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sydney dog

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Everything posted by sydney dog

  1. Can you get this on the Glory? If so where? Sorry to hijack your thread...lol
  2. I get a pina colada with a shot of Chambord. If you have the drink package this counts a 2 drinks so I order the pina colada than wait 5 minutes and order the shot. This gives you time to drink some of the pina colada so you can top it off with the shot.
  3. We had an Aft corner and loved it. I don't remember it being that hot/sunny because we do not really like to just sit in the sun unless we are doing something. I would do it again in a heartbeat.
  4. Gallo also makes a line of fruit wines. You might want to check them out as well
  5. Sorry but I lived through Sandy (about 100 yards from the bay) and it is nothing I'll ever forget. Stuck in my house for days while I was surrounded by water. House flooded...I remember someone saying great we have power again now everything can get back to normal...for me when the power went back on we still had months...years to deal with the destruction.
  6. I do actually use it to sleep..thanks
  7. I completely understand this however it appeared the OP just wanted to go to Maui because of recent disaster and to "see" it Ever since the devastation of NOLA I wanted to go not to see it but to eventually bring some money to the area and support local businesses. I know it may be a little late for that aspect but I feel good about doing it. I am aware of the people living in the 9th ward and have donated throughout the years to try to help out where I can. This time since I'm flying Southwest and am allowed 2 bags per person I will be bringing down supplies for small animal rescues in the area. Maybe not helping the 9th ward but helping where I can. In my opinion Maui...too soon.
  8. OK so my question is HOW do you avoid them at dinner? it seems that they just come to your table and it is almost easier to just comply with the pic than dissuade them from taking it. Any tips would be very much appreciated. Not only is it annoying but we talk about what we are doing during the day at breakfast and do a kind of wrap up at dinner.
  9. For the people who use the reusable straws that come in a little container to keep them in, do you have any issues with them leaking when stored? I have an issue with being "sticky".
  10. I just bought a Gift Card at AARP using an electronic Visa card given to me as a gift.
  11. I bought clear acrylic picture frames with magnetic backs and put pics of our pets in them. They are pretty cheap and take up no room in luggage. https://www.amazon.com/Magtech-Magnetic-Pocket-Picture-14610/dp/B0088X7GGM/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=1HMLEBWMBED6A&keywords=magnetic%2Bpicture%2Bframes%2Bfor%2Brefrigerator%2B4x6&qid=1693300710&sprefix=magnetic%2Bpi%2Caps%2C106&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1
  12. Just wanted everyone to check SW prices today. I got $54.00 back per person on my flight home 10/22/23.
  13. Here is my timeline: Sent 4/16/23 Processing 4/20/23 Had to send a new photo 7/24/23 Received 8/24/23 No Expedition Shipped to Philly, returned from Virginia in Priority Mail with tracking. Not sure how to get the tracking # ahead of time, but it was to have it incase anything did happen.
  14. Thank you for this info. I was also thinking about the butterfly conservatory. Anyone have any info on this. DH and I are really into animals and I thought this might be a good choice. We would have about 1.5 hours to spend here. Would that be enough time. Planning on going when they open at 9.
  15. If I have the Cheers package can I order a can of beer on the room service menu? Will I be charged or will it come off my cheers package? Also, there are 2 of us, can I order 2 cans of beer?
  16. WooHoo!!! Just got the following message... The U.S. Department of State approved your application for your passport book. We're now printing your passport book and preparing to give it to you. You requested routine service when you applied. Routine service can take 10-13 weeks. Our processing times begin the day we receive your application at a passport agency or center, not the day you mail your application or apply at a local acceptance facility. You should receive your passport book on or around 08/28/2023. Sent 4/16/23 Processing 4/20/23 Had to send a new photo 7/24/23 Will check back and let everyone know when I receive it.
  17. As someone who has suffered through a natural disaster (Sandy). I wouldn't have a problem with tourists visiting after the area hit was recovered. I was happy to see people visiting the shore towns after recovery and help get the local businesses up and running. However, I wouldn't want people just coming in to the area to "see" the destruction, that would just anger me. That said I am cruising out of NOLA in 2 months, but that happened in 2005...so in that case I think it is acceptable. IMHO
  18. Still waiting...Processing since 4/20. 🥵
  19. Went with my husband (both mid 40's at the time) and we loved it. Food was good, decorations were excellent and the characters were as well. Already booked it again for my next cruise. Relatively cheap for an extra dining option.
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