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crusin okie

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Everything posted by crusin okie

  1. Did B2B last month on Beyond. The lunch was on Day 1 on both cruises. It was convenient but not "special".
  2. We did a B2B on Beyond last month. We had a 17 minute wait once for a MDR as a "walk up" which is what we did every night. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate the shows as a 6. Just my opinion. A couple of the comedians were pretty funny.
  3. We were on a B2B on Beyond 2/5.23 - 2/19/23. Kids had been screaming in the solarium for hours with staff just going on their merry way. Finally, I asked what appeared to be a supervisor of some sort (white shirt with shoulder boards of some variety) why kids were allowed in the solarium when the signed obviously said it was not allowed? His eyes got big and he said, "What kids?" I replied, "The screaming ones two feet behind you." I will admit he had them leave but it was a temporary solution.
  4. In the past 16 months we have sailed B2B on the Independence OTS, B2B on Beyond, and single 7 day sailings on the Allure OTS and Carnival Dream. As it pertains to MDR food, I believe the Beyond was, without question, the worst. The MDR service on the Beyond was, in my opinion, tied for last with the Allure OTS. Just my opinion.
  5. The ship's staff has to handle the luggage regardless. The terminal to airport is, I am sure, a contractor paid for by the fee charged to the user.
  6. This has nothing to do with $$. It is a matter of convenience that is paid for by those who use it.
  7. I did - and they do respond but I don't think enough people have communicated this to X.
  8. I doubt it. I assume there would be some fanfare from X were they to reactivate the service. I am somewhat curious as to why it was not restarted after the pandamic.
  9. Is that a cumulative 90 minutes over the course of the cruise or a one time session of 90 minutes max?
  10. So I gave it a try. I emailed Lisa Lutoff-Perlo at the email address provided by NutsAboutGolf. Within two hours (about) I received a call from her office. The very kind lady thanked me for my effort and said that I was the second person to email concerning the Luggage Valet program. She indicated they will look into it. She did know that a like program exists in Seattle. It may be helpful if more people would email her office and ask that the Luggage Valet program be restarted. Couldn't hurt and it could be your email that tilts the scale. 🙂
  11. To: NutsAboutGolf Thanks for the address. I appreciate it. Merry Christmas!! Keith
  12. Does anyone have an appropriate email address for topics such as this? I will gladly pay an increased fee for the service.
  13. For whatever the reason, Covid seems to have killed Luggage Valet almost across the board. Understand that the service still exists in Seattle but I have not sailed from there so I cannot confirm it. It is a real shame. It was the best money I ever spent on a cruise.
  14. Just got off the Allure from it's inaugural sailing from Galveston. As you can see from our "Signature" we have been on both RCCL and CCL a few times. I have to say that the new terminal in Galveston is absolute chaos. I would not sail from there again until they get their act together. The terminal itself is great but until the kinks get worked out it is not my first choice. Our experience on the Allure was great except for the service in the MDR. Given the savings in time and $$$, were I in your situation, I would opt for the CCL cruise. Just my opinion. 🙂
  15. IMHO ~~~ As a retired USAF SMSgt ( Retired 1 Sep 1989 after 22 years ) I have attended Veteran's Meetings on four different cruise lines. I believe Carnival does the best job and the other three sort of tie for #2. 🙂During recent cruises, other than Carnival's main event, these meetings are self led. Sometimes there are many folks in attendance and at other times, only a few. Some meetings have lasted for 2+ hours and some for 30 minutes. All depends on those who attend. To quote DaveKathy, "My take away was we all have something in common that required no explanation..........". It is sort of like: If I have to explain it, you wouldn't understand. I say that and mean no disrespect to anyone. There is simply an underlying mutual respect and nonjudgmental acceptance of each individual's experiences and ideas, that exists in very few, if any, other gatherings in our general society. The gatherings are not well advertised, in my opinion, but they do appear in the daily schedule of events, almost always on sea days. Regardless of your preconceived ideas, I would urge all veterans to attend one of the meetings on your next cruise. If it isn't for you, for whatever reason, simply get up, leave, and don't go to another. Your choice and no one will say a word. I repeat --- "nonjudgmental acceptance of each individual's experiences and ideas". If your experience differs from mine, so be it. I accept that and honor your decision.
  16. I am only relating what I found on the TSA website. Which airlines require or recommend a cremation certificate?
  17. Check the TSA website for yourself but I could find no requirement for anything in order to take cremains on an aircraft. They are allowed in checked bags but TSA recommends transporting in carry on bags. We buried our nephew at sea ( OK - I have to admit it was a different cruise line ) and it was very easy, from a process point of view. The crew was very respectful and accommodating. Best of luck and I am sorry for your loss.
  18. We hope it works out as well for you as it has for us in the past. It really is as stress free as you can get. The only way we can think of to make debark day any easier is to have Luggage Valet available. 🙂
  19. I agree with George C. We usually stay at the Hilton and have never regretted it. They have a shuttle to the terminal for a nominal fee.
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