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Everything posted by Peregrina651

  1. Emile, under the squeaky wheel theory, contact CC boss Laura at community@cruisecritic.com.
  2. HEAR!! HEAR!! Did I miss something? Is my browser blocking something? The page looks the same as it did 3 years ago when M&Ms were first paused. I didn't see any announcement about suspending (other than Celebrity, which I think is old news). TIA
  3. I personally have a problem with posting that information publicly (it's just not safe) and therefore would choose not to participate in a meet and greet so organized. Anyone can join Cruise Critic. Anyone can read any roll call here. Not every one comes here with the best of intentions. Were I the organizer, I would use a disposable email address (one that does not have my name on it and one that I can delete if it becomes compromised; like what I used in the signature file, which I have already changed 6 times) and have everyone send the personal information there. I would also explain that the list would never be posted on the roll call, would not be shared even with the names on the list (you can post a list of screen names of who is participating) and would only be sent to Viking Guest Relations. without screen names, for the purpose of sending out the invitations.
  4. So that they can make it to the 9 pm show.
  5. FYI: It seems that last week Viking opened up more pre-departure reservation slots, maybe even reverted to the pre-pandemic plan, for the specialty restaurants. With a couple of possible exceptions, getting pre-departure reservations should be a lot easier now.
  6. Start with tellus@vikingcruises.com? Find the roll call and ask how they did it and who they contacted? https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2813190-viking-mars-roll-call-april-18-2023-voyage-of-marco-polo-35-nights-bangkok-to-athens/?do=getNewComment
  7. You said it!! No bell pepper! No garlic (hopefully). No raw onion! What more could I ask for? Other than seconds, that is!
  8. Perhaps not so much duplicitous as they simply aren't allowed to do it without asking a supervisor? -- which is maybe not a bad system.
  9. Could it be that every time you have asked, you already had an upcoming cruise booked? I was under the impression that was the requirement for a 6 month PIF (that or booking on board another cruise).
  10. 1. Your luggage goes by truck. You will see it when you arrive in Bergen. The train ride is 6-7 hours. Whichever train Viking has reserved, you will arrive late afternoon. 2. First, a note for all readers: Viking has two different Oslo-Bergen extensions. The 2-night arrives in Bergen and goes directly to the ship; the 4-night has a hotel stay in Bergen. Yes, they will take your bags but you will probably be required to identify them before they are put on the bus -- and you will have to identify them again when you get off the bus at the ship or even deal with getting them into the terminal. I'm guessing that the transfer from the hotel will be timed to get your to the ship after 10am (because all departing pax have to be off the ship by then) but before lunch.And, if the transfer time is earlier, it may include a bit of a drive by tour of the town to kill some time (and you never know when you board the transfer bus what it will be). My thought is that you find out from Viking how early you can drop your luggage at the ship and then if necessary skip the included transfer altogether. [As for carry-on plan. We are going next May, ending in Bergen. We also prefer carry-on only. My colder temps plan is my trusty cashmere tunic length cardi to layer under an unlined rain jacket. It is not bulky in the suitcase yet it is a very warm layer.]
  11. Is this for cruises you were looking to book or cruises you had already booked?
  12. Take them to your cabin if you aren't willing to turn them over to the crew for delivery. Just let them know about the breakables. If your cabin is ready for occupancy at that point, you can move in; you do not have to wait for the time stated on your invoice. If it is not ready for occupancy, then may I suggest the pool grill for lunch (Deck 7) or the Living Room Bar (Deck 1) for continental breakfast. You can leave your still-packed bags in the room; the stewards will work around them.
  13. Okay, I'm seasoned. Here's what I think -- and it is supposition based on two things. 1. Once upon a time, in the good old days, before the pandemic, all of the seats in the specialty restaurants were available for pre-departure booking. Since the re-start in 2021, for whatever reasons, only a small percentage have been made available -- and we have seen the raft of complaints and angst that scheme generated. 2. Last week folks were complaining about not being able to get into MVJ; there is a whole thread about it. Seems to me that anytime techies are in there working, changing things, adding things, deleting things, we have troubles getting in. Therefore, I'm wondering if the techies were in there last week restoring the old "all seats are available for booking" scheme. It would account for the sudden availability of so many time slots. (Cancellations could only account for a few openings). But as I said this is only a guess and we won't know for sure until we hear reports from those who are actually using MVJ to make reservations.
  14. Viking has never posted shorex prices on the website and they don't appear on MyVikingJourney until 120 days or so prior to sailing. It is a long shot but call Viking and ask if they can send you the information. It may take a couple of tries to get the information (not all of the phone agents know all of the tricks). You have named the cruises you are interest in and perhaps someone will see your post and share what information. BUT I say this reservations because "Bay of Bengal" is a new itinerary and I don't know it has sailed yet or if anyone has seen prices and the other two have are underway now for the first time since the resumption of operations (and pre-pandemic prices may be too inaccurate as shorex prices have definitely risen). You might try looking on the roll calls. I have a list for Hong Kong to Vancouver but no information for Bay of Bengal. 2023 FAR EASTERN HORIZONS Hong Kong to Tokyo DATES: April 13 โ€“ April 29, 2023 Viking Orion - Far East & Alaska - April 15-May 20, 2023 Grand Pacific Explorer - Vancouver to Auckland - September 17, 2023 Viking Orion October 10, 2023 Far East Horizons (14 day) & SE Asia Horizons (28 day) 2024 Far East and Alaska April 2024 Viking Orion, February-May 2024, Grand Pacific Explorer Viking Orion-Far Eastern Horizons-October 2024-Tokyo to Hong Kong
  15. There are umbrellas in all of the cabin closets and there is a rack of umbrellas as you leave the ship. Even if I take the umbrella from the cabin, I return it to the racks as we return. Who needs to deal with wet umbrellas in the cabin? If I need an umbrella the next day, I know I can grab one as I leave for the day.
  16. At least two hours including a bathroom stop coming and going. TIP: Estimate travel times for tours with Google maps.
  17. That is a great back-up plan! For those who do have two log-ins, be aware that two people cannot be logged into your booking at the same time. (And that includes that you and your travel agent cannot be logged in the same time).
  18. BTW, ask a pharmacist if you can use meclizine and Dramamine at the same time; bad interaction between the two drugs and all that. My, my, my how quickly this thread had drifted.....
  19. LOL, and I thought you meant willing to cope with your seasickness.
  20. Google maps can show you how far it is from the port to the lighthouse and give you a rough idea of how long it will take.
  21. Try refreshing the page. I just got in but I had to press refresh a couple of times. Took about a minute. I've used this technique a couple of time recently.
  22. So, I have to tell you, for laughs of course. Doris turned up on my online book group's feed this week. The puns are lost and the focus is on the Vikings themselves -- one of who looks like Terry Pratchett and another who looks like John Rhys-Davies in some movie. My immediate reaction was how quickly it made it to our little backwater.
  23. Have fun. I'm following your Live-ish thread.
  24. I'm on the same sailing as SantaFe1. I might not wait until I get home. Depending on my mood a year from now, I might start a "Live" thread and report as I go along.
  25. Ditto! But then again, it's @Clay Clayton and he shares. Maybe if we are lucky he will do a "live" thread (hint, hint๐Ÿ˜‰).
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