pleasurable experience for all no matter the smoking preference. I hope that you find it fully enjoyable no matter what arrangements you fidn when you get there.
  8. I have been in several connecting cabisn and NEVER had a single issue with noise. You will be fine.
  9. They are tipped that way. The decision as to whether to tip at time of service is a personal matter and there is no right or wrong answer. For what it is worth, I normaly tip $1 per drink when I am served, even in the casino where my drinks and those for anyone sailing with me are comped. I only drink sift drinks but I still tip for them. That is what works for me, others will have a wdie varieyu of tipping choices. It all boils down to tip however you are comfortable doing so. Your server will apprecite any tip you give. Have a great time on your cruise. I hope you and all of your fellow cruise members have an absolutely fantastic time.
  10. Well since the DSC is not a tip that is irrelevant.
  11. In other words when you buy something, read what it is that you are buying before plunking down your money. Good advice for all purchases but nothing to BEWARE about. FYI, CN no longer have an expiration date so a good portion of your post is totally imnvalid. THE SKY IS FALLING!!!
  12. All you have to do is log in as the otehr person. You did not HAVE TO add her to your CC. Also how hard is it to click a couple of links to upload a photo? It takes maybe 5 seconds. Just upload any face photo. They will most likely re-take one at check in anyway.
  13. So you are saying you got EXACTLY what you agreed to and paid for...
  14. You have to have pants on everywhere on the cruise in general. No one wants to see your junk. You can wear short pants most places. I believe Le Bistro and Ocean Blue require (actually request) long pants and a collared shirt for men. In my experience jeans and a tshirt are fine.
  15. I could not imagine being forced to eat at a specific time or with the same people all week, That sounds absolutely horrid.
  16. The fact that the girl scout just walks away without a word kind of makes that scene. I love it!
  17. I missed that we were talking about monopoly money not real dollars! $360 is still high.That is abot 8-10 suitcases AFTER the ome free bag per person on most airlines.
  18. So much ado about noting at all. The OP simply called in to ask a question, In order to ensure tha the correct answer was given the rep tested to see if she coudl use the coupon elswhre, Nothing at all to BEWARE about. The email was simply an auto matic follow up to the rep doing his job fully. If you get email that you do not want all you have to do is click delete and move on.
  19. The quote came form one of teh Addams Family movies. Do you recall the scene? I believe Wednesday had set up a lemonade stand and a Girl Scout came by to purchase a glass and asked if the lemonade was made with real lemons then asked Wednesday if she wanted to buy some Girl Scout cookies/ Wednesday replied 'are they made with real girl scouts'. It was something along those lines anyway. .
  20. So you asked her to do something and she did exactly what you asked. Problem solved.
  21. Yes they can. What part of non*refundable do you not comprehend. NCL has no standing in this matter, it is between the OP and the airline. The OP chose to incur non*refundable charges. Again one should never let someone else make and have control of your travel plans. I am wondering as well what was purchased that came to $500. That is a rather high amunt simply for setasa and luggage unless the seats were upgardes to 1st class.
  22. You purchased a 7*day (or however long) cruise,. That is what you are still getting.
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