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  1. Perhaps he does, but I had to google the name to find out who he was.😂
  2. The trouble is that it's so subtle only those of us who read very regularly pick up on it. Many others react favourably to the carefully phrased unpleasant posts.
  3. Isn't it wonderful that there's something/someone for everyone.😊
  4. Never had this problem with Tesco, so it must depend on the local branch's efficiency. Had a very similar egg problem with Sainsbury's, who initially told me it was my fault for not rejecting the under-delivery/over charge... It does seem to depend on the local store pickers which, in my case, is mainly staffed by middle aged ladies who know what they're doing. I'm sure than sentence breaches many equality laws/rules/regulations but so be it.😂
  5. I love balance, and think I've been unlucky with the guest speakers on my P&O cruises. Not seen Dickie Arbiter on a cruise (though he's frequently on TV), but Jenny Bond was on one of our Cunard cruisers and she was good. For even more balance, on our last Cunard cruise in (I think) June 2019, the guest speaker was Martin Bashir. Even without the benefit of hindsight, he was absolutely dire, though he was actually doing the lectures as the Beeb's Religious Affairs Correspondent, not their finest HR vetted appointment...
  6. Similar problems with Tesco eggs here, Harry, though they always send something plus price match; Sainsbury's has similar supply problems. Is Tesco sending you an alternative or just sending you nothing? Here they are the best of the major supermarkets for decent substitutes and almost always send the complete order with no omissions. Asda is not good, and always two or three items missing, usually items that must have substitutes available in store, but looks like they can't be bothered.
  7. Gosh, that's an odd one; Cunard usually get excellent speakers: once went to one by Sir David Frost who was, of course, hugely entertaining and Lord Digby Jones also superb - QV theatre jam packed for every lecture. The low point was Clare Balding, just about the worst speaker I've heard on any cruise line (subjective opinion, of course). Her ubiquitiousness (is that even a word? Where's wowzz when you need him?) has been a mystery to me ever since.
  8. Premium Bonds - a quick question: This month (May) my winnings have not been paid into the nominated bank account, plus I have not been notified by email; normally it's paid in on about the 10th of the month. Gather from reading various press reports that NS&I are in a muddle - is that the reason, or have they singled me out, lol?😂 Has anyone had their prizes paid in this month?
  9. And I have just dug out some old school magazines ("Spectrum", Southgate Grammar School, 1965-1967), in which Barclays advertised for school leavers to join them. Under the heading "A Career in the Bank" there is a salary scale and career outline for "ambitious young men" and a separate one, heading "And there's scope for girls as well", with a lesser salary, along with the boast that Barclays has "two women branch managers". We've come a long way...
  10. I did. You said "no need for embarrassment". He would feel embarrassed, as would I. Please read what has been written.
  11. Indeed. And recently, despite reported attempts, many problems haven't been resolved on board.
  12. If Harry says he would feel embarrassed, then he would feel embarrassed. So would I. I often find that, on most topics, more than one opinion is available...
  13. I very much hope you love Cunard as much as I do. Bon voyage!
  14. + 1. In fact, cocktail length dresses and dressy trousers for formal nights were becoming increasingly prevalent pre-youknowwhat and I doubt things have become more formal since then, though haven't been on a Cunard ship since June 2019.
  15. I always try, and fail, to imagine my late father going out to dinner dressed as Stanley Mathews.
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